In The Heart Of A Demon

Draco whined as he was kissed and then poked, snuggling stubbornly into the pillow. When he wanted to sleep not even Belial could make him get up, but Raphael could and when the Angel ordered Draco up he grumbled and groaned and slid out of bed, rubbing his face and groaned a little as he obediently followed them outside, pouting as he watched the sky growing dark as night approached, though it was never truly dark in hell. The fire pits where always glowing, like a giant nightlight, something that would please Harry to no end. He was always too ashamed to admit that he was afraid of the dark.
Belial smiled as they disappeared into the house, tilting his head a little as he walked upstairs. Snickering a little when he realized the snow was falling everywhere but on him."Harry?"He called from the door, stepping inside. Trying not to startle him. Raphael shivered a little, wrapping a arm around draco, pressing a kiss to his head as he walked a little into the room, though not following belial across to where the sleeping young demon was. Not wanting to put draco in danger by being there when he woke. Shivering a little in the cold room. IT wouldn't hurt him like it would belial,but it wasn't exactly comfortable either"More awake lovely?"He muttered stroking draco's hair. Belial smiled a little walking to the pool edge, crouching down and stroking harry's head."Time to wake up."He said shaking him gently.
Harry shifted in the water and rose so that his head was out of the water, Draco snickering a little as he pulled himself and Raphael closer to the blazing fireplace where it was much warmer, smiling at Belial and nodding. “yeah, I'm awake now.” he agreed leaning up and kissing the other as Harry slowly got to his feet and groaned as he leaned into Belial, astonishingly he was only a little damp, despite having been submerged in water, his fur was slightly water repellent, which was why he flew so effortlessly in the water. “i don't want to wake up.” Harry complained. “i'm tired.” he stated slinking over to the bed and sitting down on the edge, rubbing his eyes, well aware that he was about to get a check up. Raphael would only find the usual energy drain that usually occurred after a demon 'woke up', only Harry's energy was taking longer to return to him, because there was so much of it. Another day of rest and Harry would be fine.
Raphael smiled slightly as he walked over, shivering a little as he moved away from the fire, looking the man over but he was careful not to touch him, not wanting to get himself burned again."You're fine. You spent alot of energy in 'waking', and its slowly returning."He said tiltng his head a little."While I'd advise spending time in bed, you might see lilah. Being near someone powerful might help." "Then he can lay next to me." "No. You're afraid of water, you idiot." "Better then birds you great winged bitch." "...I'm not a girl." "Hard to tell." And the two were off, sharing barbed words, that were both amusing and loving at once
harry smiled and nodded, yawning a little as he rubbed his eyes, blinking a bit. “i could just lay on the bed you know.” he pointed out, interrupting their fight after a moment. “do I have to separate you two? You fight like children.” he complained slowly getting to his feet. “i'm going to go sit with my mother and father. I want to get to know them some more.” he admitted, not realizing that Malik was off to 'work'. He'd talk to Lilah instead, and he headed off to find her, grinning as he found her in the pool. She couldn't breath underwater but she still loved floating on the top, Draco snickering as he watched Harry leave, blinking at his lover and Belial. “you people are worse than me and Harry are!”
"Are not!"Boh protested, whining a little."He is!"Belial pointed out before leaving before the angel could protest heading after harry, smiling as he found them in the pool, sitting on the edge of the pool careful not to get to wet as he rested his feet in the water. "Hey lils."He said tilting his head, glad to see her up.

Raphael pouted looking at draco, poking him in the arm."Draco,belial's being mean to me.Tell him to stop."He grumbled before stealing a kiss, tilting his head.
Liliah smiled as Belial joined then, Harry grinning as he floated on top of the water like some sort of massive Frog, Liliah laying on her back in the water, wings spread out like giant rafts, unlike Harry who had his ticked tight into him so they wouldn't topple him over. “good morning Belial, fighting with Raphael so early in the morning?” she teased smiling at him. “should you be dipping your feet in the water? It's very unhealthy for you.” she chastised Harry snickering a little. “yeah Bell, it's VERY unhealthy for you.” Harry teased before frowning. “wait a minute, it IS unhealthy for you! Doesn't that hurt!?” he demanded, wondering if his lover was a masochist.

Draco rolled his eyes and shook his head. “children I tell you! Children!” he complained chuckling as he was kissed. “do you honestly believe Belial is going to do ANYTHING that I tell him to?” he teased smirking a little. “come on, lets go practice our sword swallowing skills mm?” he teased smirking a little, just to make Raphael blush.
Belial laughed quietly, shaking his head at the other's worry before listening to the others, and lifting his feet up."yes, yes it does."He shrugged absently, sitting cross legged as he rubbed his slightly stung feet. He didn't mind the slight sting, once in awhile, but it still hurt. not when it first happened, but after. As if to remind him not to do it again. Grinning a little."I'm always fighting with raphael."He pointed out, ignoring the unhealthy comment, because it was true, it was fairly unhealthy.

raphael whined before blushing, nudging the man towards the door. "Well, we could....belial has swords around here somewhere."He said blushing harder, not sure what the other was talking about, sex or actual sword fighting."And no,belial probably wouldn't. Unless Harry was involved of course.."
Harry glared at him a little and shook his finger at the man. “you should know better than that!” he complained shaking his head. “your not supposed to do things that Damage you!” he complained sighing a little as he shook his head. “whatever.” he complained. “be a masochist, just means I get to top your ass and make you bleed.” he purred grinning wickedly when Lilah sputtered lightly, horrified by her son's insinuations.

Draco smirked a little, narrowing his eyes. “i don't want to play with Belial's sword. I want to play with YOUR sword!” he teased smirking a little as he cupped the others crotch and gave it a squeeze, smirking as he flounced away, giving his ass a wiggle. “come on Belial, you'll never get really good if you don't practice.”
Belial blushed a little, but for once not bristling at the words. After all, it seemed he didn't mind so much to be bottoming for the boy. Didn't mean he wouldn't fight it,but he'd go along with it."Oh shut up.My feet aren't that hurt."He said sulking a little.

Raphael blushed whining quietly as he followed the boy out of the room watching draco's ass."Ahhh well where are we going to get this practice?"He asked directing absently the way to belial's bedroom. Even in malik's house, belial had his own rooms.He was just that loved by his best friend.
Harry smirked as he rolled over onto his back and paddled in the water a little, smiling a little as Lilah smirked. “why Belial, I do believe you are quite taken with my son.” she teased smirking a little. Harry snickering a little. “of course he is, I'm amazing after all.” he teased smirking a little as he glanced at Belial, his head tilted a little. “hey Bell, would you toss me one of those Ciggerettes?” “those are SO bad for you.” Lilah complained, Harry blinking. “... I thought Demon's couldn't get Cancer or lung problems or diseases...” “well... no they can't... but their still bad for you. Your a winter mist demon! You like water and Ice, not fire and smoke!” she whined Harry laughing a little. “i guess I'm not the only masochist after all, eh Bell?”

Draco smirked a little and pondered that as they walked. “i don't know, don't you have a bedroom here?” he asked opening a door and blinking as he found himself in a bedroom. “.... here we go! We'll practice in here!” he decided, smirking a little. He didn't care whose room it was, he was horny and he wanted some and dammit he was going to get it.
Belial snickered a little, shaking his head as he looked at the other two demons."He's been smoking for awhile. It wont do as much harm as natural fire."He pointed out to lilah, shuddering a little, looking at the water."And it wont hurt as much considering your his mother. He's got a higher tolerance for fire and smoke then malik does."He said before rubbing a hand over his face rolling his eyes as he tossed harry a cigarette."And I'm not taken!"He grumbled.

Raphael smirked, raising a eyebrow as he drew the blond in for a kiss, even as he blushed. While he enjoyed kissing, he was still easily embarassed because he knew where it was going to end up at."Hmm no, but this room is fine."He smirked, oh belial was going to be pissed when he came in here next.
Harry smirked a little as Lilah sighed a little and shook her head. “very well, gang up on me you little imps!” she complained smiling a little as Harry caught the cigarette and the lighter that went with it and lit it, sucking in a breath of noxious fumes and sighing happily as he closed his eyes, smirking a little as Lilah giggled and slid out of the pool, squeezing the water out of her hair. “poor thing, your in denial.” she teased. “your obsessed with my son and you know it.” “you know mum, he'd be more inclined to admit it if I wasn't right here.” Harry stated with a smirk, Lilah giggling. “but then what fun would that be?”

Draco grinned as he kissed the other happily, running his fingers through the others hair before pushing the other onto the bed gently and settling on top of him to resume the kiss, kissing him happily as he settled himself in-between the others legs and grinding his cock against Rapheal's, moaning happily, smirking a little. “mmm so sexy.”
Belil growled softly even as a soft flush filled his cheek, as if he'd been standing out in the cold to long. Of course, that was what he was going to say was wrong if anyone commented on the blushes."I am not obsessed."He declared wrinkling his nose a little,"And you're not raphael, don't make fun of me."He pouted slightly. He was adorable in that over grown child kind of way.

Raphale moaned yelping a little as he found himself suddenly under the man, sighing in pleasure as he blinked slowly, kissing the other back."Oh you are.Sexy I mean."He said stuttering a little blushing. Looking cute and adorable,despite the man grinding against him and his body's reaction to it.
Lilah snickered and Harry chuckled as he took another drag off his cigarette blowing the smoke out of his nose smirking at his lover, even if Belial didn't want to admit it. “it's a shame I cant screw him in the pool though.” Harry admitted smirking as Lilah sputtered and scowled at Harry who laughed.

Draco moaned smirking at the other. “i totally am sexy.” he purred chuckling as he leaned down and gently bit the other on the neck before sucking on it, making a nice big hickey still humping the other, grinning as he finished on the neck, pleased when he saw the bright purple mark before he moved the others pants out of the way and sucked the angel down to the base, sucking and slurping, licking and scraping and just all around being an imp.
Belial sputtered a little yanking his feet even further back from the pool as he looked at lilah."Tell him water's not good for me!"He ordered grumbling and slightly disappointed for the first time in his life that he couldn't get in water.

Raphael moaned hands fisted in the other's hair, whining quietly as he shuddered, body taunt as he struggled for control. Whining quietly,"Dr-dra..."He stuttered a little wanting the man to stop before they finished to soon.
Harry smirked a little and shrugged as Lilah giggled. “YOUR the one that keeps putting his feet in.” she teased him, patting his head. “i'm sure Harry will deal with not being able to screw you in water.” she teased giggling as she got up and left, since Malik had just returned home and would expect her to be in bed, resting.

Draco moaned as he suckled and slurped, smirking as he gave one more mighty suck after hearing his name before releasing the others cock with a loud POP and a smirk. “yes Raph? Is something the matter?” he asked, well aware that he had just cut off his lovers orgasm, but, Raph had said his name after all.
Belial pouted slightly eyeing his lover, even if he wouldn't admit to the state of their relationship."Don't even think about it.I don't do water." He said sulking ever so slightly at being teased.

Malik frowned, hands on his hips as he studied his wife as she came back to her room tilting his head."You're supposed to be resting."He said helping her into bed tucking the blanket around her, fussing because he could.

Raphael moaned slightly growling as he yanked the other up for a kiss."Nothing. Just didn't want things to end."He said blushing ever so slightly as his hands wandered the other's body, kissing him hard.
Harry smirked a little and shook his head a little. “i wouldn't drag you into water, not when it hurts you.” he promised smiling at her, his head tilted a little. “although, I bet I could wrap you up in a air bubble, so the water can't touch you, and then fuck you.” he mused smirking a little, looking rather wicked. “shall we test it out? Hmm love?” he teased snickering a little.

Lilah giggled a little as she let him tuck her in. “i was resting.” she promised smiling. “i was floating in the pool with Harry and we where picking on Belial.” she teased giggling a little. “that poor man is just so shy when he's in love and doesn't want to admit it.” she admitted smiling slightly. “Harry is such a delightful boy Malik.” she said with a smile as she snuggled into the bed and stroked his ears. “he's so much like you, he really is.”

Draco chuckled a little as he kissed the other back, smirking a little. “oh I see.” he teased smiling as he wrapped his fingers around the others cock and giving it a firm stroke. “mmm your so cute when your trying to be bossy.” he teased chuckling a little as he undid his own pants, rubbing their cocks together happily. “aaah.... it's ok if you cum, I can always make you cum again.” he promised smirking a little as he kissed the other, running his fingers down the angels neck, pleased with the mark he had left.
Belial whined quietly, looking nervously at the water, biting his lip a little."...okay..."He said slowly looking at harry. Showing more trust then he had in anyone,but raphael. If it had been anyone else suggesting it he would have thrown a fit.But only harry and raphael could have suggested surrounding him in water without him through a fit the size of michigan.

Malik purred quietly, snuggling against her, closing his eyes.He just loved having his ears stroked."Shy?Are we sure we're still talking about Belial?I've seen him have sex on the dining table.During dinner."He whined quietly, wanting more ear scratches.

Raphael moaned, eyes fluttering as he thrust up into the other's touch, hands gripping the man's shoulders tightly, it felt amazing. It felt, so good to feel skin on skin. Shuddering as his orgasm shuddered on the edge of coming,"Oh are you sure you can do it again?"He teased tilting his head back, moaning at the touch. Because his neck was so sensitive
Harry blinked, looking astonished. “really?” he asked smiling a little as he tipped his head, moving over to the edge. “alright, slid in slow.” he ordered calmly, waiting until the others feet where in the water before he started the air bubble, wrapping Belial up safe and dry as he sank in lower, the air bubble forming to his body, providing him perfect protection while allowing him to move as he pleased. “look Bel! Your swimming!” Harry chirped under the water, beaming at him, shedding his skirt like pants, revealing his already hard, pink dick.

She chuckled and nodded. “yes I really am talking about Belial, he was even blushing!” she admitted grinning. “and that's nothing! If the sounds I'm getting are right, that cute boy Draco is showing Raphael the real meaning of a blow job.” she admitted with a chuckle, scratching his ears obediently with a smile.

Draco moaned as he stroked his cock along the others, shivering happily and with a smirk. “oh trust me Raphael, anyone can cum twice so long as the person screwing you is talented enough.” he teased smirking a little as he nibbled, nipped, kissing, and licking at his neck, suckling on the flesh, to leave another hickey.
Belial moaned quietly as he saw the other, frowning unsuredly at the water around him even as he floated in the air easily."Hmmm eager to have me lovely?"He teased reaching out, fire hot fingers trailing over ice cold skin, closing around that beautiful pink cock.

Malik purred, sighing softly."Hmmm I want to see him blush."He said amused before looking at his wife,snickering a little."Belial's going to kill him for using his room."He muttered before pouting."This isn't fair."he pouted shifting to press a kiss to her shoulder,shifting but not moving to do what he wanted, not sure.

Raphael moaned whining quietly as he tilted his head further back, coming as the blond's teeth found his skin, hands bruisingly tight on the blond's arms, shivering as he clung to him."D-draco!"he whined quietly.
Harry smirked a little and nodded. “always eager to have you.” he growled happily, gasping as those hot, so hot fingers found his cool cock, moaning eagerly as he bucked into the fingers reaching through and running his damp, cool fingers through Belial's hair, groaning eagerly as he shuddered, his free hand running down Belial's back to stroke the others ass, sinking two fingers deep into the other, wiggling them around with a small chuckle.

She giggled a little and nodded. “it was very interesting.” she admitted smirking a little. “and I think Raphael knows murder is on the menu.” she admitted, pulling her husband into the bed, snickering a little as she kissed him. “mmm it's been so long, take me like the beast you are.” she growled, giggling as she kissed him again, wrapping her arms around him even as she hiked her dress up over her hips to reveal that at some point, she had ditched the underwear.

Draco moaned, smirking a little as he felt his lovers cum staining his hands, licking his lips and then the others neck, moaning happily. “mmm so wonderful.” he growled happily as he lifted a cum socked hands to his lips and licked off a string of cum, moaning happily. “mmm you taste so sweet.” he teased smirking a little. “shall I make you cum again my little angel, or shall I teach you what happens when I put something in you?” his lover wasn't ready for sex, he was sure of that, but he could lick him there, or add a finger or two.
Belial whined moaning a little as he tensed slightly at the fingers."You think you're topping?"He grumbled even as he shifted back into the boy's hand gripping the other tightly against him, kissing him slowly, smirking as even surrounded by air his lust made the water steam.

malik looked startled, laughing as he pounced on his wife. Oh yea, this was going to be fun.

Raphael whined softly, shifting, squirming as he looked startled, before blinking slowly as the words registered."What...what?"He said sounding startled and a little scared at the idea of that. But under the fear, there was curiousity. Draco hadn't hurt him so far, so he trusted the other to not hurt him which said alot.
Harry yelped as he was suddenly manhandled away from Belial's ass, pouting furiously but lifting his massive tail out of the way, giving the other access to his ass with an eager moan. “well I was going to, but I guess not.” he teased smirking a little as he squirmed. “just don't forget that I'm a virgin there.” he stated, slightly hesitant, he had heard that it could hurt the first time, so he kissed his lover to distract himself.

Draco smirked a little and nodded. “it's alright Raphael.” he promised kissing the others forehead. “if you tell me to stop I will. Your not ready for actual sex yet so I wont do that alright? I promise. Just my tongue and fingers if your willing.” Draco was more than willing to take his time seducing the angel. “if you start not liking something, just tell me and I'll stop, I promise.” and Draco had never, ever broken a promise, not even when he'd been little.
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