In The Heart Of A Demon

Gabriel nodded and chatted softly with Lilah who giggled a little and nodded at something he said. “congratulations on your safe awakening Lilah.” he stated simply turning to look at Belial. “you appear... different.” he admitted examining the Demon for a moment before turning his attention to the Human, Draco looking hesitant. “why does he want to talk to me?... if this is about that crucifix joke I didn't mean it!” Gabe actually smiled a little. “and if this is about that....” “you are not in trouble young one.” Gabriel promised. “i just want to ask you a few questions, very simple I promise.” “well, alright I suppose..” “what is your name?” “Draco Malfoy.” “and your age?” “sixteen.” “do your parents know your here.” “yes, father was a little hesitant but he said as long as I stayed with Bell or Raphael I could come.” Gabe lifted an eyebrow and examined Belial. “Bell?” he asked, clearly amazed that the demon allowed the human to call him that.

“are you here willingly?” “yes.” “have you been touched in a way you did not like or want?” “well I stubbed my toe this morning and Lilah tickled me mercilessly but other than that no.” “have you been engaged in sexual activities?” “of course I have! I'm a healthy teenage boy with a healthy libido, I'm humping the furniture! But I haven't been raped or seduced if that's what your asking.” Gabe lifted an eyebrow and then nodded. “how are you enjoying hell?” “it's nice, I like how the rooms change at will, it's totally cool.” Gabe nodded. “that was all I needed.” he admitted turning to Raphael and nodding. “i am sorry to have distur...” he paused his eyes widening when Harry suddenly stepped into view, the boy still looking a little afraid as he moved over to Belial and snuggled into him. “i had a nightmare...”
"Shut up Gabbie."Belial scowled a little at the other's amusement that he was allowing a human-a human!- to call him bell. Sighing a little as he rolled his eyes as he wrapped his arms around harry, pressing a kiss to his head as he studied the angel,well the angel that he didn't trust. "Stay away from me."He ordered the archangel amused as Raphael bristled at the command. Not in defense of the other angel, but in readiness that he was going to have to go head to head with the other archangel in effort to keep the man from trying to get to harry. Amused that even if Raphael was unsure if harry's presence in his life was good or not, that the man was willing to throw everything away to protect him. Raphael sighed rolling his eyes as he looked at draco, though most of his attention was on the other angel. Trying to disfuse the sitiuation he found himself in."Oh, it wasn't furniture you were humping last night."He whined a little.
Gabe smirked a little at being called Gabbie and sent a lick of fire at Belial almost playfully, though the Archangel NEVER did anything playfully... honest. “is that...?” Gabe asked, astonished, his eyes wide and now looking torn. Part of him knew he needed to tell the other Angel's where the newly awoken was. But the other part of him couldn't betray Lilah like that before he looked astonished at Raphael. “you.... YOU had sex!?” he demanded utterly shocked, Draco snickering a little. “no, not yet.” he admitted looking very smug. “but he DID have a very nice orgasm... Harry? Are you sleeping?” Draco asked, watching the young demon snoozing against Belial, leaning against him so that he wouldn't crash to the ground.
Belial sighed a little looking down at the young demon, frowning a little at the playful fire,even if gabriel wasn't playful."He is. And Raphael did it in my bed. So it doesn't count as you seducing him. It might just have been my overwhelming pr-" "You're so full of shit."Raphael said as he tossed a silencing charm at the demon before looking at Gabriel, relaxing a little."Now, are you going to turn us in or not?"He asked studying him, knowing the other wouldn't be so easily distracted, despite having been sidetracked at the idea of his sex life.
Draco snickered a little as he shook his head. “it wasn't YOU amazing that did shit, it was MINE! I'm just that awesome.” he stated happily smirking as he watched Harry sleeping. “you know, I hate to admit it, but that's kind of impressive.” he admitted Gabe hesitating. “i should.... but I shouldn't...” Gabe muttered, looking confused and uncertain, he had never been in this sort of situation before. Then. “has the boy chosen a side?” “no.” Lilah admitted softly. “he doesn't even know about the battles, he doesn't even know that he needs to choose a side... he hasn't even finished adjusting yet.” “then I will not tell. If he has only just turned, he needs the time to recover before demon's and Angels start chasing him.” many of the creatures would take a 'if I can't have it no one can' approach to trying to recruit Harry, and would demand he join or die.
Raphael snorted a little, looking at Belial. Knowing that no matter what was goign to come, belial would stand as a shield between them and his beloved. Not that belial would ever admit to having a beloved, but still... "Thank you Gabbie."raphael said softly, tilting his head slightly, looking curious. "You're being awfully nice about this. Espicially since i'm involved."belial said studying the archangel, not as willign to trust as much as raphael was.
Gabe sighed a little and shook his head. “don't thank me.. if a superior asks me if I have seen the child, I will have to tell them. I cannot lie to my brethren.” he admitted softly turning to scowl at Belial. “i do not like you Demon, and for all honesty I do not like Malik either. I do not like how you corrupt my Kin and I do not like how your kind fouls the plains. But you make Lilah happy, and I will do anything to make Lilah Happy.” he admitted. “for all I care, she is as close to me as a blood daughter.” Lilah smiled and gently kissed Gabriel's cheek. “thank you Gabe, it means a lot to me.” she admitted kissing his cheek. “will you stay for diner?” “i would like to Lilah, but I can't, there are three more demon's to talk to about having humans in their houses. And they, I doubt, are innocent.” he admitted shaking his head. “i will return later.” he promised smiling at her and ruffling her hair, nodding to Draco. “if you ever feel the need to get away, just say my name and I will me here immediately.” “sure...” Draco stated with a wrinkle of his nose. “i won't need to but I'll keep that in mind.” “these Demons, as much as I hate to admit it, are a decent sort, but other demons are not, and they won't hesitate to take you should something unforeseen happen.” Gabe explained. “i will not let a human become the plaything of a demon.” he promised glaring at them all before vanishing in a rush of flames, Harry jerking awake. “hunh?” he demanded blinking stupidly. “wha happen?”
Belial snickered a little, pressing a kiss ot Harry's head as he wrapped his arms around the other, sighing quietly."Come on back to bed.You fell asleep on your feet. You need rest little demon.'He said amused that gabriel was being so protective. Nudging harry towards the door because he couldn't stop the laughter that was threatening."Poor raphael.I think you have some competition." "I do not!"Raphael protested whining before stopping, looking at the blond. Looking unsure for a moment and hurt."Do I?"He asked tilting his head. For all the world looking like a small puppy
Harry nodded and yawned and Lilah chuckled a little and shook his head a little as Draco rolled his eyes. “please, that freak? No way, he's totally not my type.” he promised smiling at Raphael. “your the only angel for me.” he promised tangling his fingers in his angle's, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “come on, lets go get some sleep ourselves, all this excitement has worn me out, Bell won't mind if we steal his bed.” he stated happily, Harry snickering a little. “now leave Belial alone!” Harry whined. “after all it's me he bitches to!”
"Hey!Raphael has his own house, and his own damned bed!Lils, tell them to go home!"Belial growled, knowing the angel and human were more liable to listen to lilah then to him. Raphael smiled relaxing at the reassurance, squeezing the boy's fingers as he wrapped a arm around him."Good."He muttered reassured that the other wasn't going to go anywhere.
Lilah smirked a little. “you know very well that you will feel much better if Draco and Raphael stay here since Gabe has come to inspect. It's better they stay here and stay protected than if another demon shows up and tries to take them when their all alone next door. Just let them have your room for a while since you're sleeping with Harry's room anyway, and he HAS made it so that it changes for you after all.” she was right after all, Harry's room even warmed up for him, to the temperatures he liked most while staying ice cold for Harry. “and since I AM being nice enough to let you sleep with my son instead of giving you hell for it and making your existence hell in this house hold I suggest you stop bitching.” Lilah teased smiling ever so innocently at Belial, but they all knew she wasn't kidding, she COULD make his life hell if she felt like it.
Belial pouted a little as he walked over to the woman, wrapping her in hsi arms, and kissing her forehead. Amused because he knew it was true."Whatever you demand of me love."He said hugging her, not bothering to protest because not only did she approve of their relationship, He would feel better with raphael here, where he could also keep a eye on draco. raphael snorted amused, because he knew better then to think belial would actually attempt to kick him out of the house."And why are we being nice about that?"he teased, amused because he really wanted to know why she was letting the relationship stand without a fight.
she smirked, pleased that she had won, again, and kissed his cheek as Lilah giggled a little. “we're being nice because we like Belial and we know he wouldn't DARE break our darling son's heart.” she explained smirking as she smacked Belial's ass playfully before wandering off with her husband Harry giggling a little as Draco snickered a little. “it's so cute how Belial is in love and both doesn't realize it and is in denial about it....” Draco teased, taking the others hand and leading him back to Belial's bedroom with happy little hums, Harry blinking a little. “well... he's obviously gone crazy.” he muttered still sleepy. “i had a terrible nightmare you know... I was eating all my friends, mother and father, you and Raph and Draco, and all the people I knew as humans, Hermione and Ron and Neville... I was eating all their guts and it was awful...”
Belial frowned, looking concerned, because he knew just how demons could be. Sighing as he pressed a kiss to Harry's head, before heading back up to the bedroom with the boy in hsi arms."come on. You're going to bed, and I'm going to keep teh dreams away."He said cuddlign the other, ignoring draco's words as he tucked the other into bed.

Raphael smiled a little following after raphael, wrapping a arm around draco's waist."oh yes. It is adorable."He said rollign hsi eyes as he stole a kiss, blushing as he did so. "Sleepy still?"he said raising a eyebrow at the blond.
Harry sniffled and nodded as he snuggled into the other. “good, I'm still tired.” he mumbled calmly letting Belial pick him up, snuggling into the other. “i wann a cigarette.” he mumbled softly already falling back to sleep. “i love you too, by the way.” he mumbled with a smile.

Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. “nope, not tired.” he admitted. “i just feel like annoying Belial some more by stripping naked and seducing you in his bed again.” he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head. “but I'm not sure your ready for more just yet so I might go for a swim instead. Do you like swimming?”
Belial smiled, shifting as he snuggled down into the boy. Even if he didnt say the words, he knew he was lost. Sighing as he snuggled and went to sleep.

"I do."He said sounding amused as he tugged draco to him,blushing quietly as he raised a eyebrow."Oh I'm not ready then?"He asked curious as he directed the other towards the pool. Stripping down sighing quietly as he let his wings out, sighing softly at the feel of their weight once again, sighing as he looked at the golden white wings, not realizing it was the first time draco had seen them.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. “unfortunately no your not.” he admitted smiling a little. “don't worry, you'll know when your ready.” he promised kissing the other. “i want to go slow, ease you into it, even an angel can be scarred for life if they screw when their not ready.” he admitted softly before looking in amazement at the wings. “oh my... Bell their gorgeous.” he whispered softly, stroking the feathers, looking utterly mesmerized. “i never thought you could get any sexier but you just did.” he admitted smiling a little as he kissed the other again, grinning as he slipped into the water with a sigh, shedding down to just his underwear to enjoy the water the most with a happy sigh.
Raphael shuddered a little as the other stroked his wings, shivering at the feel. It had felt so good. More then anywhere else, a angel's wings were extremely sensitive, full of nerve endings. Hell, it'd been known for angels-or at least those among the fallen ranks, to come at just the softest touch. Belial himself, was a good example, if he ever revealed his wings, he was extremely sensitive to it. Grinning as he climbed into the pool he sighed softly in pleasure as the water slid over the feathers, glancing at draco."hmmm you're such a fish. You should just live in water."He teased
Draco chuckled and nodded, sliding through the water happily. “that's one thing me and Harry always had in common, besides quidditch. Even in the middle of winder he'd go out at night, and swim under the stars. I'd swim too when I could, but it was always so cold in the lake that I rarely really wanted to.” he admitted. “it's strange, as a human, he was awkward, as a Demon everything that made him strange as a human suddenly makes sense.” he admitted shaking his head as he ran his fingers through the others feathers.. “i wonder if a human can turn into an angel, or a demon?” he wondered softly, sounding almost jealous. “you guys have all the cool stuff...”
Raphael bit down on the inside of his lip to keep from wallowing in pleasure, closing his eyes briefly as he glanced at the other.'n o. I like you perfectly how you are."He said ruffling the boys hair, because if the man was either a angel or a demon, draco would not be the precious man that he had fallen in love with."Yea, him taking cold swims now makes sense, considering he's a ice demon."He said trying to distract himself from the overwhelming pleasure.
Draco smiled as he let his hands fall away from the others wings to just luxuriate in the nice water, chuckling a little. “yeah, I guess I wouldn't want to be an immortal.” he admitted calmly. “i am a little worried about being the only human though... do demons really take humans as slaves?” some did, and some managed to get away with it once or twice, but not for long and the humans where usually recovered... bat shit crazy normally, but they where recovered.
"some do.But considering your not leaving this house or mine, any demon would have to be suicidial to think about trying to get to you."He said tugging the blon back against him, kissing him as he held him close."Don't worry. I will protect you love."He muttered nuzzling his neck, wings pulled close to his back so as they closed against them the feathertips brushed against draco's sides.
Draco smiled as he nodded. “good point.” he agreed leaning back and kissing the other happily, moaning softly before bursting into giggles as he felt the feathers against his sides, jerking a little. “tickles!” Draco complained squirming a little as he carefully ran his fingers along the others side, trying to tickle Raphael back.
Raphael yelped a little as the other's fingers found his ribs, giggling a little as he leaned dwn and rested his head on the other's shoulder. Refusing to move away, but giggling wildly as he wrapped his arms tighter around him to keep from giggling."Stopppp!That tickles!"he whined
Draco snickered as he continued to tickle the other before yanking him down for a happy little kiss, moaning softly as he smirked. “mmm you taste so delicious, did you know that?” he teased his head tilted to the side smiling at his lover before he bit his lip, laying his head on Rafael's chest. “dows it... bother you? That I'm human? That I'm going to die in fifty years or so...” it bothered Draco. In thirty years or so, he was going to be old and ugly, and he would be alone because he wasn't going to be pretty enough to keep Raphael's attention.
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