In The Heart Of A Demon

Raphael sighed quietly as he rested his head on the other's shoulder, closing his eyes, wrapping a arm around his waist."Sometimes.I don't want to be without you."He muttered holding him closer, sounding hurt a little because he'd guessed what bothered Draco. "I will love you always. When your hair is white instead of golden,I will still love you. When the smooth softness of youth is relpaced by delicate softness of age, I will still want you. When your face is full of the lines of every smile you have every smiled, every surprise I have seen on your face, when every tear you have every cried has left its mark on your face, I will treasure you all the more, because I was there for it ll. I will share a lifetime with you, and love you for the length of mine.I will love you until the last breath leaves my body, and the world collapses around me. You will be mine."He said with soft desperation.
Draco stared at the other with wide eyes before silently staring to cry, pressing his face into the others chest, holding him tightly. “i love you so much Raphael.” he whispered softly. “i don't ever want to live without you.” he whispered with a sniffle. “even when I'm old and can't remember who you are I want to be with you.” he whispered clutching him tightly. “i want to be yours, I want you to be mine.” he murmured, kissing him intently. “i want to be with you, forever...” he muttered, tears clinging to soft lashes. “i've never felt this way about anything before, never felt... so happy with a person before...” he nuzzled Raphael and smiled. “for so long I felt as if part of me was missing, but it's not missing anymore... it feel... so perfect when I'm with you, even though I'm needy, and whiny, and commit sin after sin...” he murmured kissing the other again.
Rahael laughed quietly kissing him slowly before lifting his head as he looked down at him,"Oh, you are whiny. And a handful.And jump anything that moves..."He pouted a little, tickling the others sides, having long had to watch the boy jump anything with a pulse, he didn't feel the least bit bad teasing him about it."Hell, you jumped belial."He pouted more before smiling."Forever would be okay."
he smiled a little and nodded. “sorry about that.” he muttered with a smirk. “at first it was because I was horny... and then... I guess I was lonely.” he admitted softly. “i had this hole inside me and I thought sex would fill it up and make it go away.” he admitted smiling at Raph. “and technically Bell jumped ME.” he teased chuckling a little as he kissed Raphael. “as long as I have you, I don't need sex.” he promised. “i don't ever want another person ever again.” he promised smiling a little, sneezing suddenly, violently. “ugh... too long in the water I guess.” he complained rubbing his nose, wondering if it was his allergies kicking in, or if he was catching a cold. Those where the only times he'd ever sneezed before so those where the only reasons he could think of to be sneezing.
Raphael laughed quietly as he spread his wings wide so that he could get out of the water easier climbing over the edge of the pool before picking him up focusing for a moment and creating a towel out of nothing, making sure that it was warm. Gently rubbing the other dry, pressing a kiss t his forehead. TAking the man's word that he'd been in the water to long, and not something worse"Ah, well you're the one who declared me not ready for sex yet."He teased.
Draco chuckled a little as he shook his head, letting his lover dry him. “your not.” he pointed out smiling a little. “if I where to mount you now you'd never forgive me.” he teased chuckling as he kissed the other gently. “i love you Raph.” he murmured smiling at the other. “i really do, I don't care that your not ready for sex, so long as I can be by your side.” he admitted laying his head on the others shoulder. “just being with you, is more satisfying than any orgasm.”
Raphael blushed resting his cheek against the boy's head, sighing softly. "hmm you should tell that to belial."He snickered a little at the idea. That was going to be entertaining. Ruffling his lover's hair he stepped back looking down at him."Cme on, lets go get something to eat love."he said blushing at the boy's teasing
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. “no, he might try to prove me wrong.” he teased chuckling a little as he nodded, his stomach growling loudly. “i'm hungry.” he agreed. “what kind of food do you have down here?” he asked with a grin, eager to try new things. Belial, Harry, Lilah, and Malik where all already in the kitchen, enjoying foods, Harry devouring something that looked like raw meat dipper in chocolate.... oh wait, it was. A large portion of the table was covered in raw meat products for the Demon half of the family, the other half was covered in fruit and vegetables for the usually vegetarian angel half of the table. It was a long standing knowledge that Draco was both a very firm vegetarian and a chocolate lover, so it wasn't surprising to see him pop the chocolate covered meat in his mouth, he did not, however, spit it out like everyone expected him to. “hmm, this is good, what is this?” Draco asked grabbing another, clearly not realizing what he was eating, Lilah giggling as Harry snickered, neither of them saying anything as Draco ate another piece.
Belial snickered as he ate a bit of the chocolate covered meat, looking amused as he rested his feet on the rungs of the stool, smirking at Raphael."Don't look at me like that,demon boy."The angel grumped as he sat down nibbling on some food before telling Draco."It's chocolate covered meat."He said smirking a little, already prepared for the man to throw it up. Malik snickered shaking his head, looking at Belial."You could have told him before he ate it." "No I couldn't. This is just to amusing."
Draco froze, a third piece already in his mouth, Draco's eye twitching as he chewed twice and then swallowed, looking like he wasn't sure if he wanted to be sick or grab another piece, Harry snickering a little as he shook his head. “you liked it, right Draco? So whats the problem?” “i...ate...raw...meat!” Draco snarled, glaring at them all. “you couldn't have told me sooner!?” but you could see him forcefully resisting the urge to eat another piece. It was strange, Draco had never liked the taste of meat, not ever, the taste alone had been known to make him feel ill, let alone the texture, yet he had scarfed down a good sized piece of meat just now, and looked like he wanted more despite his mental inhibitions. “what the hell is wrong with you people, eating raw meat!?” “it's good, and besides we're demons, it's to be expected.” Lilah giggled and nibbled on a fruit salad, her head tilted. “poor thing, you'll be alright, humans are strong creatures.”
Raphael nodded frowning a little as he studied draco."They are. But he's never had it before. He usually throws up as soon as he tries."He said frowning a little trying to figure out what was wrong. Belial shrugged as he ate the good treat a arm around harry's waist."Don't bother worrying. We'll figure out what's going on when it bites us in the ass." "But it's my job to worry!"Raphael protested fussing over draco.
Draco scoffed a little and took a long drink of mulled mead to get rid of the tantalizing taste of meat on his tongue, reaching instead for chocolate covered strawberries, shaking his head. “it's probably just because I'm in hell.” Draco stated with a shrug of his shoulders. “everything tastes different down here I've noticed.” he admitted biting into the sweetest strawberry he had ever eaten, almost groaning at the taste. It was like his taste buds where a hundred times stronger, he shivered happily and smirked a little. “oh yeah.... so much better in hell.” he mumbled, licking the strawberry juices off his fingers and grabbing another, nearly stabbing Harry in the hand when the young demon tried to take one, yanking the basket over to himself and humming happily as he devoured the entire basket of strawberries slowly, enjoying himself as Lilah giggled. “i'd forgotten that Hells Banquet tastes stronger to humans.” she admitted. “... Draco you should slow down on those... don't want you to get addicted to the taste...” she muttered looking a little concerned once Draco had finished half the basket, the blond blinking before blushing violently. “ah.... sorry....”
Raphael and Belial stared, both looking startled. Having been worried so much about everything else, they hadnt even thought about the food."Come here more food.We'll go back to the manor next time to eat..."Raphael said sounding worried about Draco. Not wanting the man to become so addicted that he wouldn't want to eat when he returned to earth. "Moderation Draco. Don't chow down on all of it at once."Belilal said eating again looking worried."eating to much could be really bad."
Draco scowled a little at the order of no food, his stomach growling loudly. “but I'm still hungry.” he complained, reaching for a sandwich, Lilah gently smacking his hand. “Draco, there is a reason why mortals are not allowed in hell.” she explained calmly. “they become addicted to the food, and when they go back to earth they won't want to eat, they'll starve to death or kill themselves to get more.” that had Draco frozen, pulling his hand away from the food. He wanted more, needed more but he didn't want to die for it. Harry blinked as he looked at all the food, his head tilted. “huh... I didn't know that.” he admitted calmly, blinking a little. “we could have the Malfoy house elves bring mortal food down here for Draco? Would that work?”
Raphael nodded a little, snapping his fingers, sending out a call for a house elf."Will you bring lord malfoy some food?"He asked, looking amused as the elf nodded happily, wanting to help someone. Belial rolled his eyes looking amused, then looking at draco."They're so eager to help you lord malfoy."he teased shaking his head amused.
Draco smiled a little, looking a little wanting as he glanced at the strawberries again, Harry taking away the bowl before Draco could reach for them, and moving them out of sight, Draco sighing a little and pouting but accepting the mortal food anyway nibbling on his 'dull and tasteless' sandwich with a sulk, Lilah sighing as she shook her head. She knew the signs, Draco was already addicted tot he strong flavors, but he'd only had a few, he could easily recover.
Raphael winced, looking worried as he shifted the young mortal into his arms pressing a kiss to his head as the man ate."It's fine food." Belial nodded looking at harry, before lookng at lilah for once looking worried himself. Sighing softly as he looked at his lover, kissing the young demon's head."We probably should be getting some excerise in. You'll fel better for it."He said smiling."Your metabolism is higher, you ned more activity for it."
Draco sighed a little as he ate his sandwich. “it tastes like sawdust.” he grumbled Harry chuckling a little. “well not everyone can be used to Caviar and gold leaf chocolate Dray.” he teased, Draco shoving his tongue out at Harry and demanding a house elf to get him chocolate, he didn't want food anymore, he wanted candy. Harry smiled as he looked up at Belial. “does sex count as excersise?” “no it doesn't.” Lilah stated simply. “you need to go on a walk, THEN you can have sex.” Draco nearly choked on his chocolate eclair at that, laughing a little as Harry pouted.
Belial snickered as he stood up."It's vvery weird when your lover's mother telling you when you can have sex."He said heading for the door snickering a little. Having every intention of showing harry everywhere. Raphael smiled kissing Draco's head as the boy got his chocolate, sighing as he tried not to worry."Now what do you want to do pretty?"He purred softly, trying to distrat him from the food.
Lilah chuckled a little. “Demon's have high sex libido's, besides if I tell you not to have sex you'll just do it behind my back.” she pointed out. “it's better just to accept the fact that your lovers.” Harry laughed little and nodded, grabbing the plate of meat morsels to snack on while they walked, humming happily as he explored the area, enjoying looking at all the interesting places. “i want to see your house.” Harry ordered suddenly, smiling at Belial. “please?” he had a feeling he was about to be surprised.

Draco smiled a little as he nibbled on his sweets, the closest thing he was going to get to the strawberries and he knew it, he wanted more, but he knew better than to indulge himself, then he would never eat again and he certainly didn't want that. “i dunno...” Draco muttered, pondering. “what do you usually do for fun? Do you ride horses or something... do you even have horses down here?”
Belial smiled a little, looking surprised at the question, and just a touch shy before he nodded.Wrapping his arms around the other and took the step between the house and his. Wincing a little as he looked at the small replica of raphael's rooms in heaven. not what his house in hell looked like, but a exact replica of everything belial had lost when he fell."Well?"he said looking around at the prinstine almost virginal-yes that word could be applied to something of belial's- walls and floor.

raphael looked startled before smirking looking at lilah."They' horses. If I take him on them, do you think they'd kill him?"He asked. He usually got a ride from the water horses because he was the archangel of water along with healing,but he didn't know if he trusted the water demons with a human, espicially his human
Harry gasped as he looked around the house, his eyes wide as he stroked the walls. “it's beautiful.” he murmured with a smile, turning to look at the other, beaming happily. “i was... wondering.” Harry admitted suddenly, looking a little nervous. “where you and Raph lovers?” he asked suddenly, looking curious, and only a little bit jealous, “is Raphael banned from heaven?” he asked, wondering why the angel was living in hell, when he belonged in heaven.

Lilah chuckled a little. “Draco can't breath underwater Raphael dear, and those beasts are temperamental. Harry might be able to manage one, but I don't think they would even let Draco on their back long enough to let him try to boss them around.” she admitted. “i'd find something else to do.” she admitted with a chuckle, Draco sighing a little as he nibbled on another Chocolate eclair. “we could go swimming? If there are water horses I imagine there is an ocean.” he smiled a little. “i love the ocean.”
Belial looked startled at the words. After all, it had never occurred to him to seduce the archangel, even if he did enjoy harassing the man. "No."He said simply looking so startled that the simple explaination probably did it before he thought over how to answer."Raphael is...isn't banned, but he's not exactly welcome either. You know the story of how the gods once gave fire to mortals, and that the others were jealous of prothemus for doing it? Well, its true. Sort of. God had not meant to make...intelligent life just yet, but it hurt Raphael to see the humans killing each other for no reason besides that they didn't know how to heal. So, being him and innocent, he decided to help. And give the humans what they needed to live better. So, he enjoys his time on earth more then heaven."He bit his lip musing over what raphael had said to the one god the day they tried to force him to heaven. He'd cut up his hand bleeding on the ground under his feet, saying 'Heaven is bloodless, and I am not. I am as they I will stay.' "Yea his soft spot didn't make him exactly welcome in heaven, but since he's one of the great seraphim they really can't kick him out without destroying the balance of the elements."

Rapael smiled a little nodding."We'll go to the ocean."He said studying Lilah,"you probably could use some time in the water to." Malik snorted a little."You just want to see her in her swimsuit." "Do not. She's a angel, well was once. She'll feel better in something thats in both heaven and hell. And the ocean touches both."he said because it was, the ocean was the only space in all the dimesions that was declared neutral ground in heaven and hell, a perfect meeting place between the two
Harry smiled a little as he took the others hand, biting his lip a little. “so.. Raphael gave humans Fire and the ability to heal and make medicine?” he asked his head tilted a little. “huh... interesting...” he muttered shaking his head a little. “and... why... why was mother banned from heaven?” why else? For falling in love with a demon, Malik had been devastated when she suddenly couldn't get back into heaven. But because she hadn't actually done anything wrong, she had been able to keep her lily white wings and all of her angelic powers. He smiled as he rested his head on Belial's shoulder. “where you sad when you fell?” he asked softly. “... you must miss it...” Harry missed earth in all honesty, he missed the grass and the wind and the clear blue sky, hell was nice, but the human realms had always been his home.

Lilah smiled as she patted Raphael's hand, happy that he was thinking of her, Draco smiling a little. “i didn't know that the Ocean branched all three realms.” he admitted smiling a little. “i always knew I loved the water, now I know why.” he admitted chuckling as he reached for another strawberry, Lilah smacking his hand, Draco sulking but going back to his candy like the... ok yeah no he was SO not a good boy but he could pretend to be. “let's go to the water then.” Lilah decided smiling as the food vanished, everything that wasn't mortal gone in an instant, Draco sighing but eating his skittles as he slid off Raphael's lap and offered the angel a handful of the rainbow candy.
"I do.It's not so bad."Belial said shrugging, looking at the other as he started leading them around the home, before realizing that the other wasn't just talking about him and heaven."we can visit earth.I am sure Lord Malfoy is worried about his son...we probably should take Draco home, even just for a little while."He mused trying not t think to hard about heaven. It was always easier to not think about it.

Raphael smled a little, eating a bite of the skittles, looking curious. Having never had them. Sighing quietly as they all headed to the ocean, he smiled as he walked into the water, letting his wings show as he let the feathers touch the liquid. Blushing slightly as Lilah smiled at him. It wasn't often he showed just how thoughtful he could be."Draco,behave."He teased leading the boy into the water, wanting to make sure he was okay. Feeling bad for not having thought about the food before
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