In The Heart Of A Demon

Belial whined quietly, looking amused and a little disturbed."I am no one's plaything." "You are harry's."raphael said sounding amused as he shook his head, rolling his eyes at Harry and Draco's teasing."Oh would you two just kiss and make up?" "Raph, do you really want him kissing someone else?" "....shut up Mal."The angel growled, whining quietly as he thought about it, a soft blush staining his face as he realized that now that he had come so close to the boy, he really wouldn't be able to stand Draco with someone else. it had been bad enough when raphael knew he was fucking everything that moved, if he did it now, it'd devast him
Draco and Harry both snickered and with wickedness in their eyes they studied each other before leaning forward, mouths inches apart, hesitating, looking as if they where about to kiss, Lilah giggling furiously as Harry suddenly wrinkled his nose. “good Merlin Almighty Draco don't you EVER bath!? You STINK!” he complained clapping a hand to his nose, Draco scowling furiously. “I DO NOT!!!!” Draco bitched, huffing as he snuggled into Raphael. “i don't stink do I!? Smell me and tell me if I stink!” h demanded Harry snickering wickedly as he went back to eating his ice cream, humming happily.
Raphael growled a little at Harry's insult, gathering his human up close to him, nuzzling him in the effort to calm him. "no.You don't smell sweetheart. Just smell pretty." Belial snorted laughing, rolling his eyes. Raphael could just be a idiot sometimes. Being a higher being above humans, their senses were stronger, so Draco smelled like dying cells and filth to them unless...."Bloody hell Raph.You bonded with him."He snickered studying the angel and human, amused because only one bonded to think they smelled anything but gross. Which explained why Harry had reacted like Draco'd rolled around in shit.
Draco relaxed at the reassurance that he smelled fine smiling a little as he snuggled into Raph before looking worried. “what does that mean!?” he demanded. “bonding!? I...i'm not turning him mortal am I!?” he asked terrified that he was killing his lover. Harry blinked a little and sneezed before returning to his ice cream looking a little worried about it himself. “seriously, why is no one answering me!? What's it mean that he bonded with me!?”
Belial snickered amused, having not been answering just to watch Draco freak out. After all, he enjoyed causing distress, it usually made the sex interesting. Before sighing when he realized that Raphael was to distracted by sniffing his bonded to answer."Think of it as a marriage. He'll stay exactly as he is, archangel and all,even be accepted still in heaven, except that he wont find anyone nearly as pleasing as he finds your company. Hell,I'm pretty sure he wont even like the idea being with someone else. Right Raph?"Belial teased. Raphael lifted his head from Draco's nek looking startled and afraid, having not been paying that close of attention."Share?I don't want to share..."He said in that little kid voice that sounded like he ws afraid his favorite toy was going to be taken away
Draco blinked, looking surprised. “so I'm married?” he asked actually looking a little pleased about that. “it's ok Raph, I don't want to share either.” he admitted snuggling into Raphael, completely unaware that he had also made a bond, but one far deeper than any of them could ever have realized. He snuggled into Raph and Harry snickered a little shaking his head. “their both lost.” Harry teased smirking a little. “their so in love with each other soon we'll all cease to exist.” he teased chuckling a little.
"Will not. You're to fun to tease."Raphael said purring a little as he nuzzled his bonded, holding him close before sighing."Does this mean we can have sex?"he asked mostly teasing, a little curious. Belial snickered shaking his head."No. You're not ready."he said. Malik snickered finishing his ice cream s he looked at his wife."I think we all agree Raphael's not ready for sex." "I could have sex anytime I want!"
Draco chuckled a little and nodded. “he could have sex anytime he wanted.” Draco admitted. “he just has to be prepared for it emotionally.” he admitted chuckling a little as Harry rolled his eyes and shook out his fur, leaning into Belial. “i think we should go have loud boisterous sex, just to torment Draco.” he decided with a wicked Snicker, Draco rolling his eyes. “any sex with you potter is just nauseating.”
Belial growled softly, feeling insulted on behalf of his lover."Oh no. It's better than anything else....including you malfoy."He teased looking at the blond. Raphael bristled raising his head."No it isn't. Draco's amazing!" "...I think we should just leave before they start fighting."Malik said smiling at his wife.
Harry laughed a little and shook his head, Draco looking amused. “it depends on your preferences. For example I doubt it if Raphael would like it if I bit him hard enough to make him bleed like you do Bell.” Draco teased chuckling a little as he stood up and took Raph's hand. “come on, I'll do that thing with my mouth.” he teased Harry chuckling a little as he looked at Bell. “you like being bitten?” he asked, amusement and lust in his eyes. “i can certainly do that for you.” he teased snickering a little.
Bell blushed a little shaking his head."No. Well yes, but no. He didn't bite me. I bit him till he bled. Raphael really wouldn't enjoy that."He said watching the other two leave rolling his eyes a little.

Raphael smiled as he followed Draco out, pouting a little."You dont know what I like. You wont let me do anything!"He whined softly, not realizing that Draco probably knew him better than he knew himself
Harry chuckled a little and gently bit Belial's neck. “mmm I like being bitten.” he purred happily nudging the others neck gently. “i love you.” he purred playfully. “perhaps we should go an enjoy the peace and quiet ourselves?” he mused with an amused smirk.

Draco chuckled a little as he smiled at Raph. “i let you do what your ready for.” he teased smiling a little, in all honesty Draco never refused to let Raph do anything, it was just that Raph had never offered, asked, or tried, which was why the angel wasn't ready. “in any case.” he stated kissing his Angel, smirking a little as he nibbled on his ear. “that's what all this is about, discovering each other.” he admitted smiling a little. “i like discovering bits about you. Even the bad things...”
Bell sighed softly, closing his eyes as he rested his head on the other's shoulder."Hmm I think we should."The elder demon grinned hopping off his stool heading for the door, wrapping a arm around Harry, heading for the younger demon's room.

Raphael sighed softly shuddering a little as he tilted his head a little as the other nibbled on his ear, wincing a little at that. Because the bad things included things that he had never told anyone..."...You have questions..."He muttered resting his head on the blond's shoulder, trying to figure out how to explain the ocean, because he was worried about Draco accepting it even if he'd been amazingly adaptable to suddenly having his lover act like a five year old.
Draco smiled a little and gently kissed the others nose gently. “i have questions.” he admitted. “but if your not ready to tell me then I won't ask you to.” he promised smiling a little as he gently ran his fingers through the others wings. “i love you Raphael.” he admitted smiling at the other. “and I don't care if you get a little weird sometimes.” he admitted kissing the other. “it actually felt kind of nice being able to take care of you.”
Raphael blushed a little as he leaned into the touch, climbing up in the bed, pulling Draco close, resting a wing over the blond's chest, wanting more pets. It felt so good for the boy to stroke his wings."...oh well you know, it's not so bad being that young either."He muttered more in shock at his easy acceptance than that he actually enjoyed being five. Sighing softly he closed his eyes."...ask your questions."He muttered closing his eyes.
he smiled a little as he stroked the wing, gently grooming the feathers as he shook his head. “i'm not sure how to ask it...” he admitted biting his lip, looking at the other. “...what happened to you?” he finally asked, looking worried. “did it hurt you?” he was more worried about it being damaging to the others health, than why or how it had happened. Draco truly was a unique person. “and... how come you shudder when I stroke your wings like this?” he asked, looking amused, his eyes playful. “is someone aroused?” he teased, running his finger from the joint, all the way down the bone to the tip, chuckling a little.
Raphael whined quietly as he closed his eyes, sighing softly. "n-no."He muttered blushing even though the boy was sure to notice just how aroused he was. Closing his eyes he absently stroked Draco's hair as he thought about how to explain."IT didn't hurt...well nothing but my pride anyways."He said smiling a little."....You know I'm one of the archangels, controls water....well, because the ocean crosses all three worlds, god was afraid that I would control everything if I could gain mastery of ocean water, and not just inland lakes and he made sure I wouldn't think it through, wouldn't think about controlling the oceans when I got I revert to being a child again."
Draco smirked and stroked the wing bone again before running his fingers through the feathers, looking amused before looking horrified as Raph explained. “so he crippled you!? That son of a bitch!” he snarled scowling a little. “if he hadn't wanted someone that powerful then he should have made you the arch angel of something else that fucking bastard!” enraged, for Raph, because the Archangel didn't seam to be all that angry about it... or couldn't be angry about it. “hell he shouldn't have made angels at all if he's going to decide that 'oh this angel is just going to revert to a child because I don't want him to take over my job...' son of a bitch!” he wrapped his arms around Raph and nuzzled him. “it's ok.. I'll stay with you forever and always, even when your a child... I'll protect you even from god if I have to.” what no one realized was that, someday, Draco would actually be able to carry out that promise of he had to. “is it just the ocean that does that to you? You where fine in the pool... but will lakes and rivers make you all kiddish too? I like the ocean, but not if it hurts you like that.” he admitted nuzzling the other.
Raphael looked amused, kissing the other's ahead. Finding it amusing and endearing that the other was willing to fight for him. gently stroking the other's hair as he grinned a little, amused that the other was wiling to give up oceans if it was giving him problems."Still water is fine. And fresh water. It's ocean..."He frowned trying to figure out how to explain. "Ocean water is the only water that touches all three worlds. So it's only ocean salt water that affects me...and it really doesn't hurt. I just end up being a kid."He said blushing slightly because it embarassed him to not be able to not turn into a child.
Draco smiled and nodded. “well, we just wont go to the ocean then, it should be easy enough to avoid.” he admitted shrugging his shoulders a little. “it could be worse you know.” Draco teased smirking a little. “you could be afraid of the dark.” he admitted smiling. “like Harry is, or you could be afraid of thunderstorms, or you could turn into a raging homicidal rapist every full moon.” he teased looking amused as he kissed Raphael. “i love all of you Raph, even your five year old self.” he promised. “now how about I make you feel better and do that thing with my mouth?” he teased smirking a little again with a bright laugh.
"Or be like Belial, and afraid of water."The angel snickered, brightening up when he realized his blond wasn't going anywhere. Grinning as he kissed him back shifting his hold on the other, before nodding."Oh yes, I think you need to do that thing."He said gently pushing the blond down, blushing hard. Because well, he was curios and he wanted to see where it'd go
Draco chuckled a little and nodded as he slipped down the others body and enveloped his cock with a tight suck, wasting no time in getting down to it, sucking and stroking and rubbing with an eager little groan and moan, eyes closed as he suckled and played with hard angel flesh, rubbing his balls before summoning lube to his fingers, and gently slipped a finger deep inside his lover.
Raphael moaned, shuddering as he squirmed back against the finger pressed into him, whining quietly as he whined."draco!"He whined whimpering as the other played with him, burying a hand in his hair, coming with a surprised yelp at suddenly finding himself so overwhelmed with pleasure
Draco smiled as he swallowed down the seed, moaning eagerly as he slowly pulled away, leaning up and kissing his lover eagerly, smirking a little. “yes lover?” he mused, smiling a little, leaning in and whispering in Raphael's ear. “do you want to fuck me?” he asked softly, all too willing to let his lover top for the night, get Raph used to the motions, and see that it wasn't as frightening or painful as people made it out to be.
Raphael blushed turning his head to kiss the other, moaning as he tasted himself on the boy's lips before nodding hesitantly, shyly."I-yes.I would."He said stroking the other's hair, looking nervous at the idea because after so many years of seeing Belial's conquests, he was scared and nervous.
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