In The Heart Of A Demon

Draco smiled and stroked his lovers face. “it's alright, don't be scared.” he promised softly. “if you don't know what to do, I'll just walk you through it, alright?” he offered smiling as he settled onto his belly so that he could see the other. “kiss me.” he ordered gently, dragging the other down for a kiss, running his fingers along the others length gently with a small soft sigh. “mmm you feel wonderful.” he mumbled softly, smiling as he pressed his fingers into himself, preparing himself for his lover, one lesson at a time after all. “now, just slid it in, slow and easy.” Draco explained once Raph was nice and hard, lubing himself up as he guided the others cock to his entrance. “give a good firm push.”
Raphael looked nervous as he studied the other's face, pressing a kiss to the other's shoulder as he watched the other prepare himself, sighing softly at the touch on his cock. Looking nervous before nodding."A firm push.kay."He muttered more to reassure himself before thrusting forward, letting out a starlted yelp at the sudden tightness surround his cock, eyes going wide as he froze. As if unsure if he liked it or not, presisng a kiss to Draco's shoulder as he just slowly relaxed, rocking his hips a little.
Draco moaned loudly as he felt the flesh slowly spreading him open, tipping his head back. “oooh god yesss.” he moaned, squirming a little as he felt the other freeze, gently kissing his neck and chest and cheek to help him calm down, panting softly. “your so big inside me.' he moaned. “it feels so good.” he moaned, thrusting down, sliding the other even deeper inside of him with another loud moan. “it's ok Raph... just calm down, let your hips do what they want.” he ordered smiling at his lover and kissing him eagerly, tangling their tongues together.

(shall we employ the plan now, or wait for when Raph gathered up the guts to bottom?^^)
(hmmm nowI think now. XD And draco's adorable helping him like this XD)

Raphael sighed softly kissing him back as he thrust into the other, hands resting on the younger's hips as he held him still. Not wanting to hurt him so he wasn't going to let the other man squirm to much.He'd loosen up...eventually.But his first time he needed to be ompletely in control of things otherwise he was going to lose his mind.
draco whined eagerly as he was thrust into, arching happily at the wave of pleasure coursing through him. Though Bell had been more experienced, and better at it, Raph was filling Draco with more pleasure than he had ever known, he didn't realize that he was completing a life bond with his beautiful angel, letting the man top him without a struggle, and loving him at the same time was forming a bond that was only known in fairy tales and fantasies. “please... Raph...harder.” he pleaded, trying to squirm again. “stop thinking so much... please... just fuck me...”
Raphael growled at him softly biting his shoulder."Dont be so bossy"He growled thrusting into him harder as ordered,trusting that Draco knew what he wanted and how much he could handle. Shuddering as he ucked the blond, burynig his face against Draco's neck as he made love to his love. the first time in forever, the first person who'd ever managed to touch his heart.
Draco moaned, arching eagerly as he felt Raphael's power flooding him, kissing the other happily, gripping the other tightly, feeling that long, thick rod filling him. “yesss!!!” he moaned tossing his head back, running his fingers through the others wings, smirking a little as he bit gently at the others neck. “oooh fuuuck yeeesssss.” he groaned happily, feeling a strange sharp pain in his back, ignoring it in favor of matching his lovers thrusts.
Raphael moaned shuddering as his head dropped to the other's shoulder as he thrust into him harder, whining quietly as he came, caught by surprise by the other moving against him. Shuddering in abject bliss as he clung to him, not realizing something had changed and he was hurting the other
Draco cried out in pain suddenly as he came as well, flooding his lovers belly with Cum, Raphael's power flooding through him, making him cry out in agony as he pulled away from Raph, shuddering violently. “my back! Somethings wrong with my back! It hurts! Raph it hurts!” he squealed, wondering what was going on, rolling onto his belly just in time, two massive wings erupting from Draco's back, spreading wide, filling the entire room, Draco crying out in fear. They weren't demon wings, they where too massive, and they weren't angel wings, still too massive, they where feathered, and scaled, spreading large enough to punch a hole in the wall. They where almost fourty feet long from tip to tip, and worse the rest of Draco's body was 'exploding' reacting to the heavy Angelic power flooding him, and now Belial's magic was joining it, trying to dampen out Raph's angelic powers, but only mixed inside of Draco, spreading up what was happening as he grew massive and unleashed a roar that shook the house and it's foundation, huge claws digging gouges in the floor as a long muzzle snapped and snarled at the pain of the sudden transformation. And then Draco was still and silent, panting as he rested, covered in bodily fluids he cracked open one massive yellow eye and blinked stupidly.

He had transformed into a creature long thought completely extinct, all bloodlines wiped out completely, a Guardian, a creature that looked like a massive dragon, holding the powers of both heaven and hell, a peacekeeper between the good and the evil. But right then, he was tired, sore, and confused and more than a little afraid as he realized he was probably crushing Raphael somewhere in the room, which he was stuck in. Draco was too massive to fit in the room, though it had been large to begin with. Draco was trapped in the room, there was no way he was getting out in that massive body, and so overwrought with emotions he began to cry, trembling violently as he simply let go and sobbed. He had only wanted to have sex with his lover, he hadn't realized he would be cursed for it!

this is what Draco looks like now ^^ > Gaurdian <
"Bloody fuckering hell!"Belial cursed as he ran into the room, tripping over the claws in the doorway, yelping as he landed in a heap on top of the claws. Wincing a little as he felt one slice into his side before he stood, careful to hide the wound before he studied the dragon. Patting his arm to make sure Draco knew where he was, scrambling around so he was eye to eye with Draco, needing to make sure both and angel were fine. "Shhh big guy, it's okay. We'll get you out in a second. Raphael?" "...yea." "You okay?" "Uhhh...ask me as soon as he gets off me. Belial, I can't blast out a wall without hitting him." Belial smiled a little as he realized what the angel wanted, raising a hand and blasting out the far wall with a blast of power before patting draco's long nose, "Come on lovely. We got to move. Time to get off the angel."he teased urging the dragon to get up before shouting a warning to the others he could hear running after him."Be careful!No need to startle him more then he already has been."
Draco was still sobbing, terrified of what had happened, Harry gaping as he realized that Draco had gone massive, turned into a... “oh my god his name takes on a whole new meaning now.” Harry admitted with a small chuckle as he examined Draco from a distance, Draco cowering as Belial blasted out the wall, the noise startling him so badly, because everything, he could just hear everything! He whimpered as he felt the hand on his nose and slowly followed the Demon out of the hole in the wall, unpinning Raphael from the wall as they moved into the much larger Ballroom, which had once been designed to hold Guardians for balls and parties. Draco whimpered and stretched out starting to relax as he realized he wasn't trapped anymore. Sniffling as he looked around for Raphael, wanting to make sure that he was alright, making distressed noises in the back of his throat when he didn't immediately find the angel. “what's going on?” Lilah asked, gaping as she spotted Draco, who whined when he saw her, laying his head on the ground on his massive paws almost like a puppy, upset and confused and not sure what was happening.
Malik swallowed hard as he walked around the guardian, taking time to make sure the boy hadn't injured himself, giving Raphael time to heal himself before he had to appear."You seem okay Draco."Malik said soothingly stroking the dragon's neck."hey pretty boy, I'm okay. I promise."Raphael said as he walked around the other's bulk, walking closer and leaning against the dragon's jaw, careful to not let his wings touch the other. After all, he'd broken one and the healing would hold up, as long as he didn't jar it. "Shhh puppy,"He muttered making soothing noises, trying to make him feel better, because his mind was so concentrated on calming draco, and the pain from his wing, he couldn't remember how to get Draco human again
Lilah shook her head looking amazed as Harry examined the other, sighing a little. “Draco can't do anything by half standards ever... ah well at least now he's beaten me at something.” he admitted chuckling as he spread his wings, Draco blinking at Harry before spreading his own massive wing, Harry grinning as he examined the feather like wings, running his fingers over the leathery feathers with amazement, Draco gently nuzzling Raphael, calming down now that he knew he hadn't hurt his lover, Lilah gently taking Draco's chin. “alright Draco, listen to me closely, close your eyes, and imagine that you have only two legs again, two legs, and two arms, no tail and no wings, just an ordinary human.” Draco let off another whimper but slowly began to change back into human form, Lilah making it easier for him by pushing her magic into him and helping push his body into shape... but what came out at the end wasn't the Draco Malfoy they all knew.

He was so much taller now, he was almost an inch or two taller than Raph was now, his hair had grown to his waist and his face, once beautiful, was now as ethereal as Raphael was, he was fair, feminine, but masculine as well. It was almost impossible to tell if he was a man or a woman just by looking at him. He was as sin as ever, but he still looked healthy, covered in firm muscles. But it was his eyes that had changed the most. When he opened his eyes they where a bright yellow, like gold, or the sun. “my GOD..” Harry whispered, his eyes wide. “now he's even prettier than I am! This is SO not fair! First he's a better demon now he's prettier than me! Bell!!!” he whined, trying to make Draco feel better, and amazingly enough it worked, Draco let out a small chuckle and sniffled, wiping his eyes. “i t..thought I c..crushed you.” he whispered, clinging to Raph. “i thought I k.. killed you...”
Bell laughed quietly wrapping his arms around Harry, pressing a kiss to the other's head."Ahhh well, he's girly. A good match for Raphael."He said wisely kissing him again, watching the two looking worried. Raphael smled looking up at the suddenly taller man as he rested his head against the other's chest, careful to hold his wings up and out of the way Not about to let his draco know that he had crushed him...he was just made of tougher stuff then one measley dragon could crush him to death."Ah, it takes more your your fat butt to kill me."He teased stroking his back, trying to calm his lover and refusing to consider what it meant to have a guardian known to both heaven and hell. It was going to be bad when they discovered this. Of course considering a archangel and duke of hell had every reason to hide Draco's existane....yes maybe he would be able to protect Draco.
Harry blinked a little and then smirked. “he IS girly! You know he takes almost two hours to get ready in the mornings?” he mused playfully, snickering a little as he shook his head. “i'm not Fat!” Draco protested, looking at his ass just to make sure and nodding. “see!” he complained smiling at his angel and kissing him. “i don't know what happened... but i'd like to never do it again.” he admitted rubbing his eyes. “i'm tired...” “transforming takes a lot of energy Draco dear. Why don't we move you into a bigger room, if you transform again you won't be stuck that way.” she promised smiling at him, Draco nodding as he slowly stood up and paused, realizing that he was looking Bell in the eyes, his eyes widening almost comically before he turned and darted for the nearest bathroom to look at himself in the mirror, a mix of horrified and pleased with his new appearance. “what the hell am I!?” draco demanded, a tremor in his voice that warned of tears to come. “oh god... Father is going to be so unhappy....”
Raphael winced at that."We should go talk to him..."He said slowly, looking nervous about telling Lucius. there wasnt many people that bothered raphael about telling things to, but telling lucius he'd changed his son disturbed him. walking in after Draco he wrapped his arms around him,picking him up cuddling him. Malik smiled a little as he looked at the two,"Go. Me and Lils can get your room set up while your gone." Belial swallowed hard wondering how long any of them could put off telling him just what he was. Because once they said it, it was going to make it real, and he so didn't want to have to be the one who dealed with the mess this was going to be.
Draco whined a little and hid his face in Raphael's chest, struggling not to burst into tears all over again. “i'm a demon aren't I!? I'm never going to be allowed to go to earth again and I won't have a soul and I'll be in Hell forever and ever and never see the pretty sky or eat strawberries again!” Draco was seriously freaking out. If they had thought Harry had been back, well they where about to be proven dead wrong. “Draco stop that!” Harry demanded grabbing the other by the shoulder and yanking him around so that they where mostly face to face, Draco was a little bit taller than harry was, which was annoying actually. “of course you can go back to earth, if Bell and Raph can you can too you little idiot. There are strawberries here and with you being a demon you could probably eat hells strawberries even without having to worry about getting addicted. And you LIKE hell moron, whats it matter if your 'stuck' here all the time when you wanted to move down here in the first place?!” Draco stared at Harry and swallowed hard, hesitating then. “w..we can still go back to earth?” “of course you idiot.” “... oh...” he muttered wiping his eyes again, looking at Raph. “am I a demon?” he asked, a little worried that Raph wouldn't like him anymore now that he turned into a monstrous thing with weird wings and a very strong sense of smell.
Raphael sighed softly as he leaned forward, nuzzling the blond as he closed his eyes."we can. And no you're not a demon."The angel bit his lip as he rested his head against the other's shoulder,holding him close. "You are a guardian....which I'll explain after we talk to your father."He said really curious to know how they had managed to hide the guardian bloodline from both heaven and hell. And damn, he wanted to get Draco somewhere he'd be comfortable, and relax. "Do you want some strawberries before you go?" Belial smiled a little, looking amused as he looked at harry."For someone who doesn't even like Draco, you're being awfully nice."he teased
Draco frowned a little and shook his head. “i don't want to talk to my father... he'll get all pissed off because I'm not a pureblood anymore and tell me I can't ever go with 'you people' ever again because your a terrible influence.” he whined, well aware that his father would say and do no such thing, he just didn't want to see the disappointment in his fathers eyes. “... yes, I want strawberries.” Draco agreed, a House Demon popping up and handing Draco an entire bowl full before popping away, Harry chuckling as he shrugged. “i know what it's like to wake up confused, scared, and in a strange body.” Harry admitted. “i have to be nice because he was nice to me when it happened. It's the law.”
Rahpael smiled as he picked up the other, wrapping his arms around him as he held the bowl of strawbrries."Let's go then"He said transporting them to the manor, carrying the slight blond around as he looked for Lucius.

Belial snickered a little stealing a kiss, "Oh and what about me?Was I not nice?"he asked stroking the other's hair. Willing to shelve the problem of draco being a guardian for the moment.
Draco nodded and nibbled on a strawberry as they went to the Manor, Lucius was sitting in the study, reading a newspaper and drinking a cup of tea when Draco walked in, Lucius looking up and nearly choking on his mouthful of Tea, coughing hard as Draco grimaced, looking down at his hands. “what in the hell!?” Lucius demanded, looking shocked at Draco., “oh god dammit I knew this was going to happen.” the man complained shaking his finger at Draco. “you went and bonded with that Angel and triggered your bloodline before you where ready! I haven't even had a chance to tell you yet!” the man complained, Draco staring at Lucius with wide eyes. “w...what!?”

Harry chuckled a little. “you where only nice because you wanted my ass.” he teased kissing the other gently. “come on, lets go take a nice hot bath, I really need to relax.” he admitted shaking his head before pausing. “oh wait.. you can't get in the water...” he muttered frowning a little. “fine, we'll go fuck then, that's better anyway.”
Raphael rolled his eyes as he gingerly lowered himself into a seat, careful to not jar the broken wing."Hey, don't blame this on me. You're the one who knew what he was like, and still sent him to stay with me. You knew he'd seduce me, malfoy."He said agiated at Lucius's complaining and in pain.

Belial sighed."I can get in the water.It just wont be the most comfrortable thing. Come on. I need to wash up anyways.I have dragon scales on me."He said pouting as he followed Harry to his room, whining quietly as he saw silverly blue scales sticking to his hands.
Lucius sighed and shook his head. “but I never thought he'd Life bond with you!” he admitted shaking his head. “that's what triggered the change, that and probably all the demonic and Angelic power he was around. I never thought that the powers would affect him., they probably hadn't if he hadn't bonded with you.” “sorry... what?” Draco demanded, Lucius chuckling a little. “a Guardian, that's what you are son, falls in love only once. One person, forever, it's known as a Life Bond. Soul mates, it's very rare even for Guardian's.” he admitted shaking his head. “you and Raph are soul mates, destined to love and love each other.” Draco blinked a little, looking astonished. “r...really? That's...” he paused and then smiled. “i like that, only loving one person... I know it's not a lie then, or me thinking it's something it isn't.. I'll always know that I love you, no matter what.” he purred nuzzling Raph's neck. And it explained so much too.

Harry smiled a little as he nuzzled the other. “i think they look kind of neat... for such a massive creature he has tiny scales.” all the blue silver scales where no bigger than a fish scale, clinging to Belial all over his body.
Raphael sighed a little relaxing as he let the other nuzzle him, slightly amused that Lucius seemed as surprised as he had been." mean I know what triggered it, but how the hell did you hide?Heaven and hell have declared war on the guardian bloodlines..."He said thoughtlessly for once not thinking things through as he spoke. Pain getting to him as he tried to figure out exactly how he was going to protect draco now. Not protesting about being a dragon's love, because he to liked the idea of being draco's only, instead of being worried he would get bored with him.

"It is.Just think how scaly Raph's going to be."He said looking bemused as he ran a bath before sliding into the water with a sigh. IT was uncomfortable, but not unbearable. At least not yet He'd just have to remember to get out when it was otherwise Harry was going to yell at him for not taking care of himself.
Lucius smiled a little and shook his head. “we locked our bloodline.” he explained softly. “we where adopted by a family, the Malfoy's originally. The last Guardian was adopted by Thorian Malfoy, who had no sons. They used blood magic to erase the Guardian bloodline and insert the Malfoy bloodline instead. Since then all Malfoy Men have had Guardian bloodlines locked away deep in their genetic makeup, hidden so deep that no Angel and no Demon could find it.” he admitted Draco looking shocked. “so... why hunt the guardians? Why declare war on them?” “Guardian's are the peace keepers and they balanced nature . They did not allow the Angels and the Demon's to war with each other and fight over earth, so the demons and Angels destroyed every guardian they found, so they could fight.” Lucius explained.

Harry snickered a little and shook his head. “that's only if Draco is around him in his Dragon form.” he snickered loudly.” oh god that's just too amusing.” he admitted smirking a little as he slid into the water with a happy little sigh, running his furry paws down Belial's body, smirking a little. “don't worry Bell, I'll get you all clean.”
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