In The Heart Of A Demon

Raphael sighed looking thoughtful and pained. While he'd hunted guardians when he was younger, and more loyal to the one god he had killed some. But...when he realized just how badly he reverted near the ocean, his faith and loyalty in the god had been shaken badly enough that he'd pulled away and moved to hell and earth. A archangel, the first to ever choose his exile instead of being banished. Which since he had chosen to leave, was the only angel to ever get away with leaving god's side. Many in heaven were angry and annoyed with him for it, but he couldn't stand heaven and it's lily white innocence, not when he knew that none within it's plane was truly innocent anymore. Looking at the floor he sighed, studying the carpet pattern."We also hunted them to pull them to one side or the ther. If we could corrupt them, we found a good weapon against the other side."

Belail smiled closing his eyes as he shivered, closing his eyes."hmmm I think I'll like you cleanin me up."He said running his hands through harry's hair pulling him in for a kiss.
Draco stared at his hands, horrified and frightened. “and the guardian's wouldn't, because we are always, and forever will be above battle. We are peacekeepers and the balance has been greatly upset.” Lucius admitted gently patting his son's knee. “your mother knew that you where going to be destined for great things, but I am afraid for you.” he admitted softly. “you and Harry, are the keys to the stalemate that everyone is in.” he explained gently. “if you join a side, together, then the side you where to choose would be able to slaughter everything that stood in your way.” “i wont do that!” Draco protested, horrified. “i cant! Not when I have an Angel lover, and a Demon for a best friend!” he complained sighing a little. “i cannot believe I just said harry was my best friend.” he grumbled. “in all actuality he's my only friend aside from Bel and Raph...” now he was just talking to himself, trying to understand. “this is all so fucked up.” he complained hiding his face in his hands. “all so f...fucked up...” he was near tears again, this was all just too much for the poor blond.

Harry snickered as his hands wrapped around Bell's cock, clearly intending on 'cleaning' that too as he kissed his lover eagerly, stroking the length. “mmm wonderful.” Harry growled, smirking a little. “i'm so gonna fuck you hard today.” he growled playfully. “own your ass all over this tub.”
Raphael swallowed hard, fiddling with his pant leg, still staring at the floor, because he couldn't bring himself to touch his lover yet. Because he didn't feel clean enough to touch the guardian when he'd hunted his kind into the ground. Shivering a little he sighed softly."They'll fight to get you and harry to choose sides, because me and Belial refuse to fight. They have others skilled in battle, but each army would spend to much time fighting amongst themselves. We enforced a stalemate even if we dspise each other."He said sniffing a little, as if he wasn't about to admit Belial was his best friend. Whining a little when he reached over and pulled his blond into his arms, holding him because he couldn't stand to see him so upset.

Belial sighed thrusting up into the other's hand, smiling a little."Ohhh you're going to own me?Why not the other way around?"He grumbled for once not overly protesting being on the bottom.
Draco shook his head and leaned into Raphael when the other held him, snuggling into him before chuckling. “he's your best friend and you know it, you two love each other just the way me and Harry do.” he stated calmly, wiping his eyes. “i want more strawberries.” he ordered, Lucius smiling as a house elf appeared with a bowl of strawberries and a strawberry milkshake, Draco accepting them and nibbling on his sweet treats as he considered what this would mean. “father....” he asked suddenly realizing something. “you and mother?” Lucius smiled sadly. “i love your mother Dray, and she loves me... but we are not IN love with each other.” he explained softly. “we where an arranged marriage, we care very deeply about each other and haven't gotten a divorce because it's convenient and because we didn't want you to worry... someday, if I or your mother find someone we truly love, we will divorce, happily.” he promised Draco relaxing and nodding. “i'm ok now.” he muttered softly, Lucius chuckling a little. “until you run out of strawberries anyway.”

he chuckled a little and nuzzled his lover. “because you LIIIKE to bottom.” Harry teased chuckling a little as he maneuvered his lover so that he was almost on his belly in the water, licking the man's neck as he used soap to slick the way, pressing two fingers deep inside Bell with a soft moan, smirking a little. “mmm so tight, always so tight.” he groaned happily.
Raphael smiled hiding a pained smile against draco's shoulder.After all it was saddening to realize that lucius and narcissa weren't the complete to the other, even if they did love each other."I'll have to keep strawberries in stock. otherwise I'd have to deal with a unhappy dragon who sits on me."Raphael pouted sulking a little as he nuzzled his lover, trying to make him feel ever better.

Belial moaned shivering as he closed his eyes."Well until you...showed up... I didn't...bottom."Belial moaned the words spaced and long as he struggled to focus through pleasure to talk to him.
Draco smirked a little as he snuggled into Raph. “i'd NEVER sit on you.” he teased smirking a little. “i'll find MUCH more interesting ways to punish you.” he teased smiling a little, wishing that there was someone his father could love, as much as he loved Raph. “and yes, you have to keep strawberries in stock, their my most favorite.” he admitted with a small smirk.

Harry chuckled a little and kissed the other intently. “really? So I'm your first?” he asked curiously. “i didn't know that, I would have been gentler on you that first time if i'd known.” suddenly worried that he'd hurt the other, his fingers rubbing Bell's prostate, deciding to make this time as pleasurable as possible to make up for it.
Raphael snorted looking at lucius, kissing Draco's head."Don't listen to him. Damned dragon sat on my chest until Belial calmed him enough to get him out of the room."He said his wings shifting a little, barely hiding a wince before he sighed"But I agree, there are better ways to punish me."

"Hmmm you were fine..."He muttered moaning louder and thrusting back against the other's fingers as harry touched his prostate, whining softly as his eyes fluttered closed Wanting more of that now that the other was being gentle and loving."Mooree...please."He whined
Draco whined a little. “but it was an accident!” he protested Lucius chuckling a little as he examined the angel, shaking his head a little. “so what are you going to do son?” “do?” Draco asked, startled as Lucius nodded. “are you going to move into Hell? Ask Raphael to move in here?” he asked his head tilted, looking amused. “are you two going to get married or adopt children? I don't know if either of you can get pregnant but I have my doubts.” he admitted with a small chuckle just to see them blush.

Harry smirked a little as he listened to the other moan, giving him a kiss as he flipped the other back onto his back, bending down and running his tongue along the others flesh before removing his fingers and sliding out of the tub. “you can have more in the bedroom, we don't want you to burn.” he admitted, well aware Belial had been in the water for too long.
Raphael's jaw dropped a little as he blushed at the idea of being round with a baby, or draco being round before sputtering a little."I-I don't know."He stuttered looking stunned at the idea as he held his lover against him."Yes, draco where are we living?"The angel asked, sounding to shocked and embarassed to think clearly. And willing to do whatever draco wanted.

Belial growled whining as he was drug out of the tub."I'm fine!"He protested even if his skin was a nice pink as he grumbled following after the other, pouncing on the other as they got to the bed, cuddling the other."I am. I was okay in the water to."He grumbled annoyed at having things delayed even a moment
Draco was blushing furiously too, but there was a look of desire in his eyes as well. “i don't know, lets go back to hell and we'll talk about it together.” he decided smiling as he wrapped his fingers with Raphael's. “let's hurry before mother comes home and decides to scream at us for a few hours in hysterics.” he stated chuckling as he snuggled into his lover. “i think it would be better for you to live in Hell.” Lucius admitted suddenly. “Belial and Raphael can protect you there.” “Lilah and Mikail too.” Draco agreed, nodding a little. “alright, we'll live in hell.” he agreed. “but I'll come back and visit often.” he promised kissing his father's cheek before snuggling into Raph. “let's go home...”

Harry snickered as he was pounced on and quickly flipped his lover over, calling a jar of lube to his hand as he smirked furry digits before slipping them back inside Bell. “your FAR too impatient.” he teased, slicking up his cock as well, just as impatient as his lover was.
Raphael smiled as he took them back to his home in hell, sighing softly as they stepped into his rooms, pressing a kiss to Draco's head, wrapping his arms around him tightly. having for a moment there be afraid that he wouldn't want to stay with him."Your mother isn't a hysteric. She enjoys talking to me."he teased kissing him again.

Belial whined squirming a little as he felt the other's hard cock rubbing against his ass."And your not?"He teased glancing over his shoulder at him.
he smiled a little and shook his head. “i just drastically changed in appearance and am so bonded with an angel that the thought of being in a different room than him makes me cringe.” he pointed out looking amused. “she'd go into hysterics.” he admitted chuckling a little. “it's better to let father explain before, she sees me.” he explained with a small chuckle.

Harry growled eagerly as he drove himself in to the hilt with an eager groan, slipping in fast and deep with a smirk. “oooh yesss so good.” he growled kissing him eagerly as he moved slowly and tortuously inside of the other, smirking, waiting for the other to start begging, or whining, whichever came first.
Raphael paled a little, whimpering softly as he snickered a little."oh gods. She's going to treat me like a daughter in law isn't she?Isn't she?"He teased mostly amused at the idea of narcissa treating one of heaven's angels like a misbehaving child.

Belial whimpered softly, shuddering as he bit his lip. Refusing to beg or whine, resting his head on the other's pillow, blinking slowly."Potter..."He growled looking over his shoulder growling more in need then anything else. Wanting more.
he chuckled a little and nodded. “well, son in law.” he mused chuckling a little. “but she'll be nice about it, once she gets over the shock she'll be overjoyed. She's been trying to get me to settle down since I hit puberty.” he admitted with a laugh. “she'll love you too, your kind, pretty, smart, wonderful.” he chuckled a little. “plus you can protect me.” he teased smiling a little.

Harry smirked a little as he started moving even slower, dragging his cock all over the others prostate eagerly, biting gently at his ear with an eager little hiss. “beg you little bastard, just beg a little.” he growled smirking a little. “i won't fuck you properly until you do.”
Raphael blushed laughing as he stole a kiss."Malfoy, everyone in heaven earth and hell have been trying to get you to settle down. You had this streak that just didnt want anyone"he teased poking his slut of a boyfriend,blushing at the compliment."Not that kind. Or wonderful."He said thinking about the guardian hunting, guilt making him flinch a little.

Belial growled at him, burying his face against the pillow, fangs biting into the pillow as his control of his appearance slipped, claws ripping up the mattress under him."No.Fuck me."He ordered growling in that low deeply bass voice that was almost hurt to listen to
Draco chuckled a little and shrugged. “no I was a slut, I didn't want to fall in love or have a relationship because I didn't want to be hurt.” he admitted. “i thought it would be better to have no obligations, to just have sex.” he admitted shaking his head. “i was wrong, I know that.” he admitted smiling as he looked over at the other. “i think... some part of me was also looking for you all of my life.” he admitted smiling a little as he gently kissed the other.

Harry growled right back, smirking as he stopped completely, lifting an eyebrow. “what? What was that? An order? I do believe that was an order!” he admitted snickering a little. “just for that, maybe I better just not fuck you hmm?” he mused slowly beginning to pull out, as if he was going to actually stop fucking the other. Which would do one of two things, make Bell beg, or make Bell flip out and fuck the hell out of Harry instead.
Raphael smiled as he laid down in the bed, tugging draco down with him, kissing him slowly."Hmmm I was with you for most of it."he teased before sighing. Not willing to admit how much it had bothered him to watch draco screw person after person and seemingly not interested in the angel beyond wanting to make him blush."its sad to know that fucking belial led to this revelation."

Belial growled as his head jerked up,snarling as he twisted pushing the younger demon off of him before pinning him to the ground as they fell off the bed. Pushing the man's legs apart,slamming into him without warning. The teasing and annoyance having pushed him into that headframe were he was pure demon instead of still a sane angel that just happened to be a demon. snarling as he fucked the other hard and fast.
Draco smiled a little. “i always knew I wanted you, you know.” he admitted. “ever since I laid eyes on you I wanted you to be mine... but I saw you turn down so many people, and you where so cold and distant.” he snorted a little and shook his head. “when I fucked Bell I felt his power, so close to yours, I figured if I could get a demon to fuck me, I could at least try to get an Angel's attention.” he admitted chuckling as he kissed the other. “so it's not ALL my fault.” he teased winking at the other.

Harry gasped as he was shoved off the bed, smirking as he felt the other grabbing at him, squealing as he felt the other slam into him, arching eagerly into the harsh fucking, panting hard “ah..ah god.. Bell.” he whined clamping tightly around the other. “Bell, so good.” he moaned his fingers scrabbling against the floor, trying to find something to grip, crying out in pleasure and pain, eagerly accepting the fucking, but his lovers grip was a little too tight, not that Harry's flesh could bruise anymore.
Raphael blushed resting his head on the other's shoulder, smiling a little."Ohh belial's a attention slut. You didn't have to try that hard to get him to sleep with you."he smirked kissing him again before sighing. "After a eternity of being a child when I got close to a element I lvoed, I have every right to be cold and distant."He said his heart aching a little because he'd cared about god, and look how that turned out This was going to be interesting"I am yours."He muttered kissing him.

Belial snarled biting down on his shoulder, moaning as he came, claws digging into the man's hips before he calmed, letting his hands relax slowly. Wincing when he realized there was blood on his hands."Sorry..."He muttered nuzzling him as his lover came, holding him close, feeling bad now that he was back to his normal self.
Draco chuckled a little and snuggled into him. “i'm, sorry.” he muttered smiling a little. “i just could never get over you patting my head when I was a kid like I was a child.” he teased smiling a little as he remembers the first time he had seen the angel. Determined to impress the man he had informed Raphael that he was going to be the greatest potions master of all time. Rapheal hadn't even paid attention, and had patted his head like one might do to a five year old who was acting silly. It had infuriated the twelve year old Draco so much he'd glared at Raphael for MONTHS.

Harry yelped as the claws dug in, arching as he came harder than he had ever done in his life, collapsing underneath Belial with a happy moan, grinning. “oh yeeeah that was good.” he moaned happily cracking open an eye. “i'm sooo going to have to get you to do that again.” he purred. “maybe next time not to hard with the claws though ok?” he asked grinning a little as he shifted slowly into a sitting position, snickering a little as he examined the cum stained floor. “aaaw Bell you made me make a mess!” he whined playfully.
Raphael laughed quietly, smirking as he patted the guardian on the head."But you ARE a child to me.Well...okay, younger than me. To me, to belial...hell even malik and lilah, humans were amusing, but eyeblinks of time....until you."He muttered."Only you froze time made me want to stay and make time last longer then a human had."He muttered nuzzling him, amused as he remembered the 12 year old draco.

Belial growled laughing quietly as he rolled on his back, smirking a little."Ahh well you should clean it then."He said running his fingers through his hair as he sat up slowly, flexing his hand to force his claws back into regular fingernails.
Draco offered Raph the same glare he'd given the man when he was twelve, that soul sucking 'I'm going to rip out your heart and make you eat it' glare that said he was SO not amused before he chuckled snuggling into the other. “it's a shame I'm the only Guardian though.' he admitted grinning. “i have no idea what I'm capable of.” he admitted biting his lip. “what if I'm dangerous?” as if right on cue, someone began knocking at the door.

Harry snickered and obediently bent down and started licking the floor clean of his cum, winking at Bell, hoping for either a grossed out reaction, or an aroused one, jumping as someone started knocking on the door, blinking a little. “... oh hell, what if that's Gabriel again wanting to check up on Draco!?”
Raphael sighed softly."Me and Belial know guardians, we can take care of you."He muttered kissing his head before frowning getting up walking to the door heading downstairs, keeping draco behind him just in case something went wrong. Or if it was gabriel.

"We'll take care of things then."Belial said making the gross out face as he wrinkled his nose getting up and heading downstairs, buttoning his jeans as he pulled them up, pausing on the stairs as he watched Raphael pull open the door, dropping a hand creating a fireball in his hand, ready to attack if it turned out to be dangerous.
Draco smiled and nodded and followed the other downstairs, glancing at Harry who shrugged, turning his attention back to the door, tail puffed out, ready for Danger before everyone paused at the Demon standing before them. He grinned as they stared at him and then he focused on Draco specifically. “oh my god you ARE real!” the demon whispered softly, clapping his hands together. “io thought it was too good to be true, to have another Guardian emerge! I never thought that your bloodline could remain pure enough, untainted enough of human blood for one of you to actually 'wake'! This is an amazing day!” he declared, Harry lifting an eyebrow.

“and... you are?” he asked, the demon pausing. “oh! Yes of course! I am Aramithrial, guide to the Guardians.” the strange man informed them as he bowed to them extravagantly. “i was once a friend to the Guardians.” he explained. “i helped the last hide in human form, your ancestor.” he explained to Draco. “i know all the secretes, and the ways of the guardians and I swore to your ancestor that I would come to you, when you woke, if I was still alive, to teach you their ways.” well wasn't that convenient?
Both Raphael and belial stayed on edge both still holding their weapons of choice. Belial the fireball in his hand, and Raphael the frozen sword of ice, that was so cold it burned anyone except him. Both still looking untrusting, they'd lived to long to just trust easily."It's not that his bloodline remained pure, he's just come in contact with a power pure enough to break the human hold he had."Raphael said wrinkling his nose a little studying the other man. Belial growled looking at Draco."Only you would find a teacher this damned spacy and annoying."He declared. Since the guardians were usually classified as evil by heaven, or at least more feared by heaven, hell had more contact with the guardians and belial more because he was extremely literal in the ways of the world, and more demnding in his wants...thus, he'd met the man before him before. Not that he was about to remind Aramithrial. Both had walked away bloody from that instant
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