In The Heart Of A Demon

RAphael snickered a little, relaxing when he realized that just because he was helpful, draco wasn't going to spare Aramirthal his temper. Which meant he had absolutely nothing to worry about. Not that he was really worried about it what with the bond, but still...he felt better to know that. Laughing quietly he tilted his head as he ate the strawberries to, just to tease draco by not letting him have them all."Ah don't worry. He was addicted to even human strawberries. No surprise he loves these ones." Belial looked thoughtful before grinning."Strawberries are addicting to guardians aren't they?Even normal ones. No wonder he likes them."
Draco whined pathetically when his strawberries where stolen, Aramithrial looking shocked before sulking. “no fair, Irithat never shared his strawberries with ME.” he complained Draco blinking at Aramithrial. “Irithat?” he asked, the name sounding familiar, Aramithrial nodding. “Irithat was your ancestor, the Guardian forced into human form and taken in by the dying Lord Malfoy.” he admitted. “he was my Bond.” he admitted, Lilah gasping. She hadn't known that Aramithrial had been BONDED with the man he had run away with. “when god found out that I had hid him, and more so, bred with him... well he was NOT pleased.” Aramithrial admitted. “but no one could find the guardian, and god, Jesus, and Lucifer are not allowed to activally interfere with mortal lives. According to law, Irithat was mortal once trapped in human form.” Aramithrial admitted looking amused. “but I have never seen ANY guardian willingly give up strawberry's to another before.” he admitted calmly Draco snorting. “i have plenty of strawberries, why bother making sure no one else can have them? Their not as rare as they used to be.” “this is true.” Aramithrial agreed. “why aren't you eating?” Harry demanded suddenly, scowling at Aramithrial, annoyed that he was being rude, Lilah smiling. “he can't eat much, it's part of the curse God laid on him.”
Raphael wrinkled his nose a little shrugging as he remembered what the other was talking about.Finally remembering the curse."God made him cursed to know but never touch, bell's got his wings thing, and..."Raphael stopped shrugging."god's a bastard."He sighed a little rubbing a hand over his face as he nuzzled draco, taking comfort in his bonded."I like strawberries." "Oh look draco,"Belial winced a little when he used draco's real name, but relaxed when raphael didn't smack him for it. "You're even more special then you already were. Raphael gets to share your strawberries, and I'm sure he'll do something for you."He teased. "Shut up.'The archangel pouted. Malik snickered looking at his cousin,"You'll have to excuse these two. They've never quite grown up."
Harry scowled a little as he stared at his plate and then. “isn't there some way we can convince god we're not going to try and take over?” “no.” Lilah stated simply, sipping at her drink. “well... is there any way we can overthrow god?” “...doubtful.” Aramithrial admitted Draco sighing a little. “so... we just sit here and hide like hunted animals?” he demanded, Aramithrial shrugging a little. “no... there has to be something better we can do! Can't we hide in the human world or disguise ourselves as wizards again!? Something!?” it all seamed so hopeless, Harry almost wondered why they where bothering to teach draco, if they where all just going to be hunted for the rest of their lives anyway.
Raphael flinched a little at the other's words before getting up heading for the door. Because he was so not considering what he'd done to the guardians when he'd caught them. His sanity wouldn't hold up to the idea of having to hunt Draco like that. And yet every time he closed his eyes, that's all he saw. Belial sighed watching him go, reaching over and poking Draco."Go talk to him."He said hving a idea what was wrong, and knowing draco was the only one that could help.
Draco blinked, looking baffled at Raphael before nodding to Bell and rushing off, Aramithrial sighing a little as he closed his eyes. “will Draco be alright?” he asked Belial, they both knew what was wrong with Raph, Aramithrial was more worried about Draco, who he was beginning to view as a son, as Irithat's son, Draco and Iri where so similar in so many ways that Aramithrial felt pain when he saw Draco upset.

Draco caught up quickly to Raphael and quickly dragged him into the bedroom. “you need a bath and a back massage.” he decided with a smile as he looked at the other, worry in his eyes. “are you alright?” he asked softly, stroking his fingers along the others hair, kissing his chin. “Raph, love... what's wrong?”
Belial snickered a little sighing."I'd be more worried about the ifrst person who discovered Draco's existance, then what Raphael's going to do."He said amused."He's in love with the boy, and you know he's like when he digs his heels in.He's like a terrier with a bone. So don't worry about Draco, raphael'll cut off his own arm before he hurts him."

Raphaelsighed tilting his head a little as the other stroked his hair, quiet, just enjoying the touch."I'm fine.Just worried."He muttered closing his eyes just enjoying the other's touch.
Aramithrial shook his head a little, smiling a but. “i was more worried about his emotional reaction to finding out Raph helped slaughter his entire family but.” he shrugged. “you're right anyway, Draco is very strong, and he lets his emotions over rule his mental thinking anyway.” he admitted looking amused. “he loves Raph too much to be upset.” Harry started choking on his food however. “r..Raphael used to hunt Guardians!?” he demanded, shocked, Lilah sighing as she nodded. “i did too.” she admitted softly. “it was another time,as fare as anyone was told they where siding with the demons.” Raph nodded. “the demons where told they where siding with the angels. It was a two way bloodbath.” he admitted softly. “the Guardians didn't even have a chance to defend themselves.”

Draco scowled at Raph but continued to stroke the soft hair. “that's a lie and you damn well know it.” he complained softly, kissing the other's nose. “come on, if your not ready to tell me that's alright.” Draco promised smiling as he led Raph into the bedroom. “i was thinking i'd much rather fuck you anyway.” he teased looking amused.
Belial smiled a little looking upset but sighing."We all hunted them, but raphael was the kinslayer."He said shuddering a little. Because the guardians were related to angels, and demons, raphael had well earned his name not only for hunting guardians but slaughtering rebel angels. He'd found out by accident, no one had known God's assasin, until Belial had met him in battle over the ocean...and found a fearsome archangel rendered as innocent as a child. Malik looked surprised at that before sighing,"No wonder this is bothering him....but Draco'll make him feel better."

Raphael laughed quietly as he laid down, tilting his head as he looked at thte blond,"Oh is that right?And what if I want to top you?"He teased pullign the other down for a kiss.
Aramithrial looked utterly shocked. “h...HE was the Kinslayer!?” he demanded, utterly shocked, even Lilah looked astonished. “oh that poor man... he probably didn't even know he was committing a sin... he was only doing what God told him to.” she whispered softly, fingers to her lips in horror. “the guilt he must feel.” she whispered shaking her head a little. “Draco is kind and compassionate.” Harry stated calmly. “and he won't care what Raphael did hundreds of thousands of years before he was even born, Draco knows he loves Raph, and that Raph loves him, and to Draco, that's all that matters.”

Draco smirked a little as he kissed the other back. “then maybe I'll let you.” he teased chuckling a little. “but I think your ready.” he admitted running his tongue along Raph's neck. “what do you say, wanna loose your virginity?” he teased chuckling a little as he nuzzled the other.
Belial sighed nodding a little."He did. AFter...he walked away and never looked back.So Aramithrial, you'll have to forgive him if Raphael finds your presence here truly disturbing, because you are the one person he doesn't know well enough to know you'll let him tell draco instead of telling him for Raph."He sighed looking amused before sighing."Come on. Lets go do something. We're being depressing."

Raphael smiled a little tilting his head back as he let the other nuzzle him, pushing the blond's shirt off his shoulders."I think I do."He said tugging him up for a kiss.
Aramithrial nodded. “i'll talk to Raphael later.” he promised softly. “i'll promise not to tell Draco, it's neither my place nor my right. It is Raph, and raph alone who must tell Draco.” Aramithrial admitted, Harry and Lilah nodding in agreement, Harry leaping to his feet. “i wanna go flying again!” he chirped, Aramithrial laughing. “and here I thought you might like to learn how to make frost.” 'I can do that?” he asked startled, Lilah giggling as she nodded. “yes you can, so can your father.” she admitted patting Malik's shoulder.

Draco grinned as he ran his fingers down the others ab's, kissing his way up the others body as he removed Raphael's shirt as well. “mmm bed.” he mumbled softly, wanting to fuck, wanting to fuck so bad, he was so damn horny, and he had wanted Raph so bad, since Day one.well now he was all Draco's, and Draco was all his.
Malik smiled leaning over to kiss his wife before running a finger over the glass of the table, snickering as a lovely heart and his and lilah's name appeared frosted into the glass."we'll teach you.I'm sure you'll find something to do." "you can't freeze my balls!" Malik smirked at belial's outburst."I did it once, I could again." "No you can't!"

Raphael moaned quietly as he laid back on the bed, closing his eyes as he let himself enough the other's touch."Always so eager."He teased stroking hsi fingers through the other's hair
Harry looked amazed at the frost on the table, grinning brightly as he smirked at his lover. “and how did he get close enough to your balls to freeze them?” he asked, teasing his lover. “got a thing for father and son's hmm?” he teased snickering as he gently nibbled on the others neck.

Draco moaned playfully smirking a little. “eager to fuck you? Always, eager to kiss you? Of course.” he chuckled a little. “eager to be with you forever and always.” he purred kissing his lover intently as he stripped the man out of his pants and ran his fingers along the angel's pale length with a happy little groan, yellow eyes glimmering playfully. “i promise to go real slow.” he teased, well aware that after he got used to it, Raph wasn't going to want slow.
Belial paled a little blushing."Nooooo." Malik snickered rolling hsi eyes as he looked at his son."more along the lines as I thought he'd teased raphael enough for the day and threatened something important to get him away."

Raphael whined quietly thrusting up a little itno the other's fingers, shuddering a little."Dracccooo stop teasing."He whined tugging the other up for a kiss, biting his lip softly teasingly.
Harry snickered a little and snuggled into Bell. “well I suppose that story is ok too.” he teased looking amused as he traced a finger along the table, trying to pull frost out, but it wasn't like manipulating what was already there, and he couldn't manage it yet.

Draco snickered a little as he kissed the other eagerly, groaning as he summoned lube to his fingers, just as instinctively as he had done everything else, slipping a finger deep into the other, groaning eagerly. “oh yeah. So tight and hot.” he groaned with a small smirk. “make's me so god damn horny.” he moaned happily.
Belial smiled as he kissed the other's head,"Come on. Let's go practice. You'll get the hang of it, and Aramithrial'll help."He said smiling as he got up, amused that the other was happy to learn things. He enjoyed being able to help someone else learn.

rpahael moaned shifting as he pressed back into the other's fingers, whining quietly, it was uncomfortable but not unpleasant."hmm you make me horny to."He muttered blinking up at the other as he adjusted to teh feeling of the other's fingers.
Aramithrial chuckled as he was volunteered but got up and walked after them anyway, more than willing to help, enjoying talking to people again, even if it wouldn't be for very long. “alright bell, you might want to stand back.” Aramithrial warned. “Demons learning this stuff for the first time tend to have explosive results.” he admitted with a grimace. “i wonder if Lilah still makes that wonderful hot chocolate?” he was going to need it.

Draco moaned softly as he felt the others hot, tight ass around his fingers, slowly wiggling, and then pumping his fingers as he moaned softly, kissing the other gently. “mmm good, it only took you over five years to realize how sexy I was.” he growled playfully, slipping in a third finger and brushing the prostate, wanting to see his angels reaction to that.
Bell smirked a little as he nodded,"She does.I think I'll go see if she'll make some,while you teach the kid."He said stealing a kiss from harry before disappearing inside the house before harry could respond.

Raphael moaned, nearly jumping off the bed at the touch of his prostate, eyes going wide as he looked at the other."Wh-what was that!?"He stuttered panting as he studied him, tugging him down for a kiss, eager hands groping him.
Harry sulked at Belial. “i am not a kid!” he complained, but accepted the kiss anyway. It was only ten minutes before the explosion rocked the walls and Aramithrial staggered into the kitchen, snow coating his entire body, results of Harry's first true use of power. “c..c..c..cold...” “... blew up the backyard...” Harry muttered sheepishly when he walked in, rubbing the back of his head, Lilah bursting into laughter.

Draco laughed at the others reaction, smiling a little at him. “it's your prostate.” he half explained. “felt good right?” he asked with a smug little grin as he gripped the others wrists. “ah ah ah, no groping.' he teased, kissing the other intently as he positioned Raph on his back and settled his ankles onto Draco's shoulders. “now relax.” he ordered gently, lubing his cock and Raph's ass. “it might hurt a little bit at first, but I'll stop if you need me too.” he promised nuzzling the others neck. “are you ready?”
Belial sickered a little at the sight raising a hand and using a blast of fire to melt the frost on Aramirthal before shaking his head. "The backyard needed redecorated anyways."He said smiling a little as he tugged the boy into his lap, setting two cups of hot chocolate in front of the two.

Raphael moaned shivering as he closed his eyes,"Yes."He muttered pressing a kiss to the other's head as he shifted, moaning quietly as the other slid into him, whining softly at the uncomfortable feeling
Aramithrial coughed a little as he was blasted with fire, blinking a little as he flopped down into a chair, Lilah giggling as she gave him and Harry their hot chocolate, giving Belial one that was still boiling a little, knowing how he loved his stuff hot, Harry grinning as he snuggled into Belial. “i'll have to remember how to do that though, that would be a pretty kick ass fighting move eh?”

Draco moaned as he slowly slid into the other, panting eagerly, pausing when the angel whined, moving on when Raph said it was ok, until he was buried to the balls and panting from how tight and HOT the other was. “f...fuck.” he moaned softly, kissing the other intently nuzzling his neck. “you feel so good.” he groaned. “let me know when your ready for me to move.”
Belial smiled as he sipped the nearly boiling liquid, purring happily as he sipped it."Hmm you do that. It's handy, though I warn you against trying it against Raphael. He'll take offense to having water used against him."He said snorting a little."And Draco might not like it to much."

Raphael smiled a little as he rested his cheek against the other's shoulder, adjusting to having the other in him, closing his eyes as he pressed his fae against the other's neck."Okay...okay I'm can move..."He muttered nibbling the skin under his lips.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. “nah, I'll just keep practicing on Aramithrial.” he growled with a laugh, Aramithrial groaning a little as he shook his head. “sometimes I hate being so nice.” he grumbled shaking his head a little.

Draco moaned as he nuzzled the other gently. “love you.” he moaned smiling a little as he moved gently, testing the waters to make sure his lover was being honest before moaning as he started to move properly, shivering as he kissed the other tightly, holding him gently. “love you so much, oooh Raph your so tight and WARM.” he moaned softly.
Belial nodded snickering at Aramithrial's words, shaking his head a little."You're not so nice. Otherwise I wouldnt have kicked your ass."He said blandly making malik nearly choke on his hot chocolate, because he couldn't remember the last time Belial had ever joked with someone he'd tried to kill, besides Raphael. And the angel didn't count, everyone had tried to kill him at one point or the other.

Raphael moaned nuzzling him back arms wrapped around the other, holding him gently as he tried to keep relaxed, "Love you to..."He muttered losing himself in the feel of the other oving in him, a soft startled gasp escaping as the other brushed his prostate, making the virginal angel spill cum across both their stomachs.
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