In The Heart Of A Demon

Aramithrial snorted a little and scowled at Belial. “i am TOO nice! You kicked my ass cus I stole your fruit! And I ONLY did it because I HAD to!” he whined smirking at Belial. “you better be nice to me! I'm the reason why Draco and Harry are still alive!” he complained, causing Harry to pause. “... okay one, when did you learn our names and two.... how the hell do you figure that?” Lilah giggled. “one, I told him and two, he hid the last Guardian, Draco's ancestor... and he also hid you Harry. He found the Potters, their own baby had died.” she explained. “Aramithrial gave you to them, explaining that being mortal was his only hope.” Lilah explained, Aramithrial nodding. “the Potters have long held dealings with Demon's, I knew I could trust them to keep you safe.” Aramithrial admitted smirking at Belial, sticking his tongue out at the man. “so there!”

he moaned softly as he moaned, thrusting himself a little more into the other, groaning eagerly before spilling his load deep inside his lover before falling still with a small groan and a happy smile. “mmm life is perfect.” he muttered softly. “so perfect.” he mumbled nuzzling Raphael.
Belial laughed quietly as he wrapped a arm around harry kissing his head as he held him."That doesn't prove anything."he said smiling a little. "I once had Raphael hide a sword for me, and just because I can't find it doesn't mean he's amazing or nice."He said just more to be a pain in the ass then anything else.

Raphael muttered sleepily nuzzling the other smiling softly."Hmmm perfect.."He muttered shifting and sighing quietly as the other pulle dout of him, shifting to cuddle against him, already starting to drift off.
Aramithrial chuckled a little as he shrugged. “Raphael is nice only to people he likes.” he pointed out looking amused. “your not nice to anyone except Harry and that's only because he gives you sex.” Aramithrial stated simply looking amused as Harry pondered. “you had Raph hide a sword? Why?”

he smiled and held Raphael, holding him happily. “mmm love you so much.” he mumbled softly, closing his eyes as he enjoyed simply holding his lover.
Belial blushed at that, pressing his face against the other's shouder for a moment before he answered."Well one of the guardians who choose the demons side was a sword master. When...when the kinslayer slayed him I hadnt wanted his sword lost. And despite being a angel, Raphael is amazing and good at swordplay, I thought he'd be a good protector for the dragonsword...I hadn't known at the time he was the kinslayer and he wont tell me what he did with the sword besides that he didn't destroy it.. So..its somewhere."He shrugged having always wondered why Raphael hadnt destroyed the sword like he'd been ordered to, but instead hid it like Belial had asked.But raphael was never one to answer questions unless he wanted to.

Raphael smiled sleepily cuddling draco as he went to sleep, content and resting easy in his arms.
Harry chuckled a little as Bell actually blushed, Aramithrial looking particularly smug about that as he shook his head, pondering. “do you think Raph would go and get it?” Harry mused. “by right, that sword should now belong to Draco, and if he has a Dragonsword he can better defend himself while in human form if he has too, Raph could even give him sword lessons.” Lilah chuckled. “i do believe, that as a Malfoy Draco will already be well versed in the art of sword play.” “we will broach the subject with Raph and Draco.” Aramithrial agreed. “but in the end, only Raph knows where the sword is so really it's up to him.” “good point, I think we better have Lilah bring it up.” “me? Why me?” “because your the only person he actually listens to.” “... fair point.”
Belial snickered amused at the idea of Raphael only listening to Liliah."We'll ask."He mused wondering if the man would actually go get it.

In the morning Raphael yawned as he walked down the stairs, leaning against Draco as he did, looking tired and sleepy. The blond having dragged him out of bed for breakfast before he was ready to do so."Morning."He said yawning as he looked at the others. Belial smirked a little,"Morning."He said looking at Lilah for a moment, figuring the sleepier the man was the more he'd probably agree to just go get the sword to make them leave him alone.
Lilah smiled ever so innocently at Raph. “Raphael darling?” she asked suddenly. “we where all hoping you might do us all a favor hmm? You know that Dragon sword you hid a long time ago? Would you be a darling and let Draco have it? A normal sword would break with his kind of strength, and we need him to have protection.” she explained. “especially if he is in a place too small to change into his dragon form.” she pointed out. “he knows the basics of sword play, so he won't hurt himself with it, and you could even help train him some more.” “Dragonsword?” Draco asked, a little baffled.
"Its a guardian sword. Belial gave it to me after one was killed."Rahpael shrugged so distant from the crime that it was like he didn't even recognize the tie that bound him to it, kinslayer had destroyed the guardian....and been gifted with his sword. A wicked irony that. Raphael frowned sleepily at the woman before sighing quiety. "No."He said sulking as he sipped his hot chocolate not bothering to give a explanation. "Why not damn you!?"Belial growled not understanding the reasons behind Raphael's refusal. "Don't want to."Raphael said starting to wake up enough to dig his heels in.
Draco huffed a little and shook his head. “i don't need a dragonsword anyway.” “even though it's a part of your heritage and is probably the only thing that remain of the guardian's besides yourself and therefore is your right to own since technically it is yours?” Harry asked looking amused as Draco paused, hesitating. “it's the last known remnant of the Guardians?” he asked biting his lip looking hesitant as he glanced at Raphael. “...can I at least see it?” he asked softly. “i... I want to know about my kind and It might help.” “Raphael, in all honesty that sword rightfully belongs to Draco, and would you deny him when it might save his life some day?” Lilah asked lifting her eyebrow at him. “would you risk Draco's life over your own pig headed foolishness?”
Raphael scowled at them all before huffing."Go fuck yourselves."He snarled, the words even directed at Draco before he walked out. Belial looked startled at the words looking interested and confused at the man's reluctance to help even Draco."...He's weird. And insane."He mused though he looked thoughtful, wondering where he coud have possibly put it that was making Raphael dig his heels in.

And indeed, the sword was in the worst possible place for the angel to go. Etamanki. The tower of god....a guardian's best protection hidden amongest God's own treasures. And he so did not want to be there... Glancing at Gabriel as the other archangel walked with him, he knew he had to shake the guard he'd had every time he returned to heaven since he'd moved into hell. Granted he usually liked Gabriel, but he didn't want to be here, getting this weapon, with Gabriel hanging onto him like a toddler angel hanging to its parent's pinfeathers."I am perfectly capable of being civil to god. Go away."He ordered.
Draco looked startled, and then hurt as Raphael cussed at him, his silver eyes wide with astonishment as the other left, biting his quivering lip in his teeth, determined not to cry as he stood up and walked off, Aramithrial grimacing. “ooh...” “i'll talk to him.' Harry promised following after Draco. If anyone had realized where the sword was, they would have understood, wouldn't have asked him to get it.

Gabriel shook his head. “no you aren't.” he stated simply. “besides it's my job, no one see's god without my supervision.” he stated firmly before pausing, his head tilted before sighing. “i guess he does want to see you alone.” he growled annoyed as he stopped, turned and walked away, leaving Raphael alone to get the sword, but the call of Heaven was strong on Raphael, informing him that God wished to speak to him. Which was never a good sign.

(i hope you don't mind if i play god?)
Raphael shuddered a little as he stood in front of the doors, grinding his teeth as he resisted the call for a moment. Refused to walk in. No. He'd long ago stopped listening to God's command unless he wanted to. Glancing towards the side of the door he smiled slightly at the sight of the Dragonsword, a weapon hidden so easily in sight that it was riddiculous. The crossed blade's making up the cross on the door was easily fixed with Raphael's own sword as he pulled down the dragonsword, sliding it into the empty seath along his back before he sighed. Rubbing a hand over his face before stepping into the audience room, tilting his head slightly, but refusing to bow like he should.

(lol nope go for it!XD)
God was sitting almost haphazardly in the audience room, which was eerily empty. Normally it was filled with Seraphim, god's guardian's, their flaming wings and swords casting an disconcerting glow on anyone unfortunate enough to end up there, but today it was empty of all but God, who stared at Raphael with eyes that never ended. No one could ever recall what God looked like, because his ever changing eyes held their focus indefinitely until they left. “Raphael Kinslayer.” God spoke, his voice resonating with fury that shook the archangel to his very wing tips. “do you take me for a fool!?” he demanded standing and pointing at the floor, Raphael's head forced down to look at the image playing on the floor, Raphael and Draco rolling on the bed, tangled in each others arms, last nights episode where Draco fucked Raphael playing over the entirety of the floor. “you bear the seed of monsters, and a monster you will become.” he stated, his voice shaking Raphael without mercy. “you are supposed to KILL the Guardian's, NOT mate with them!” God growled. “now you are pregnant with half breed scum, and for your crimes I will banish you.” pain flared in Raphael's back, his wings ripping off of him in explosion of feathers and blood, pure agony ripping through Raphael as every trace of his wings was destroyed, leaving two gaping holes in the angel's back as the floor opened up, and sent him into the fire's of hell where he would remain forever save for when he decided to go to earth. He was as good as mortal, he still had a few of his powers, but without his wings, his control over the water was diminished, even worse, he would still revert to a child anytime he approached the ocean, God really was cruel and unreasonable.
And all of heaven knew that a angel had fallen as Raphael's screams echoed through the walls, a warning to anyone else that would step out of line.

It was morning though, before Belial realized what was wrong with his senses. He head ached as he focused on the new power within hell, or should he say, the diminished power. Frowning as he stumbled out of the room he made his way to Draco's room, pounding on the door."Come on. We have to go."He said the calling of newly banished to demon lord tugging him strongly towards were the former angel was. And he needd draco there if he had any chance in hell to keep Raphael from blindly attacking him.
Draco blinked a little as he got up and followed Belial, looking tired and worried. “something's wrong with Raph.” he whispered, worried, frightened. “i can feel his pain as if it where my own, his wings hurt, badly, so badly.” Draco looked half drunk, sharing Raph's incredible agony was sending Draco into shock, but he followed Bell into the air, and landed next to Raph with horror. “RAPH!” there where lesser demons sucking on the gaping wounds, gnawing off the few bits of wing bone that remained and Draco lost his temper, he transformed right on the spot, spreading his massive wings and unleashing a terrible roar that had the demons scattering everywhere, Draco whining as he gently picked Raph up in his massive maw and just as carefully put the angel on his back, ignoring any attacks that might be laid on him as he spread his wings and took him home to Lilah to be healed... hopefully.
Belial swallowed hard as he followed the dragon back, knowing this was going to be ugly. But slightly ironically amused when he saw the sword gripped in lithe fingers. So.He'd gone for the sword....and come back like this. Glancing towards the sky before he followed guardian and fallen into the house, he wondered just how upset the balance of power was.

Hours later Belial sighed as he walked out of the medic room, using a towel to wipe off the blue red blood off his hands as he looked sleepily at Draco then Harry. He so wanted to sleep and never again think about what had happened."You can go in."He said to draco, having kicked out the guardian when he'd been more in the way of him and lilah healing Raphael then helpful."he's drunk. We gave him enough to knock him on his ass before we started working."He said stepping out of the doorway so Draco could go in, worried. Because he knew the best thing for Raphael Kinslayer was to get to the mortal realms. He had made to many enemies of angels and demons alike to stay here as weak as he was. But he knew Raphael would scream bloody murder if he tried to take the fallen to the mortal realms and away for his own protection.knowing he wouldn't want to be treated like a invalid, even if he was.
Draco leaped to his feel as Bell came out, Lilah yawning as she followed, looking exhausted and tired, smiling as Draco raced past her into the room, gently looking the Archangel all over making terrified whimpering noises in the back of his throat. “i.. I want to take you home.” he whispered softly. “i don't want to be down here, it's dangerous, I want to go home.” he pleaded, sniffling as he pressed his head to Raph's chest. “i'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't know, I didn't know you getting the sword was going to do this I'm SO sorry!” he whispered, guilty and traumatized from seeing his soul mate all torn up like that. “i want to take us home, so we can both be safe, please, please Raph take us home.” he pleaded, hiccuping, half as drunk as Raph was, and twice as emotional.
Raphael blinked stupidly at his soul mate, whimpering a little as he did what was asked of them and transported them both to the manor, slumping into Draco's bed with a sigh. It felt so bad, she wanted nothing more than to just sleep. " sword..."He muttered raising the hand that was still clenched tight around the sword hilt, the blade gleaming brightly as it flashed in the light. He looked so small and sad with just the sword and no wings.

Belial sighed glancing at Lilah, wrapping a arm around Harry's waist, pressing a kiss to his lover's forehead sighing softly."I think we should move back to the manor with them for awhile."He said glancing down at Harry."Raphael's...not going to be right for while."He said glancing at Lilah, because the woman had been the one to care for him when he fell, he had no real recollection of the time.
Draco sighed, relaxing a little once they where safe in the mortal world, snuggling into him and shaking his head. “i don't give a shit about the sword.” he whispered softly, but took it anyway to make his lover feel better. “i only care about you. Sleep love.” he ordered softly, stroking his lovers hair. “just sleep.”

Harry gently supported Belial while Lilah sank into the only available chair, Harry shaking his head. “not right? God just tore his wings out of the poor man's back for falling in love!” “... no. that god might have forgiven.” might... “... Raphael is pregnant with Draco's baby... all babies born of a guardian, become guardians.” she explained. “Raph is carrying, what he was told to kill.” Harry gaped a little. “d...does Raph and Dray know?” “no, not yet...” Lilah admitted softly, shaking her head. “let them get over one trauma before we add another.”
Raphael smiled sleepily, smiling wider when he took the sword."Wanted...wanted to protect you..."he muttered as he drifted off to sleep,whining quietly in his sleep every now and then, but soothing quickly under draco's hair.

"Raphael knows."Belial said rubbing a hand over his face tiredly as he slumped a littlee.."God wouldn't have stripped him of his wings without telling him.After all he probably assumed the trauma of falling would destroy the baby, what better way to destroy Raphael then let him think he destroyed his child along with his life?"Belial shrugged, starting to drift off to sleep standing there. malik winced a little as he realized it was indeed true, gently resting a hand on Lilah's arm, gently tugging her up."Come on sweetheart, lets go to bed."
Draco smiled as he soothed his lover, stroking his hair and gently kissing his neck, his face, his cheek, everything he could reach without upsetting Raph's sleeping position.

Harry closed his eyes a little and nodded. “so only Draco is in the dark... should we tell him or wait until Raph does?” “... I don't know. The baby is still alive, I made sure of that.” Lilah promised them. “wait until Raph wakes up, and then we'll see.” she decided yawning as she let Malik take her to bed, Harry gently taking Belial's hand. “come on love, lets go to bed too, your exhausted and there's nothing more that you can do for Raph. It's Draco he needs right now.”
Belial nodded smiling sleepily following after him, so ready to sleep and forget for a few minutes.

The next morning Belial sighed quietly as he nudged the door open a little, wincing a little when he saw Lucius, "Are they awake yet?"He asked assuming the other man knew that Raphael and Draco were back, wrapping a arm around Harry as they walked in. So not wanting to be alone when he faced the fallen angel.
Lucius looked up and shook his head. “Raph is still asleep... Draco's making him soup.” he grimaced. “oh well he's TRYING to make him soup.” there was a heavy smell of... BURNT in the air and Harry grimaced a little. “oh dear... Bell why don't you explain to Lucius whats happened? I doubt Draco took the time to fill him in while I help the blond idiot with soup....” he rolled his eyes and Lucius chuckled a little as he shook his head. “did Harry grow wings?” he asked lifting an amused eyebrow before shaking his head. “he's right though, Draco hasn't explained anything, he won't even let me in to see Raph... is everything alright?”
Bell smiled a little, amused."Yes he did. Beautiful wings."He muttered before the smile faded, leaning down to sit down in one of the office chairs, wincing a little as he realized he still had blood in his hair."Raph's... oh hell."He winced a little, because he knew this was going to be bad.oh so bad."Raphael and Draco finally had sex, which is amusing and would have been something to tease tehm about had we not harassed Raph about the sword he hid."He winced a little."The guardian's sword. In Entamaki. He hid it in god's tower and when he went to retrieve it for draco, because draco asked for it...The archangel got his ass handed to him, and got cast down into hellfire."He winced again closing his eyes, getting a head ache from just thinking about it. "God ripped his wings apart, ripped most of his back open along with it. He' good as mortal."

Raphael stirred a little when the door opened, wrinkling his nose a little at the still lingering smell of burnt food, even if he didn't move, the drugged sleepy once angel was starting to wake."Dray...?"He muttered.
Lucius stared at Bell with astonished eyes. “ he's..” he set a hand over his eyes. Even he, a mortal, understood on a basic scale what it meant to loose your wings. It was like having your arms and legs chopped off. “oh that poor man...” he muttered softly. “is there nothing that can be done for him?”

Draco smile as he sat down next to Raph an gently stroked his hair, smiling a little. “i'm right here... I tried to make you soup but... I burnt it... so harry made this an I'm taking credit for it.” he chirped happily gently helping the other man sit up so he could eat. “how are you feeling love? Do you need me to get anything for you?”
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