In The Heart Of A Demon

Draco giggled as he kissed the other intently. “mmm yeah me too.” he growled eagerly as he gently bit the others lip. “mmm I want you to fuck me.” he growled eagerly. “god I've been horny for HOURS.” he complained chuckling a little as he kissed the other intently again.

Gabe smirked a little. “yes, and what is Lucius?” he asked lifting an eyebrow, Lucius startling. “you can tell I'm a guardian?” he asked, shocked, Gabriel Nodding. “yes, it helps that Draco is one, so one of you has to be a Guardian, it has to be Lucius because he's protecting Narcissa, making it impossible for me to latch onto her to protect, but she's protecting him and not having any affect on my capabilities.” he admitted with a small chuckle. “don't worry, no one else will be able to come to that conclusion.” he promised, Lucius biting his lip a little as he examined Gabriel, his head tilted. “oh my god...” Lucius had just realized something before shaking his head. “anyway, someone should go and get Draco and Raph before they get distracted and start having sex.” “too late.” Harry quipped simply.
Raphael smiled kissing him, tugging the other down to sit in his lap, running his hands down the other's back, nuzzling him."Hmm I want you. Poor baby."he teased starting to undress him."For hours?"

Narcissa looked at her husband looking a little startled before smiling, "What did you think of?"He muttered leaning close to him to see what he said, having seen the look on his face. Belial snickered as he got up."I'll go get them.We should be going."He said sounding worried because he wanted to get them awy from the mortals that wouldn't hide them easily.Grinning a little as he tugged harry upstairs with him, just so he could blame it on harry, knocking on the door snickering."Guys? We should be going!"
he groaned happily as he smirked, trying to strip Raph as the angel was stripping him. “mmm fuck yes, HOURS.” he groaned, unknown to either of them, Draco was entering a stage in his life, one that he would enter year around, where the need to mate was going to be so intense it near drove him insane. Heat, most would call it, if Aramithrial was there he could have warned them, but he was busy dodging death.

Lucius smiled at Narcissa. “nothing.. I'll tell you later.” he promised kissing her gently on the forehead before grimacing as he heard Draco yell even all the way down the stairs. “go away! It's fucking time! Moving time can wait!” “... oh dear...” Lucius muttered looking amused. “i do believe Draco is going into heat.” he admitted looking amused, Gabriel looking surprised. “heat?” “yes, only fully developed, bonded Guardian's go through it. They lock themselves and their lovers into a room for about a week and do pretty much nothing but fuck.”
Raphal laughed as Draco yelled at the man, snickering as he rolled the other under him, rubbing against him as he lowered his head to kiss him."Hm hours you say?Are you sure you can keep the virgin angel going that long?"He teased nuzzling him as he shifted the other so he could slide into him with a easy thrust.

Belial shuddered as he headed downstairs looking amuse."I'm pretty sure we're not going anywhere now.AT least not until Raphael passes out."He said amused because he was pretty sure even if Draco wanted to fuck for hours on end the still recovering angel wouldn't be able to last that long.
Draco growled as he was pinned, kissing Raphael intently. “mmmm stop talking.” he ordered with a whine. “you can talk after you've buried your perfect dick in my ass.” he teased grinning at the other as he kissed him intently again, running his hands down the others back. “mmm fuck I love you.” he moaned happily.

Harry chuckled a little and nodded. “Bell why don't you take Gabe, Lucius and Narcissa to your house, and then go and get my mom and dad? By the time you get back they should be done.” he admitted smiling at Bell as he kissed his lover. “i'll stay here with Dray and Raph, just in case.”
Raphael moaned softly as he thrust into him, lowering his head to kiss him hard moaning softly. It felt so good to be buried in him. Tensing a little before forcing himself to relax when Draco touched his back, lowering his head to nuzzle him."Love you.So much."he mtutered shuddering.

Belial looked torn before sighing."Be careful."He scowled a little before getting up and leaving with the other's, worried that the men would left alone.Settling the mortals and gabe into his house before he went and got lilah and malik, smiling a little at the other angel."Lils, Draco's gone into heat. Any ideas on how to keep him calm with everyone else around?"He asked, because along with intense sex drive, he knew Draco was going to see everyone, even family, as a rival for Raphael's attention
he moaned happily, holding the man tight, eagerly thrusting back, running his hands down the others chest, panting eagerly. “mmmg fuuuck yesss.” he moaned softly. “oh god I love it when you fuck me.” he purred happily arching as he came, crying out happily. “your so addictive... so damn addictive!”

Lilah lifted an eyebrow. “he's... what?” she asked shocked before snorting a little. “there's not much we can do.” she admitted calmly. “the best thing to do for him is to leave him and Raph alone for about a week.” she admitted calmly. Ordering a house Demon to gather her and Mikail's things. “just let them hang out in a room until he's not threatened of everyone around him.” she admitted with a small chuckle. “when he does come out, don't give Raph any attention, at all, don't even look at him.” she explained. “i'll talk to Raph myself and explain what's going on, Draco won't view me as a threat because I'm a woman and Raph is gay.” she admitted, hoping that was true.
Raphael moaned as he came, kissing the other hard as he slumped down onto him, holding him tightly as he rested his head on the other's shoulder. "Hmmm you to."He muttered nuzzling him as he rolled to the side, holding him close.

Belial nodded a little looking thoughtful, "Hopefully. I'll let you go and convince them to get to hell."He said wrapping a arm around Llah,"Come on. We'll go get them while Malik gets the other's settled in."He said watching the other demon go before stepping through to the human world, walk inside as he headed for the family wing, listening as he heard the silence of non fucking."You should talk to them."He said waving towards the door, just willing to let them talk and willing to protect her if draco reacted badly.
he purred happily as he snuggled into the other, the loud thrumming from his chest filling the air and vibrated against Raph, the sound both comforting and possessive as he held the other tightly, nuzzling him gently, snarling possessively as Lilah knocked on the door, hissing violently at the door, the sound a serious warning that would probably scare the shit our of Raphael. “Draco, Raph it's me, Lilah, I need to tell you some things.” Draco growled and snuggled Raph tighter but nodded. How Lilah knew it was ok to go on only she would know, but she stepped in and shut the door behind her, smiling at them. “Draco your frightening Raph, you don't need to hold him so tightly, I'm a girl remember?” she asked, Draco growling and shifting his hold so he wasn't holding so tightly, but refused to let go. “Raph, I'm afraid we ran into something unexpected... Draco's gone into heat.” she explained to the man. “he's going to be very possessive and very grouchy and he's going to be horny pretty much constantly. It will only last about a week but your pretty much going to be completely ignored during this time, because any attention you get Draco might see as a threat or a challenge.” she explained calmly, going on to explain why this was happening and that she was going to move them to Draco's new room in Belial's house.
Raphael did look scared but calmed when the woman explained, snuggling into Draco so that he wasn't freaking out, snuggling into him. Resting her head on his chest as he sighed,dressing so that they could leave."Draco, lets go then.We'll be more comfortable at Belial's. Remember he has the big plush bed right?So said you liked it."He said soothingly coaxing his lover to get up and get moving. Settling into bed when they got there, wrapping his arms around his lover."shhh everything's okay."He muttered to sooth him.

Belial sighed relieved when the other's settled in the bed, shutting the door as he headed down to the kitchen with Lilah."Well, that was easier than I thought."He said though he hadn't liked how nervous raphael looked. Hoping that Draco paid attention to him and realized he was still scaring Raphael.
Draco paused as Raph mentioned the big plush bed and finally nodded, getting dressed himself, smiling a little as he imagined all the nice hot things he could do on the bed, Lilah chuckling a little. “don't worry Raph, Draco's mind isn't really functioning right now.” she promised, not moving to touch the angel the way she normally would, Draco was calm, but he wouldn't stand for anyone else touching his man. “but he won't hurt you or any of us either, Guardian's are protectors, not murderers. The worst he'll do is give Bell a black eye and then tuck you back into the room.” she promised chuckling a little as she moved them into the new room, Draco hissing as he spotted bell, but relaxing again when the room emptied snuggling into Raphael. “love you.” Draco purred happily nuzzling the angel's ear. “bubble bath?” he offered, grinning at the other.

Lilah smiled a little. “i knew it would be, right now Draco is entirely focused on Raph. When Raph mentioned the bed he wanted Raph to have the bed.” she shrugged. “anything Raph wants Draco will get him, No matter the cost. And he'll be very possessive and protective but he won't kill anyone, or hurt them too badly. We just have to explain to the others and everything will be fine in five to seven days.”
Raphael smiled as he nodded, relaxing when Draco did, nuzzling him a little."Love you to."He muttered as he headed for the bathroom. Like draco, willing to do whatever the other suggested to make sure that the guardian was completely comfortable and at ease. Despite everything going on aound them, he wanted draco as comfortable as they could get."Bubbles.Lots of bubbles."He said starting to fill the tub with super hot water, just how Draco liked it.

Belial smiled amused before he headed downstairs with the woman."I'm sure they'll understad. After all they're used to Draco being possessive over Raph, just not this badly."He said amused because he'd been worried for a few minutes there that Draco would freak out and scare the former angel badly.
Draco smiled a little as he snuggled his lover happily, thrumming deep in his chest a little as he snuggled into the other, kissing his neck and shoulders all over. “mmm I can't seam to control myself.” he muttered softly. “did you always smell so damn good?”

Lilah chuckled and nodded before pausing Bell. “i'm a little worried about Lucius.” she admitted softly. “he should be completely mortal... Gabriel should have been completely unaffected by Lucius in all ways but...” she bit her lip. “i think Lucius's hold on mortality is slipping.. I think he's becoming a Guardian...”
Raphael laughed quietly."I should hope so."He pouted a little, shifting a little when the other kissed his shoulders, whining quietly at the touch. Biting his lip to keep from complaining about it, because it sort of bothered him to have the other touching newly vulnerable and healed skin, but he just wanted to let the ther touch him."You smell just as good."He teased.

Belial looked surprised, before paling a little."Bloody hell. We don't need htat.At least not for the next week."he said, knowing that draco'd be even more territorial and protective with another guardian around his mate.
Draco paused at the whine, his head tilted. “love? Is something bothering you?” he asked, frowning a little as he pulled away from the other, worried about the other. “have I done something to upset you?” he asked running his hand gently down the others arm, wondering if his strange behavior was upsetting his lover.

Lilah nodded a little. “we need to find out of Lucius really is changing, and if he is we have to move him to another location until Draco's not in heat anymore..” she admitted looking very nervous. “more so we need to find out who Lucius's mate is, Lucius would have known immediately on sight... Draco's only just reached physical maturity which is why he didn't change when he first met Raph. Lucius is going to start changing as soon as he meets his mate. The problem is... I can't think of who his mate might be...”
Raphael sighed softly resting his head on the other's shoulder,"My feels weird to have you touch it without wings in the way.."He muttered blushing hard as he looked down, embarassed at the feeling.

Belial paled as he considered it. Having not even thought about how badly it was going to be to have the two guardians together. Swallowing hard as he considered it, frowning."The only new person Lucius has met is Gabriel.But Gabriel would know if he was a guardian's mate. He's a protector for gods sake."He said sounding anxious because he didn't know how this was going to go.
Draco looked startled at the admission and sighed, relieved that he hadn't done anything wrong, just uncomfortable and he held the other close. “i'm sorry I didn't think about it.” he admitted softly, stroking the others hp instead of his back. “i'll make sure not to do it so much. It's just so pale and perfect and I've never really seen it before.” he admitted smiling a little as he gently nudged the others chin with his nose.

Lilah shook her head. “Gabriel won't know bell, Raph didn't when he was chosen by a guardian.” she admitted calmly. “if Gabe is Lucius's Mate... then the only person who would know for sure is Lucius, and he'll be telling Narcissa before he ever admits it to anyone. He's probably confused and uncertain what's happening and that's only if it IS Gabriel. It could be a human Lucius came across in the last twenty four hours...”
Raphael sighed softly resting his head on the other's shoulder,cuddling close as he was nudged."Love you."He muttered shuddering a little."Ah well...I'll get used to it if you want to..."He muttered nudging the other, wanting to make the other do whatever he wanted, so that they could be comfortable together.

Belial sighed softly."Oh bloody hell.this is going to be bad."He muttered shaking his head because this was going to be bad.

Meanwhile Narcissa smiled softly as she wrapped her arms around her husband's waist, leaning against his back as he looked out the window. Pressing a kiss to his shoulder she smiled softly."Luc?Whats wrong?"she asked sounding worried. They might not be life mates, but she did love her husband.
Draco smiled and shook his head. “no, it's ok, there are other places I would much rather touch.” he teased kissing the others shoulder, his hands trailing down Raph's chest to his crotch, snickering a little as he nuzzled the others neck. “i love you so much...”

Lilah nodded a little. “we can only hope that Lucius doesn't turn until Draco is finished with his heat.” she agreed softly. “and try to talk to the man...”

Lucius sighed a little as he looked back at her, looking guilty. “i'm turning Cissy.” he admitted softly. He knew she would know what that meant, he had warned her, and explained many times, any time she wanted to know and any time he felt he might be changing that he would someday, maybe meet his life mate. “... I think I fell in love with Gabriel.” he admitted, watching Narcissa's reaction. He felt so bad, abandoning her, for not loving her enough. He knew she loved him, he loved her too, but it just wasn't enough. “i'm sorry I...” he stroked her cheek, his eyes a bright yellow all of a sudden, slitted, exactly the same as Draco's where. “i'm holding it back, Draco won't stand for another guardian to be so close while he's in heat but it hurts... it hurts not to be with Gabriel...” he admitted softly, closing his eyes as he gently kissed her. “...i'm... going to have to ask for a divorce...” he whispered softly, wishing he didn't have to hurt her so badly just because he was turning into an immortal.
Raphael smiled nuzzling him."Love you to."He muttered snuggling and cuddling, content to just be taken care of and made love to.

Belial nodded running his hands through his hair. "He's probably talking to Narcissa. We'll talk to him in the morning."

Narcissa winced a little hugging him tighter,kissing him back."We're staying at Belial's Lucius. But across the courtyard is Raphael's."She whispered pained but willing to do what he needed."Go, be with your angel."She muttere gently running her fingers thrugh his hair."Your son will understand. Raphael will understand why you're using his house. Go."she said tears filling her eyes. having prayed that it wouldn't happen, but she was willing to let him go.
he smiled as he carefully bullied his lover into the tub, sighing softly as the heat sank into him as he stroked and teased his lover, simply enjoying touching him, using soft, slow touches that where almost more affectionate than they where teasing.

Lilah nodded, biting her lip a little. “Narcissa is going to be heartbroken... she really does love him.” she admitted softly. “he's going to have to leave her whether he wants to or not and all she can do is sit back and watch her man love another.” she sighed a little. “i wonder if Narcissa would like Aramithrial?”

he swallowed hard and held her tightly. “i'm so sorry Narcissa.” he whispered, pressing his face into the crook of her neck as he held her tightly. “i am so sorry...” he whispered, tipping her chin up, his bright yellow eyes staring into hers. “no matter what happens my darling, you will always be my best friend.” he admitted softly, weeping softly now as he felt the pain he was causing her. “you will always be my many firsts.” he promised smiling at her as he gave her one last kiss before he made a strangled, choked noise in the back of his throat and turned away and left, with one last 'I'm sorry' in the air as he went to go and find Gabe and explain what was going on.
Raphael smiled a little nuzzling the other, sighing softly.Content to just be with him.

Belial nodded, "She does."He said knowing this was going to be bad."We'll have to see."He smirked, already planning on hwo to set up the two.

The next morning Raphael yawned a little snuggling down into the bed as he growled softly opening a eye to look at Aramithrial."You know you shouldn't be in here. You're going to be lucky if Draco dosn't attack you."He muttered trying to figure out how to get the guardian trainer out of the room before Draco woke because he was worried about what draco would do if he woke up and Aramithrial was still there. And wondering what the other man wanted.
Aramithrial was panting hard, and he was bleeding pretty good too from a deep gash in his forehead as he swayed on the spot. “couldn't... find...” he muttered softly. “found.. Draco...” he mumbled before he collapsed completely, the loud thud startling Draco who snorted and looked around, blinking at Raph. “what you thud for?” he complained sleepily before blinking at Aramithrial, scowling a little. “... he's bleeding on the rug...” he complained slipping out of bed and glancing at Raph, hesitating. “w..will you.. stay here?” he asked hopefully, not wanting his lover to follow him, not around all those people, people who wanted his mate, he knew the way Bell and Mikhail looked at his lover!!! he didn't wait for a response before he picked Aramithrial up in a particularly uncaring ;i don't want to do this' manner and dumped him on the table in front of most of the house, Lucius and Gabriel having vanished to Raphael's house. “oh my LORD!” Lilah gasped, gripping the others face. “Ara!? Ara can you here me!? What the HELL where you thinking!? Ara!? Speak to me.. oh god he's dying, Mikhail help me! Bell go and get a bed ready I have to save him, Harry your going to have to lend me some power.”
Belial scowled hard as he felt the touch of heaven staining the others wings."Bloody hell."He growled annoyed that the man had gotten him in such a mess. Growling as he rushe off to fix up the bed, growling annoyed as lilah laid aramithrial down on the bed. "What do we do?"He growled gently pressing a soft cloth to his forehead to stop the bleeding looking at lilah."Draco, go back to raphael. Now!"He ordered knowing not only the guardian would be antsy to get there, but raphael was probably climbing the walls in the need to want to help.
Lilah shook her head as Harry set his hands on her shoulders. “we put him in a Coma.” she stated simply. “someone's cursed him with Holy Flames, the heaven power is headed for his core.” for a full demon like Aramithrial, that was certain death. She kissed his forehead gently, her magic ringing in the air before she got to work. “alright Harry, I need your help, I'm going to put up a Barrier around his core and I'm going to need your power.” “take all you need.” Harry promised.

Draco arrived in his room and hesitated, looking from Raph to downstairs before he whined and stepped out of the way, letting Raphael out of the room so he could go and help, following after Raph and sitting down in a chair to watch and make sure no one paid TOO much attention to Raph. Thankfully Lilah had managed to warn them all not to pay Raph too much attention, and Harry was too focused on his mother and Lilah too focused on saving Aramithrial. “Raph, can you start stitching his head? Use muggle means not magical or heavenly, the magic will only feed the Holy flames.” Raph had the most steady hands, he was the only one who knew how to as well besides Lilah, and she was a little busy.
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