In The Heart Of A Demon

Belial grinned kissing the other hard, pouting a little as his teasing got turned around. the teasing would work better if harry wasn't right and he didn't like the angels....he was such a liar. He'd so rescue the two former angels if they needed it.That's right. I don't. But I would like to talk to him....after lucius gains control.Draco would not be happy if I was going to have to kill his father"

"Hmm he would.He'd totally kill me after rescuing me."He muttered kissing the other before looking startled, looking down at the ring."I...I would."He said stuttering out of shock,having not thought the man would ask.Taking the ring and sliding it on,looking so happy at being engaged.
he snickered a little and nuzzled the others neck. "mmm liar." he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head a little. "you like them and you know it, your just a big teddy bear." he teased smiling a little as he gently nibbled at the others neck. "besides i have my doubts about your ability to kill Lucius, he's annoying that way, shoot him in the head and he just pops back up somewhere else just to piss you off." he teased chuckling a little. "Draco's the same way, i almost killed him three times so far and he just won't die!"

Draco beamed happily, the air filling with a deep contented thrum as she snuggled the other, kissing him hard. "love you." he growled happily as he nibbled on the others lips. "mmm we're going to have such a happy family." he chirped brightly, beaming happily before realizing something. "what should we name the baby? do we know if it's a boy or a girl?" he asked curiously before pausing. "... how fast does it take a baby to grow?"
Belial whined softly tilting his head back to let the other nuzzle him, leaning back on his elbows."Am not. I'm a big fierce bear."He said smiling softly, "I'm sure he'd die. But I dont think I want to.Draco'd be unhappy, not to mention Raph."He said snickering a little at Harry's complaining.

Raphael looked starlted looking at him,"Oh.I don't know."He said paling a little as he realized he had no idea about the baby in him. After all, he hadn't been around for Lilah's pregency, so this was going to be interesting."WE should go talk to Lilah.She'll know what's going on.And what sex the baby is."
he smirked a little. "a great big grizzly." he agreed with a small chuckle and a shake of his head. "plus you'd be upset, you like Lucius." he teased smiling a little. "he amuses you." he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head. "i think Aramithrial is in love with Narcissa, he keeps giving her flowers." he admitted. thanks to the apples, Aramithrial had gotten his bits back, and he had stuffed himself silly as soon as he was well enough to, enjoying everything he hadn't been able to enjoy in centuries.

he chuckled a little and shook his head. "it's fine love, don't worry." he muttered softly, nuzzling his ear. "we'll enjoy our picnic and relax and then we'll go see Lilah..." maybe, Draco wasn't sure he could handle the woman touching Raph, but he would try, for the sake of the baby. "would you like another back rub?" he offered smiling happily at the other.
Belial wrinkled his nose, whining softly."Dont make fun of me!"He pouted before grinning nodding, stealing a kiss from his lover."I think he is to.If he ends up stealing kisses, we'll just have to let draco deal with him.Not sure what Draco'd think of someone kissing his mother."He teased kissing the other, amused at aramithrial's love.

Rapael sighed nodding as he rolled on his stomach nibbling on his food as the other rubbed his back."You'll be able to handle it.I have faith Draco."He said turnng his head to look at his lover, having every faith that the man would be able to let Lilah look him over, more because lilah understood guardians, then draco's control.
Harry chuckled a little as he kissed the other happily. "mmm i think Draco will be pleased. Narcissa is hurting after Lucius's 'abandonment'. she's not so lonly with Aramithrial, and Aramithrial is a gentlemen, he'll let her decide all of the rules." he admitted chuckling a little as he shook his head. "i think we need to have sex." he admitted smirking a little.

Draco smiled as he straddled his lover, gently massaging the firm muscles, stroking the wings and smoothing the feathers before returning to muscles. "i guess so." he grumbled a little as he gently rubbed the others neck and shoulders smiling a little. "i love you." he admitted gently kissing the back of the others head, smiling a little.
"oh we do, do we?"He asked snickering a little laying out on his back pulling the brunette on top of him,stroking a hand down the other's back.Looking amused at the other's declaration.

"mmmm love you to..."Raphael muttered,wordless with pleasure, glancing over his shoulder at him,smirking a little."You'll be fine.I promise."He muttered."you trust me right?No need to ever doubt."he teased.
Harry chuckled a little as he rocked his ass into Belial's crotch, moaning softly. "mmm yeah i'm horny." he ordered smirking as he wriggled on top of the other. "fuck me like the horny demon you are." he ordered playfully.

Draco smiled a little and nodded. "i trust you." he admitted. "i will always trust you... it's the rest of the world i don't trust." he complained simply. "especially Belial." he growled. "he LOOKS at you." he complained simply, sulking a little.
"Oh, now we're giving orders?"belial snickered stripping them both down, rolling the other over, pinning him. Thrusting into him hard as he kissed him harder, feeling his teeth cut open his lip, tasting blood. Now overeager to screw his lover as hard as he could now that the other had goaded him into it.

Raphael laughed rolling on his back, pulling him down for a kiss as he closed his wings around them both."Belial looks at everyone like that. There is a reason he's the lord of lust.Though, now, I'm pretty sure harry would kill him if he tried."He smirked a little nuzzling the other."Besides that, I'm not the one who screwed belial."He teased
Harry snickered a little. "of course i'm giving orders, bad things happen yo you when you refuse me." he teased snickering a little as he kissed the other eagerly, tasting his own blood with a happy groan as he slammed his hips back into the other. "oooh fuck yessss." he moaned happily. "you always feel so damn good inside of me."

Draco smiled as he snuggled into the other, enjoying the feel of the wings and the safe comfort. "Harry might, or he might go have sex with someone else as revenge, depends on what mood he is in." he admitted before blushing hard. "i only slept with him because he was there and i knew it would piss you off more than anything else had..."
Belial moaned growling as he fucked the other kissing him harder."I better.Cause I'm going to be the last one there."He growled louder, lowering his head to bite him shuddering hard as he came. It was a short and sweet fucking, but damned if it hadn't been perfect.

Raphael snickered sitting up, rolling his eyes."Uh-huh. You say that now, you whore."He teased kissing the other blond hard before pulling away, nudging the other to his feet."Come on. Let's go see Lilah.Then we'll go to sleep."
Harry moaned happily, giggling a little. "mmm your the only cock i'll ever need." he promised, chuckling a little before thrusting back happily as he spilled his seed all over the blanket with a happy little whine, smiling happily. "mmm yeah." he moaned feeling the others seed flooding his insides. "mmm that feels good." he mumbled softly, licking his lips. "that was perfect."

Draco chuckled a little as he sighed, getting to his feet, helping Raph to stand and smiling as he led the way back, lifting an eyebrow as he watched Harry and bell doing the lovings. "... gross." he complained, not even bothering to be upset by their presence, there was no need, they where too wrapped up in themselves to even notice Raph.
Belial smiled as he nuzzled his lover tugging him down to wrap his arms around him, yawing as he settled in to go to sleep. Tired enough to not even clean up before he did so."ti was.Now I''m sleepy."He whining cuddling the other as he cuddled him.

Raphael snorted laughing as draco was right the other two didn't even notice them as he herded draco past and into the house, going in search of Liliah."They are.But that's good for you."He mused nuzzling his lover."No need to worry about belial wanting me."He tesed lightly.
Harry smirked a little as he snuggled into the other. "mmm me too, but we have to get up and go to our room, we can't sleep out here we'll catch sick." he complained slowly forcing himself, and then his lover to their feet and urging him inside and to their bedroom to sleep in their bed like they where supposed to.

Draco smiled a little as he shook his head. "everyone wants you." he growled, gently nuzzling the others neck. "mmm love you." he purred as he walked into Lilah's room, looking at the woman, tense and growly, Lilah lifting an eyebrow. "something wrong?" "... baby check." Draco ordered, Lilah nodding. "alright, have your mate sit on the bed." Draco hesitated, but since she hadn't directly addressed Raph... he didn't feel threatened. he gently fussed Raph onto the bed and Lilah smiled. "please lift his shirt, i will need to touch his belly, will you allow this?" Draco hesitated, growling, but lifted Raph's shirt just enough that Lilah could see his belly and nodded. Lilah smiled at Draco, setting her hands on his belly, focusing on the baby deep inside. "very healthy, growing fast... female..." Draco's breath hitched and delight rushed across his face and he beamed at Raph. "did you hear that!? it's a little girl! we're going to have a little girl!"
Belial grumbled a little but allowe the other to get him upstairs.Snuggling down into the bed with a smile as he cuddled his lover.

Raphael laughed snickering a little before shifting to press a kiss to draco's cheek before looking at Lilah looking amuse."Draco's easily excitable these days. Forgive him."he teased poking Draco in the side before looking at Lilah, though he knew that the other would direct her questions and answers at Draco."How long will I be pregnant?And is there anything I should be doing to make sure everything would be okay?"
Lilah smiled a little as Draco sulked the woman pausing for a moment then. "there's no telling how long Raphael will will be pregnant Draco, every angel has a different pregnancy, it could last three months, or ten, there's really no telling." she admitted. "in the mean time he should listen to his cravings, his body knows what it wants." she stood up, moving over to her medicine Cabinet and handed something to Draco, a bottle of vitamins. "he should take these supplements, it has everything a growing fetus needs. other than that, unless there are unusual belly pains, or severe morning sickness, he's fine." "thanks Lils." Draco chirped, glad that Lilah knew how to handle him, and glad that they where having a daughter, and even more glad that Raph was really going to be ok.

(after your next post i'm going to time skip ok?^^)
(lol okay, I was actually thinking about that XDD)

Raphael smiled wrapping a arm around draco, nodding silently in thanks to lilah heading for the door, his guardian tucked protectively under his arm."I want more pickles. And eggs."He said demandingly of his guardian as he slid into their bed, looking at him expectantly. Knowing draco lived for his every whim at the moment. And it was how it was supposed to be.
a week later and Draco was mostly back to normal, he still fussed incessantly over Raph but he didn't try to kill Belial when he hugged or looked at the Angel either. Harry had been acting strangely however, pulling away fro Belial and everyone else, spending a lot of time alone in the woods around the house. he refused to talk to anyone about it, even Lilah couldn't get him to open up, and had caught him crying in the pool early one morning. even Lucius and Gabriel had noticed Harry's reclusivness, but dared not try to do anything about it. even worse they had been attacked by angels twice, or they almost had anyway, they couldn't get past the wards of Belial's home, and they where always attacked by hellhounds before they could try to protect it. for five days now hell hounds had constantly been stalking the edges of the barrier, snapping and snarling as they paced relentlessly. it was a worrying situation, which was taking it's toll on everyone.
Belial growled as he paced on just the otherside of the wards, glaring down one of the hellhounds as the beast dared growl at him as he walked by."Bells, you need to sit down." "Why?" "You broke your ankle idiot. And even a demon lord needs time to heal."Raphael said as he leaned back on the grass, watching Belial pace as he watched the dogs. "It's healed."The demon lord growled before looking up again."Besides, your guard's coming to stand with you. I have things to be doing."Belial growled before taking that step inbetween, fed up and antsy with this. He was going to end this, now. Walking through the golden white halls of heaven he barely noticed the younger angels as he summoned his sword to one hand, and a ball of fire in the other. He was going to end this now.

"Draco!"Raphael grinned as he twisted to look at draco, before glancing towards where belial had been, wondering what he had meant."Is it just me or is belial getting weirder?"
Draco smiled as he settled down next to his lover. "well, Harry's crying in the pool again." he admitted looking a little worried as he watched Belial vanish, shaking his head. "both of them are acting weird... Harry hasn't slept in the same bed as Bell since they fucked in the courtyard." he admitted. "all i could get out of Harry was 'he doesn't want babies' and then he was sobbing again... i don't know what that means either. their both being STUPID." he complained snuggling into the other, sighing a little as he shook his head, scowling at the Hell hounds, getting to his feet. "i'm going to..." he paused, looking puzzled and then he yelped as he was yanked back by some invisible line, out into the Hell hounds, who sniffed him and then astonishingly... ignored him! "... what the hell!?" and then he vanished, Draco could not just vanish, which meant that someone had summoned him, and the only person strong enough to do that.. was Satan. now both Draco and ell where missing.
"Draco!DRACO!"Raphael snarled as he started to reach through the wards, wincing as the hellhounds growled at him."Draco!"He growled before going in search of Draco.Despite his connection to Draco, he was sure that Lilah would be a better idea for tracking him."Lilah!Satan took draco!"He said knowing exactly who had him,but not why.

Satan tilted his head as he leaned back in his throne, looking amused as he studied the blond in front of him. Having sent the hounds more so angels wouldn't get in, but then belial just had to go bugger up everything."Draco Malfoy, it is good to meet you."the man said smiling a little wider.
Draco blinked looking a little bleary as he blinked at Satan. "that was a wild ride there..." he admitted sitting down in the chair that was behind him, studying the Devil, his head tilted. "and pray tell me what i'm doing here? i thought you and god couldn't interfere with my life, being that i'm tied to neither." he asked his head tilted as he examined the other. "i'd like to say it's nice to meet you too, but i'm not entirely sure that your not going to try to kill me so..."

Lilah looked astonished, her eyes widening as she leaped to her feet. "where's Bell!?" she demanded running out the room to grab Mikail and Lucius and Gabe and Aramithrial, clearly intending on storming the castle. she peeked in on Harry, who was laying at the bottom of the pool again, the top of the water frozen solid, so she decided not to bother him. "come on boys, we're headed for Satan's castle, we're going to get Draco back!"
Satan looked amused at the other's summary,before relaxing."You know, I'd almost be insulted if I didn't know I would try to kill you."He mused before shaking his head."But I'm not interfering with your life, I'm interfering with Belial's. It has been centuries since a demon lord was in heaven, and I want to send you and raphael after.The former angel would slaughter me if I didn't give you a chance to go after him. Not to mention bell's mate.No thanks, I'd prefer my body parts right where they are."

Raphael jogged after looking so worried."Bell disappeared!I don't know where he went, only that he was pssed at being trapped."the pregnant man said looking anxious as he and the others gathered.'Ready?"He muttered wrapping his wings around them, well, most of them.His lilah's and aramithrial's making a protective circle as they all disappeared. Reappearing on satan's front lawn the welcoming spell forcing them to walk through the grounds to get inside.
Draco blinked at him and then smirked a little. "your the devil, your supposed to want to kill everyone, at least in the lore i've heard." he admitted simply, shrugging a little. "...wait.. what about bell!?" he demanded leaping to his feat. "oh he's doing something stupid isn't he!?" he demanded, worried for Bell, and for Harry. "i KNEW he was up to something no good!" he complained shaking his head. "stop talking about your damn body parts and tell me what's going on!?"

Lilah growled as she stepped into the circle, Aramithrial doing the same, their wings covering each other, sending them to satan's castle, the woman snarling as she raced unto the building, forming a sword of flames to her hands as Aramithrial did the same, twin blades in his hands as he rushed in, ignoring the House Demon's who where shrieking in Terror, Gabe holding the flaming sword of heaven, which he had been allowed to keep, God having hoped that Gabe would use it to kill Raph and Draco. Lucius had shifted into his massive dragon form, and unleashed a massive roar to let draco know they where coming. and to warn off anyone stupid enough to get into his way.
Satan started to answer before sighing, shaking his head as he heard the dragons roar."Fools. Amusing fools though.Reckless enough."He muttered aused that they'd run into his house, moving to stand behind the table, putting it between him and the door as he raised his hands and stood away from draco so they could see he wasn't harming him."Guys!" "W-whats going on?"Raphael said stumbling to a stop looking confused at the sight in front of them. "We have a problem.belial's in heaven, but I can't tell what he's doing."satan said knowingthey'd demand soon enough to be allowed to go after him.
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