In The Heart Of A Demon

Raphael smiled a little as Belial handed him a threaded needle before swallowing starting to stitch steadily. "Lilah.The barrier's going to collapse."He said absently as he stitched quickly and neatly, swallowing hard, glancing at Draco."I need water. Salt water preferably."He said knowing what the water was going to do to him but he would use draco's attention to make sure he could focus."Lilah, there is only one way to stop heaven's flames."He said waiting until the other got the barrier in place, taking the bowl of salt water from Draco, whimpering a little as he reverted to a child lowering his hand into the water and resting a hand on Aramithrial's chest. Snarling as he closed his eyes.

Chanting quietly he hissed as the flames stripped across his arms, the former archangel drawing the power into himself then turning it into the water, the water steaming under his hand. Closing his eyes before blinking, looking up at draco, the kinslayer showing in those child's eyes. "Help me."He muttered needing Draco's concentration to truly get rid of the flames holding him
Lilah grimaced as she struggled to stop the flames, Draco whimpering as he was told to go and fetch water, hesitating before vanishing, returning with a bucket full of salt water, handing it to Raph, unable to refuse an order from his Mate. Lilah cried out victoriously as she managed to set the barrier firmly into place and block the flames for a short moment. She watched Raphael dip his hand into the water and start sucking out the Flames, Draco crying out in horror as he watched his lover, wrapping his arms around the other, setting his hand over Raphael's, closing his eyes and focusing intently on what was supposed to be happening, helping his lover. Slowly but surely the flames where sucked out, Harry panting as he tried to shove them all towards Raph so they didn't miss a single one, and watched as Draco gently kicked Raph's burnt arms, Aramithrial whimpering as he finally opened his eyes. “hurts.” he grunted, reaching into his pocket and pulling out to things, two very different apples. One bright red, juicy and perfect, the other withered and black, looking like it had been on a tree for years before being plucked. The red one stained of heaven, the black stained of hell. “the apples... of life.” he whispered. “the heaven apple will... cut all ties.. to the devil... the hell will... cut all ties.. to god... making.. truly.. free.” he muttered before passing out again, Lilah looking stunned. “if Raph took a bite from both heaven and Hell.. he would reverse gods judgment on him...”
Raphael looked shocked as he pulled his hand out of the water, taking the table as he stroked a thumb over the soft skin of the apple."I can't."He muttered turning his head to look down at the demon on the table."Aramithrial risked all to bring this to me, and he is still bound. He should eat this." "Goddamn you raphael, he risked his life to bring them to you. Eat them."Belial ordered growling annoyed at the man's selflessness. "But-" "Eat. There'll be a bite left for Aramithrial."the demon said smirking a little as the man nodded, raphael looking sick for a moment before biting. Shivering as he ate the two bites, before sinking down to the floor in a dead faint as the ties that had held him up were cut
Draco howled as his lover collapsed, immediately flying into a rage and shrieking as he transformed, spreading his wings wide and clawing at anyone who tried to get too close, hissing and snarling and pulling Raphael into his arms, not realizing that the others wings where going to start pushing against his back at any minute, not realizing that Raphael was as free as a mortal, not realizing that he would never again be affected by the ocean. All he cared was that he had collapsed, and was in pain. Harry quickly yanked Bell out of the way when Draco sliced at the man's head, snarling as he carried the man back up tot he bedroom, barley squeezing through the doorway and whimpering when he gently set Raph belly down on the bed, gently nudging him with another whimper, wanting only for Raph to be alright.

Downstairs Harry and Lilah where shaken, terrified of the murderous rage in Draco's eyes, Harry glancing at Bell when Aramithrial woke again, sliding the angel apple towards Bell. “this will... cut your ties to the devil... and you too Mikhail... there's enough there... for all three of you.” he whispered, slowly sitting up. “a.. bit of heaven and hell for.. Gabriel..” “you shouldn't talk darling...” Lilah whispered softly, stroking his hair. “what about you?” he shook his head, pulling another shriveled, half eaten black apple out of his pocket, smiling at her. “i already got my bites.” he whispered softly, closing his eyes. “free of heaven, and of hell... it is... a strange.. wonderful feeling.” he whispered smiling a little as Lilah smiled, looking at Bell. “you heard the man, you take some too bell...” she ordered. “you'll get your lovely wings back... and maybe even get to have both your heaven and hell powers.” she teased chuckling a little as she smiled at him. “Aramithrial, you are a wonderful man.” she assured the man who smiled weakly. “yeah... n I'm tired too.” he muttered rolling onto his side and closing his eyes with a small sigh, falling back to sleep right there on the table.
Raphael muttered sleepily as he shifted, whining as he found his wings pinned down against the blond's chest."Move...hurts..."He whined whimpering loudly as he realized that the fragile bones were breaking as Draco refused to let him go, not giving the giant wings room to grow."Draco..."he whimpered sruggling to ge away enough to give him room.

Belial laughed looking amused as he nibbled on his apple, the jet black wings catching him by surprise as they grew, nearly falling as the sudden weight caught him off guard. Leaning against harry for a moment he smiled, "You might be tired now. But Raph's going to kill you when he calms down.He's going to be pissed that you risked everything."Belial said brushing aramithrial's hair out of his face looking amused."You asburd beautiful fool."He said before looking at harry, as malik ate his apple, "I want to sleep."belial muttered nuzzling harry.
Draco whined but obediently got off his lover once he realized he was hurting the other. “sorry, so sorry, sorry.” he muttered softly gently nuzzling the others neck. “so sorry...” he muttered softly closing his eyes as he fed Raph some of his power, feeding him the magic he needed to heal.

Aramithrial smiled a little. “i wouldn't have gotten caught at all if you hadn't put up those god damn alarms Bell.” he complained smiling a little, glad to see the other had his wings back, sighing a little. “now... you no longer hold any curse... that god has given you... he has... sealed his own fate.” he mumbled happily looking up at Bell with a happy smile. “i just had to help...” he admitted softly. “even if this was all I could do.” he yawned a little and snuggled back down to sleep, so long as no one bothered him. Harry just smiled as he gently helped Bell to bed, kissing him before gently running his fingers through the others feathers. “Beautiful.” he breathed with a smile.
Raphael sighed smiling a little."Its okay...just needed you to move..."He muttered yawning as he snuggled down into the other as the great white expanse of his wings settle over boh of them. Snuggling down to go to sleep.

belial laughed quielty as he snuggled down into the bed sighing softly as he felt the wings setling across his back."You just want laid...not happening. So tired."He muttered nuzzling harry as he drifted to sleep, sighing softly in sleepy pleasure at the boy stroking his wings.
Draco relaxed and gently smiled as he wrapped his massive wing gently around Raph, keeping him warm and safe as he sat vigil, not sleeping, even for a minute. A silent guard, hissing at anyone who got too close to the door, but making sure poor Raph wouldn't be woken.

Harry chuckled a little as he kissed the other gently. “no, no sex tonight.” he teased holding the other as he slept, glad, so glad that his lover had his wings back and that Aramithrial was going to be alright, and Gabriel too. In the morning he was, astonishingly, still in bed with Bell when the once angel woke up. Normally he was downstairs making breakfast by the time Bell got his lazy butt up. “mmm, morning.” Harry mumbled once he felt Bell shifting. “how are you feeling?”
"Muscles hurt."Belial muttered sleepily raising a eyebrow as he looked at him."Not used to having wings. Even if it's not being worked."He sighed rubbing his eyes looking up at the brunette, smiling a litle."Why aren't you up?You're usually up by now."He said laughing quietly.
he chuckled a little and nodded. “spread your wings, I'll give you a massage.” he offered smiling as he straddled his lover. “i was up most of the night watching you sleep, I wanted to make sure those apples weren't going to do anything strange to you.” he admitted wrinkling his nose a little as he gently worked out the sore and strained muscles. “Aramithrial is up already, and Gabriel is proud to report he's very thankful to have his bright white wings back.” he admitted with a small chuckle. “Draco's not letting anyone near Raph right now, not even Lilah.” he admitted shaking his head. “he's all worked up about his lover being hurt...”
Belial laughed quietly moaning as the strained muscles loosened."Of course he's not letting anyone ner.He's a guardian in heat, he's not going to appericiate anyone getting near until Raphael actually feels like ordering him to let him talk to someone."He snickered sighing in pleasure,"Hmmm you're so good at that."He muttered turning his head to smile at his lover.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. “i have a feeling Raphael isn't going to want to see anyone for a while if he's as sore as you are.” he admitted smiling a little as he gently massaged the wings. “Draco's going to be giving even more massages than I am.” he admitted with a chuckle. “and getting a lot of candy, and bubble bath.” he admitted with a small chuckle as he nuzzled his lover. “how does that feel, any better?” he asked his head tilted, though didn't stop massaging back, shoulders, neck, and wings.
Belial groaned smiling,resisting the urge to rub his hardening cock against the matress under him. It felt so AMAZING! "Perfect. Come here."He teased pulling the other around to kiss him as he rolled on his back carefully, black wings laying across the bed like night itself.

Raphael groaned rolling on his side, shifting as he blinked at the wing covering him, shoving at Draco's shoulder a little."Love, I need to get up."He whined, shifting a little.
Harry chuckled a little as he kissed the other back, looking down at the others cock before smirking at the other, licking his lips. “why you horny beast.” he teased chuckling a little as he wrapped a hand around his cock. “here, let me help you with that.” he purred, running his tongue along the length playfully.

Draco grumbled, and whined, but lifted his wing off his lover and tucked it back into his back, shifting slowly back into his human form, smiling at him. “how are you feeling?” he asked softly, stroking his cheek. “Aramithrial is fine by the way, I can hear him flirting with my mother.” he admitted looking amused. “i'm not sure where my dad is...”
"Hmmm YOU'RE the beast."Belial moaned teasing as he ran his fingers through the other's hair, sighing as he closed his eyes. Tightening his fingers through the other's hair, trying not to get to excited.

"I'm fine. Just have to pee."He said stumbling a little to the bathroom smiling."You're mother's a very fine woman. I flirt with her to."He said teasing his guardian before considering what it meant that Lucius wasn't there."CAn you hear gabriel?"He questioned wondering. because there was only one reason he could think of that not everyone was with lucius, or that lucius was there, and that was if Gabriel was guarding him.
Harry chuckled as he licked the others cock all over before sucking it into his mouth happily, moaning eagerly as he sucked his lover off, there was nothing he loved more than Bells dick in his mouth... unless it was in his ass.

Draco smiled a little as he watched his lover his head tilted. “you do not.” he complained calmly before smiling a little as he shook his head. “no, I can't hear Gabriel.” he admitted. “i think Father is turning into a Guardian.” he admitted. “i could SMELL it on him.” he admitted with a low growl before getting to his feet calmly and stretching, groaning happily.
Belial moaned shivering as he tugged the other off his cock, tugging him into a hard kiss as he tugged the other up to straddle his waist,"Hmm come here.You're going to ride me. Don't want to work."He said thrusting up against the other a little, stroking a han over the other's cock.

Raphael smiled turning on the bath, intending to take a bath since he was already up, snickering a little at the growl."Which explains why him and gabriel arent here. You couldn't stand to have another guardian in the house, and gabriel must have gone to protect him."He mused not really considering that gabriel had to be who was changing lucius to a guardian. To focused on keeping his boy calm to wonder. The words proving that despite having hunted them, he understood guardians. Rubbing a hand over his face as he looked down at his stomach he wondered about the child he was carrying, and wondered how he was going to tell Draco everything, needing to tell him about who he really was before the man decided to keep him. Having some idea of a noble sacerfice and leaving draco....not even relizing that there was no way his guardian was letting him go anywhere alone.
Harry growled eagerly as he kissed the other, tangling his fingers in the others hair as he kissed, laughing at the order. He smirked at his lover and slowly slid down onto the others cock with a loud little groan before he paused, one hand stroking his own cock, the other tweaking his nipples with a bright shudder. “oooh yessss.” teasing his lover.

Draco smiled as he walked into the bathroom, yawning sleepily still as he wrapped the other into a hug, with arms and wings. “i love you.” he mumbled softly, smiling at him. “you know so much about Guardians, and your sooooo pretty.” he mumbled happily before letting him go. “an you smell soooo good.” he purred running his nose along the others neck, snuffling and snuffling at his flesh, smiling happily. “you smell like me and like baby stuff.” he purred, setting his hands on the others belly and rubbing it gently, smiling happily. He was so cuddly when he was sleepy.
Belial moaned growling quietly as he rested his hands on the other's hips, pulling him down as he thrust up into the other."Damned cock tease."He growled pulling him down for a real kiss as the other played with himself.

"Oh baby stuff is it?You're so cute when you're sleepy."Raphael laughed softly climbing in the tub and pulling the other in with him cuddling his lover as he turned his head to kiss him softly."Draco, you know how I know everything about guardians?"HE asked. Yes he was abusing the sleepyness but he hoped the other would forgive him easier if he did it this way.
Harry moaned as he was thrust into, snickering a little. “you'd be bored if I wasn't.” he teased kissing the other eagerly before he pulled himself back up into a sitting position and started to lift himself up and down, moaning eagerly as he fucked himself on Bells cock. “ooh yeah, oh yeah.mmm you like it, like it when I fuck myself on your dick don't you?” he demanded smirking at the other. “oooh feels so good.” he growled eagerly.

He giggled a little and shook his head. “yeah, baby stuff... like there's a baby inside you... mmmm MY baby inside you.” he purred happily, blinking at the other. “yes?” he asked curiously. “you do know a lot.” he admitted pressing his nose to his lovers neck and smelling, enjoying the smell of his lover before pulling away to turn off the bath water so the tub wouldn't over flow.
Belial moaned closing his eyes as he leaned back into the bed, letting harry do all the work as he just enjoyed it."Ohhh yes. Not having to work is nice.."He muttered closing his eyes as he enjoyed himself just content to feel.

Raphael laughed quietly amused that draco was still being cuddly, even if sleepy still. Cuddling him as they settled into the water he sighed, resting his head on the smaller man's shoulders, white wings settling in the water, looking damp and wet."Draco...when, when the world was younger...I hunted guardians.That's why I know everything I can, because it made hunting easier. I was the kin slayer, because I slayed the very people god had created."
he laughed a little. “ and continued to ride his lover, moaning eagerly, his unique leg structure making it almost too easy as he lifted himself up and down, shivering and moaning loudly as he grinned at the other. “mmm you feel so good.” he moaned happily, running hi hands along the others body, panting eagerly. “oooh yesss so big and good and handsome.” he growled kissing his lover eagerly.

Draco smiled a little as he settled into the water, sighing softly before he sat up and blinked at the other, hesitating, not sure what to think of that. He settled back into the other and frowned a little as he pondered that. “... I don't know how to feel about that...” he admitted softly. “give me time to think about it?” he asked softly.
Belial moaned smiling softly as he looked up at hte other,"hmm I am."He muttered sounding amused, moaning as he came, reaching up and gathering the man close to him, wings pressing close as he held the other.

Raphael swallowed hard, closing his eyes before he nodded, turning his head a little to rest his head on Draco's shoulder, smiling a little sadly."OF course. Whatever you want."He muttered relaxing, closing his eye sas he relaxed into the tub.
he laughed a little and shook his head, moaning happily as he felt the other spilling into his ass, spreading his seed all over Bells chest with a happy little grin as he snuggled into the other. “mmm I love you.”

Draco smiled a little as he snuggled into the other as he sighed softly. “i love you Raph.. no matter what you did, or who you are, I will always love you.” he promised softly, smiling up at him before giving him a small kiss his head gently rubbing over the others belly gently before kissing the others nipple, a sly smirk on his lips. “i'm horny.” he purred softly.
Belial moaned smiling as he held the other close, kissing his head."Love you to."He said yawning before sitting up with the other on his chest."We should go see how lucius is.And gabriel."He said worried about the guardians.

Raph moaned sighing as eh arched into the other a little, resting his head on his chest."Hmmm your in heat, of course you're horny."He muttered relaxing now that he knew draco wasn't going to let him go anywhere alone and still loved him..
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