In The Heart Of A Demon

he chuckled a little and nodded. “we should check on them.” he agreed. “with our luck Lucius has transformed and he's freaking out just like Draco did.” he snickered at the thought of Lucius being panicked. It would never happen.

Draco smirked a little. “well, you being utterly sexy, smelling delicious and being Naked doesn't help.” he teased kissing the other. “mmmm I wanna bottom.” he growled eagerly, smirking at the other. “i want your big dick buried in my hot tight little ass.”
Belial laughed as he rolled off the bed, starting to get dressed. "Probably. Though lucius is probably better prepared then Draco was."He said snickering a little at the idea.

Raphael smiled a little as he shifted the other around so the man was sitting in his lap, "oh you do do you?"He teased thrusting up against him a little, sighing softly as he rubbed against him.
he chuckled a little and nodded. “this is true, I wonder why he didn't tell Draco before?” he asked curiously. “maybe because Draco wasn't old enough?” he mused frowning a little. “i wonder how Gabriel is reacting to suddenly being someone's mate... Raphael was in love with Draco when it happened, but Gabriel has never really cared about anyone but Lilah..”

Draco giggled and nodded, moaning a little as he felt his lover thrusting up against him. “mmm yeah, oooh fuck me lover.” he moaned smiling as he pressed two fingers to his ass, lubing himself, turning yellow eyes to Raphael and smirking wickedly. “mmm fuck I can't take it, no teasing, please.”
"Probably because he'd hoped Draco wouldn't change.The only reason he did, was because he fell in love with Raphael.And was exposed to enough power to draw him to the surface."He said heading for the door, looking amused as they crossed the lawn to Raphael's place."Gabriel's probably having a breakdown.It'll be amusing to see."

Raphael smiled grinning a little as he drew the other's fingers away from himself, tugging him closer as he slid into him with a sigh, thrusting into him hard."Hmm no teasing then?But you like teasing."He said laughing.
he nodded a little. “this is true.” he admitted calmly chuckling a little. “Gabriel doesn't seam the sort to have a breakdown... in fact he seams to be lacking completely in the emotional detached...” he froze, his eyes wide. “and that's why he's such an amazing Protector... he has no feelings! God took away his feelings so he wouldn't form emotional attachments that would get in the way of his job!” Harry shuddered. “and if Gabe took bites of those apples and got his emotions back... I have a bad feeling about this...” he admitted as he walked into the house and froze as he watched Lucius and Gabe fornicating on the floor. “... or not...” they both looked up at them, Lucius on top, Gabe on bottom, both of them blinking before they shrieked, uttering profanities and darting off to hide and find clothing.

Draco moaned as he was thrust into and giggled a little, shaking his head. “only sometimes.” he purred snickering softly because they both knew he loved to tease and be teased always, he was just so needy he couldn't help himself. He rocked back into the others cock, moaning eagerly. “oh yesss so good.”
Belial looked amused as he whistled absently heading after the others."YOu know, I'd thought Gabriel might have had a breakdown when he got the emotions back. Though, he might not have really reaized it yet. To busy having sex."He snickered looking amused as he knocked on the bedroom door, "Are you done dressing yet?"He asked as the boys in the room.

Raphael smiled a little, sighing as he settled back against the bathtub, smiling as he tugge the other down."It is."He muttered moaning as he thrust up into him harder, sighing as he came.Looking up at him wide eyed and amused, kissing him slowly.
Harry chuckled a little. “it could be his emotions will return slowly, or so suddenly he hasn't even realized it's happened.” or Gabe just hadn't had a chance to feel anything yet, not really. Pleasure wasn't exactly an emotion after all. “yes I'm dressed.” Gabe stated simply, as blandly as he always did. “Lucius is almost there.” “shut up Gabe! Let me get my shirt on!” Lucius ordered, laughing a little as Gabe opened the door. “... you walked in at the most inopportune time.... I was going to have my first orgasm.” he complained sulking, Harry looking startled. “what like.... ever?” “Gabe is a virgin... or he was.” Lucius admitted looking smug.

He moaned eagerly, arching into the other as he clenched tightly around the other. “oooh fuck yeesss so good, out yeah Raph fuck me, fuck me nice and hard!” he moaned happily, cumming a short moment before his lover as he kissed him hard, grinning at him. “mmm I love you so much.”
Belial snickered nodding at Harry's assesment of what was going on with gabriel before smirking at the angel."Ah. You malfoy men enjoy virings.I find this amusing that you both fell in love with innocents, after being so uninnocent yourself."He teased looking at lucius.

Raphael muttered sleeply smiling at him as he kissed him again."Love you to."He admitted yawning shifting the man, now that he was all satisfied and happy, he was as sleepy as draco had been when they started, though he was absently aware that draco was wide awake now.
Lucius snickered a little as he shook his head a little. “what can I say? We Malfoy men are well practiced. Most Guardian's are, we can't help it. Until we find our soul mates or a person we can love almost as much we try to fill the holes in our souls with meaningless sex.” he admitted amused as Gabe snorted. “you just want to practice so you can better pleasure your soul mates.” “... this is true.” Lucius admitted with a chuckle. “anyway what do you want? Has something happened to Draco?”

Draco smiled a little as he snuggled into the other, kissing him eagerly before helping him out of the bath and back into bed, looking amused. “you look tired. Rest and I'll go get breakfast.” he promised skipping out of the room after putting on a pair of pants to scrounge up something for them both to eat.
"Oh no."Belial reassured him snickering a little as he considered why the guardians slept around so much. "No nothing happened. we just...sort of didn't want to stay in the house with him."he said eyeing the former angel, because he had no idea how to ask without being deemed rude, and for some reason, he wanted gabriel to like him.Damned apple, made him remember that he'd once cared for the man.

Raphael smiled sleepily as he snuggled into the bed,"Pickles!I want pickles. And eggs."He called after the blond before snuggling down to sleep until draco returned with food, pouting a little."No pickles?"He asked looking put out.
Lucius rolled his eyes. “Liar, you just wanted to make sure Gabriel was alright.” he stated simply, Gabriel looking surprised at that information before smiling at Belial. “well, thank you for your concern... admittedly I... am not doing as well as I had hoped... I'm... sensing things I've never... felt before...” he admitted frowning a little. “it is very confusing...” he admitted shaking his head. “Lucius is helping... ok well he's trying to but he is a great source of confusion as well.” “sorry.” Lucius chirped, not looking the least bit sorry at all.

Draco laughed at the order and got the eggs, ordering a house elf to go and get pickles, one of each kind, before heading back upstairs. “sorry love, Harry ate the last of them.” he admitted. “i have a house else getting more, it should be back soon.” he promised calmly. Grinning as the house elf appeared just as promised and set various kinds of pickles on the bed. Whole pickles, sliced pickles, sandwich pickles, sweet, dill, garlic, anything you could think of it was there.
Belial looked slightly uncomfortable."Oh, you know I wouldn't just worry about you."He said before smiling slightly, "God's done exactly what he did to raphael, to you. He locked away your emotions so you would be the perfect protector."He smiled a little."It'll get easier, I promise."

Raphael smiled happily, slepily as he sat up and started eating. Looking so amused at all the pickles as he started eting."Oh!Thank you.I love you."He said grinning happily at his lover.
he nodded a little. “i know.” Gabe admitted. “it's just that... I have never, I never learned how to control myself when it comes to emotions... I am afraid of myself right now. I get frustrated and I nearly took Lucius's head off last night because I was angry... I don't even know why I was angry!” he complained, frustrated and upset the poor Archangel just had no idea what was happening. “i do hope it will get easier... I don't feel so much when Lucius is touching me.” “and not just sexually either you perverts.” Lucius teased. “my Guardian powers means that I can help keep Gabe stable emotionally until he finds his balance.”

Draco chuckled a little as he smiled at the other, kissing him gently. “i'm glad.” he admitted smiling a little as he started opening the pickle jars, sampling one of each flavor for himself, finding he liked them all. Which was a good thing because whatever Raph decided he didn't want to eat someone else was going to have to. And Harry and Lucius only liked Dill pickles.
Belial smirked, laughing a little as he looked at the other two wrapping a arm around harry's waist, shaking his hed a little."It does get better. Just think, you could go spend time with Raph, if you really want to have a emotional moment."He teased snickering.

Raphael grinned laing back in contentment, sighing happily."Ohhh those were good.Thank you."He said tugging the other close for a kiss before sighing."We should go out and do something today.Its boring staying inside all day."
Gabriel grimaced a little. “i'd rather die then spend a day in a room with Raph and his pissy Guardian, no offense meant Lucius.” “none taken, especially since I'm going to be the same way in a few weeks.” he admitted with a small chuckle. “in theory anyway.” he admitted stretching happily. “are you boys staying for lunch then?” Lucius asked, hoping the answer was no so he could get back to giving Gabe the pleasure of his life.

Draco hesitated. “a..are you sure? It's dangerous outside... someone could come and try and take you away.” paranoia was a common effect of heat, they could have been at the tippy top of the highest mountain in the world and Draco would still have been worried about someone else coming along and trying to woo his lover away. “... but.. I guess I can't keep you in here... it wouldn't be fair... we could go on a picnic!”
Belial rolled his eyes already heading for the door."Oh no. I wouldn't cut into your sex life."He snickered amused as he pulled Harry out after him, grinning a little."We should go for a picnic."He said kissing the other slowly.

Raphael laughed softly, kissing him slowly as he got up to get dressed."Love, no one's going to take me away. We'll be fine on a picnic."he said trying sooth the other's paranoia already pulling on his boots."Lets go. We'll have a quiet night together, and we'll make love in the sunlight. Wont that be fun."He teased kissing him.
Gabe smirked a little. “well at least your considerate.” he teased Harry snickering a little before brightening. “we SHOULD go for a picnic! Oooh it would be fun! We could make love in the sunlight, and watch the sun set, and find the constellations in the sky and then have more sex!” he chirped happily making Lucius laugh. “and you complain about me and Draco screwing a lot.” he teased Harry who smirked and shrugged before he skipped off.

Draco sulked a little. “EVERYONE wants you!” he complained. “your too pretty NOT to want!” he stated snuggling into him. “but it's ok, I'll just make them go away.” he decided growling. “and then I'll mate with you to prove to everyone your mine!” he decided, clearly intending on having sex at the picnic and more than once. “can we pack strawberries?” he asked hopefully smiling at him a little. “and we can go out and find shapes in the clouds and in the stars, and we can snuggle and feed each other.” excitement was mounting, over riding his paranoia at the prospect of all the cuddling and bonding that they could do.
Belial grinned before nodding, following after his lover as he went to the kitchen.Packing a basket lunch and heading out into the court yard so tehy would have the privacy to eat."So whatever are we going to talk abut?"Belial teased leaning over to kiss harry as he laid out their blanket.

"Of course we'll have strawberries."Raphael said getting a house demon to make their basket up before heading downstairs with Draco, wrapping a arm around his waist when the basket around."I love you."He muttered nuzzling the other for a moment before stepping out into the courtyard, paling a little when he saw belial and harry out there to. Bracing himself for the yelling.
Harry grinned as he helped pack the lunch, claiming that Bell just didn't do it right, snuggling with the man as they walked, chuckling as he settled into the courtyard kissing Bell happily. “mmm we could talk about whether we want kids or not?” he offered smiling at the other his head tilted. “Raphs pregnancy has me thinking... we're both angels, o I am half anyway... we might be able to get pregnant... and I...” he paused, looking over at Draco tensing, Draco growling as he studied the two, Harry sidling over to bell, calmly ignoring Draco and Raph as he nuzzled Bell, making sure the demon stopped paying attention to Draco and Raph... astonishingly it worked, because Draco huffed and turned away, holding Raph's hand tightly, but not painfully out towards the woods, wanting to find somewhere much more private.
Belail snorted laughing as he looked at his lover, leaning up to kiss him."So easy to handle him these days. Raph looked worried."He snicered little nuzzling his lover, because he'd found it amusing that harry had known exactly what to do to stop the angry words that he'd been sure was coming.

Raphael smiled happily following after Draco,nudging him a little as he laid their blanket down in the woods."Private enough?"He asked grinning at him, hoping he wasn't upset at seeing the others.
Harry chuckled a little as he shook his head. "as long as we pretend Raph doesn't exist, and show Draco that we have no interest in his mate we'll be fine." he teased chuckling a little as he held up a little piece of paper. "Lucius slipped me this before i left, instructions on how to handle Draco." he admitted chuckling a little. "now. i do beleive we where talking about something..." he paused. "... i can't remember what it was..."

Draco hesitated, looking around, sniffing at the air, testing the location before nodding. "yes, private enough." he agreed letting out his contented thrum before hesitating. "you don't think they'll follow us do you?" he asked glancing back the direction they had come, growling a little, as if warning something off, though there was nothing, and no one there.
"Babies.Raphael's baby in particular. So forgetful love."He teased kissing the other lightly, starting to eat even as he stole the note to read it. "I don't have any interest in Raph.He's annoying."He sulked more annoyed that he had come to care for the man then anything else.

"No, I'm sure they'll be to busy screwing on their blanket."He teased kissing the other softly, running his fingers through the other's hair, nuzzling his guardian."They don't want me draco. I promise. Belial wouldn't touch me with a ten foot pole."
Harry nodded. "oh right!" he chirped grinning. "babies." he snugged into the other as he sulked at his note being stolen. the information basic but helpful. pretend Raph isn't there, cuddle up to someone else, not to come over because he was going into heat himself... oooh. "yeah, so we're not going back over there tomorrow, Lucius will be a LOT more possessive." he admitted smiling a little as he rested his head on Bell's chest. "... do you want Children Belial?"

Draco nodded. "yes... they will be too busy with each other." he agreed smiling as he kissed Raph gently. "i'm sorry... i don't know why i act like that..." he complained softly. "i think it might be my heat... my brains all fuzzy and i react before i even realize what's happening." he admitted calmly. "besides Belial likes you, in his own little way. if you where in trouble he wouldn't hesitate to risk his life to save yours." he admitted smiling a little.
"Maybe.In a distant future, where god's not in control and doing as he willed."Belial said looking amused ruffling Harry's hair as he pouted a little."But-but I want to spend tiem with gabbie.It's been so long since we've talked."He said more to give his lover hard time then he actually wanted to spend time with the former angel.

"It's okay.It's kinda nice to see you possessive."He teased nuzzling his lover, brushing his lips over Draco's before leaning back, laughing harder."I don't know. Belial might just sit back and watch. I have tried to bash his head in on a occassions."He snickered wincing a little at the memory, though he did find their friendship amusing now.
he smiled a little and snuggled into the other, chuckling as Belial complained about wanting to talk to Gabe. "it's your funeral, Lucius would all out try to kill you." he teased smirking a little. "but if you feel you MUST take that risk be my guest." he teased smirking a little. "besides you don't like Gabe remember?" he teased kissing him gently.

he smiled a little, glad that the other wasn't upset with him being so off lately before laughing as well. "oh he would save you just to kill you himself." he teased kissing the other happily, hesitating before reaching into his pocket and slipping something onto Raph's finger. a ring, made out of silver and inlaid with gold vines, a rose made of ruby at the top. on the inside of the bad 'my forever love' was written, and draco smiled up at his lover. "...will you Marry me?"
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