In The Heart Of A Demon

Draco growled as he spread his wing across the doorway so they couldn't get past to attack Satan, Gabe and Lucius looking confused as Lilah scowled a little before looking horrified as Satan explained where Bell was. "he did WHAT!?" Lilah demanded, horrified, before she grabbed Draco's and Gabe's hands and vanished. being the only angel in the room that God still cared for, she could go straight to heaven without a second thought, though taking two people with her had left her so drained she couldn't even stand up when she got there. the others where going to have to find their own way in, because Lilah was too week to help them. "hurry!" Draco ordered Gabe, who hesitated, looking down at Lilah, wanting to help her, Draco huffing in frustration, well aware Raph could follow the bond between him to join his lover without any effort.
"Go, damn your pinfeathers, GO!"Raphael ordered as he stepped through, the inky blue of his wings spreading wide as he crouched to take care of lilah."Go.I will catch up."He growled lifting her in his arms and stepping between. Returning her to mikhail and harry, knowing the two demon would be able to take care of her before he returned to Draco's side, snarling as he handed draco the dragonsword, and drawing his own sword. The liquid blue blade glinting oddly as he and the others ran to where they could hear hellfire burning the heavens.
Draco and Gabe nodded racing towards the sounds of fighting, Draco transforming into his full dragon form and unleashing a Massive roar that filled the air and made the very fabric of heaven shake, many of the more timid Angels fled at the sound as Draco accepted his sword and spit dragon Fire at a few angels who where trying to rush them, batting another away with his tail. his lessons with Aramithrial really had been paying off. he took to the air, Gabe following suit, racing to Bell, who was going to get an earful from both Draco and Gabe at the very least.
Raphael snarled as bhe flew into the battle with them. Growling as they fought, and realized something. There had been a reason god had feared a sea lord. A angel backed by the power of the sea would be dangerous. Raising a hand he summoned the water, the fresh salt water raising as a wall between everyone but him and god for a moment, making the deity grapple with him for control, and the ground under their feet shook as the titans from the beginning of the world faced off, and it was going to be a interesting fight, to see who would be stronger, the kin slayer or god.

Howling in fury as the sea fell rappels grip slipped for a moment before he grabbed ahold of the man. Intent on ending this quickly with out putting everyone in danger, even as he realized his idea had a flaw. He was keeping the dirty from hurting anyone but he was also stopping them from hurting god because they were afraid to hurt him. At least until he saw belial slipping behind the god, the black flame edging his blade lighting his face as the demon raised a fist and extended it, a silent salute to the man he'd come to consider a friend, and a question of trust. Nodding slightly Raphael tightened his grip to make sure god was concentrating on him and not the others, which allowed belial his one chance.

And the flame sword slid through rib and bone, angled up to find gods heart and ripping it to shreds even as demon felt it slide free and find Raphael, who had pinned god against himself.
Gabe and Draco focused on keeping the swarms of angels back, struggling not to kill or mail, Draco batting the creatures out of the sky, swatting and batting at everything with roars of fury, spilling flames over the floor so that the Angel's had to fly to get to them. batting them around like they where flies, turning and roaring in fury as the wave of ocean fell, reaching out and yanking Raphael away from god and snarling as hs took a deep breath, and roared right in the man's face. no god wasn't dead, he couldn't be killed, but Draco sure as hell could maim him a little, and he was set on it until Gabe got in the way. "we'll lock him up." Gabe decided. "Draco can easily strip away Gods powers, and place someone else in charge, that is why he was created after all, to keep everything in balance, with God cheating the way he has been Draco can 'fire' him and put someone else in charge." he admitted panting a little, Draco growling as he lowered his head to God's, eyes blazing with Fury. "you tried to kill me, tried to kill my loved, and tried to kill my unborn baby. you deserve this." he snarled, God shrieking in rage as Draco blue purple flames over him, severing all of the ties that God had on everything, cutting off his power, and leaving him as week as a mortal. "do what you will with him Gabriel." Draco ordered. "i will think with Raph you and Bell later to decide who to put in charge." he paused, looking at Belial. 'Harry doesn't know your here... you need to talk to him, he is getting sick, he was puking this morning." he smacked the man hard suddenly. "and that's for being stupid and coming here on your own!" he spat before vanishing with a POP, Gabe struggling not to laugh.
Belial. Rolled his eyes as Raphael held his shoulder where the sword at sliced through muscle to bone."you deserved that. You're lucky he didn't kill you for doing this"he said absently fingering the wound on his shoulder. Belial rolled his eyes a little before sighing."I vote for raph. He's good with the leading thing"belial said before smirking a little. Hoping that Raphael in his bloodlost state would understand it and be the man he was meant to be. "no. I won't"Raphael said frowning a little before looking at the gathered angels before nodding to himself"I give you all the power over yourselves. But should anything bad happen i will be back to settle it." the archangel warned before disappearing to go to reassure his guardian he was okay.

Belial rolled his eyes at rappels good nature of not wanting to rule before disappearing himself back to his house, going in search of his boy, looking worried and pissed that the man hadn't told him what was wrong and instead made him think Harry didnt love him anymore
Draco rumbled, pleased that they had settled the problem themselves Gabe chuckling a little as Draco purred licking his lover once they where in the house, pinning Raph to the ground suddenly before running his long smooth tongue along the deep wounds, snarling at Lilah when she tried to get close to help before simply resuming his licking, healing Raphs shoulder himself before finally letting him up and shifting back into human form, shaking his finger at Raph. "that was stupidly reckless of you!" he complained shaking his head a little as he hugged the other. "but i'm glad you did it, Harry would be devastated if Bell died and he hadn't told him the truth."

Harry was laying in the bottom of the pool still, softly crying as he played with the water, wincing as Bell walked in, drawing down to the very deepest part of the pool, as if he was afraid to face bell, but the look of longing on his face was enough to tell Bell that it wasn't because Harry didn't love him... harry was afraid of something, he was being blackmailed maybe, or was afraid he was hurting his lover, or something, anything.
Raphael nodded looking amused as he leaned into the hug."I knew we had to take God by surprise to end things. And bell I knew would do what had to be done, even with me pinned."He muttered nuzzling the blond as he sighed, it felt so good to get licked. Glad that the man had been able to heal him, though it left a silvery white scar in its wake. A reminder of reckless selflessness maybe.

"Harry?"Belial lookedconfused as he crouched by the edge of the pool, holding wings up to make sure they didn't drag in the water as he looked down before sighing. Oh damn, it looked like raphael wasn't the only one reckless with their own safety. Sighing as he slpped into the pool he growled, the sound making the water vibrate as he demanded the other's attention even as the water started to agiate his skin. The close combat had left him even more sensitive and irritable to water.
Draco smiled a little as he nodded a little. "your forgiven." he admitted smiling a little as he kissed the other. "just promise to never do it again." he ordered smiling a little. "i love you." he muttered softly as he started pulling Raph over to Lilah, who was waiting patiently for Draco to get over his possessiveness so she could check on the baby.

Harry whimpered as he looked away from Bell, shame in his eyes. "i'm sorry..." he whispered before gasping as he watched the other slip into the pain, flinging his hands out and surrounding Bell in a bubble of air so he wouldn't be hurt, his eyes wide as he started to cry again, flinging himself into Bell's arms. "i'm sorry... i'm so sorry i know you... i'm so sorry.." he sobbed pressing his face into the others chest. "i j..just didn't want you to be mad at me and i c..can't get rid of it Bell i j..just c..cant..."
Raphael laughed quietly amused at his lover's possessiveness."Oh yes, I'll promise to never do it again. Belial's sword hurts."He whined laughing as he sat up on the table to let Lilah examine him,sighing softly."Is she okay?"He asked looking anxious, having forgotten for a moment that he had been pregnant, and hadn't just put his own life in danger.

Belial whimpered, sounding so confused at what was happening. Shifting a little as he examined the reddened skin on his rms, already blistering despite harry quickly making the bubble. Heaven had made him way to sensitive."What's wrong?Harry what happened?Did raphael do something? Cause I already hurt him once today, I don't think Draco'll let me do it again if he did."He said sounding anxious and scared.And being utterly riddicolus in the fear.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head a little as Lilah smiled. "she's fine, a good strong healthy girl." Lilah promised. "she's probobly a little annoyed with her mommy, but she's just fine." Lilah promised as she examined the scar to make sure it wouldn't cause problems before nodding. "your just fine Raph." she promised. "surprisingly enough."

Harry sniffled and sobbed as he shook his head. " Raph didn't... nuthin." he promised. "it's j..just... you d..don't want b..babies and i.. d.. didn't want you to be m..mad at me." he admitted, setting his hands on his belly, the small bump suddenly very visible now that Bell knew what to look for. "i'm s..s..sorry..." Harry sobbed. "please don't hate me.. please don't make me get rid of it." his hormones, and his own bad abused past making him certain that Bell was going to be furious.
Raphael smiled a little as he rubbed his stomach, laughing."Oh well,as long as she's ine enough to be annoyed with me,I'll be okay."He snickered before shrugging."As surprising as it is, belial IS good at using his sword, he aimed well."He said admiring the scar knowing that it could have been worse.

Belial looked so confused, trying to sort out what the man had said before frowning harder."No, you-what are-I want kids!"He yelped sounding so confused that the man didn't know what to say first. Whining a little as he tried to figure out what to say, because he was so confused on how they'd endd up at this moment.
Draco chuckled a little as he shook his head, Lilah giggling a little before pausing. "oh.. uhm, Draco dear about your mother..." "she's carrying Aramithrial's seed? i know." Draco grumbled, clearly not pleased, but not unhappy about it either. he sighed as he examined the scar on Raphs shoulder, glad that both his parent's had found love, but wondering where it put him in their lives.

Harry shook his head. " you d..don't you s..said so!" he wailed, pressing his face into Bell's chest and sobbing some more, so worked up he just couldn't accept the fact that Bell wasn't angry at him.
"Dont worry.Your parents love you."He muttered nuzzling his lover, rubbing his shoulder a little as he fingered the shiny white scar before standing up."We better go.I want to rest."He whined softly nuzzling his love.

Belial sighed holding the other,looking worried as he studied te blond."Love, I said I was worried about being a father, and not wanting kids because of it, and didn't want kids yet because of the war. But now that's done, I want kids.I always have, I was just more worried then I wanted."he muttered nuzzlin him
Draco smiled as he carried Raph up the stairs, thrumming happily as he set Raph down and snuggled into him. "mmm Satan is a pretty good guy... we should send him a gift as a thank you for saving us from the angels... and for letting us know bell was in danger." he decided grinning a little. "do you think he likes fruit baskets?"

Harry sniffled as he wiped his eyes and looked up at the other. " won't make me get r..rid of it?" he asked, hiccuping as he snuggled into the other. "you p..promise me you w...won't make me g..get rid of it?" he pleaded. "i want to keep it... keep it with you... i w..want to have a family..."
"I think Satan would be very confused if you sent him a fruit basket."Raphael muttered snuggling into him looking amused as he yawned starting to fall asleep as he thought about the other demon getting a fruit basket.

"I promise. I wont make you get rid of it."Belial sighed before pushing away, climbing out."Now to bed.The water hurts,even in air.Come on lovely."He said pulling the other with him "I want a family. lets go."He said bullying the pregnant man to bed.
Draco smirked wickedly. "all the more reason to send him one." he snapped his fingers, summoning a House demon and ordering it to prepare a fruit basket and a thank you card to be sent tot he lord of hell Satan, snickering at the little Demon's horrified look before it scrambled to do as ordered. "ahhh i love life." Draco purred happily.

Harry sniffled as he followed the other, clinging to him. it had been killing the fluffy boy to stay away from Bell, and now that he was there Harry couldn't bring himself to let go. "no one else knows." Harry admitted with a sniffle. "i should tell mom..." he muttered, sleepy now that he had calmed down. "i'm sorry Bell.. i didn't mean to go all insane..." he mumbled as he crawled into bed at the others urging. "i was scared...."
"Me to."Raphael yawned laughing quietly at the sight of the other's happiness,cuddling into him."Sleep love."He ordered before snuggling into him hard, refusing to stay awake a moment longer.

Belial laughed softly as he shook his head, "Hmm later."He said laying his boy in the bed and climbing in with him. Refusing to stay awake now that they had figured out what was wrong. And refusing just as much, to tell harry what he'd done. They'd worry about it later.

6 months later both angel and demon were in labor, despite getting pregnant at different times raphael's pregnancy had slowed while Harry's had sped up to match the angel's. Now the soft newborn cries from both guardian and demon children were heard as their fathers started fussing and their mother's laid back. Belial laughed as he cuddled his son, refusing to let anyone else see him until he'd counted all toes and fingers."He's perfect love."Belial grinned before stealing dracos daughter from the guardian."So is this one.She's got all parts and pieces."He cooed looking down at the babies in his arms
Draco smiled as he nuzzled his lover before he snarled as Bell took his baby, baring his horns and fangs before he calmed, realizing it was Bell who had his beautiful baby girl, Harry chuckling as he panted softly as he studied his son, who looked like a little rat in all honesty. Harry's body features, but Belial's gorgeous blue black colorings. "mmm he's going to be gorgeous." Harry mumbled sleepily, smiling at Bell. "you name him love." he ordered, Draco scowling at Bell as he took his daughter back and showed it to Raph, beaming at his lover. "i think Rachael." Draco admitted beaming at his lover. "what do you think Raph?"
Rpahael snickered a little as Belial risked bodily harm in the face of stealing rachel, before nodding."I like rachael."He smiled happily looking up at his lover, so happy but tired, snuggling down into the bed having every intention of going to sleep. Belial smirked a little not even worried about getting hurt by draco before snuggling his small rat of a son,smiling at his lover."I think Kal.Yes, kal."He said snuggling the babby who wrapped his fingers in his father's blue black hair.
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