In The Heart Of A Demon

Belial nodded a little,"He needs peace and quiet. At least till he finds his footing."Belial said knowing just how bad this was going to be."Raphael violent and nasty when he's feeling well.He's going to be nastier and violent when heaven knows about draco, and he's going to be protective. Even fallen, even stripped of everything, he still is the kinslayer. He'll mess someone up if they don't realize he's a danger."

Raphael laughed quietly as he sat up slowly his back ached with the loss of wings, his muscles twitching every once in awhile in the effort to balance wings that where no longer there."I want a shower. After eating."He smiled a little looking at his lover, shifting to lean against him, careful not to lean the raw wounds still against Draco's chest. just touching him enough to balance easily."Oh, I'm sure harry'd say you took more credit then just for the soup."He teased
Lucius nodded. “we'll make sure he gets peace and quiet.” he promised softly. “and we'll make sure Draco stays right by him, Raph is wingless, but not helpless.” he agreed smiling a little. “Draco's going to be protective too.” he agreed shaking his head a little as he gently took the others shoulder and gave it a short squeeze. “everything will be alright Bell. Raphael is strong willed and strong hearted. This won't get him down for long.”

Draco smiled and nodded. “sure. You need one, you stink.” he teased his lover with amusement in his eyes as he kissed the other. “and I'm sure Harry's Ego is big enough, inflate mine for a while.” he complained pouting at Raphael before smirking. “but I am also taking credit for finding you and fixing you up.” he teased chuckling as he kissed the other, gently setting his hands on the others belly, Lilah had told him about the baby. “Lilah made sure the baby was alright.” he admitted softly. “it's a little girl..” Lilah could tell those sorts of things, even just conceived she was always right when guessing the sexes of babies.
Belial nodded rubbing his hands over his face before smiling a little."He'll be fine."He sighed a little getting up, heading for the door."I'll talk to you later.I better go figure out what Harry's up to."He said laughing a little heading for where he could feel his lover.

Raphael looked startled at that, looking down at his stomach with a small sweet smile before smiling a little."Oh...oh good."he swallowed hard, so glad that his daughter hadn't suffered for that. Swallowing hard he set his bowl down, shifting to stand up,resting a hand on Draco's shoulder to get up"Hmmm I'll inflate something of yours. And I know it was you who found me....and ate those demons. That was gross by the way.But bell wont let you take credit for his brillance as a doctr"He teased.
Harry was sitting in the kitchen, making strawberry desserts for Draco and making some of Raphs favorite desserts as well, cooking helped calm him down, strawberries kept Draco calm, so as far as Harry was concerned he was being productive. He smiled as Bell walked in and offered him a slice of strawberry cheesecake. “want a piece?”

Draco smiled as the other stood up, gently supporting the other as they headed for the shower. “i didn't EAT them.” he whined before hesitating. “ok only one or two.” he agreed smiling a little. “besides they deserved it, they where eating you first.” he complained shaking his head as he gently set the other down on the toilette so he could draw water into the bath. “i know you want a shower love but I can't hold you up that long.” he admitted sheepishly smiling at Raph. “do you want bubbles or bath salts?”
"Oh yea."Belial smiled as he stole a piece of it, shifting to wrap a arm around Harry as he sat down starting to eat the cheesecake."So why are we cooking so much?"He teased.

Raphael pouted a little at that, he did enjoy bubbles but..."No. No bubbles. Or salts. Even healed, they might agiate the new skin."He muttered looking pained at the idea, running his fingers through his hair before he let the other get into the tub, sighing as he slid in."This feels so good..."He said smiling easily.
Harry smiled a little. “cooking makes me feel better.” she explained nuzzling Belial as he sat down on the others lap and enjoyed his own slice of cheesecake. “plus all the strawberry stuff will make Draco feel better, I'm making a few of Raph's favorite things too.” he admitted smiling happily as he nuzzled into Bell.

Draco smiled as he nodded. “this is true.” he agreed. “it's alright, we can have bubbles next time.” he agreed helping the other into the bath, smiling at his lover, kissing his neck. “i'm just so glad your alright.” he whispered softly. “i was so afraid... there was so much blood... I thought i'd lost you.” he admitted softly, nudging the others neck with his nose, Heaven's call tugging suddenly on Raph's soul. God silently reminding Raph that almost mortal or not, he was still a heavenly creature, and he was still under God's control. “Raph? Are you ok?”
Belial smiled glancing at the cielng as he felt thunder rumble through his bones and lightening flash outside even if moments before it had been clear, not so much as it would have once been but Raphael was extremely unhappy about something, and thunder was the voice of anger."Hmm he enjoys sweet things. And chocolate."He mused a little a little worried still.

Raphael sighed softly, even as he relaxed into the other as he let his temper for once show through. After all, he wasn't god's creature anymore, wasn't a kinslayer that was bound by the rules of heaven."Fine. Just annoyed."He said resting his head on Draco's shoulder, knowing he was annoying god by being with a guardian.
Harry nodded. “i'll make him some chocolate Eclairs and some chocolate pudding pie and. Hmmm, chocolate truffles.” he decided smiling as he kissed the other. “what about you love, any requests?”

Draco hesitated and then nuzzled the other, closing his eyes. “i love you Raph, you know that right?” he asked softly, the tug of heaven on Raph slowly fading away as God decided to do something else to amuse himself with. “do you want to go down to the kitchen? Harry's making all sorts of things and Bell will probably be down there.” he smiled at the other. “their all worried about you.” he admitted. “even that annoying Aramithrial was trying to find a way to help you.”
"Hmmm cheesecake. And strawberry pie."He said looking slightly amused as he pressed a kiss to the other's hair."And make something for yourself."He said tickling the other a little.

Raphael smiled a little"I know.I love you to."He said kissing the other softly before shifting, slowly using the tub edge to get up. Swaying a little as he got up and out of the tub."Yes, lets go downstairs."He said even if it was only a few hours bed bound since he fell he was desperate to feel normal again. Giggling a little at Aramithrial wanting to help."Oh, I am sure he'll find something.Even if it's just helping you with that sword."
he chuckled a little and nodded. “i already made something for myself.” he stated lifting the cheesecake. “this is my favorite.” he admitted stuffing a bite into his mouth with a happy little groan, grinning a bit to himself. “mmm delicious.” he purred happily. “

Draco smiled as he shook his head. “the only person I am going to let teach me swordsmanship is you, I already can kick Aramithrial's ass at swords.” he admitted with a small chuckle as he helped the other into the kitchen looking astonished as he saw the piles of sweets, lifting an eyebrow. “oooh! Strawberry cheesecake!” he chirped happily eagerly munching into the cake as soon as he had Raph settled, Harry snickering a little.
Raphael smiled a little as he raised a eyebrow at the sweets, giving Harry a small thankful smile."Feeling anxious potter?"He teased. Belial rolled his eyes smiling relieved to see that the man was acting like his normal self, even if he was moving a little gingerly."Don't tease him. You had us all worried.Idiot."He said rolling his eyes before smirking, "but you have the sword. At least he didn't take that." "No I have that."Raphael said with a sad smile, even if he was glad for getting it he was worried aout what would happen when Gabriel realized what had happened. How long it would take the archangel to come after him and Draco.
Harry grinned at the other. “only a little, Draco's got me all nervous.” he complained. “he paces and then I have to pace too and then Bell get's involved and it just goes around and around.” he complained rolling his eyes a little as he smiled at Raph. “i'm glad your safe.” he admitted. He didn't say fine, having your wings torn off, it was never going to be alright or fine. “is God even aware you have it?” Lucius asked curiously. “as far as I have learned from Lilah, he isn't omnipotent in his own tower...” Lilah would know that, she had been gods favorite until she had fallen in love with a demon, she knew all sorts of things she shouldn't. “yes but I have my doubts about Gabriel not being aware.” “you're right.” a voice stated suddenly, Gabriel appearing in a flare of white, his wings spread wide, stained as black as ink. “... I knew the sword was there.” he admitted swallowing thickly. “so I was punished for not telling...” he admitted looking upset. “i'm banned from heaven unless I kill Draco.” Draco looked terrified. “and harry...” now Harry looked frightened, but Gabe made no move to attack either of them.
Both former angels paused in the middle of sipping their drinks, making no outward threatening signs but on high alert as they studied the archangel."If you draw that line here Gabriel, we'll figure out who's earned the right to be kinslayer."Raphael grumbled, lightening flashing as the man's temper started slipping the leash. Pregnant and not feeling goo, he was being goaded easier into having a violent reaction. Belial sighed setting his drink down turning to look at Gabriel, raising a eyebrow."And yet you got to keep your wings. I love it when God plays favorites."He mused before looking at him."Now. You either are very brave or very stupid to threaten us in this house. What are you going to do?"He demanded because he didn't want to spend his life looking over his shoulder for gabriel, he wanted to know now what was going on.
Gabe watched them closely and then nodded before turning around, and stretching his wings towards Belial. It was a sign of complete submission, he was offering Belial his wings, which meant he was offering to let Belial rip them out if that was what he so pleased. “i will not abandon Lilah.” he stated sternly. “god can kiss my angel ass.” he stated firmly Harry looking shocked, utterly and completely shocked as Gabriel lifted his flaming sword and offered that to Belial as well. “i don't like you, at all, but I will give you my loyalty to protect Lilah and all that she holds dear, you, Mikail, Harry, Draco and even that annoying little red thing.” Aramithrial no doubt. “God made me mostly mortal, he can no longer dictate what I do, I feel heaven's pull, but he didn't take away my powers.” he admitted offering them a grimace. “unfortunately I did learn that Satan has sent the hell hounds out for the Guardian. And God has picked a new Kinslayer to be his assassin which He is sending also, after Draco.” he admitted. “i don't think think he's safe here...”
elial smiled a little at the description of Aramithrial. He should have known that the man's submission had nothing to do with them, and everything to do with Lilah. Wrinkling his nose he thought about satan,"I can deal with the hell hounds."He said before wincing."But it means going back to hell. I'm a demon lord, satan gave us priveledge for falling, and becoming one of his. But the wards are set only to my house."He said wincing because it scared him a little to take raphael there. Draco, and the others, hell even gabriel were probably better off then a weak raphael. Not that he would tell Raphael that at the moment."We have to go."Raphael said heaving up off his stool, swaying a little on his feet as he stood, taking his time to not move quickly.
Gabriel nodded a little, sighing a little. “i really don't want to stay in hell...” he complained wrinkling his nose. “but I suppose I don't have much of a choice. The elder Malfoy's will probably have to come with, the Angels and Demon's won't think twice about killing them just to upset Draco.” he admitted, Draco strangely silent and pale, frightened beyond his wits end. “i can mask their signatures from the Kinslayer... your never going to believe who God chose either... Samuel.” he admitted watching Rapheal's reaction. Raphael and Samuel had always hated each other, the Archangel of the earth was Raphael's opposite in every way, Draco rushing over to his lover and steadying him, looking upset. “Father and mother won't be able to eat if we take them to hell though! Hell food is addictive to mortals!” “we'll bring a stash of human food.” Lucius promised. “and if we run out our house elves can bring us more.”
Raphael looked strtled at the idea. raphael stared wide eyed because samuel was a moron.Raphael was a moron sometimes, but at least it took a ocean to revert him to that. Samuel was just a moron."At least I'll be able to run circles around him."he said. Maybe. Not about to mention how much that worried him because he was feeling so helpless that he had no idea if he could still take care of draco.leaning against Draco a little he sighed."Come on. LEt's go get everything that you need."He said walking slowly out of the rom, wanting some quiet.

Belial sighed rubbing a hand over his face looking at Gabriel."I know you don't want to stay.But if you'd rather stay here..."He teased before sighing."This is going to be so ugly..."He muttered because he was so not looking forward to this.
Draco smiled and followed Raphael out into the bedroom, gently kissing the scars on his back. “you'll be fine, and so will I.” Draco promised smiling a little as he nuzzled his lover gently. “Samuel sounds like an idiot, I bet Harry could even kick his ass.” he teased looking amused.

Gabriel sighed a little and shook his head. “i can't stand Mortals.” he grumbled in slight annoyance glancing at Lucius and wrinkling his nose, the man shrugging. “i'd rather go to hell than stay here in the mortal realms.” he admitted calmly shaking his head. “i am sorry for what happened to Raphael... I, I did not know his lover was the Guardian.” he admitted softly rubbing the back of his neck. “i will try not to be disruptive to any of you, but.. well I'm a disruptive person, I was made to be so...” as the Archangel of protection and guarding he had to have something to protect or he went a little goofy. And he had nothing to protect, until he found something to guard he was going to end up going a little nutty for a while. Unfortunately he couldn't guard something that was already being guarded. So Raph and Draco, Belial and Harry, Lilah and Mikhail he couldn't actually latch on to to guard because they where already protecting each other.
Raphael grinned a little amused wincing a little as the other kissed his back. It wasn't hurting but it was a shock to not have wings in the way."Hmm we will. And he is."He said snickering a little before kissing the other, stepping back sinking down onto the bed."Pack our things. WE proably should hurry to go."He said anxious to get somewhere safe, even if he hated the idea of hiding.

Belial winced, "DAmn."He sighed softly, beause he'd forgotten about that. He hadn't considered the problems Gabriel was going to face with no having anyone to guard. Smirking a little he smiled,,"There's always Raphael's pet falcon."He teased before nudging the archangel,"Don't worry. We'll take care of you just like we take care of raphael near water."he said looking bemused then thoughtful."I wonder...."He traild off trying to wonder if god would be cruel enough to keep Raphael's curse in place. Then wincing again. Of course the god was.
Draco smiled a little and shook his head a little. “calm down love.” he ordered calmly. “it's going to take them a while to find out where I am, and the hell hounds have to leave hell before their going to find me.” he admitted smiling a little even as he spread his hands and started packing with magic, as if he was still a wizard. An unknown fact about Guardian's, was that they could use magic just like a wizard.

Gabe offered Belial a small smile, looking a little shaky before shaking his head. “can't protect pets.” he admitted wrinkling his nose a little before smiling at Bell. “i'm sorry but... Raph will still be affected by the ocean.” he admitted softly as he shook his head. “God is very cruel.” he admitted softly running his hand through his hair. “you know.. I never thought about why you where tossed out of heaven until now... and I'm... beginning to understand now why you rose against him.” he admitted softly. “i am sorry I was so hard on you Belial.” he admitted softly. “my own curse is going to leave me as helpless as Raph is...” he admitted softly, swallowing hard, looking afraid. “i never thought I would ever be the one to face Gods wrath...”
Raphael looked startled at the use of magic efore smiling a little, sitting up to tug the blond between his legs, burying his face against his lover's stomach as he hugged him close."I don't want to lose you. Not now."he muttered shuddering a little."Draco...God...god tossed me out because I was pregnant....and...the baby..."He stopped starting to cry because he'd totally missed the conversation of lilah saving the baby, having been blitzed out of his mind in pain.

Belial sighed sadly, because he had been afraid of that. "I dislike anyone ordering me around."He shrugged before smirking."Because you were never his Kinslayer.Raphael bore the brunt of his temper, because to god he thought the only one who stood a chance was a man who could control water in the world, as well as his own he's lost the only control he had over Raphael."He sighed looking at Harry, biting his lip."We need to see if Aramithrial'll help Raphael.He's good at beginner's magic, and training. Raphael needs to relearn everything he already knows, because he needs to learn to fight without wings."
Draco blinked and then chuckled as he stroked the others hair. “Raph... love.. don't you remember? We had this conversation.” he explained smiling a little as he forced the others head up, smiling at him. “Lilah saved the baby darling... the baby is fine.” he promised softly, kissing his lover intently. “you and the baby are just fine, and your not going to lose me either. I promise.” he just hoped he could keep that promise.

He nodded a little. “Aramithrial will do anything to help anyone who's associated to Draco.” he admitted calmly, glancing at the other. “but... I have a very bad feeling he's not going o be able to help Raph do anything.” he admitted facing front. “..., was in heaven when God was yelling at me...” he admitted biting his lip. “...he was headed for the Garden...” he admitted softly, licking his lips a little as he glanced around, clearly looking for something in danger to protect, but really, there was nothing to protect. Gabriel felt antsy, very antsy, he would have protected Aramithrial, but the man wasn't there to protect, so it wasn't very shocking that he instantly latched onto Lucius when the man walked out with suitcases in hand, spreading his wing out and pulling the man close with it, blinking a little as Lucius protested. “s..sorry... I can't help it.” Gabe grumbled, forcing himself to let the mortal go, Lucius huffing as he straightened out his shirt. “are all angel's so annoying?” he asked Bell playfully. “Narcissa is on her way down.”
Raphael looked startled kissing him bak,"Oh."He said blushing at realizing that they'd already had this conversation."Well.We should be going."He muttered embarassed enough about being delirious that he was going to avoid saying that he really didn't remember.Getting up and heading for the door.

Belial snickered a little nodding his head."We are. God made us all a little quirky.Though I have to admit, Gabe's better then most. At least he's intelligent enough not to pounce on me. Or Raphael."He teased smiling as Narcissa walked in."You could protect me Gabe, I wont yell at you."The mortal teased pattnig the angel's arm, looking nervous and worried. Nervous about leaving home and worried abotu her son more then she worried about herself. Belial fowned as Gabriel's words about ARamithrial got through,"...he's in heaven?"he looked startled, wondering what in the world Aramithrial had gone after. And afraid that he knew.
Draco chuckled a little as he kissed his lover. “are you alright love?” he asked softly, his head tilted. “do you need to have sex before we go back?” he teased smiling a little. “we haven't found out of I can get pregnant yet after all.” he teased with a small chuckle.

Aramithrial smiled at Narcissa and shook his head. “i would dear lady but I am afraid you are already being protected by someone.” he admitted calmly, though gently wrapped his wing around her, sensing her distress, Lucius lifting an eyebrow. “wait... Narci is being protected, but I'm not?” he asked looking confused, Gabriel chuckling. “mortals protecting mortals is pointless.” he stated simply. “Narcissa is being protected by either an angel, a demon, or another immortal creature.” Lucius frowned, wrinkling his nose, confused but not about to question the sanity of an Angel.
Raphael laughed quietly raising his head to kiss the other, tugging him into his lap."Hmm I think I could use sex now."He said eager to do it because he needed to reassure himself Draco still wanted him.

Narcissa looked startled at that, looking at the demon."No.I'm not protecting you. I have harry."Belial said looking just as curious at the idea before running his fingers through his hair."You're insane Gabe. there's no one protecting her but her husband."He said looking thoughtful.
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