In The Heart Of A Demon

Draco examined the man intently before stepping forward, the Demon grinning a little. “i am only a LITTLE spacey!” he promised pinching his fingers together, luckily for Belial he didn't remember the other at all, or the fight that he had lost. “beside I PROMISED! I might be a demon but I keep my promises.” he promised crossing his arms. “especially made to one I loved.” he admitted nodding as if that was the final word. “i would like to teach the new guardian, under supervision of course.” he promised Harry snorting. “as if we'd let you near him without supervision.” he growled, glaring at the Demon. “well, I WAS hoping he'd be well protected.” Aramithrial admitted, looking slightly amused. “may I at least have the Guardian's name?” Aramithrial asked with a pout, Draco and Harry glancing at each other before replying, in unison. “no.” which only made Aramithrial sulk even more. “fiiine, I'll just call you Malfoy.” he stated clapping his hands together. “now then! Lets start.” “what now!? I JUST changed!” “that's the best time to learn! Right now your abilities and powers are running on instinct, which will make them MUCH easier for you to access, now do you have a room large enough to hold his 'Dragon' Form?” the demon asked hopefully.
Raphael wrinkled his nose as he put away the sword his lip curling into a sneer."You're standing in a lord of hell's home. Of course we have a room."He said sneering shaking his had a little.Belial sighed softly shaking his head as he rolled his eyes. Raphael could be so annoying with his over protectiveness sometimes. But in this instance, considering just how hunted guardians are, he approved. Letting the fire go he led them all to the huge ballroom, looking at Aramirthal,"No. You shall call him...Gabriel.Yes gabriel works."He said wrinkling his nose."It's rude to call someone by their last name." Raphael rolled his eyes sitting on the floor, sitting cross legged and willing to watch and make sure his boy was safe."He IS well protected,guardian. Who do you think we are?"He sulked looking put out a little to having his guardianship questioned even if it was imagined.
Aramithrial beamed happily and followed them, completely uncaring that they where all flanking him and keeping him out of reach of Draco. “Gabriel? I can't call him Gabriel! Don't you know better?! If you say that name too many times the Archangel comes down and murders you for taking his name in vain!” the Demon stated in horror. “i'll just call him Lord Malfoy.” he decided. “according to Demon and angel law, he IS a lord.” Aramithrial pointed out, Draco smirking. “HA!” he stated pointing at Bell. “i outrank you!” he teased snickering a little as he shook his head as Aramithrial grinned at Raphael. “well, I wasn't expecting him to be friends with the most powerful demons and Angels of all time now was I?” he asked his head tilted. “i just followed his unique signal to here, don't worry no one else can do it anymore, they never stayed keyed in like I did.” he admitted pointing at Draco.

“now then Lord Malfoy.” “oh yeah, I could get used to that.” “forget it Malfoy, we're not calling you that.” “oh yes you are!” Draco teased smirking a little as Aramithrial snapped his fingers. “Please focus Lord Malfoy.” he ordered looking amused. “now, take a deep breath, close your eyes and focus, feel your body, feel how it moves.” he ordered calmly, walking in a large circle around Draco. “feel your shoulders, feel them shift.” Draco took deep breaths, focusing where Aramithrial instructed him to. “feel the skin split there, feel your wings slide free.” for a moment, nothing happened, and then Draco's enormous wings slid almost effortlessly out of his back , spreading wide. “good, good.” Aramithrial muttered, deftly avoiding a wing. “now, feel the rest of your body change, feel it grow, spreading wider, wider until it fills all of you.” Draco opened his yellow eyes, groaning a little as he started to expand. Annoying Aramithrial was, but good at teaching he was also. “good, Lord Malfoy, now feel how your shifting, feel that spot, deep inside.” he ordered Draco nodding, closing his eyes before he sighed softly and moaned. “oooh that feels good.” he breathed.
Belial raised a eyebrow, both at the story and draco's exclaimation."I'm a lord you moron. The only person you outrank is...him, and that's because he's to proud to shed his wings."He said not about to tell the idiot who they were. Let Aramithrial sweat it out. "No we're not. Shut up D-Malfoy."Raphael said rolling his eyes at draco and harry's exchange, closing his eyes as he thought about water, smiling softly at the cool liquid spilling over his fingers, letting him relax him as he played with his small ball of water. "...that sounds so perverted. Raph, I think you're boy's getting off on this fucker."Belial supplied more out of the desire to be annoying hten anything else."Shut up blue-bell."Raphael ordered snickering because it was true. When he had had wings Belial had had wings that were that midnight blue, absolutely gorergous.
Draco snickered a little as he sat there in full dragon form, Aramithrial nodding. “good! Good, now, take a deep breath, feel both sets of lungs deep inside.” he ordered patting his own chest, Draco taking a deep breath, shocked to realize that he really did have four lungs! “feel how they fill with air, now, focus on the top set, feel them get hotter and hotter, pleasantly filling with hot fire.” he ordered. “now, blow it out, like your trying to blow out a candle... NO NOT ON ME!!!” too late, Draco unleashed a hot heavy stream of fire that washed over Aramithrial, the Demon coughing, annoyed, but mostly unharmed as he sulked. “... my hair is on fire isn't it?” he complained, Draco snickering as he shook his head. “no,,, but your pants are...” he stated simply, Harry laughing as he stole Raph's water ball and used it to put out the fire. “ah, thank you... right... well... perhaps we should do the Ice lung later.” he decided trying to straighten himself up, full of soot and smoke. “lets practice flying shall we?” he decided, spreading his own long, red bat like wings, they where smaller than everyone's in the room, indicating he was a weaker demon, whatever the hell kind he was he was certainly no math for anyone in the room... house...
Raphael and Belial both relaxed as they both realized that they far outstripped this teacher in power. Relaxed as they realized Draco would need the help. "I want to fly.Drakey, can I fly with you?"Rahpael said making belial wince at the name. Oh gods, raphael was having fun making up nicknames. Raphael grinned as he got to his feet, white wings brushing the floor as he stood, the soft feathers folding slightly awkwardly, before he flinched as he flexed the muscles, dmmit he'd forgotten he'd broken in."Maybe not..."He said sitting back again. Belial rolled his eyes looking at Draco patting him on the shoulder, as if to tell him not to worry, because he could see draco totally freaking when he realized sitting on raphael really had hurt him
Draco perked up excitedly, Aramithrial nodding. “it would be good to have someone else in the air.” he agreed. “we're not going to go up too high the first few times but accidents can happen.” he admitted, Draco scoffing at that, he figured he would do everything perfectly like he always did. “i think I might take this lesson too.” Harry admitted, spreading his own lily white wings, Aramithrial nearly having a heart attack when he saw one, trying to sputter that Demon's weren't supposed to have Angel wings! Distracted by Draco's worried whine as he pressed his nose to Raph's chest, the demon pausing then nodding. “alright, we'll learn to fly in a second, now is the perfect time to learn healing!” Aramithrial chirped, not at all enjoying the look on Draco's face, Draco looking startled.

“i can heal?” “of course you can, the only being that can heal better than a guardian is Jesus himself.” the demon admitted. “in fact it was Jesus who gifted the guardians with the ability to heal.” wasn't that exciting? Aramithrial instructed Raph to sit cross legged on the flood with his wings spread, and then he started explaining to Draco what had to be done. Finding that spot deep inside that Draco loved so much, he found all the love he had for myth, and an image in his head of the man fixed and whole before he blew on myth, his breath smelling like cherries and chocolate as his magic fluttered around Raph, the wings mending effortlessly, Aramithrial clapping. “i never thought it was going to be so easy to teach you these things! I can't decide if your that smart or that instinctual!” Harry snickered a little. “he's both! Isn't that right Drakey!?” Draco glared at Harry. “Raph, may call me that... you, may not.” he growled, Harry snickering a little more.
Raphael snickered behind his hand as he turned his head to poke his wings smiling when he realized the wing really was healed."Potter if you don't stop, he might eat you."He pointed out grinning as he stood again belial looking amused as he watched the two."Okay blue bell, lets see the wings."Raphael ordered watching his friend because it'd been so long since he saw those sinfully beautiful wings. Belial sighed shaking his head a little as he let the sight shield fall, the once midnight blue wings a dapple grey, soft edged with silver."Okay, now lets all fly."He said heading for the door. Raphael snorted looking amused as he watched the others shaking his head."Dragon, how you feeling?"He asked looking worried and fretful over his draco.After all it wasn't normal lyou learned something so very different about yourself.
Harry snickered a little. “he wouldn't eat me, he luuurves me.” Aramithrial snorted a little, lifting an eyebrow. “if that's love I'm a cockatrice.” he stated simply shaking his head as Harry gaped at Bell. “i didn't know you had wings!” he stated astonished before hesitantly reaching out and touching one, eyes alight with wonder. “their so soft...” he mused Aramithrial and Draco following Raphael out the door, Harry chirping as he realized he was being left behind. “alright Draco, first we're going to learn how to fly in your Dragon form, then we're going to work on your human flight, alright?” Draco nodded and Harry took his place next to Draco, both of them flapping, long smooth strokes,up and down, up and down, blasting wind through the field before both of them launched themselves into the air, Draco rose effortlessly, so in tune with himself that it took no effort, Harry took a nose dive right into the dirt. “damn!” Harry complained, Aramithrial chuckling as he gently helped Harry to stand. “it's different for Draco than it is you.” he explained.

“you where simply hidden in human form, you still had your demonic instincts and impulses, you stopped acting on instinct a long time ago... Draco was actually human, his true self locked away, he's settling into who he really is at a physical and emotional level, his instincts are on full blare, allowing him to much more easily do these things.” he explained, Harry nodding. “that makes sense.” he agreed. “alright move, I'm going to try again.” he decided, Aramithrial laughing as he nodded, helping Harry now while Draco unleashed a happy roar as he swooped through the air with Raph, spitting flames out of his nose and mouth in his utter joy at finding himself so comfortable in his own body for the first time in his life.
And while the dragon was making happy noises, and Harry was getting instructions, Raphael and Belial had devolved into their normal way of dealing with each other. Fighting. Both swords and wings giving into a deadly dance, along with using Draco's flame as another obstacle in fighting each other. Long minutes passing before both angel and demon collapsed onto the ground with a happy groan, raphael smiling as he looked up at draco as the dragon leaned over to him make sure he was okay."I'm fine pretty boy."He said patting the dragon on the nose, smiling as he closed his eyes.
Draco made a deep thrumming noise as he landed, Harry finally making it into the air with an eager whoop, Aramithrial laughing as he clapped, watching the two demons collapse with a shake of his head, Draco running his massive tongue along Raphael's face, beaming at him happily. “you shouldn't fight.” he chastised playfully, Harry laughing a little as he landed on Draco's back, Lilah suddenly appearing with a large group of House demons, carrying food. “you boys have done enough for now, come eat!” she ordered, Draco chirping as he melted back into human form, sprinting towards the food, Harry laughing as he followed, Aramithrial shaking his head as he watched the two, his head tilted as he suddenly saw Lilah, his eyes widening. “LILAH! Darling your AWAKE!” “oh gosh! Ara!” she shrieked, running over and slamming into the demon, hugging him tightly. “i thought you where DEAD!” “me!? I though YOU where dead!” Aramithrial complained waving his arms. “how ARE you! It's been CENTURIES!” Harry and Draco where staring, astonished. “you know this hyper thing?” Harry asked Lilah, Lilah laughing as she nodded. “yes! He is, for lack of a better term, my brother in law!” well Belial certainly hadn't known THAT little tidbit of information.
Belial's eyes widening, sputtering a little."Oh bloody hell.He's NEVER going to go away!" "Of course not Bell."Malik smiled as he walked out of the house, smirking a little as he looked at Raphael then draco."Is there a reason you're being overprotective?" "No. I just don't like him."The angel said scowling a little at the idea, wondering if the summons he was feeling from heaven was what was really bothering him instead of Aramirthal. Wrinking his nose he looked at Ara,"Are you going to be able to hide him?"He asked anxious because he was afraid. Belial looked curious, "We're going to have to. It's going to be hard, espicially if Gabe shows up again...but we'll hide him"He said soothingly patting Raphael on the arm in effort to keep him calm
Aramithrial laughed as he clapped Malik on the shoulder. They where only half brothers, same father, different mothers, but they had been very close when they where younger until Aramithrial had chosen a side, and been declared a criminal by both Angels and Demons. They had never forgiven Aramithrial for hiding the very last guardian, the demon had to even fake the guardian's death to keep everyone from scouring the earth clean looking for him. “there's no need to hide me.” Aramithrial promised, smirking a little. “and as for Draco, human form with a glamor would hide him perfectly well.” he admitted. “i can teach him how to do that after lunch is finished,a human form is a guardian's ultimate defense, they appear completely human, in power, in appearance, and even in scent. He just needs to glamor himself to look like he used to and no one will realize he's anything but mortal.” Aramithrial promised, Lilah giggling. “your so smart Ara!” she chirped playfully, Aramithrial snorting a little. “i only had hundreds of centuries to learn all of this.” he teased smirking a little as he examined Gabe. “you know, I keep getting this nagging feeling that I KNOW you!” he complained scowling a little his head tilted.
Belial pouted looking at his best friend."You know, after a man nearly kills you, you should remember what he looks like." "Yes, but you looked different. You've changed since you fell. Moron."Raphael added endearingly, ruffling his best friends hair, laughing as he got smacked for his efforts to be amusing. Still looking worried but relaxing, rubbing his shoulder."I need to go out for a few hours. Will you be okay by yourself?"Raphael asked nuzzling draco as he wrapped his arms around him. Despite the steadily growing pain of his summons, he was willing to piss off hell to make sure the other was okay.
Aramithrial snapped his fingers in recognition. “that's right! Your the bastard that tried to kill me for trying to steal that goddamn apple!” he bitched, remembering his brief time in heaven, trying to steal an apple from the garden so he could break his bond with Satan. Thankfully he'd managed to take a bit before Belial had kicked his ass. “you tried to kill me you JERK!” he complained pouting furiously. Draco chuckling a little as he shook his head, nuzzling Raphael. “i'll be fine, I have Harry Lilah and Mikail if anything happens.” he promised, ignoring Aramithrial who was still bitching about how Belial had almost gotten him killed, sulking and scowling as he whined at Lilah to punish Belial, the woman just laughing and warning Aramithrial if he didn't knock it off he was going to get his ass kicked again.
Belial sighed,"I ALWAYS kicked everyone's ass who got near the tree. It was my job." "Until you ate some of it yourself."Raphael pointed out, mostly ingore the ruckus Aramithral was causing as he yelled about nearly getting killed. Nuzzling Draco a littlehe ndded stepping back."I'll be back then."He muttered before heading for heaven. Belial sighed looking at the guardian teacher."Shut up."He ordered.

once in hevaen raphael sighed going in search of Gabriel, his scowl fierce as he walked, not about to let the stares of the other angels get to him. After all he still lived here. sometimes. It wasn't odd for him to be here, even if it was. "Gabriel."The angel said tilting his head when he found the other archangel.
Harry laughed a little at that, amused that Belial had taken a taste of the fruit himself, shaking his head when Aramithrial puffed up like a furious cat when he was told to shut up, but did in fact shut up, Lilah giggling again as Harry snickered and shook his head, grabbing Bell's hand. “oh leave him alone, he's practically family and he IS helping Draco.” he pointed out. “he's annoying, but he's helpful and useful.” he pointed out, shaking his head.

Gabriel turned and looked at Raphael when he arrived, looking troubled as he looked down at earth through one of the many portals. “there is a Guardian again.” he stated calmly. “the angels are gathering to look for it, and the traitor Aramithrial.” he explained. “we thought both where dead, we where stupid to think otherwise.” he admitted looking at Raphael. “we need your help, out of all the angels you where the best at hunting them, we need to deal with this threat, before that Demon finds the Guardian, and teaches it, it will join the demons, and then there will be no way we can win the war.” he explained, setting his hand on Raphael's shoulder. “please think about it, and keep your eyes open for the guardian... we can't let it live... God himself has issued the order to exterminate it.”
Belial sighed wrinkling his nose as he looked at his lover."Love, Raphael IS family, and I don't put up with that whiney shit from him.Why should I put up with it from a punk who's ass I used to wipe the floor?At least if I put up with it from Raph, he'll WILL kick my ass if I do something threatening."He said pulling the other close for a kiss.

Raphael moved to the edge of the portal looking down,crossing his arms as he watched hte world."Gabriel, you know I've declared myself neutral. So has Belial. And nothing will get done if we keep out of this fight.Besides Belial's so obsessed with his current boytoy that he wont even consider hunting for a guardian."He said blandly as if the hunting of a guardian didn't bother him,but it had long driven him insane to try to hnt them.And with draco's life on the line, he had to be even more careful.But he refused to even consider hunting another creature that god had made in his image, then despised for being what he mde them.
Harry laughed a little and kissed the other. “oh be nice to Ara, he's still helping.” he complained smiling a little as he gently nibbled on the others neck. “besides, it's not like he's TRYING to be annoying, it's probably hereditary.” Lilah nodded. “it is, his mother was a LOT worse.” she admitted chuckling a little. “plus he's been living completely alone for almost three centuries.” Lilah admitted. “no contact with intelligent life at all, that would drive anyone, even a demon a little coo-coo.”

Gabriel frowned a little. “Belial is no longer an Angel.” he pointed out. “he no longer answers Heavens call.” he stated firmly. “God is not the only one calling for Guardian blood.” he stated calmly. “if a Demon get's to the beast first, they might convince it to join their side Raphael, you MUST help us find this Guardian.” he ordered firmly. “you once spent every dying breath looking for the things, why the so sudden change!?” he demanded before he scowled, looking the other over before his eyes widened. “...your in love! I can smell the Bond.” he looked astonished. “it's that....” he paused, not wanting anyone to know about Draco yet. “it's that blond isn't it?” he asked softly sighing a little and nodding. “just let us know if you see the thing.” he ordered softly. “that's all I ask.”
Belial sighed sulking a little before nodding."Fine. I can be kind. Though I wouldn't expect Raphael to be."He said warning the demon, tilting his head towards Aramithral."He wont like sharing dragon's attention, and he'll like it even less if where I think he went is true."he said looking worried for a moment.

Raphael sighed shaking his head."I have not hunted in centuries. I have not even lived HERE for centuries.What makes you think I will return at the snap of a finger?"He asked turning to go, white wings brushing the ground before he turned his head as he moved to walk past Gabriel, looking at him close."He might be mine, but I still am a archangel.If anyone comes for him, I'm nailing your pinfeathers to the wall."He growled softly, glad that Gabriel had mistaken a guardian's life bond for a angel's love bond. not protesting being in love, he was. Also bristling at draco being called a thing, even if Gabriel didn't know that was who they were looking for."Keep me out of a fight that is no longer mine."
Harry chuckled a little and Lilah shook her head, looking amused. “i'll have to explain that Aramithrial is asexual.” she agreed. “and in fact can't even have sex.” as punishment for breaking his bonds, Lucifer had removed all sexual features. He could still eat a little bit, not that he needed to, but anything else was impossible for Aramithrial, unless he wanted to do Oral, but that wasn't very satisfying for him. So even if Aramithrial someday Wanted to have sex, he couldn't. “where do you think Raph went?” Harry asked as Aramithrial chatted with Lilah and Mikail, the two catching up on the centuries.

Gabriel examined the other for a long moment and then. “because God demands it.” he admitted with a shrug of a wing. “i would have left you out of it, but God is interested in this, and I am to follow his will.” he admitted. “and no one will come for your blond, they wouldn't dare.” he promised. “not that they even know about him.” he promised. “this will always be your fight Raphael, neutral or not.” he admitted softly. “for as long as you are bound to god, you are his to command.” Gabriel admitted softly, shaking his head. “go back home to your love.” he stated calmly, letting Raphael go back to hell, ending the conversation as he turned and walked away, organizing the others for the Guardian hunt.
belial sighed quietly."I'm pretty sure he went to heaven."He muttered keeping his voice low because he didn't want draco to hear as he talked to the others. not about to worry draco before he had to."He's going to get dragged into a guardian hunt, and he's going to be in a howling foul mood." "I am not."Raphael said absently as he appeared at the other's side, running his fingers through his hair. Wondering just how far he could push his neutral position. Despite his hatred, his anger at being cursed, he was still boundby god,stripped of everything if he came near the ocean....and gabriel was right.It was his fight, and heaven was going to be in for a nasty surprise if they pushed him far enough on this hunt to make him choose.
Draco turned to look at Raphael bounding over to him and giving him a kiss. “aaw Raph don't be angry.” he teased smiling a little. “come eat.” he ordered, Aramithrial turning and looking at Raph, looking a little hesitant. “they know about him already?” he asked, looking worried. “i was hoping we'd have more time...” he admitted looking worried as he glanced at Harry and Belial Harry closing his eyes. “this is getting dangerous.” he muttered softly. “why would God want the guardians dead anyway!?” “...because they are a threat to him, he made them powerful, Jesus's touch made them TOO powerful... if one got the idea into it's head, it could easily take over Heaven, God felt threatened, and gave the Angels permission to hunt them.” Aramithrial explained. “this isn't the first time God made something he couldn't properly control, look at Lucifer. Unicorns and Dragons.” he shook his head. “hell Wizards are lucky THEY still exist!” Aramithrial admitted. “God is supposed to be omnipotent and loving, but he's just a fucker on a power rush.” Harry and Draco where both gaping at Aramithrial. “er... Dragons and unicorns still exist...” “yes, as stupid beasts, they where once the rulers of earth.” Aramithrial admitted. “until they started banding together to deal with troublesome demons and Angels who where causing trouble. God took away their minds, making them stupid beasts.” “... god is sick.” Draco growled hatefully.
"He is."Raphael shrugged looking slightly amused wrapping his arms around drago as he headed for the kitchen for food for them all."They know there's a guardian.They don't know its dragon. And considering Gabriel as me to look long and hard for him, then told me to go home to my blond, I'm sure he doesn't know. And belail...well belial's never been subtle." "I am to." " blew up gabe's house cause he stepped on your foot." "True." raphael rolled his eyes sighing."Belial'll never be accused of being subtle, so no one will think he'd consider hiding a secret like this." "And I would?" "Yes. Because Harry likes Draco."
Harry scowled a little. “i do not!” he protested Draco shaking his head. “yeah! We HATE each other!” he complained Aramithrial snorting a little. “and yet your each others best friends?” he asked looking amused as Harry and Draco looked at each other. “clearly, this man knows nothing.” “neither does Raph or Bell apparently.” “mm so true, you wanna go fling food at each other?” “yes, that would be fun, shall we include our usual witty insults.” “yes, lets.” they hooked arms and skipped away, Aramithrial laughing as he followed behind them, amused that the only time Draco and Harry could get along was to tease their lovers. They all settled down at the table, and Aramithrial enjoyed a few bites here and there but as a whole didn't eat, while Draco stuffed himself silly, Aramithrial suddenly grabbing the others hand. “no strawberries Draco.” he ordered suddenly. “their very addictive to....” Draco turned and snarled at Aramithrial and stuffed a strawberry into his mouth, the demon's eye twitching. “... ok then... I won't tell you no again. Got it.” he stated, rather afraid he was about to have his head bitten off, literally.
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