In The Heart Of A Demon

Harry smiled as he laid his head on the others shoulder as they walked around. “Bell?” he asked softly. “why do the Angels and the Demon's hate each other?” control of earth of course, and the souls it carried. Ever since man had been born, the angels and the demons had fought. “and will I really have to choose a side?” there where only a handful few who had not chosen a side, Lilah and Malik where one of the only few who had refused to fight in the entirety of the war. Harry could try to stay out of it, but they would go after him, and try to make him choose a side... they would try.

Draco smiled as he enjoyed his candy, already the need to have a strawberry was diminishing now that the food was missing from his line of sight. Smirking a little as he shook his head a little and watched Lilah giggle and dive into the water, spreading her wings out once she was under the water, zipping through it as if it was her who was the Archangel of water, instead of the archangel of flame and passion. Draco laughing as he watched her, his head tilted as he sank into the water with a sigh, simply floating in the buoyant waters. “it does feel the exact same as on earth.” he agreed, smiling as a water snake slithered over his belly, thinking he was a new rock, Draco chuckling as he shifted it off and watched Raphael to see what he was up to.
Belial sighed kissing the other's head as he walked into the living room, the only room that resembled something other than heaven, the muggle things of a living room there. Collapsing onto the couch and pulling the other down next to him, pressing a kiss to his head, closing his eyes."Control. They both want control."He said shaking his head a little. Because the only thing that kept heaven from declaring outright war on hell was the fact that two of its archangels lived in hell, and refused to get further involved.He knew why Lilah did, but Raphael's reasons for doing so was so personal and something that was so gossiped about no one knew the truth."You can try not to. But both sides will try to convince you to fight. You could break the stalemate everyone's in right now."He said knowing Harry could maybe break the stalemate that heaven and hell was locked in.

Raphael meanwhile, was...being childlike as he sat in the shallow water, his great white wings spread out behind him as he played in the sand. There was something...innocent about seeing him like that. And for reasons of his own he avoided the oceans because...because whatever caused this childlike state was only brought out when he was near the ocean. But Draco had wanted to come, so there he was. Malik smiled as he watched his wife shaking his head as she came to the surface."You going to be taking over Raphael's positon now?"He teased glancing at the man looking slightly concerned as he watched a ancient become like a child.
Harry nodded a little biting his lip a little. “i won't join a side, I refuse.” he growled laying his head on the others shoulder. “i didn't escape one war just to join another.” he growled his eyes narrowed as he snuggled into the other. “there's no need for war anyway, people really need to learn how to share.” he stated simply shaking his head a little. “i love you.” he murmured smiling as he kissed his lover on the neck.

Draco smiled before he took notice of Raphael, his expression falling into concerned one as Lilah giggled a little. “i can't help it.” she teased smirking a little. “the water feels amazing.” she admitted kissing him, watching Draco move over to Raph, gently taking his hands. “Raph?...Raph are you aright?” he asked his voice a worried whisper as he stroked his angel's hair out of his face, biting his lip. “do you want to go back home?” uncertain, and afraid of what was happening.
"Tell that to everyone.I'm sure heaven will be good about that."He said amused tensing a little before relaxing."I-I love you to."He muttered stuttering a little as he closed his eyes.

Malik smiled wrapping his arms around Lilah, sighing softly, pressing a kiss to his head."I forgot...that happened when he came here.Do you know why?"He said watching the child angel.He had..his suspicions but nothing concrete since Raphael guarded the secret like a bulldog with a bone. Raphael smiled happily, so full of childlike happiness in that smile it was kinda creepy s he patted the sand into a sandcastle, "Noooo I want to stay."He said grinning up at his lover.Well, almost lover anyways. Poor raphael, who's secret was that the ocean, was his weakness as well as strength. Because god saw that if he could gain control of the waters of the ocean, that raphael would be deadly, powerful in a way no one but god should have the man/god had crippled the archangel
Harry snorted a little and shook his head. “oh yeah, of course they will.” he stated rolling his eyes as he smiled at the other. “how come you get so startled when I tell you that I love you?” he asked, wondering why the demon did that, not hurt, just curious.

Lilah smiled softly. “sometimes, God can be just as cruel, as he is kind.” she whispered softly. “it's gods way of controlling Raphael... instead of diminishing his power...God did that.” she admitted shaking her head as Draco swallowed thickly and then smiled at Raph. “alright, we can stay, but only for a little while.” he ordered calmly, sitting down next to him and helping him form the sand pile into a castle. “we'll have to eat dinner soon, and take a shower if your going to get all messy.” he teased smiling at Raphael. He hadn't heard anything that Lilah said, so his acceptance of Raphael's strange behavior was rather remarkable.
Belial smiled a little, kissing the other's hair,closing his eyes."Just don't hear it alot I guess."He muttered stroking the boy's back."Don't say it alot either...its not often."He shrugged sounding slightly in awe at the idea of being in love, and actually admitting it.

Malik looked startled wincing a little as he thought that over, watching the two."Draco's...being accepting."He muttered relaxing, having been worried about that. Amused a little to see it happening. Raphael puted whining a little as Draco helped him make the castle."I wont get all messy!I am all powerful!I'll magic the sand away!"He declared sounding happy at his realization at the idea.
Harry smiled a little as he wrapped his furry arms around the other, nuzzling him happily. “mmm well you're going to hear it a lot now.” he promised smiling a little. “because I really do love you.” he admitted. “with all my heart and soul.” he paused. “do I still have a soul?”

Lilah smiled a little. “yes, Draco honestly loves Raphael.” she admitted softly. “i think they will be good for each other.” she admitted smiling as she watched the two, Draco laughing at Raphael's comment. “aah but if you get all clean you won't get to shower with me.” he pointed out, smiling a little. “you do want to shower with me don't you love?” he asked, teasing Raphael a little his head tilted. “now how big should we make the castle? Should we make a moat for it?”
Belial laughed quietly nodding."You do."he said smiling a little as he pressed his face against the other's shoulder,sighing softly."I love you to."He said blushing, and hiding it against the other's shoulder, not wanting the man to see him blshing so hard.

Malik nodded smiling as he watched the elder angel moving and crouching down on his heels as he started digging the moat."They are good for each other." Raphael paused tilting his head a little, thinking about it. Looking shy and smilng a little."I would like a shower."He said enough of the normal raphael there for the idea of showering and sex not to be creepy in a child pedofile kind of way. Instead it was just adorable to see him being cute. "And huge!I want a castle for Belial so he can go home. He always wants to go home. And a moat."He said revealing that moment of clarity about the fallen, grinning as he built.
Harry smiled a little as he stroked the others hair, yawning a little. “tired.” he mumbled. “i'm going to take a nap.” he decided snuggling into the other, worn out from walking around, falling asleep right there on Belial.

Draco chuckled as he started building the castle, using magic to hold it together, since he was bad at building, chuckling a little. “i know Bell is sad.” he agreed. “but we'll be his friends forever, and then he won't miss home so much.” he promised smiling at Raphael. “and we'll take a shower when we get home and then have some ice-cream or something.” he decided chuckling a little. “or maybe some strawberries hmm? The mortal kind.”
Belial smiled kissing hie head, as he to, fell asleep.

Raphael nodded smiling happily at the castle they built."Okay. Ice cream? I want ice cream. Vanilla and strawberries."He said bouncing up to his feet, wide white wings closing tight against his back as he smiled happily at the blond."Let's go home. I want ice cream now."He said like any kind that had the heard magic words of ice cream.
Draco chuckled as he nodded. “yep, Ice-cream.” he agreed getting up and magicking himself clean, smiling at Lilah and Malik. “we're going to go get ice-cream! You wanna come with?” he asked smiling a little. “you can help me pick out flavors for Belial and Harry.” he promised Raphael grinning as he tangled his fingers with Raphael's. “come on big guy, I want some strawberry icecream!” Draco just all around loved strawberries.
Raphael grinned as Malik shook his head, waving them on."Go on. we'll catch up with you later." Raphael nodded smiling as wrapped a arm around Draco, stepping back into the mortal realms with a shudder and looking around the ice cream aisle at wal-mart. Avoiding looking at the blond, annoyed at having acted like a kid around him."Come on. Lets get our ice cream."He said the adult tone back in his voice as he looked around to get what he wanted.
Draco sighed, relieved when the other seamed to return to normal, smiling as he kissed the other gently. “i'm glad your alright, you had me worried.” he admitted smiling as he picked out an ice cream with strawberries in it and a Neapolitan ice cream for Harry, knowing that Harry liked all different kinds at once. “what kind of ice cream does Bell like?” he paused, acting as if nothing was wrong at all then. “can Bell even have ice cream?”
Raphael looked startled at both the question and the realization the blond wasn't going to pounce on him to get answers. Before frowning, "You know I never really asked.I dont' know."He said looking seriously curious as he picked up some moose tracks for himself before getting some cotton candy for belial."we'll get this for him. He enjoys cotton candy."
Draco chuckled and nodded. “i guess we'll find out then won't we?” he decided pondering then. “what about Lilah and Malik?” Lilah liked the 'junk' ice cream, lots of Caramel, chocolate, marshmallow, fudge pieces, and peanut butter in her ice cream. “twenty Galleon's says Harry and Malik are sleeping when we get home.”
Raphael grinned grabbing the junk ice cream and some just plain vanilla for the extremely picky demon. Smirking a little he headed for the checkout paying, glancing at his lover."Not that I'm disagreeing, but why do you think so?"He said amused as he picked up the grocery bag heading for the door. Wanting out of sight before he took them back to hell. The last thing they needed was someone seeing them just vanish
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. “well Harry's still recovering, and all the walking around they did no doubt wore him out, and he would have fallen asleep on Bell, because that's just what Harry does. Bell wouldn't want to move for fear of waking Harry and would have fallen asleep too.” he smirked a little as he followed the other out, licking his lips. “i can't wait to dig into this ice cream.” he purred happily. “i love ice cream.” he admitted grinning at his lover. “and maybe tonight I can do that thing with my mouth that you love so much eh?” he teased snickering a little.
Raphael blushed as he took them back to the kitchen, blushing as he gripped the ice crea bag against his chest."O-oh maybe."He stuttered blushing cutely before setting the bags down going in search of the others. Loking embarassed enough that he didnt want to stay and see where things were going to go with Draco. Smiling as he found harry and belial, crouching down next to the couch,gently shaking harry's shoulder."Harry.Come on harry, time to get up."He coaxed softly.
Draco snickered a little as his lover blushed and watched him run away, shaking his head a little as he unpacked the ice cream, humming as he dished himself up some. Harry whined loudly as he was shaken awake, sleepy eyes blinking awake. “uuhn... someone had either be dying or there had better be food.” he complained, not wanting to wake up, though the minute he heard there was ice cream he was getting to his feet and 'staggering' off to find his way out of Bell's house and into his parent's so he could eat his Neapolitan. He loved ice cream, it was so cold and delicious. “Beliiiiiaaaaal!!!” Harry whined coming back into the living room, snuggling the other into waking. “i want iiiiccceeee crrrreeeaaaam, Draco's gonna eeeat it aaaaaallllll.” such a child sometimes.
"...."Belial whined glaring at the other through half closed eyes. He wasn't a fan of ice cream. It was to cold, and to wet and just to... "nooo." "Yes."Raphael said laughing as they pulled the demon to his feet, leading both belial and harry back to the kitchen and dpositing a sulking belial on a stool before sitting down and starting to eat his own ice cream."See harry, he didn't eat it all."He said poking his spoon at belial."Eat." "No." "yes." "No." "yes." "No." "yes." "...its like watching two year olds."Malik said amused.
Harry grinned as he simply grabbed the bucket of ice-cream and started eating, not even bothering to dig out a bowl to eat, just tucking in, smiling as he watched Bell and Raph arguing. “oh leave Belial alone, the cold isn't good for him.” he complained pondering as he and Draco ate their treats. “besides two year olds can't talk that well.” he stated simply as Draco snickered. “says the boy eating right out of the ice cream bucket.” “well no one else is going to be eating it.” he pointed out, Lilah giggling a little. “Draco might scoop all the strawberry flavor out.” she teased, Harry growling possessively. “he better not!!!”
raphael growled quietly making a afce at the young demon."Draco may do whatever he wishes to do." Belial rolled his eyes pushing the ice cream twards Raphael to eat knowing the other would be he smiled."Indulgent. Spoiler." "Of course." "You just want to have sex."He said snickering as the man blushed."Am not!He should be allowed to have ice cream!I'll buy harry more later!"
Harry growled his eyes narrowed. “no! It's my ice-cream!” he complained running his tongue all over the top of it, Lilah grimacing a little. “Harry that's disgusting.” she complained, Harry snickering a little as Draco laughed. “chill out Fuzzball I have an entire bucket of strawberry right here.” he promised patting his own ice-cream bucket. “i, unlike you, don't binge on my ice-cream and will still have some to enjoy by the time tomorrow comes around.” he stated simply looking amused as Harry gaped at him. “d..did you call me fuzzball?” “would you rather I called you fluffy?” “NO!”
"And that's why he did it. Cause draco'd never put his lips on it after harry did."Malik said snickering at his son's action."I like fluffy. He is sort of fluffy isn't he?"Raphael said sounding amused snickering as belial bristled."Don't call him that!He's fluffy but only my fluffy to play with!" "ohh no need to be jealous."He teased
Harry snickered a little and then glared at Raphael. “i am NOT FLUFFY!” he complained smacking Belial lightly on the chest when he said Harry was fluffy too, Draco laughing as he shook his head. “nah, he's just a fuzzball.” he teased smirking as Lilah giggled and shook her head. “alright children that's enough of that.” she teased smiling a little as she shook her head. “now Harry weren't you going to screw Belial today?” “yes.” Harry purred happily. “i'm so totally going to make him my little play toy tonight.” he teased winking at his lover, Draco snorting a little. “i'd think it was the other way around.” he teased, Harry flicking the blond off who grimaced. “i don't even want to think of where that finger has been.”
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