In The Heart Of A Demon

Belial sighed softly as he brushed a thumb over his lover's knuckles, looking worried about that.'He is acting out. I don't know what it is,but I think harry's affecting him for a reason. I just don't know what it is."He said looking concerned, smiling as they reached the lower level of the house.'Would you like to go see my house?"

Belial smiled a little at the other's shock, gently stroking his fingers over harry's hair, reaching out and gently touching the other's wings."Well, I don't know how else they'd be there without growing them."he teased looking down at him.
Draco smiled a little and shook his head. “i wonder if maybe Belial is falling in love?” he mused smirking a little. “wouldn't that just piss him off all over again?” he asked smirking a little. “i would love to see your house!” he admitted smiling a little. “do you have birds? I always imagined you would have a bird.” he admitted chuckling a little.

Harry relaxed into the hair touches, his wings fluttering under Belial's fingers, Harry shivering a little as he relaxed softly, sighing with a smile. “mmm that feels good.” he muttered softly, licking his lips before he suddenly realized they weren't in Malfoy manor. “where are we?... your house? f... Fathers house?” he asked, stuttering over the word, but feeling warmth bloom inside him at being able to call someone father.
"Oh yea, that would piss him off."Raphael snickered as he led the other man out of the room, crossing the room as he walked through the yard to the other mansion, leading draco into the soft white and cream home."I do, actually."His smile turned shy as he looked at the blond."What kind of bird did you picture?"He asked, curious to what his..lover thought he would have. Blushing at the thought.

"Father's."Belial said smiling as he lowered his hand, looking at him. "Your father's house is set up more for ice demons, I thought you would rest easier here."He said stroking the boy's hair, looking at him worried.
Draco grinned a little at being right. “song birds mostly, you know like finches and canaries and things.” he admitted chuckling a little as he kissed the others chin gently, smirking a little. “am I right?” he asked his head tilted. “your house is beautiful! I really like the colors!” he admitted smiling as he ran his hand along the wall, grinning as he let water run over his hand from one of the fountains. “it's so peaceful here.”

Harry smiled and nodded, snuggling into him with a small sigh. “i like it here, the air is peaceful.” he admitted with a small mutter. “like I was always supposed to be here.” he paused. “we're not in London anymore are we?” he asked smiling a little. “sounding amused, not angry. “are we in Hell? I was wondering what it would be like down here.” he admitted slowly sitting up and rubbing his shoulders, which still ached slightly. “ow... these things are heavy...” he complained sighing a little.
raphael smirked shaking his head as he studied the man playing in the water, letting out a sharp whistle, and grinning wider as the screech of a huntign falcon was the answer. Raising his hand to catch the bird as he dove, the bird perching on hsi hand."This is Daemon."he said stroking the Peregrine's wings as the bird studied the new addition to the house.

Belial smiled shaking his head."no, not london anymore. And yes, we are in hell. its much like the otherworld, just...different for each house."He smiled slightly,"It'll take awhile to get used to the new weight. And even then...lilah complained about the weight to the wings."He said sadness showing in his eyes before he hid it. After all, when he fell his wings had been the price for being a lord of hell. Lilah in all her glory, had managed to escape with the inky black wings still intact.
Draco jumped at the whistle, his eyes widening at the Falcon. “oh my. Oh Raph he's GORGEOUS!” Draco breathed stepping towards the Falcon and offering it a small bow. After that incident with gray-beak he always treated an animal with respect and as if they could understand him. “good evening Daemon, an honor to meet you.” Draco stated, his eyes bright with amazement as he hesitantly stroked the feathers of the birds chest. “so soft.” he whispered in astonishment, smiling a little. “i've never been so close to a real hunting bird before. Their even prettier up close.” he admitted, enthralled by the Bird of prey. “i bet he could snap my finger off no problem if he wanted to.” he stated, sounding amused and impressed by the birds powerful beak and Talons.

He smiled a little and nodded. “that sounds cool.” he admitted sighing a little. “it's nice in here, it's cold. I like the cold.” he muttered happily as he spread his wings, tucked them in, reached them to the sky, dipped em to the ground and then flapped them, getting used to the motions with his head tilted. “my mother right?” he asked, stroking his own lilu white wings, the tips of each end feather dipped in black, just like his tail and Mane. “i really need a smoke.” he groaned shaking his head a little. “i don't suppose you have any cigarettes?” he asked lifting an eyebrow. Despite being an ice demon, Harry loved the burn of the toxic waste going down his throat and into his lungs, and they made him feel better too, the nicotine calming his nerves. “... can I see her?... my mother I mean...”
raphael laughed softly as he let boy pet the bird, grinning a little."Oh don't let him fool you, he's a pretty disguising a deadly."He smiled stroking the other's feathers, shaking his head."Though he'd like you to think that he was fierce and deadly, but really dae's just a pushover."He said smiling as the bird hopped a little on his arm before scooting over to draco's, perching on the boy's shoulder, brushing his beak over the other's hair, as if he was trying to make sure there wasn't anything hiding in his hair.

Belial laughed softly,"No, i don't smoke. Though I'm fairly sure raphael does. He might have some."He said, looking thoughtful because the angel had gone through a phase were he smoked, but he didn't know if he kept at it. Smiling as he got up,helping the other up off the bed."Of course you can.You're father's there telling her your here.'He said pain hiding low and hard, because it hurt to not be able to do more.
Draco laughed a little and shook his head. “he's no pushover! Why I bet your the torment of hell aren't you pretty?” he asked smiling at the bird, giggling as he was groomed. “hey now! That tickles.” he complained giggling a little as he grinned at Raphael. “i think he likes me.” he admitted grinning a little. “we totally have to show Dae to Harry, he LOVES birds.” he admitted, running his fingers over Daemon's feathers, grooming the bird back playfully. “i wonder if I can convince Dae to poop on him?” he mused, wicked amusement in his eyes.

Harry sighed a little and shook his head. “i'll just have to start buying my own again.” he admitted. “i didn't have to while at the muggles because I could just steal from Dudley.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “and at School the twins where always willing to share, since they knew I couldn't get them myself all that easily.” he admitted as he stood up on limp legs, making a face. “i'm going to need to lean on you.” he admitted already doing just that. “i can't support my own weight just yet...” he admitted glancing around as if hoping to find a cigarette before heading with Belial to Malik and Lilah, stepping into the room and looking amazed as he saw his mother, his beautiful mother.

(are you playing Lilah or am i?)
Raphael snickered watching the bird preen under the attention, looking so happy to have someone with him."Don't go teaching my bird bad things. It's bad enough belial taught him to play with fire."He grumped amused and glad that the bird liked draco. Grinning as daemon kept grooming the blond, despite protests it tickled."Come on.Let's continue on the tour."

Malik looked up startled at them, having not expected to see harry up and around. Cursing quietly as he crossed the room to help belial walk in with the younger demon,"Harry, you shouldn't be up yet..."he scolded lightly before letting the boy have his seat next to the bed. despite lilah still being in a coma, there was aa feeling of life, of a presence there again, as if she was just sleeping instead of phyiscally unable to wake up.

( can ^^)
Draco snickered a little and shook his head. “it's not BAD to torment Harry!” he protested smirking a little as he stroked the bird's forehead like he did his owl, wondering if Daemon would like it as much as Tallow did grinning as he followed Raphael around, giggling every time the bird touched a sensitive spot, grinning as he playfully nudged the bird when it tickled him and protested, but didn't stop Daemon from doing what he wanted.

Harry snorted a little and shook his head. “i shouldn't be, but I am, and i'd like to see anyone stop me.” he taunted, grinning as he settled into the chair, grateful to be sitting though he refused to admit that, his head tilted as he examined his mother, reaching out hesitantly and stroking her pale, soft cheek. She was like living marble or Diamond, so beautiful, and so fragile, yet with a strength that surpassed anything anyone knew. She had snow white hair and pale lily colored eyes and to Harry she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. “h..hello Mum.” Harry whispered, awe and pride in his voice as his eyes welled up with tears. “i'm home mom... I'm home.” Harry whispered softly, laying his head on her belly, sighing as one of her hands rose and settled onto his head, stroking the fur as her eyes fluttered open, smiling at him. “you look just like your father... I always knew you would.” she whispered softly, Harry beaming at her. Her heartbreak over loosing her son had been so great, that the pain had sent her into a coma, but with him returned to her side her heart had healed, and she had woken. “welcome home, My son. My little Kieran.” she whispered, Harry blinking, tilting his head at her. “Kieran?” “yes... that was what I named you when you where born... before we had to hide you.” she admitted smiling. “but they named you Harry didn't they? A good name that, Harry.” Harry smiled and gently kissed her cheek, looking over at his astonished Father and Belial.
Raphael snickered a little as he studied the boy, amused as the bird made a strange clucking, almost a purr as draco petted his head."You are going to spoil the bird, letting him do whatever he wants."He teased, wrapping a arm around draco, as he pushed open the door to his own bedroom. A almost exact replica of draco's, though the room was twice teh size.

Belial and malik were just staring, for once shock showing on their face as their jaws sagged a little. Belial recovering first, as malik crumbled to his knees at the edge of the bed, pressing his face against the woman's head, tears sliding down his face as he clung to her."you, you look well."Belial stuttered a little leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead before laughing softly. Looking at lilah, "You'll have to tell raphael thanks for finding him."he said amused still, that it had been a archangel to find him.
Draco smiled happily as he nodded. “a being so beautiful deserves to get whatever he wants.” Draco stated with a smirk. “Daemon and I are just so gorgeous we of course, should naturally have everything.” he teased winking at Raphael before blinking at the room, looking a little flabbergasted before he smirked. “there you see? I knew we where meant for each other.” he teased snickering a little as he moved into the room, you need a big fountain in here.” he stated with a grin. “and a tree for Daemon to perch on.” he teased tickling Daemon's belly feathers.

Lilah smiled as he leaned into her husband. “good morning Malik, was I asleep long?” she asked, already knowing what had happened. “i'm assuming so, since Kie.. Harry is so big.” she admitted smiling a little as she stroked Malik's fur. “oh love, don't cry, I didn't mean to worry you.” she promised smiling at Belial. “Raphael found him? Really?” she asked, sounding just as amused. “that man probably burned himself doing it didn't he?” she teased chuckling a little as he nuzzled Malik again. “how many people know that Harry has been found?” everyone. Harry was, in essence, half demon, and half angel. Powerful and so far, untainted by sin or purity. Everyone was going to want Harry on their side, and that was going to cause some big problems once people found out where he was.
"Oh he has a tree outside. But you want a fountain, and a perch in here?"Raphael asked looking around amused. Before smirking, "And how do you know I didn't change mine to match yours after I met you?"he asked tilting his head curiosu to see what the man would do.

Belial snickered."Oh course the idiot burned himself."He snickered again before smiling as malik cuddled into lilah, calming as he held his wife."I assume most everyone, since he woke up with wings. That would alert anyone listening into the power waves that something had awoken."Malik said sounding worried. Belial sighed rolling his eyes, looking at lialah."your husband's been driving me insane. Fretful and worried. Think you can take him off my hands?" "Hey!I didn't obsess over you."Malik pouted. "Yes you did."
Draco laughed a little and nodded. “yes, he needs a tree in here too.” he teased snickering at his lover. “besides, I know you, you like your room to be just so, and that so is just right. You won't change it just because you saw something better.” he teased snickering again as he snuggled into the other. “i think I'm going to live here from now on, it's bigger.” he admitted snickering. “more room for my clothes.”

Lilah giggled a little as Belial called Raphael an idiot, smiling as she snuggled into her husband before her smile faded, Harry scowling a little. “woke up? Power waves? What are you guys talking about?” “when a Demon 'wakes up' it's when he, or she, has accepted that they are a Demon and comes into their Powers.” she explained with a small smile at him, her head tilted a little. “if the being is strong enough, they unleash that power into the world, spreading it out so that their body doesn't have to take the strain of that much energy all at once.” she explained to Harry who nodded, Lilah smiling at Belial. “would you be a darling and show Harry to his bedroom?” when Harry had been born, the woman had selected a room to be Harry's when he returned to them. It was filled with pictures of the parents and their little baby, Lilah having decorated it while she waited for her baby to return to her.

“you can decorate it anyway that you please Harry darling.” she promised smiling as she yawned. “i'm terribly tired now.” she admitted leaning into Malik. “i'm just going to take a small nap with my mate.” she decided, Harry smiling as he stood up on his week legs, determined not to let her realize how tired HE was, and gently kissed her on the forehead, before giving Malik a hug, walking out of the room and leaning against a wall when they where out of sight. “ugh... I could use a nap myself.” Harry admitted with a long yawn and a shake of his head.
Raphael pouted a little."I am not that anal."He said, pouting that his lover had guessed right. taht he really was that anal about moving things once he got them in place. Grinning as he raised a hand, making the tree grow along the bed along with the water fountain in the middle. Smirking a little as he looked at the blond."You don't get the whole closet for YOUR clothes. Mine go in there."He said pouting.

Belial sighed lookign at the younger demon before picking him up, pressing a kiss to his forehead as he gently settled him closer to his chest, walking towards the boy's room, nudging open the door and laying him down. Gently running his fingers through the man's hair as he sat down on the edge of the bed looking down at him. Pouting a little that he hadn't been allowed taking him to his bedroom.But for lilah, he'd just do what she said."Sleep."He ordered."do you want me to lay down with you?"he asked stroking the other's hair.
Draco smirked a little. “you are totally that Anal.” he teased snickering a little, looking surprised when a tree grew and a fountain appeared, smirking a little. “you know I wasn't being serious right?” he asked grinning a little. “it makes the room look even better though.” he admitted laying his head on the others shoulder. “i can't put a tree in my room but I am totally adding a fountain.” he admitted smiling a little. “it's so much more peaceful in hell than I thought it would be... if this is hell I can't imagine what Heaven would be like.”

Harry smiled as he snuggled into Belial, blinking as he picked up a picture of the day he was born, looking horrified. “my god... I was a naked pink rat!” he complained, amazed to realize he had been born as a 'beast' Demon, but without fur, smiling at the fingers running through his fur. “mm that feels nice.” he murmured nodding. “i want you to stay with me.” he mumbled, setting the picture down and snuggling into the bed again, sighing softly as he fell asleep, too tired from walking around to stay awake any more.
Raphael smiled a little as he laid down, smirking as daemon screeched, a happy sound, letting them know what his opinion was of his tree. Smirking as he pressed a kiss to draco's hair, closing his eyes."Boring. Very white. I enjoy it here more."He said, not about to tell the other why he prefered it here, he just did.

"Of course you were a rat.But a cute one."Belial snickered as he laid down next to the boy, stretching out, cuddling into him as he settled down to go to sleep. Content to know that all was well. So he slept as peacefully as harry was.
Draco smiled a little and nodded. “mmm it does sound very boring.” he mumbled softly, sighing as he fell asleep snuggled into Raphael happily, not even considering that Belial or Malik might worry about them when they failed to show up.

Harry lightly smacked Belial on the shoulder for his cheek and smiled as he fell asleep, waking three hours later with a groan as his stomach growled loudly, shaking Belial's shoulder. “Bell... I'm hungry, tell someone to make me food.” he ordered snuggling into him, simply assuming that there where little house elves or small demons running around to do those things for people like in the wizarding world, sighing softly as the cool touch of snow fell into his fur. His room recognizing his subconscious whims and making it snow, though not a single flake even touched Belial, just as the bed had completely frozen except where Belial was sleeping, and it thawed back into a regular bed wherever Belial touched. Wasn't that nice of Harry?
Belial grinned as he ordered them food, amused as he realized that the boy's room was making it snow, expect on him."Hmmm I'm touched by your caring."he teased,grinning as the small house demon brought them a tray of a little bit of everything, before looking up. Frowning. Wondering what was missing, feelign the absence of..."I have to go out."He said looking at harry even as he reached for his boots. Wondering just where his angel had gotten to. And the need to reassure himself that raphael hadn't gotten in trouble, driving him. Because despite how much he teased him, or said he hated him, belial did enjoy raphael's company.
Harry smiled a little and nodded. “well you said the snow hurts.” he pointed out, growling eagerly as he was handed the food, stuffing a piece into his mouth happily and demanding the house Demon to bring more meat please and thank you and something to drink and some cigarettes, pausing when Belial said he had to go out his head tilted. “alright... be careful ok? I get this weird feeling you going out to do something dangerous.” he teased smirking a little as he accepted the cigarette's from the house Demon, lighting it up with a groan. “oooh god that's better.” he groaned smirking at the other his head tilted at Belial. “if he's balls deep in Draco let me know so I can torment them.” he teased snickering a little.
Belial snickered a little,"I'm just going across the lawn.Damned angel can't stand to be away from me.Built his own next door."a flickering smile curled his lips before he looked at harry, pausing as he finished doing up his boots."Do you want to come with me?As weird as he is, raph's house is pretty amazing to look around in. AND you could see him balls deep in the blond if that's what he's doing.Just imagine, pictures to blackmail with."He said snickering at the idea of the archangel doing that.
Harry smiled and nodded. “that's hilarious.” he admitted smirking a little before he shook his head. “i think I'll stay here.” he admitted. “my legs are still weak.” he admitted shaking his head. “even just walking across the lawn would take more energy than I have at the moment.” he admitted sheepishly. “i think I'm just going to stay here, stuff myself silly and then take a nap in a pool.” he decided smirking at the other. “make sure you take pictures for me.” he ordered sucking on his cigarette as he picked through his food selection, looking for the best pieces of food to sample on first.
Belial looked at him worriedly, stealing a kiss."I'll be back in a few."He grinned knowing that he was going to drag the angel back over to check on harry.Even if he couldn't actually touch him, raphael was by far the one person with the most healing experience, so he wanted to make sure harry was okay. Frowning as he realized just how fussy he was being he headed into the angel's house, whistling softly as he walked into the angel's bedroom, holding up a hand to block the bed, not wanting to be scarred for life if they really had gotten down to doing something."Hey Dae."He grinned as the falcon landed on his arm, though draco was still special and the only one he groomed. "Draco?Raphael?"He asked still keeping his eyes down.
Harry smiled and nodded as he scarfed down another piece of food watching the other leave, smirking as he hopped out of bed carefully and started reorganizing, ordering the House Demon's about and shifting his rooms magic to turn everything just the way he wanted it. An icy nest for a bed, and a half frozen pond in the corner for harry to swim in when he felt the mood strike him, snow falling from the ceiling, and all of it would never touch Belial, there was even a huge roaring fireplace for the other to sir in or next to. Then, just as promised, he ate more food, smoked another cigarette, and slipped into the deep pond for a nap.

Draco whined as he was woken, rubbing his eyes. “no... ten more minutes.. I don't wanna go to herbology.” he stated with annoyance, snuggling deeper into the angel and sighing as he started to drift back to sleep before jerking awake again as he realized he had fallen asleep, sitting up and yawning as he stretched out and shook his lovers shoulder. “Raph... the annoyance is here, make him go away.”
Raphael whined a little,blinking slowly as he glanced over as he woke up slowly."The bird's fond of him.Might steal him."He teased looking at Draco, pressing a kiss to his head before waving the other way."We're fine.Go."He said knowing that was what had driven belial out of bed to check, was to make sure that they were okay.Yawning sleepily as he kissed draco's hair."Come on,up.We should check on Harry."He said worried about the boy, and knowing belial had come for more then just to make sure that he was okay. Belial nodded, tilting his head sighing quietly.'come on then.time to wake up."He said walking over and poking draco in the other's shoulder.
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