
Harry ignored her and colored in the Christmas tree with a red crayon, it was a part they where supposed to color, so it wasn't as bad as Neville had assumed, Garry leaning slightly into her touch, something he had never done before, he had never even seamed to realize she was there except after he freaked out. It was definitely a step in the right direction.

Neville waited until she was gone before throwing up a silencing spell around himself and Charles. “walk with me.” Neville ordered, his voice dark, pissed off, which only made it all the more frightening by the calm smile on his face. “i wouldn't have to depend on HER if YOU had done your job like I had told you to!” Neville snarled, still with that eerie calm facade he always wore. No one would ever realize how destructive and evil Neville was because they all assumed he was too sweet, and a little too slow to do anything at all dangerous. “you didn't even TRY, you have up after a week! Did you even spend more than ten minutes with the damn brat!? No, you didn't, and that's why YOU got fired and SHE got promoted.” he turned and scowled at Charles a little. “you had your chance to fix harry, now she's actually managing it. I'll let her fix him just enough and then I'll fire her just like I fired you.” he turned and kept walking. “and don't bother coming home tonight, get a hotel, I already have your things packed. Your useless to me now.” he stated simply, ending the silencing spell and walking into his office, slamming the door shut hard and calling security to remove Charles from the hospital.

(buahaha! evil Nev is FUN to play!)
kat smiled as shelt his calmness calm her.yes this was all going to be alright.

charles glared after the man before glaring at harry's door.the bitch was going to pay for costing him everything.
In the following week they settled into aeasy rotine, harry ande kat taking their daily walks,visited parks, and generally were just inhabiting the same space. untilthat da inthe park. kat was sitting on a park bench watchin harry pkay with the btterfies, his kitten chasing after him when she felt a hand closing on her from behind and charles hissng."you're going to pay for getting me fired."he growled howling wen her teeth sank into hi hand struggling to get away as the bigger man held her still."i didnt do anyrging!you got youirself in trouble."she growled frantically loojing around fo harry. more ythan herself she neded to know he was okay
Harry was following the butterflies happily and paused when he heard a strangle sort of growling scuffling noise. For a moment he just stood there listening to the strange noise with his head tilted a little before he turned to find Kat. Over the week he had begun to recognize people as people, instead of treating them as objects he was beginning to realize them as people again, so when he turned and saw Charles with his hand around Kats mouth he knew something was wrong. He wasn't sure what was happening, he wasn't sure what was going on, but he didn't didn't like it. For the first time since he had killed Voldemort, he reacted to something that was happening around him, he scowled, and made a beeline for Charles and swung, his fist connecting to the man's chin.
both kat and chrles fell and the audible snap of kat's wrist was se hit the ground was loud as she scrambled to her feet cradling hr wrist aaint her chest as she grabed harry's arm as she di what blise allowed a privledged few to do. apparte directly into his office collaping onto his couch without even noticing her was there, olding tight to harry's armas she curldup around herself onthe couch. not evenher brillant mind could wrap around being attacked so suddenly
Harry snarled as he reached for Charles only to be whisked away by Apparation, landing on the wood floor of Blaise's office, Blaise shrieking in shock and pausing to gape at them before he rushed over to Kat as Harry looked around, checking to see if Charles was still there before he realized his kitten wasn't there, checking under the desk he began to search for it as he carefully healed Kat's wrist. “what is it!? What happened?!” Blaise demanded softly to Kat, carefully fixing her wrist before checking her eyes for concussion. “Kat? Talk to me.”
"shit!i forgot his kitten!"he said wincing as she realized what harry was looking for looking frantic as she jrked away from blaise apparatng long wnough o the par to get the frightened looking kitten. bfore apparating back to blaise's office trying to sooth the frightened thing evenas she swayed on her feet.whimpering as she cuddled the bal of fluff."charles..charles attacked u..."sh said soundimg shocky not used to being attacked but also sffering a concusson.blinking as he focued on harry."harry?are you okay?"she asked moing to stand next to him
Harry cradled his kitten and stroked the soft fur, calming down and returning deep into himself, Blaise grabbing her and forcing her back onto the couch. “hush Kat, sleep.” he ordered gently, setting her on the couch and setting his hands gently on her head, healing the concussion tot he best of his ability before he stood up and locked his office door before heading tot he fireplace and telling the Auror's what had happened before calling Neville through the fireplace, informing him of what happened as well, Neville looking shocked and horrified, telling Blaise to take both Kat and Harry back to her house and to keep the wards up that they all had the next three days off, paid and everything. So that's exactly what Blaise did, he took Harry and Kat and left Harry in Hermione's care while he carefully set Kat in bed and tucked her in.

(no offense meant on this, but is your Spellcheck broken? XDD)
(lol no computers broken nd untl my mom gets home im uing my kindle thoi might just stop till se gets hom tonight causeits makin my hand ache to type.)

just as he was putting hr in bed kat stirred sleepily looking at the man as she whimpered, trying to avoid his hands and get out o bed.her need to take care of harry larger thn her need to take care of herself."got to make sure harry's okay....he needs me..."she muttered nearly falling over the blankts as she headed for the door. looking both anxious and tied.
Blaise gripped her tightly, making sure she didn't get out of bed. “hush, hush.” he ordered softly. “Hermione has Harry right now, he's eating some greasy thing called Pizza.” he explained stroking her hair. “you need to rest, Hermione will watch Harry for a while, you trust her right?” he asked softly. “and we'll wake you up if he looks even the slightest bit upset.” he promised softly, kissing her forehead. “you need to rest, you have a concussion, you can't do anything to help him if you can't even walk straight Kat.”
kat sghed qietly whining alittle as she settled down into the fluffy and plush bed."okay.. i trust her..."she muttered to cncussed to protest.

The next morning kat sighed softly as he resyed a hand on the wall as she walked down the stairs taking her time to make sure she wouldn't fall smiling alittle when she saw the three adults itting at the tale the kids in the living room plying."'m fine.stop looking so worried."she said looking and hermione and blaise smiling as she pressed a kiss to harry's head as she sat down."god morning."she said looking at him waiting for the acknowldgement.needing to know she hadnt made hm backside with the violence of him havuing to punch charles
Harry was staring at nothing as Hermione tried to get him to eat some scrambled eggs her and Blaise both glancing over at Kat, both of them sighing a little. “Harry's sunk back into himself... he's not even reacting to the kitten anymore.” Hermione admitted softly, biting her lip a little. “i think Charles scared him.” she admitted closing her eyes. “you should see what he did to the bedroom...” she admitted softly taking Kat's hand and leading her up to the room that Harry had stayed in, Green crayoned letters all over the place. The first shocking thing was that Harry had used green, the second shocking thing was that Harry had been lucid enough to spell. 'The Truth' was written on every available surface and often overlapped, even on the bed and on the ceiling where Harry had been able to reach it, the floor crawling with letters. “i don't know when he did this, but it was sometime last night.” Hermione explained softly. “i don't know what it means....”
(yaaayyy!The computer's home)

Kat bit her lip as she looked around the room, looking pained. "me either. But I'll find out."She said her head aching as she tried to wrap her thoughts around what it could mean. Tears misting her eyes as she looked around, wanting to know what it meant, wanting to help the man who had done this. "I'm sorry...He was doing so good..."She said her shoulders slouching, looking so upset that she had caused this, her not charles. blaming herself for the man's obsession with her.
Hermione gently touched her shoulder and shook her head. “i think... this has to do with the Final Battle...” she admitted softly. “Voldemort said something to Harry, I saw them talking... harry looked... so horrified...” Hermione admitted softly biting her lip hard. “Voldemort threw the Evada Kedavra at Harry, and Harry collapsed, and... then the green, seamed to flood out of Harry and slammed into Voldemort...” she swallowed hard. “after that... he was just... inside himself.” she admitted softly glancing at Kat. “this wasn't your fault.” she stated softly. “Harry retreating back into himself is NOT your fault!” she stated kissing Kat's temple. “Charles is the one to blame, never you.”
Kat looked over at her, guilt showing in her face.Guilt...and fear. Because she wondered if to get her totally barred from practicing medicine. Brightwood would destroy whatever life she had built for herself, despite how abnormal it was, she wanted what she had."This is my fault...charles is mad at me..."She said shuddering a little leaning a little into hermione, feeling stressed and tired wanting nothing more than to take care of harry. not realizing in her concussed state, that this wasn't her normal worry over a patient, borderline obsessing, blurring the line between taking care of herself, and seeing her broken self in harry. "Maybe...maybe I can get him to tell me...he did use green after all.."she muttered looking around at her green walls."This can be harry's room from now on.There's enough rooms in the house for all of us..."
Hermione nodded. “he did use green, that's what worries me.” she admitted softly. “considering how violently he reacts to it...” she muttered softly. “we'll have to clean the walls before he comes back up.” she blinked at her. “it isn't your fault, Charles is a madman.” she stated simply. “now come on, you still have a pretty bad concussion, Blaise can only heal brain injuries so much.” she pointed out. “i want you to eat something and then go back to bed.” she ordered calmly
Kat pouted a little as she let the other woman lead her around like she was a child, knowing better then to try to walk by herself with how bad she knew the concussion to be."Blaise can heal everything.He's blaise."She muttered her rational feelings fading as she let go for the moment. "He can cook to.And he's warm.No cold beds."She said giggling a little as she let the other give her a few pieces of toast and apples, eating slowly. The words lending to the question, just how much time had kat slept with him?None, besides sleeping on the couch next to him when she'd past out in the middle of doing paper work with him and refused to let him move her, for once having snuggled up against him. "harry!"She giggled happily at her patient, holding out a piece of apple to him, desperate to bring back the progress they had had.
Blaise blushed a little and shook his head. “well if you'd stop falling asleep in my office you wouldn't have cold beds.” he teased rolling his eyes a little. “and you'd stop passing out while doing paperwork too if you'd stop working yourself to death.” he teased, watching her try to feed harry, who just continued to stare at his plate, the kitten mewling pathetically, wanting Harry's attention, not that the brunette even twitched. “he's just in shock Kat.” Hermione muttered softly. “i'm sure of it, he'll recover again just like he did before.”
Kat wilted a little, her shoulders slouching as she nodded, eating her apple slice slowly. "Okay."She said sounding put out at the idea of not being able to help more right now,giggling a little as she looked at blaise,"I'm not dead yet. Can't have worked myself to death yet."She said giggling a little as she rubbed her face looking up at blaise and hermione after she finished her food."I'm going back to bed."She announced, before pausing, reaching for the kitten. wanting to stop the mewling, gently stroking it's fur as she picked it up. heading for the door with the kitten cuddled against her.
Hermione smiled a little as she nodded to Kat glancing at Harry who just calmly stared at nothing as the kitten was taken away. When Kat woke however Harry was sitting in the living room, staring at a TV with the same intensity he had the flashing butterfly's and spinning tops, looking amazed at the people and colors, opening his mouth and letting Hermione feed him some cotton candy fluffs, since he didn't want to touch it, the Kitten in his lap, his fingers stroking the fur as he watched the TV, back to almost normal. He refused to eat anything that wasn't loaded in sugar, and he certainly didn't respond to people anymore, but he was reacting again at least, instead of staring at nothing.
Kat smiled a little as she ewalked into the living room, her headache subsiding to normal, though she was feeling a ltitle weary having in her pain remembered the last time she had had a concussion. shaking her head to herself she smiled as she sat down next to him,stealing some candy fluff from hermione, eating it as she glanced at harry. looking worried as she looked him over."Harry?"she asked watching him, glad to see him reacting to something.
just like before Harry didn't take any notice of someone sitting next to her, nor did he react to her voice. It was as if she wasn't even there. He opened his mouth again when he felt fingers on his lips and Hermione calmly fed him another piece of cotton candy. “he suddenly won't eat anything but sugar.” she admitted shaking her head. “so now of course my kids want sugar too.” she complained ruffling Harry's hair affectionately. “troublemaker.” she teased the unresponsive brunette.
Kat smiled a little as she watched harry, looking upset having set back his progress before biting her lip."Hermione...would you be okay with staying here with him for the afternoon?I know I should stay...but on my forced days off...I usually check on Draco..."She said looking fretful because it wasn't often that she got brave enough to go see the malfoy heir. But since she had to relax, and she was feeling heart bruised anyways at harry's unresponsiveness, she figured she might as well ruin her whole day and try to get draco to let him take care of him...not realizing that blaise was setting her up to get her to stop caring so much about harry. not realizing blaise was trying to get her to care for the blond beyond her need to fix him. All she knew was that he was another person who'd been broken as a she felt a strange kinship tio him, and held the hope that if she could help him, maybe someday she could help herself.
Hermione smiled and nodded. “we can stay and watch him, I have a week or two off.” she admitted smiling as she gently tugged on Harry's hair as the boy stared at the TV, Blaise nodding. “i'll stay with her and help.” he promised. “we'll send an owl if anything goes wrong.” he promised. “i doubt it will, there's not much to upset him here.” he promised smiling, well aware that Draco's broken childhood drove her to him. Draco had been Voldemort's own personal 'pet' from his fourth year until the bastards death. The things Draco had seen and been forced to do should have broken him, but he had risen above and beyond all expectations and was now the Potions Master for Hogwarts. But he wanted to forget and Kat wanted him to talk about It so their meetings usually ended up in Draco screaming at her. But he had promised to behave, because he had realized in one horrible instant as he was screaming at her the last time, that he enjoyed her rather unorthodox company. So, he had let Blaise 'set them up'... sort of. He was waiting for Kat at Hogwarts, where he always was, nursing a single glass of scotch, which he had been for the last hour, waiting for her.
Kat smiled, pressing a kiss to harry's head in goodbye, looking torn between her need to take care of draco, and her need to take care of harry. before smiling and apparating to the school. Smiling as she made her way down to Draco's rooms, ignoring the looks she got from his students. Well aware that the students knew who she was, and how their talks ended. After all, you could hear him screaming from the front hall, so it wasn't any surprise that tehy were used to her. Smiling when she walked into his study, tilting her head as she perched on her usual stool."Did you know that to be called scotch, the whiskey must be distilled in scotland?"She piped up, smiling a little as she stole his glass, raising a eyebrow as she sipped it. Wrinkling her nose a little. She didn't like scotch overly much,but since it was all he ever had, it's what she brought. Raising the bottle she had brought with her."1546 Edinburgh scotch, as requested."She said handing it over to him as she sipped his glass.
most of the students quickly made themselves scarce, well aware that when Kat came yelling followed and when the yelling started if Professor Malfoy caught them out in the halls they where yelled at too, and then given way too many detentions and made to scrub floors. Draco offered her a small grin when she walked in and relinquished his drink without a fight. “really? It has to be made in Scotland?” he asked his head tilted as she offered him a scotch, his eyebrow lifting. It was no secrete that Draco collected the bottles of scotch, much the way someone collected stamps or bottles of wine. “you actually found it?” Draco had been looking for that particular bottle for months. “thanks Kat.” he stated with a grin as he stood up and slid it into it's place with the other Edinburgh bottles in his magically protected scotch collection. So far only three student's had tried to steal Draco's scotch, but when they found themselves magically frozen in place with their fingers on the booze for hours upon hours, well no one tried it after that. “so you got a day off huh?” draco asked snapping his fingers and ordering food so that Kat wouldn't get drunk on the glass of scotch, she was such a lightweight.
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