
Kat smiled a little shifting to sit up squirming around and crawling into harry's lap, cuddling against his chest."I'm fine.Sore. Relieved..."She shrugged a little snuggling into him, laughing quietly."I love you."She muttered nuzzling his neck, holding him tight. Ignoring the gagging noises loki was making over the overly sweet cute scene. This was what she'd needed, a man who loved her, and wanted her as much as she wanted him."I love you to."She said hugging him tightly. Knowing that nthing would ever tear them apart again.

Just over a year later Kat paced a little, smiling easily at Harry as he watched her."Don't look at me like that. She's having a baby. Its a natural thing to be anxious."She said rubbing her arms smiling easily as she paced. In the year since Harry'd really come back to himself, they'd grown closer and easier together. Both recovering from the diseases that had ravanged their lives. Though she was still weak somedays, loki had done the truly brillant thing and cured her. Loki rested his head on Draco's shoulder, rolling his eyes a little as he wrapped his arms around Draco, kissing his secret fiancee, having been having dinner with the others to tell them,but Hermione had gone into labor before they'd had the chance."Draco's the one who made her potions for the labor Kat, she'll be fine.And Blaise is in there with her."He said amused to watch the almost mother pace so anxious to meet her baby.
Harry had only improved in the year since he had made the miraculous recovery and was very loving towards Kat, everything she needed he made sure she had, and that included tender lovings and affection. He chuckled as he 'caught' her and pulled her into his lap. “Kat, darling you need to relax, your worry lines are going to stick.” he teased smiling a little. “and fairy princesses aren't supposed to have worry lines.” he teased chuckling as he kissed her neck Draco smiling as he snuggled into Loki, his head tilted a little as he examined the two, so glad that they where both healthy and Happy. “you need to calm down.” he ordered smiling at Kat. “Hermione is a strong woman, she survived torture, she can survive childbirth.”
Kat sighed making a noise in the back of her throat looking amused as everyone ganged up on her to relax."I am a fairy princess aren't I?"She muttered looking amused as she rested her head on Harry's shoulder, sighing softly shuddering a little as she closed her eyes to just calm. Loki smiled a little pressing a kiss to Draco's temple, smirking a little."Me and Draco are getting married." "What?!What?!Loookkii!You can't just spill that out!"Kat said twisting in harry's lap to look at the genetist.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. “yes, yes you are.” he teased smiling at her before gaping at Loki and Draco. “does Hermione and Blaise know about this!?” of course they did, Draco had told Blaise, who had told Hermione, only Harry and Kat had been left out, having wanted to tell them at a fancy setting so they wouldn't make too much of a scene. It would have been out of happiness but Draco still cringed from time to time when he was touched, Loki was the only person he could handle being touched most of the time. “Kat and Harry Potter?” a nurse asked, smiling happy. “you can come in now, Hermione's finished giving Labor.” Harry felt joy rushing inside of him. “did you hear that Kat? Our baby is born!”
Kat stared to shocked and joyful to respond for a moment to the announed wedding before grinning bounding up, hugging the boys happily before bounding into the room after the doctor."Herms?"She asked quietly looking worriedly biting her lip as she walked over to blaise who had the baby, not about to take it from him since the man seemed to be bonding with the child.But she wanted o hold her baby!She was fairly bouncing in place with the need.
Hermione smiled tiredly as she grinned at them holding something in her arms as well, not that either Kat or Harry noticed, both so enthralled with the little baby bundled in the blue blanket in Blaise's arms, Blaise cooing at the little one. “that's right, I'm your uncle Blaise aren't I? Oh your so cute...” he grinned when he saw Kat bouncing and handed her the baby. “look Kat, it has your eyes.” he teased Harry chuckling before he took a double take as Hermione handed Blaise a baby in a pink blanket. “and this little girl looks exactly like Harry.” he stated, Harry's jaw dropping. “t...twins!?” he managed to choke, gaping at Kat, Hermione chuckling. She had kept the sex of the baby a secrete from Harry and Kat, just to be cruel, and apparently that hadn't been her only secrete. “... this is the best day of my life Kat.” Harry whispered, kissing her intently.
Kat looked wide eyed at the boy she was holding, then her husband."But-but-"She stuttered looking so surprised to find themselves with twins before she grinned kissing harry back."Mine to.Best day."She grinned cuddling her husband and their children. And it was true, there was no better day then this.

The End. (awwww lol)
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