
he smiled and held her just the way she liked, gently kissing her forehead, her hair, each temple, mumbling silly things into the top of her head that she couldn't understand, beaming as she offered to help him find the fairies that he KNEW was here SOMEWHERE! “i like the forest!” he agreed leaping to his feet, helping her to stand, and rushing off to get there jackets just as an owl swooped in with a letter to Kat.

'My Dearest Kat,

I know that the last few months have been trying and difficult for you, and that a little bit of that has been my fault. I wish to apologize to you, as well as to profess my deep feelings towards you. I did not know until recently that what I felt for you was not hatred, but Love, and I made a very many mistakes discovering this, for that I am deeply sorry. Please accept my apology, and my love.

With deepest regards

Your One True Love.

...Harry was going to be Pissed.
Kat's eyes went wide as she studied the paper in her hands, reading. Nearly jumping out of her skin when harry appeared in front of her, taking her jacket with trembling fingers jumping when Harry reached for the letter."No!It's not important Harry..."She muttered reaching to take it back from him, not wanting to upset him. Sighing quietly when she realized that he was reading it."...harry?"She said slowly, looking worried about him and how he would react to someone writing a letter to her like that.
Harry blinked as he read the letter his eyes widening before narrowing, baring his teeth in fury before calmly grabbing Kat, making sure not to grip or hold too had as he nuzzled her. “mine!” he growled nuzzling her. “all mine!” he complained, reverting immediately to his possessive six year old self as he held her close to him. “not his... mine!” he complained, sulking violently as he tossed the paper into the fire. “not sharing!”
Kat laughed happily, slightly amused at his reaction, and relieved at it, having expected accusations or something. But then, she'd forgotten harry was harry. Snuggling into his chest she smiled before rubbing her eyes stepping back."Come on. Let's go fairy hunting."She smiled waterly.

Loki ground his teeth as he stomped up the stairs, slightly amused as students got out of his way. Growling the password to draco's office he paused outside the door to calm down before he walked in."Have you seen this morning's paper yet?"He asked the choked anger barely hidden in the words as he studied his boyfriend sitting at his desk sipping tea.
he smiled brightly and cheered as he skipped for the door, holding her hand happily, chattering non stop about how they where going to find blue fairies, and green fairies, and yellow fairies and he kissed her face all over, declaring that they HAD to come out for her because SHE was the fairy princess.

Draco looked up when Loki stormed in, reading over paperwork it looked like. “paper? No not yet.” he admitted sliding his cup of hot tea over to the other. “i just got in from therapy, I never feel like doing anything but work after that.” he admitted with a small grimace. “why, what's happening this time? Not another attack on Kat?”
Kat grinned as they searched, happily following after him, content in the knowledge that things wouldn't be getting out of control.Surely when she didn't respond to the letter the person would get the clue that she wasn't interested. of course, she hadn't counted on the person knowing how sick she was, and just how attatched she was to the few friends she did have, and how far she'd go to make sure Harry wasn't hurt. Shaking her head to get rid of the thought, she smiled easily. "I'm not a fairy princess harry."She teased,"You're a fairy prince though. Draco can be your fairy princess."She teased more tugging him cloe for a kiss.

Loki whined a little sitting down in a chair, sighing quietly as he shoved the paper at the man."Sort of. More like her and potter's relationship. Someone has to much time on their hands if they managed to catch them playing in the backyard like kids. Seems someone's been in my office to."He said sulking, ah ha. The true reason for his anger. He trusted Kat to ignore the rumors and things, but he was truly pissed someone had read his journals."Ashcroft's sometimes acts like a mental disease as well as a physical one. Seems someone figured out that the mental doctor would make a ideal mental patient, considering her past. I wrote it down, never told her that, because she'd be frantic about it. But I wrote exactly 'Must watch out for mental breakdowns and retreats, because of her past'. Word for word what I wrote dammit."
Harry giggled and then scowled at her. “he is not!” he complained. “Draco es ICKY!” he complained giggling happily. KAT is a fairy princess.” he chirped happily, digging into a large pile of leaves to find the fairies that weren't there. “Kat?” harry asked suddenly. “we'll be together forever right?”

Draco read the article and scowled furiously, shaking his head. “if someone's been in our backyard it might not be safe for Hermione and the kids.” he pointed out. “and there are only a very few people who can get into your office besides me Blaise and Kat.” he growled a little and crumbled up the paper and threw it into the fire. “we'll find out who did it.” he promised. “Hermione's been working on mixing muggle technology with magic, and she's gotten this neat thing called Video camera's to work off magic. If we set one up in your office we might be able to catch who's going in there. We'll just leave a hint that Kat's disease is progressing in a peculiar manner and whoever is trying to ruin Kat will go in to find out what it is.”
kat looked startled as she paused in the middle of helping him dig in the leaves, "Of ccourse Harry."She said smiling a little, before it faded, looking worried." want to stay with me don't you?"she asked pain filling her eyes. For a moment worried about what he wanted, even if he'd been better than anyone else could have been at taking care of her.

Loki nodded still looking annoyed,"We'll find out.And we might see if Blaise will take Hermione and teh kids to his mother's place. Zandra is in Italy for the summer, and I am sure even if she wasn't, she would want her son's girflriend safe. If the person doesn't realize Kat's gone yet, they might be dangerous to the others."He said biting his lip."It's...weird. not exactly as nasty as the articles before, but more a attack on Potter than kat."
Harry relaxed and beamed happily at her. “yes! I wanna stay with Kat forever.” he purred happily, snuggling into her. “we'll get married, and have lots of lots of kids.” he decided nuzzling her again, all too happy to just be with her.

He nodded a little. “i'll talk to Blaise tonight.” he agreed. “he's supposed to stop by to see about enrolling Lacey early.” he admitted looking amused. “she's already doing magic with her mothers wand and he's hoping I'll give in and let her in on her eighth birthday instead of her eleventh.” he sighed a little as he examining the article. “your right though, now it's more like their...” he shook his head. “i don't know.” he admitted. “it just seams strange.” he grumbled.
Kat smiled wincing al ittle as he mentioned kids, wrapping her arms around him, pressing a kiss to his forehead."Yes, we will."She muttered her heart hurting at the idea of never having kids,but she couldn't tell him, not when he was so happy. "Come on, lets find your faries."She teased moving away.

Lki nodded leaning over to steal a kiss."Yes, Lacey needs something, I do agree with that."He said amused at the girl's eagerness before rubbing his face."Just keep a eye out for anything weird okay?And be careful yourself. And I'll talk to Herm about those cameras.I don't want to worry Kat unless we have to."
he nuzzled her happily beaming happily. “ok!” he chirped leaping to his feet and racing off to find the fairies, only to give up as the sun started to go down, sulking that they where hiding from him, though he wasn't in a very bad mood since they had come across a unicorn and it had let him pet it, recognizing the childlike wonder in Harry's soul.

Draco smiled as he accepted the kiss and shook his head. “i am a little worried though.” he admitted. “do you remember how badly Hermione was picked on for being a nerd? What if Lacy is picked on for being so smart as well? I can't give a kid a detention just because their picking on someone else... I think we need to find another solution... home schooling maybe until she can go to school?” but that would be going against the underage laws. “... I'll think of something, and I'll keep my eyes open.” he promised smiling at Loki. “and I'll get the camera's from Hermione.”
Loki nodded."I'll think about it."He said there had to be something they could do. Kissing the other again he sighed,"Good.I'll see you tonight then."He said kissing him goodbye before heading for the door. Not realizing just how bad things were going to be.

A few weeks later Kat sighed softly, tears and slight fear on her face as she poked the package on the table in front of her, in the weeks since the first letter there'd been many more, and she'd kept them from harry, not wanting to upset him. Sighing quietly as she realized she'd have to get him some soup, which meant going into town,but he was sick, and she needed to take care of him. Running her fingers through her hair she looked the package over again before flipping open the letter even as she started to unwrap the package, the pain not registering at first as the black burn streaks of magic burn appeared on her arms as the magic of the warded necklace reacted to her disease. Soon enough though she had fallen, trembles wracking her body as she screamed.
Harry was in the back bedroom coughing hard. Germany had gotten cold in the last few weeks an Harry had been out in it for too long and caught a terrible chest cold. He was trying desperately to not get Kat sick but since she was the one taking care of him it was hard to make her leave him alone to suffer on his own. He was there the instant she began to scream however, and rushed into the Room, coughing harder from the exertion before gasping as he saw Kat on the floor, trying to shake her awake before he did something he ha never done before, even before he' gotten sick... he apparated them straight into St. Mungo's, screaming for help. Neville was there in an instant, and carefully carried her off into bed, telling Harry to stay in the waiting room with a mask over his face so he wouldn't contaminate anyone else. Smirking as he laid Kat on the bed and gently stroked her hair. “your mine now.” he whispered softly to her. “i'll take care of you now, and you'll love me.”
"no...No..."Kat blinked as she cringed away from his hand, trembling hard becasuse she knew now who her stalker had been. Even through pain, that brilliant mind was putting missing pieces together. After a few hours a nurse sent Harry home, back to kat's home instead of germany, wanting to have someone keep the other man calm as they figured out what was wrong with Kat.

Loki paused in the doorway, a waterbottle half way to his lips. Having moved hermione and the kids to blaise, he'd moved himself into Kat's home, in hopes that her stalker would try and break in. Looking startled as he lowered the bottle he was holding he held up his hands to make sure the man didn't see him as a threat."Harry...what's wrong?That's a hospital mask."He said looking anxious as he realized where the other had to have been
he smiled a little as he kissed her forehead. “shh darling, it's going to be alright.” he whispered gently stroking her hair as he gently administered a sleeping potion to her by force, gently easing her into sleep, smirking viciously “yes, all mine.” he whispered happily, changing her into a hospital gown.

Harry coughed hard into his hospital mask, whining as he staggered over to Loki and snuggled into him. “Kat... Hospital.” he mumbled, tired and worried he was seeking comfort from the only person in the room. “Kat... sick.” he whined. “me sick...” he just wanted to sleep, but he couldn't, not when Kat was broken, he had to fix her, but he didn't know how...
Loki looked startled holding him tightly, kissing his head.Trying to comfort him even as his mind tried to figure out what to do."Shh harry,I'll take care of Kat."He muttered muttering a quiet sleep spell and putting the other to sleep. There was nothing the sick boy could do. Only work himself up more. And that would do no one any good.

That evening Loki glanced up at Draco, with a look of anger and worry in his face as he studied his lover."Something's wrong.Harry's upstairs, and no one at the hospital knows where Kat is. They remember checking her in, but no one knows where she was put after that."He said anxious because something about this whole thing was rubbing him the wrong way, and he didn't know why.
Harry was still asleep by the time evening came around, only waking up to cough or puke, and once to eat the soup Hermione had made for him. The poor boy was just so sick. Draco looked a little upset when he found out that Kat was missing as he handed a pile of letters to Loki, along with the necklace. “don't touch the necklace, it's cursed... Kat's being stalked...” he explained offering Loki the letters. “the necklace is why Kat collapsed as far as I can tell.” he admitted. “whoever did this is at the hospital Loki. And that handwriting is VERY familiar.” he stated, forcing himself to stay calm, freaking out wouldn't help, in fact it would make everything so much worse. “whoever has Kat, I have no doubt that they work at the hospital.”
Loki looked worried as he looked over the necklace, paling even more. "It's cursed.But it'll knock her out...she's..."He said looking scared. Because for someone with ashcroft's would get extremely hurt with something like that. Picking up the letters he paled even more, raising his eyes to look at Draco."Neville. All the things, everything,the only person we never considered was Neville...but this...this has to be him."He said standing because he wasn't sure how they were going to go about this, but he needed to get the girl back.
Draco scowled a little looking horrified. “... I don't think Neville will know how to handle her Ashcrofts disease...” he muttered softly. “if she backslides he could kill her!” he hissed his voice a whisper so that no one else would over hear them. “Loki we have to go get her! I have no doubts that she's still at the hospital somewhere... Neville wouldn't risk taking her out of there, if she starts failing he'll have to get her there soon, he might have already had doctors in to look at her! All he's got to do is modify their memories when he's done...” he bit his lip hard and looked up at Harry. “... Harry's too sick to help... right now I think he's the only one that could find her...” he hesitating, well aware that even Kat didn't know that Harry had bonded to Kat. Hell Harry didn't even know, the only reason why Draco knew was because he could see bond magic, due to his bloodline. “Harry's bonded to Kat.” Draco finally admitted.
Loki looked startled at the blond, raising a eyebrow, but not about to question something that was the very thing they needed. Biting his lip he sighed frustrated because it annoyed him to put Harry at risk to."Goddamn it. She wont like it but like you said, he'll be the only one who can find her."He said running his fingers through his hair frustrated before heading upstairs, crouching on the edge of the bed and gently shaking harry's shoulder."Harry, I need you to wake up hun."
Draco nodded a little and smiled. “Harry's so sick though...” he admitted his face falling. “will he get Kat sick?” he asked following Loki up the stairs, Harry whining as he was woken up, coughing hard into the mask he had never taken off. “nnn, Kat?” he asked sluggishly. “Kat?... don't be scared.” he mumbled, half asleep, Draco grimacing. “Harry, we need your help, to find Kat, she's very scared and hurt.” Harry's eyes flashed and he sat up, rubbing his eyes. “someone's kidnapped her...” he froze, looking shocked, and then for the first time, Harry looked like Harry, his eyes where clear, and his magic swelled and spilled out around him as it had before all the pain and misery. And then, in a blink, he was gone, no sound, no warning, just... gone.

Neville was smiling as he gently brushed Kat's hair, having changed her into a sleeping gown, humming softly. “there's my little angel.” he whispered softly, she was strapped to the bed so she couldn't escape, or even move, he was really insane, he really was. “we'll get you all pretty, and then we'll consummate our marriage.” he murmured happily. “i'll make love to you, all night long.” he promised happily, continuing to brush her hair. “you'll see, I'm much better than Harry will ever be.”
Loki stared, "Bloody hell.That wasn't helpful."He growled because he knew things were going to be bad. this wasn't going to be good.Harry was so sick."We're going to the hospital."He growled wrapping a hand around Draco's wrist, apparating to the hospital because he was so going to tear the hospital apart to be able to find the two."We'll start at the bottom, and go up."He growled starting to go through each rooom they came to.

Kat whimpered cringing away from the man's touch, at least as much as the straps would allow, "no please Neville no.I don't want this. WE're not married.Please."She whispered tears filling her eyes as she looked up at the happily insane man, so afraid and still in pain as someone besides harry touched her that she hadn't even noticed harry arrive. The overwelming touch of neville's magic was breaking her.
Draco nodded and and and started looking for Kat and Harry, racing through each room scanning it with magic, looking for Kat's magical signature before running along, unaware that Harry had already found her.

Neville smiled at her. “of course we are my darling.” he chirped, kissing her forehead, “we're so happy together.” suddenly Kat's pain ended as Harry's magic wrapped so tightly around her that Neville's couldn't get through as he appeared out of nowhere, Neville not noticing at first until Harry cleared his throat, Neville jumping, shocked. “hello Neville.” Harry stated simply, his voice and eyes clean and clear, Neville paling as he drew his wand. “Back off Potter! She's mine! MINE!” “i never expected you of all people to be a raving madman Nev, we where such good friends in school.” he pointed out, Kat's straps unbuckling, freeing her. “Kat, Draco and Loki are downstairs looking for you, they'll take you home while I deal with Neville.” he promised offering her a smile, filled with Love. “my shielding spell will protect you from everyone else's magic.” he smirked a little. “my pretty little Fairy Princess.” he teased smiling a little. “i'll explain everything at home, alright?”
She looked at him worriedly and confused, so ovewhelmed for a momet she didn't move before nodding. Leaning up to kiss his cheek she smiled."Be careful.And come on soon,prince."She muttered before leaving heading downstairs. Yelping as loki caught her up in his arms, kissing her head."bloody hell wh-" "He's taking care of neville. He said take me home."She ordered trembling a little as she leaned against Loki's chest, worried. Loki sighed relieved looking at Draco before apparating them all home, settling Kat into the bed to wait for Harry. Wondering if the boy needed help but worried about leaving kat alone,even if she would be with Draco.
Draco gently comforted Kat as best as he could, waiting for Harry to return, the boy walking into the house after ten minutes, walking up to the bedroom and smiling at Kat, glad that the shield had held despite the space difference. “hey Kat, how are you feeling?” he asked gently, taking her hand and trying to figure out if she was hurt. “Neville won't be bothering anyone ever again, he's going to be spending a great amount of time in the criminally insane asylum in Spain.” he admitted looking amused as he studied her, stroking her cheek. “you cured me Kat... I'm not crazy anymore.” he admitted softly. “how?” Draco asked looking stunned, Harry smiling a little. “i needed to protect her.” he explained calmly. “my protective instincts got rid of everything else, and I could think clearly for the first time.” he admitted. “she gave me something to live for, and that's all I needed really, I guess. That and someone who could accept me for who I was, no matter who's son I was or insane I was...”
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