
kat smiled a little, though she still looked worried about him."you just should go shopping every time you leave. they'll never leave you alone."She teased shifting in her seat, though she looked uncomfortable she wasn't in as much pain as she could have been. Loki smiled a little still looking worried as he wrapped a arm around Draco's waist, hesitating before tightening his hold. Kissing his head."you okay?"he muttered nuzzling him a little.
Draco smiled a little as he nodded. “i do go shopping every time I leave, that's why they love me the best, don't you kiddo's?” six yes's sounded the air and Draco looked smug, Hermione snickering a little as she shook her head, Draco smiling at Loki as he laid his head on the others shoulder, closing his eyes. “i'll tell you later.” he promised. “when no one else is around.” he promised sighing a little as he looked at Kat, smirking at her. “and how are you feeling today Kat? Going to start singing 'I'm a little Teapot' again?” he asked, playing with her. In her drugged out state, she had thought that was the most awesome song ever.
kat blushed hard, hiding her face in Harry's shoulder as she wrapped her arms around her lover."I did not sing that!"She whined softly. She was so not believing that she'd thought that was the most awesome song ever."I'd settle for west side story, or something classy...not...that."She grumbled blushing harder. "Yes you did."Loki snickered.
Draco smirked as Harry looked up at them and grinned happily. “i'm a little tea pot short and spout!” he chirped happily, getting the words wrong as he sang it but singing it happily, Draco snickering as he glanced at her. “yeah, your NEVER going to live this down.” he teased smirking. “just like the time Blaise got me drunk and I ended up having sex with that rock.” he teased. Back when Draco was in school they'd all had a party, in which Blaise had made it his personal mission to get Draco as drunk as possible. Draco had gone outside and fornicated with a statue, thinking it was a real woman. Blaise still mocked him about that one.
Kat snickered a little."Oh, i forgot about that."She said smirking a little as Loki perked up at that."A rock?Were you having problems telling how hard you were?" "Oh no, he thought the rock was a real woman. But considering the woman he'd been with before, I guess the ice cold stone was a good subsititute."kat giggled pressing her face against Harry's shoulder, whining quietly as he sang. Oh yea, she was never going to get out of this.
Draco snickered a little as he shook his head. “i'd have to agree with you on that one Kat.” he admitted with a small smirk as he studied the woman. “Pansy was hideous and Millicent wasn't much better.” Draco admitted with a chuckle as he shook his head. “still, it wasn't like I had feelings for them, I was damn certain I was in love with that statue.” he admitted with a laugh, shaking his head. “anyway I'm exhausted, I'm going to try and go to sleep.” he admitted rubbing his eyes. “wish me luck.” he chirped smirking at Harry as the boy sang before heading upstairs.
Kat grinned watching him go, things were going to be interesting when Loki got brave enough to go after him.

Two weeks later Loki growled at the girl as she paced the room, glancing at draco and harry. The only reasons he had managed not to rage her her for being a idiot and getting up and moving."Sit down." "No."Kat growled rubbing her arms. While the weed had helped for awhile, it'd soon become to potent and her body was treating it like a disease, overfighting because of the ashcroft's syndrome. So not even weed could give her any relief anymore.Though she was hiding it from them, though the constant pacing was starting to show just how anxious she was.
Draco had been seeing the therapist every day now, and he was really starting to calm down, relaxing into his own self once more as he started forgive himself for what had been done to him. He even started holding Loki's hand on a regular basis, and just last night he had kissed the other, full on the lips, and enjoyed it. Harry whined as he watched her pacing, the poor boy had dark circles under his eyes, and he was pale from worry and not sleeping, afraid that he would wake up and she would be dead, Draco sighing a little. “we need to go somewhere.” he decided suddenly. “the beach, or maybe France. Like a vacation. She has a week before she needs to take the potion again right? Maybe some fun will help.”
Loki nodded watching her, biting his lip."No...."He looked pained as he realized what he hadn't wanted to see. That instead of getting better, she was getting worse. Well sort of, it was progressing to the point she couldn't stand to be near anyone else besides harry, but she was calmer, less prone to lashing out. Less bad days and more good. "I have a house in Germany. In the forest, quiet."He said watching kat as she turned to listen, "Kat, you know your disease. You know you've gotten to the stage where you can't be to close to anything. London's to full of magic and people. You need quiet."
Draco looked surprised at Loki his head tilted a little. “you want us to move to Germany?” Draco asked, wrinkling his nose a little, frowning a little. “i don't speak German...” Harry blinked a little, jerking awake with a snort, looking around as if to say 'I wasn't sleeping!' blinking at the others, Draco chuckling a little as he watched poor Harry blinking stupidly, missing everything. “it would be quieter there for her.” Hermione pointed out, how long she and Blaise had been listening at the door way only they knew. “but I think she needs to go alone.” Blaise commented. “her an harry by themselves, because Draco and Loki's magic will affect her too.” “w'er we goin?” Harry asked sleepily, rubbing his eyes.
Loki smiled a little as he watched nodding a little."It's in the woods. She wont need to talk to anyone."He said snickering a little at sleepy harry before smiling."You're going on vacation with Kat. You'll get her all to yourself, wouldn't that be nice?"He teased. "I know what you're doing loki. You think if harry demands to go, I will to."She said sulking a little.
Harry gasped a look of utter delight crossing his face. “Kat all to ME?” he demanded eagerly yipping in Glee as he glomped Kat gently, holding her and nuzzling her neck and face all over. “yay! Me n Kat Vacation!” he squealed happily. Harry felt very threatened by Draco, because Harry thought Draco was still in love with Kat... which was not helped by the fact that Draco had taken to calling Kat 'Love' every change he got. “look Love, Harry's so excited! You can't deny him NOW! He'll cry.” Harry growled at Draco and clung to Kat. “no! MINE!” he complained Draco snickering a little as he shook his head. “you've not had a chance to have Harry alone, give him the attention he needs Kat. This is just as much for him as it is for you.” Draco promised Hermione smiling a little.
Kat started at that eyes widening slightly. Having been so much in pain in not being able to realize harry was distressed.making a small distressed sound at that because it hurt to have not known he felt threatened."Okay, we'll go.But you'll tell us if anything happens?" Loki snorted laughing as he realized that kat was indeed going to take the first vacation of her life."No. Because the only one who has things going on is you, and you're going to be on the vacation.Things will be fine."
Harry beamed happily as he nuzzled her. “YAY! Vacation!” he squealed leaping out of the bed to go and find a suitcase so he could pack his crayons, his Christmas book, and his favorite blanket that he had gotten at Christmas, Hermione chuckling. “i'll pack your things, and we promise if anything happens we'll Fire call you.” maybe. Draco smiled as he gently took Loki's hand, tangling their fingers together. “and with you out safe, maybe me and Loki can get to know each other a little better.” he teased, winking at Kat. “on your bed.” just to gross her out, Blaise grimacing. “Draco, that's nasty in SO many ways.” he complained, walking away, Draco snickering happily.
Kat laughed quietly as she listened to Harry run around upstairs and pack before looking at a snickering Loki, raising a eyebrow."No you wont. Because Harry's naked ass has been on that bed. You'll be to grossed out to even consider it."She said calmly wrinkling her nose a little. Loki smirked shifting Draco, holding his hand and wrapping his free arm around the other,, kissing his head as he tugged him into the crook of his arm, blushing slightly."She's right. You'll never want to do it on potter's bed"
Draco smirked a little. “i've had sex on Harry's bed before.” he admitted looking amused, Harry pausing as he ran around to stare at Draco with wide eyes. “back in school we used to make dares to find out who could sneak into the Gryffindor bedrooms and fuck on their beds. Me and Pansy did it on Harry's bed. Twice.” Harry's eye twitched, Draco clearly didn't realize Harry was listening because he shrieked in horror as Harry pounced on him, hissing at him like a wild animal, clearly cussing him out in Parseltongue Blaise laughing his ass off.
both thier significant others gabed at them, to shocked at the sight to do anything for a moment. Before kat smiled slightly before wrapping a arm around Harry's waist pulling him off the same time Loki pulled Draco away."Harry!its okay love. He didn't me it."She said stroking the brunette's hair holding him tightly in a effort to calm him
Harry growled and glared at Draco who grimaced, grinning sheepishly. “yeah harry I was only joking.” though it was clear he hadn't known harry was there. “i didn't have sex on your bed.” wickedness spread across his face. “i had it on Weasley's.” Harry glared furiously at Draco who chuckled and stood up, shaking his clothes out as Harry snuggled into Kat, unwilling to kick Draco's ass if it upset her so much. Hermione giggled a little as she shook her head. “aaw Dray how cute, Harry's kicking your ass... again.” she commented, Draco glaring at her. “i am not!”
Loki snickered kissing his head,"Oh yes, I'm pretty sure that you were getting your ass kicked."he muttered sighing softly as Kat flinched a little under Harry's cuddling. Kat smiled as she nudged harry, looking at him."REady to go?"She asked looking at loki and draco. Knowing that they the couple would want to make sure that they got to the house okay
Harry beamed happily as Draco scowled at Loki. “hey! Your supposed to take MY side!” he complained shaking his head a little, Harry smirking before beaming at Kat's question. “YES!” he chirped happily, overjoyed to get to have Kat all to himself for a long while Hermione giggling as she set Kat, and Harry's bags down, indicating for Loki to take them. “your the only one who knows where the house is, you take the bags while I lay rules out for harry.” they had found that Harry functioned, and behaved more if they set ground rules up. So they ran through the list of do nots for the new house so Harry wouldn't go all ape shit on the place and cause even more problems for Kat.
When they arrived at the house Loki smiled as he watched the other's gape at the fairy tale house."Welcome to Manor Morgana."He said shaking his head as kat studied him."You''ll be alone, I promise. There's nothing for miles around."He reassured smiling a little as he studied the girl. Kat nodded leaning into Harry as she rested her head on his chest,"Thanks Loki."She smiled kissing Harry lightly before stepping back. "We better go inside. It looks like rain."She said glancing towards the sky and heading inside.
Harry stared at the house with shock and then pointed at it. “Fairy Princess House!!!” he squealed racing into the house, Draco snorting a little. “did he just... really?” “FAIRY PRINCESS HOUSE!” Harry shrieked once he was inside Draco shaking his head. “have fun Kat.” he teased smirking at the woman as Harry ran back out. “Kat's a Fairy Princess!” he decided beaming happily, giggling happily as he kissed her and dragged their stuff inside, Draco helping her in and helping her unpack before he and Loki left, leaving Kat in blissful solitude, no other magic to disturb her but for Harry's healing waves of power as his excitement had him running all over the house to look for fairies.
Kat smiled as she settled down on the couch content to just watch him run around.

A few days later Kat whimpered as she laid her head on the bathroom tile, trying in vain to keep from getting sick, even as tears slid down her face. She knew what was wrong, and mourned the idea of never having kids. Harry deserved kids. And she'd never have them. She knew her body would live, that she would survive to finish treatment, but came at a cost, and this was it. Sniffling a little as she sat up, she glanced up at Harry as he walked in, rubbing her eyes."Did you find any faries?"She teased smiling at him. Having discovered the longer they were alone the more normal he become. Oh, nothing like he'd been as a teen, but not as broken as the adult he'd become.
Harry beamed as he walked in and then looked worried, his head tilted. “Kat? You ok?” he asked bending down and setting his hand on her shoulder. He seamed stuck at eleven years of age, and in fact when she asked him how old he was just yesterday he had replied that he was eleven. “and no, I didn't find any fairies.” he complained, sulking a little as he gently kissed her forehead, smiling happily at her. “do you want me to make some of my special 'feel better' soup?” he asked. Harry had proven to be quite the little cook, even at the age of 'eleven' and had made her special meals to help her feel better when she as having a bad day. He gently reached down and stroked the tears off her face. “it's alright Kat, everything will be ok.” he promised smiling at her. “no matter what troubles we face, we'll always have each other.” he promised kissing her gently.
Kat smiiled softly as she kissed him back,shifting to lean against him, cuddling shamelessly."No..just hold me."She muttered nuzzling him. Sniffling a little as she rubbed at her face, trying to calm down so she didn't upset him more."Do you want help finding fairies?"She asked looking up at him."We could go for a walk in the forest. It'll be fun."She offered
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