
Loki laughed quietly shaking his head."You need one of those notepads that will take notes for you."He said sighing before snickering t the insult compliment.Taking it as a compliment,because well he saw it that way."Well, you do hang out with blaise, and your students, so yes I would be smarter."He teased snickering before he summoned the potions ingridents they would need for kat's potion, setting them on the table."She's going to hate this. There's just nothing we can do about how it tastes...or how badly its going to hurt..."

Kat looked startled wincing at voldemort's voice, sorry she asked now. But she'd thought maybe it'd been time to do so. Shuddering as she realized that maybe she'd made him retreat from her, she was scared he was mad at her.Gently stroking his hair, he tugged her to his feet,sharing a little with the other two, before getting him upstairs, tucking him into bed. Hesitantly sitting on the edge of the bed, gently stroking his hair.Looking nervous and scared she'd damaged things between them.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. “i'll just loose the notepad or some moronic student will pick it up by mistake.” Draco admitted shaking his head. “or on purpose even, some of the students fancy themselves obsessed with me and sneak in here when they can and take off with my things. How in the hell they fancy me when I'm always screaming at them I have no idea.” he complained, examining the ingredients, picking one up. “powdered Dragon claw? Really? Wouldn't it mix badly with the basilisk poison?” on it's own, Dragon claw powder and Basilisk poison was very explosive. “you must have blown yourself up a great amount of times hmm?” he asked teasing Loki.

Harry didn't respond to her when she stroked his hair, or urged him to his feet, or even tucked him into bed. Falling asleep quickly and leaving Kat to her guilt, Hermione, ashen faced, carefully moved into the room, setting her hand on Kats shoulder. “i had no idea.” she whispered softly. “no wonder he... to find out your father... and then to kill him?... I'm amazed that Dumbledore was never thrown into Azakaban for shit like this.” but Dumbledore hadn't known either, even Lily and James potter didn't know. It had all been a secrete between Voldemort and Harry.
Loki looked amused before shrugging."Not so many times. Though Kat'd say it was more than enough to cause brain damage."He snickered a little smirking slightly."If you had a touch more of basilisk venom then powdered claw, so that its more a syrup instead of a paste, its not as explosive. Though you do have to be careful not to shake it up to much."He said amused before giving the man a look over."I can see why they're obsessed. Yelling is kinda sexy in that naughty teacher kind of way. Though why Kat didn't chase them away I don't know."

Kat sighed nodding slightly."Me to...."She sighed sadly before pulling the chair to the edge of the bed, resting her head on the matress, gently curling her hand up next to Harry's, almost touching but not. scared to now. "go take care of blaise.I'm going to take a nap."The woman said closing her eyes, seemingly going to sleep though she really was just ignoring hermione in favor of her guilt.
Draco nodded. “yes, that is interesting.” he muttered holding his hand out and making 'gimme' motions. “i want to see the potion instructions.” he ordered, wanting to have a good long look before he tried to make it, he didn't want to blow himself up after all. “you're staying to help right? A potion this complicated it would be better to have two sets of hands. I wouldn't trust anyone else but you anyway.” he admitted looking amused. “everyone else is incompetent”

Hermione smiled and gently set her hand on Kat's shoulder before walking away, Harry's hand covering Kat's when Hermione's was gone, Emerald eyes looking upset. “Kat mad?” he asked softly looking worried his head tilted. “Harry bad?” he asked softly, worried that Kat wouldn't like him anymore now that she knew the truth. But everything suddenly made sense... harry hadn't been drawing the sun, because he liked the sun, but because it sounded like 'son' and he hadn't been able to differentiate the two.
Loki grinned a little, "Of course I'm staying."He said handing over the potion instructions before he summoned his own potion things, the soft leather gloves, two sets, so they wouldn't have to worry not just about what the venom would do to their hands, but also they had shield charms built into them to protect the potions maker."And I'd like to see you tell Kat she's incompetent at anything."He pointed out snickering.

Harry started raising her head to look at him, "No no no.I'm not mad, and your not bad."She muttered looking anxious because she was worried about him, and worried that he would be upset with her for making him say it. Biting her lip before she climbed up in the bed, stroking his hair out of his face."Are you mad at me sweetheart?"She said looking upset herself.
Draco snorted a little. “hell, Kat could blow up WATER.” he stated simply tugging on the gloves as he looked over the potion. “hmm, this is very elegant.” he admitted. “i was expecting a smashing technique but this is a reducing style. Very clever, I like the four step stirring in the third portions, so the venom doesn't explode?” he asked smirking a little as he nodded. “very clever, I'm amazed your not a potions master yourself, I'll have to send in a recommendation, this is brilliant even by my standards.” he admitted with a chuckle. “shall we get started then?”

Harry relaxed as she promised him he wasn't bad, shaking his head. “no.” he admitted. “...sad...” he admitted. “bad inside.” he muttered softly. “don't cry.” he whispered gently stroking her cheek. “Kat good girl.” he promised smiling at her as he tried to tug her into bed with him. “want cuddles.” he whined, wanting comfort, and reassurances that he would never be like Voldemort.
Loki smiled as he preened under the praise.Blaise was right, in some aspect. He really did thrive under hearing how brillant he was. "Had to mix the venom in slowly, otherwise it blew up in my face. And I'm not a master because I spend to much time in my lab to get a recommendation for it."he smiled before settling into helping draco work. This was so much better then a normal date. This he got to see Draco in his natural enviroment.

Kat smiled getting up, cuddling into him as she laid down, resting her head on his chest,holding him tightly. As if sensing what he wanted she said,"You're never going to be like him you know. You might share blood, but that's all. That doesn't make a person."She said turning her face into his hand,letting him wipe away her tears laughing quietly."Love, its been a very long time since I was a good girl"She muttered, because some of the mental abuse of brightwood hadn't left her, she was still emotionally stunted and twisted. Emotionally distant from everyone but her closest friends.
Draco laughed a little and nodded. “good point.” he agreed smirking a little. “my Potions teacher had to recommend me, and then he had to drag me out by my ear for the meeting.” he admitted smirking. “i was covered in Botbuter puss at the time and I stunk up the place so bad that the Ministry members almost fainted.” he admitted snickering a little as he started mixing together the first ingredients, his eyes blazing with the excitement and challenge at making something new, taking it apart and reconstructing it to understand how it worked, muttering under his breath as he wondered what good the poppy seed did before he added them anyway, not all that willing to deviate from the potion when it could save Kat's life. When Draco was working on a potion, he looked more alive than even Kat had ever seen him... she wasn't allowed in the lab anymore, after she blew up a potion or four when he wasn't paying attention.

Harry smiled and nuzzled her gently. “Kat not bad.” he promised softly. “Kat good.” he promised. “Kat not bad mother... Kat good person.” he tried to explain that she wasn't her parents either. “Kat fix people, badness beaks people.” he stated, trying to explain that because she helped people, even when she didn't have to, that she was one of the kindest most wonderful people he had ever met. “Harry stupid.” he complained, sulking a little annoyed at his inability to be able to put his words together properly. He knew what he wanted to say, he just.. couldn't get it to come out right.
Loki laughed quietly as he watched draco work, shifting a little in his seat as he shifted closer to the table to hide the hardon he was sporting. Amused at Draco's look at the poppy seeds."The seeds are what muggles use to create heorin,morphine and opium. It acts as a pain reliever and will help a little, but I haven't found something that completely surpresses the pain of having a vital part of yourself broken."He said biting his lip. Hating that he couldn't have found a better potion in time to save Kat from the pain of what she's going to feel. Knowing that in a few hours she was going to be screaming bloody murdered, because that first dose of the potion was always the worst.

Kat smiled a little understanding even if he couldn't say it how he wanted. Shifting to sit up she leaned down to kiss his forehead."Your not stupid. Just hurt."She said smiling at him, resting her forehead against his, her hair falling around them, creating a world just their own. "You're getting better then you used to be.You'll continue getting better love."She muttered
Draco nodded at the explanation, his head tilted as he suddenly thought of something. “if we where to give her a muggle drug... would it affect the potion?” he asked, continuing to work. “there's this thing called 'Dope' or 'weed' Marijuana, it does amazing things to pain.” Draco admitted. “it doesn't take it away, it more... makes you not care that your in pain, if we gave her the potion, and then have her smoke a joint of marijuana would it help?” he asked finally looking up from crushing a fresh Dragon claw, using only the best, freshest ingredients for her potion.

Harry smiled as she promised him he wasn't stupid, snuggling into her and giving her a kiss as her much loved hair fell all around him, smiling at her. “Harry get better.” he agreed. “take care, good care Kat.” he promised lowing her gently to the bed and gently stroking her all over, because he knew that the hug he wanted to give her was going to hurt, he would show his affections in another way. “Harry Love Kat.”
Loki looked thoughtful, biting his lip."It might. I've never tried. But wizarding drugs don't affect how it acts, so I would assume a muggle drug wouldn't."He said looking curious before smirking a little at the sight of draco only using the finest things for Kat."So you are really in love with her. That's the freshest dragon's claw I've everseen."He teased looking amused and curious to see how Draco'd answer.

Kat sighed softly closing her eyes for a moment before looking up at him, gently tucking his hair behind his ears, pressing a kiss to his forehead."Kat loves harry."She muttered looking amused as she tugged him closer for a kiss.
he nodded. “we'll have to try, I can't imagine a muggle drug interfering when magical ones don't.” he admitted shaking his head as he bit his lip as he crushed the claw. “i...thought I did.” Draco admitted softly. “but I'm starting to realize that... maybe I'm not... things that should bother me don't...” he admitted shaking his head. “most people, would feel upset, jealous, even angry when they see someone they love kissing someone else right?” he asked softly, almost talking to himself. “so why do I only feel pride and joy when I see Kat kiss harry, and they both bean and brighten like a sunflower in spring?” he looked over at Loki looking confused. “i'm just... drowning in emotions and I don't know whats real, and whats in my head anymore.” he admitted with a sigh. “everything has just become so confusing.”

Harry smiled a little and kissed her happily, nuzzling her gently, grinning a little. “love you lots.” he purred grinning a little as he held her gently. “Kat sleepy, go nighty night night.” he ordered yawning a little and snuggling down to go to bed himself.
Loki snickered looking amused, as he helped the other with his potion. Mostly letting Draco talk to himself."That's what happens when you think you fall in love with friends."he said looking amused."And if it helps, I don't think you're in love with her.You love her, but not in love with her. Otherwise you would have lost it when you saw a childhood rival loving her."He said amused.

Kat smiled cuddling into him, "Night night."She muttered falling asleep.
Draco sighed a little and glanced at Loki. “are you sure?” he asked, sounding so wistful, like he had wanted to be in love. “i've never wanted it before.” he admitted slicing up some roots perfectly. “but... she was just so perfect.” he complained. “i didn't even know I was lonely.” he complained shaking his head. “besides there's no childhood about it, we're STILL rivals, he just doesn't remember it yet.” Draco stated with a haughty sniff.
Loki smiled a little, laughing softly at the sniff. Shaking his head as he watched the other make the potion, for once enjoying not being in charge of the potion."I think you loved Kat for the same reason Blaise thought he loved her. Because she IS perfect....and utterly unattainable. Until harry, no one had managed to get through her emotional scars.Which made her perfect for you..because you knew she'd never love you the way you wished."He shrugged. Okay, so he might have stole kat's psych books once in awhile."Come on, after that root it has to sit overnight then you'll add the venom in the morning right before we give it to her. There's nothing else to do."
Draco sighed a little and nodded then. “she was the first friend I had.. after the war.” he admitted softly. “she was the only one willing to put up with me, and even try to help me.” he admitted softly. “i was so wrapped up in my own pity party that all I did was yell at her and try to push her away.... I guess I thought I was in love... because she was the only person who I felt loved me.” he smiled a little, staring at the root. “i need to do something else... I can't just sit here and do nothing.. while my... sister. Is dying.” he had finally identified the type of love he was feeling for Kat. She was younger than him, but he felt like she was an older sister. “will you stay with me tonight?” he asked softly, looking over at Loki. “i'm afraid to be alone...”
"She's not dying.I wont let her."He reassured before smirking a little nodding."'I'll even read you a bedtime story if you want."He teased ruffling the blond's hair like he was a little kid heading for the door. Grinning yea this was going to be fun. Pausing at the entrance to draco's rooms, lifting a eyebrow."So do I get part of the bed or do I get to sleep on the floor?"He teased.
he shook his head a little and then smirked. “good, you can read me this.” he stated handing the other a dictionary of plants and their magical uses with a snicker as he shook his head. “no bedtime story needed.” he promised before hesitating. “well.. I guess we can share the bed.” he decided. “i haven't shared a bed with someone before though so... I don't know... if I do something weird...” he was more worried about himself doing something strange than he was about Loki molesting him. Blaise was right, Draco was at least Bi if not completely gay. “hold on, I need to change.” he admitted heading into his closet to change into a tank top and a pair of boxers, it was the most sin of Draco anyone had ever seen, he slid into the left side of the bed and sighed a little as he snuggled into the bed, looking nervous, and worried about Kat. “tomorrow, I'm going to go into the muggle world and get some weed.” he decided. “see if it won't help her.”
Loki nodded as he transfigured his own clothes into night clothes before sliding into the bed, taking the book from draco."You do that.I'll go on over to kat's. Get the potion into her before we let her get high. Even if I'm sure it wont affet it, I want her to get on it before she smokes weed."He said sighing, settling into the bed and starting to read. This was going to be in a interesting night.

In the morning Loki was snuggled up against Draco, the book still hanging from his hand, head resting on top of draco's as he slept. Looking cute and sleepy as he slept.Yawning he blinked slowly, trying to figure out how to move without waking the other up. Not wanting to startle the man. he'd been so cutely nervous about sleeping next to him, he was worried about what he'd do if he realized he'd snuggled loki in his sleep
Draco was sleeping quickly, snuggled into Loki, he whined when the other yawned and slipped down a little so that his head was cushioned on Loki's chest, wrapping his arms tightly around the others waist, mumbling something that couldn't be made out, something about a vacation, and don't forget to take out the turtle. His grip was tight enough that there was no chance for Loki to get free, at least not without waking Draco, who was famed for his light sleeping, even before he stopped. Loki wasn't going anywhere until Draco woke up.
Loki grumbled a little laying there for another hour before gently shaking Draco's shoulder, kissing his head."Come on pretty boy, we have things to do.That potions not going to fix itself."He muttered moving to get up. Before realizing he wasn't going anywhere without draco.Shifting his hold he picked up the man, holding in on arm, the blond was to light, easy to carry in his opinion-but loki smiled s he walked into the potions lab and dropping the last potion ingredient in, snickering as Draco finally stirred after being moved around."Morning sleeping beauty."
Draco groaned as he was shaken, waking, but refusing to get up, whining a little as he was picked up, his eyes fluttering open and blinking a little, blushing hard as he realized that not only was he being carried, he was snuggled up to the man so tight that he realized Loki HAD to carry him. “s..sorry!” he squeaked letting the man's ribs go, blushing hard as he realized he had been SMELLING the man without realizing it... and damn if Loki didn't smell so good. “ I..” he blushed hard and slipped out of the others arms. “i'm... g..gonna go find the w..weed.” he managed to stutter, vanishing with a CRACK, leaving the last of the potion in Loki's hands, apparating, not to the muggle world, but into the kitchen where Kat was sitting with Hermione Blaise and Harry. “k...kat can... I talk to you?!” he asked, looking completely freaked out, Blaise and Hermione sharing a smirk as Harry shoveled food in his mouth, ignoring Draco completely.
Kat looked startled to find herself suddenly bombarded with a freaked out draco. Nodding as she got up she looked at him worriedly, leading him into the living room, resting a hand on his arm."Draco,what's wrong?where's loki?"She asked looking around. Because when Loki didn't appear she thought it was something Loki had done and Draco'd run away Which was correct considering the genetist didn't appear right away."Draco, did he hit on you?Do I need to yell at him?"she asked looking at him anxiously.
Draco just shook his head repeatedly, for a moment too freaked out to say anything. “no no Loki didn't do a thing...” he muttered, still looking astonished, almost wishing Loki HAD done something. “i.. I asked him to sleep with me see, because I can sleep with him close, and I woke up this morning and I was... I was... oh god Kat I was SMELLING him!” he complained, wide eyed and panicked. “and he smelled GOOD!” he complained, tangling his fingers in his hair. “and he was so warm and kind and firm against me and I... I...” he blushed hard. “i ...REACTED.” he whispered with a hiss, glancing down at his crotch and then back at her. “i... oh god Kat I think.. I think I like Loki! Which.... which means I... I'm....” but he couldn't be gay.. he couldn't!!! he had never liked it when Voldemort had... and certainly not when Voldemort had let the other death eaters... he had always assumed he was straight, because the men touching him, raping him had done nothing for him... but Loki, loi was so... so... “what am I going to DO!?”
Kat sighed her mouth falling open a little as she thought about that. Oh man, that was... "Draco, so you like him. You wouldn't be the first straight man to end up liking loki."She said studying him shifting to stand in front of him, resting her hands on his shoulders, making him look at her, "Draco, you didn't choose the others. If you want loki, loki would be more then willing to teach you."She said with a playful smirk as if she could read his mind before growing serious again."Either way, if you don't want to explore, tell him. Loki wont beat you up for not wanting to do anything. He knows enough about...the war that he wont push you if you say no."She said gently strokng his hair, looking amused and worried about him."Calm down Draco.He'll be here soon."She reminded him gently.
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