
Harry didn't wake when Kat got up, in fact he was snoring as he rested from the nights sexual escapade. Lucky for Kat because he would have been very upset to see the bruises covering her body where he had gripped with just a little too much enthusiasm.

Down the stairs Draco was still asleep, astonishingly, and he was laying in Loki's lap now, his head cushioned by a Thigh as Blaise gently shook Loki awake, pressing a finger to his lips to inform him to be quiet. “has he slept all night?” Draco asked softly, looking amazed. “this is the first time he's gotten more than three hours of sleep in a night since Voldemort was defeated at LEAST.” he admitted looking amazed at Loki. “i hate that you can help him better than I can.” he complained, sulking, but glad for it, because getting sleep was the first step in helping Draco to recover.
Loki startled a little, cracking a eye to look at the other man, before looking down at the man in his lap."Oh...yes.I guess he has slept all night."He said frowning a little realizing that Draco had indeed slept. "No, you just hate him."Kat muttered as she came downstairs, having covered up in sweats and one of harry's hoodies, looking small and cuddly. "Did you really sleep?"She asked leaning over the back of the couch to smile softly at the blond Looking so happy to see him sleeping.
Draco didn't wake up when Kat came down the stairs, breathing softly as he rested on Loki's thigh, looking almost cute and cuddly himself, Blaise grinning at Kat. “i do hate him.” he agreed chuckling a little. “but he is the best for you.” he admitted as Draco shifted, groaning loudly as he blinked, blinked again looking ever so confused. “what happened?” he asked sluggishly. “did I pass out?” not realizing that he had simply fallen asleep, because he hadn't done it in so long. He sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes, looking tired still, but better. The dark bags under his eyes had lightened, and his far too pale complexion was looking better after a good nights sleep. “i feel strange.” Draco whined. “did one of you drug me?” he asked confused as he staggered to his feet, reaching for the cup of hot chocolate that was always there, Blaise chuckling as he set it in Draco's hands. “no, I don't think so anyway, you just fell asleep.”
"On me."Loki teased looking at the other as Draco sipped his drink. Loki giggled a little, amused because she knew just how hard it had to have been for Loki to keep his hands to himself with the man laying in his lap "How do you feel?"Kat said more than willing to fret over Draco then to concentrate on how achy and sore she was feeling. It wasn't just sex, it was that she was going to have a bad day, and bad days would just have her not being able to touch anything without hurting.
Draco smiled at Loki. “i'm sorry about that.” he muttered sheepishly as he drank his hot chocolate slowly, savoring the taste. “i feel terrible... Blaise won't let me take my potions... he said I have to quit cold turkey or I'll never stop.” he admitted. “and I'm even more tired now than I was last night.” he complained yawning a little as he leaned against Loki again. “mmm Loki tell them to give me my potions...” he ordered, sulking a little as he nuzzled the other man's shoulder, Blaise looking amused. “yeah... he'll do this to everyone, he's very snuggly when he's sleepy. Sorry.” he muttered shrugging, knowing how hard it was going to be for Loki, Blaise thought it was hilarious actually but Kat would smack him if she knew he thought that.
loki tilted his head back to glare at the itlaian, frowning a little"Well, I could let him snuggle you after all you're the one not giving him his potions."He said before sighing. kat laughed quietly bending down, pressing a kiss to Loki's forehead before looking at the two men."Draco do you want something to eat?"She asked looking at her friend worriedly. Needing something besides her own problems to concentrate on, and since Harry wasn't up to fuss over, she was so going to fuss over draco and loki
Blaise smirked a little. “he has snuggled me, hell he snuggled me all through school, it's your turn to suffer for a while.” he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head, Draco whining but nodding. “pancakes.” he ordered sleepily before adding a “please” just so he didn't sound rude, Blaise chuckling as he nodded and headed off to get the pancakes going as there was a loud THUD from upstairs, Blaise chuckling a little. “Harry fell off the bed again.” the poor boy did that at least once a week, usually more, because he liked to hang half off the bed. There was another thud and Blaise snickered. “ran into the door again.” they all had Harry's morning 'bump and smash' routine down to a T by then.
Kat smiled a little as she poured herself a glass of OJ and settled in her seat, amused to leave Draco and loki alone"He'll be done soon. And want some pancakes again."she said slightly amused because she liked the idea of knowing Hrry that well.Even if she worried about him probably much.

Loki smiled looking at the blond cuddling him, glancing down at him."Are you waking up now?Or do I need to tickle him?"He teased. Amused because the other was so sleepy it was adorable
Blaise chuckled and nodded as he examined Kat, wondering how she was going to handle all of this, flipping Pancakes onto a plate and setting them in front of her on the plate shaking his head a little as Harry stumbled down, whining about waking up alone, not using words but they all knew what he was bitching about because he snuggled into Kat happily.

Draco snorted a little and shook his head. “can't tickle me, I'm invincible.” he muttered, Blaise smirking. “he isn't ticklish.” he explained. “well, except for one place.” he mused, Draco tensing and Glaring at Blaise. “and I have enough blackmail on you to make you go bankrupt for years AND make you never want to show your face in public again, don't forget that fifth year Halloween party.” Draco warned, Blaise grimacing and shaking his head. “point taken.” Blaise stated quickly, returning to his food, Draco smirking, victorious.
Kat swallowed hard, flinching as harry snuggled into her before relaxing. refusing to move away even if she was sure her body was going to protest being touched. She hated this, she hated the disease that made touching unbearable some days. But...she could cuddle him.She could and she would. turning her head a little to nuzzl him,"Sorry hun. I woke up early."She muttered starting to eat.

Loki laughed quietly looking at the blond leaning against him, poking him in the ribs."Fifth year?What did he do?"He asked curiously, amused because he really didn't care to know it was just amusing to watch Blaise get flustered.
Harry smiled and pulled away from her now that he was sure she was alright, shoveling food into his mouth, Blaise gently touching Kat's shoulder. “Kat... harry understands that you hurt, if your having a bad day tell him, he understands, he won't get upset and he'll feel bad, guilty, if you don't tell him and he finds out.” he informed her softly, making sure Harry, who was stuffing himself, couldn't hear them.

Draco snickered a little and shook his head. “you don't want to know.” he stated with a small snicker. “lets just say he got drunk, and ended up in a very strange group.” Draco whispered wickedness in his eyes. “Naked even.” he admitted Blaise turning to glare at Draco. “i know your telling him! Shut up Draco I got dirt on you too you little bi....bitter man!” changing the word he was going to use as two of the children filed in, whining and groaning that they where hungry.
Kat smiled a little looking at blaise before nodding, knowing he was right. Laughing quietly when Loki flounced into the room with a grin settling at the table with a thing of pancakes,"Oh, I think I do want to hear this story." Kat rolled her eyes amused as the kids settled into their seats and got food. Amused at this, at least Blaise and loki hadn't started yelling at each other yet. That was a definate improvement on their relationship."Don't harass blaise. Otherwise I'll tell him about that time you woke up naked with that author." "You would not!"Loki sputtered before concentrating on his food, seemingly ignoring all the questioning looks he was getting.
Draco chuckled a little as he smirked a little accepting his own food before choking as he realized that Loki had slept with a man, which meant he was either Gay or Bi, and Draco had been snuggled into him all night.... for some reason that didn't bother Draco as much as he thought it should. He coughed a little and blushed hard but said nothing, Blaise smirking a little as Draco realized that Loki was Gay. “was he cute at least?” Blaise asked Loki with a smirk. “it's not so terrible if it's cute.” he teased snickering a little, Draco shaking his head and smirking at Blaise. “hell, your the one who woke up naked with a C...” “Shut up!” Blaise ordered pointing at Draco. “you just HUSH!”
Loki blushed a little pushing his food around his plate. "He was..interesting looking." Kat snorted her juice, nearly choking."It was lockhart and he was bad even when he was sane. YOu just had the bad luck to be the only cute person to be willing to treat him."She pointed out before looking at Blaise, raising a eyebrow."C?C who?And why haven't I heard about this?Draccooo you're supposed to tell me these things."She whined amused.
they all stared at Loki, wide eyed and even Harry was staring at him. “lockheart STUPID!” he complained scowling a little. “ugly ugly man!” he complained, stuffing pancakes into his mouth with a finality, as if daring anyone to question him on it,. Draco making soft, playful gagging noises in the back of his throat, Hermione giggling. “you know, it was actually thanks to Ron that he went all coo coo.” she admitted smirking a little. “or rather, his busted wand.” she admitted with a snicker. “C NOTHING!!!!” Blaise squealed, blushing so red it was amazing he was still standing. “shut UP Draco!!!!” he ordered rushing away as Draco snickered and shook his head. “can't, you'd never look at Blaise the same again.” Hermione giggled a little. “well I'm his girlfriend, shouldn't I have a right to know?” “you'll have to ask him then.” Draco teased, Hermione giggling when Harry suddenly piped up. “Blaise fucked a centaur!” he chirped happily, Blaise wailing in horror as Draco stared at Harry. “how did you know that!?” Harry leaned forward, looking all shifty and mysterious then. “i know things.” he whispered giggling as he ate his pancakes some more Hermione looking utterly shocked.
Kat and Loki both stared at Blaise," is that even possible?Did you top or bottom?"Loki said giggling wildly. "....You know blaise, I am a liscenced if retired psyschologist..."Kat said both of them teasing before growing serious. Both still looking amused before looking at each other. "You can't talk you got glomped by Lockhart.In the psych ward." "You're screwing potter.I think we're all even on the interesting sex partners."Loki mused nodding as he settled in, both pyshcologist and geneticist going back to their meals like Harry hadn't just admitted Blaise had sex with a centaur
Blaise groaned and hid his burning face in his hands, Draco snickering wickedly as he shook his head. “oh very well.” he stated smirking a little. “i was once molested by a plant.” he admitted, Blaise choking a little. “you mean that one in greenhouse Seven?” “The cousin to the Devil's Snare, yes.” Draco admitted looking amused. “i thought since you all where telling your horror stories I might as well add mine tot he bunch.” he admitted chuckling a little, Blaise looking wicked. “did you enjooooy it?” “did you enjoy eleven inches of horse cock up your ass?” “...well... yeah actually.” “... yes I liked it.” Draco grumbled Harry giggling a little as he smiled at them. “i had sex with..” he paused then. “... Kat!” he chirped, as if that was impressively horrific before pouting, realizing it really wasn't, Draco chuckling a little. “the most insane person here is the one with a clean track record... nice...”
Kat snickered a little stealing a kiss from Harry, before shaking her head looking at harry."No. Im pretty sure he had sex with Ginny.That'd be scarring on anyone.....Harry?"She said before she thought about it, looking at Harry anxiously worried he'd have a upset."And its not so bad, having sex with me."She pouted a little. Loki looked interested raising a eyebrow as he made a mental note about that plant, snickering."I think we all need help."He said before looking at Draco."we do have a potion to make...if you need a way out of this conversation."He teased, more then willing to give him a out if it meant they still could be together. Though he was a little nervous about the blond knowing he was gay.
Hermione chuckled a little and shook her head. “harry never had sex with Ginny.” she promised, Harry wincing at the name but not reacting violently as he simply tucked his head into Kat's shoulder, Hermione smiling. “Ginny was just his little sister, that's all... now Ron? Yes... he fucked Ron.” Hermione admitted with a giggle, Harry sulking. “Ron said I have bitty dick.” he complained, Hermione snorting. “oh yeah, I remember that...” Hermione admitted tapping her lips. “i no have bitty dick.” harry complained pouting at Kat.

Draco snorted a little at Harry and then smiled at Loki and nodded. “please, I think I'm scarred enough for one day.” he admitted Blaise jerking, startled. “what? You... but... he's gay!” Blaise complained, Draco lifting an eyebrow. “and your an ass, I've had gay friends before. So what?” “but... but he'll corrupt you! Seduce you to his dark ways!” Blaise complained, Hermione smacking Blaise upside the head. “ooow! Hermione!!!” “...” Draco just rolled his eyes and shook his head and headed for the door. “come on Loki, before I murder Blaise myself. Draco grumbled, Blaise winking at Loki again, looking WAY too amused.
Kat looked amued wrapping her arms around Harry, wincing a little but holding onto him."No you don't."She muttered nuzzling him, amused at Ron's insult and Blaise's words. Grinning as Loki followed after Draco like a eager puppy."Bye!I'll be back later!"Loki grinned as he followed after Draco, slipping a arm through the blond's and apparating them to the school.

Kat smiled a little as she eased away from harry after a moment looking amused as she stole a kiss."I think thats the dumbest dating blond I've ever seen."She muttered looking amused at Draco's innocence, knowing it was only a matter of time till Loki got to him.
Draco chuckled a little as he shook his head as he apparated Loki into the school, settling into his personal quarters with a happy sigh. “i love them to death, I really do, but all that noise just about drives a person mad.” he admitted with a small chuckle as he moved over to his personal Potions lab. “come on, I'll show you what I'm working on now.” he promised grinning as he picked up a journal filled with extensive notes and formula's. “i'm trying to improve the Werewolf potion so it's not so hard to make, and not so expensive.” he admitted. “my third year DADA professor was as poor as a rock, because all of his money had to go to potions.” he admitted. “so I'm trying to fix that.” it was no wonder Draco was a potions master, it had taken Snape fifteen years to develop the werewolf potion already in existence, to meddle with someone else's formula's was twice as difficult, but from the notes in the journal, he was succeeding.

Harry beamed when Kat promised he didn't have a bitty Dick and kissed her cheek, beaming at her as Blaise snickered. “Draco's doomed and he doesn't even realize it.” he admitted, Hermione lifting an eyebrow. “you mean you did that on purpose?” she asked, shocked, Blaise nodding. “of course I did! I was best friends with Theo for years! And he was gay.” he admitted smirking a little. “it's just that when I protest something and insult someone Draco goes with them just to piss me off.” he admitted chuckling a little, Hermione looking a little amused now. “your setting them up?” “yup. Draco thinks he's in love, I've known for years that he was gay... I never once imagined that HE didn't know!” he admitted laughing a little.
Lki looked thoughtful as he took the journal, glancing through the journal. A small frown appearing between his eyebrows as he studied it. After all, he had had to make Ashcroft's potion, now draco was meddling with this...he felt as if he'd found a kindred spirit. Not that he'd ever say smething that corny out loud."You're doing well Draco.From what I can tell, you're making it work."He said after a long moment, sitting down on a stool, his heels hooked on a stool rung as he read. Looking adorable as he absourbed what he was reading.

Kat looked startled, then relieved that she hadn't left Draco alone."...oh. Well that's good."She said blushing a little at sounding so relieved efore smiling wider."Draco IS so doomed. I've never seen loki not eventually go home with the person he wanted."she smiled a little, nuzzling Harry's shoulder."Harry, did you know draco was gay?"She asked curious. Wondering if her and hermione were the only ones who didn't know.
Draco smiled a little as Loki read through his journal. “it's so nice to have someone who understands me.” Draco admitted grinning a little. “your the only person who has understood what was in that journal.” he admitted chuckling a little. “it's almost relieving.” he admitted with a bright laugh. “and unfortunately it's not working. I have a werewolf student here who's letting me use his blood for test samples and when I use the test potions it devours the disease.... and the rest of the blood right along with it.” he admitted scowling a little. “i know it's the Wolfsbane but if I use any less the potion doesn't do anything at all. I need to find an equalizer but it's not going well.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “any suggestions?”

Blaise chuckled a little and shook his head. “it will be good for the both of them, Loki needs someone steady and Draco needs someone dependable.” he admitted Harry blinking at Kat. “Draco gay?” he asked looking startled, pondering that before shaking his head. “nuh uh. Nope.” he stated, clearly not believing Blaise as he reached across the table and took Draco and Loki's leftover breakfast, devouring that too.
Loki looked thoughtful as he thought about it, glancing up at Draco."It's... sort of like the supressing potion. but instead of ashcroft's, youre supressing werewolf genes."He frowned staring at the wall as he thought."Chimera scales and basilink posion make the supressing potion what it is...maybe start there?"

Kat laughed quietly looking amused before shifting ot get up putting her plate in the sink as she thought. Before moving back, crouching back down in front of harry, resting her hands on his legs as she thought. She was curous, and she wanted to know."Harry, do you remember anything about what happened with you and voldemrt?"she asked softly, finally braave enough to ask, and hoping he felt safe enough to answer without freaking out
Draco nodded and wrote that down on his arm smirking a little. “Kat gets all pissed off when I write on myself.” he admitted with a chuckle. “but it's the best place because otherwise I forget.” he admitted. “i'll try the chimera scales and Basilisk poison when I've finished making Kat's potion.” he promised grinning at the other. “i knew I liked you, your smarter than the average heathens I have to hang out with.” was that a compliment or an insult? Only Draco could know for sure.

Harry blinked at her, his emerald eyes widening in horror, looking away from her and focusing on nothing and for a moment Blaise and Hermione where afraid he'd pulled back into himself. “all a lie...” Harry muttered softly. “The Sun knows the truth.” he muttered softly. “the sun must die, so the father can die...” he muttered softly, Hermione frowning, confused as Harry continued. “Harry potter.” Harry hissed, in a voice so similar to Voldemort's it made Hermione whimper. “You are... my son.” he hissed softly looking at Kat blinking at her. “dead... dead doorknob, all dead.” he explained softly before laying his head on the table. “all dead...”
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