
Hermione smiled a little as she shook her head. “he is talking, sort of...” he seamed to be only saying one word at a time, but that was still improvement, Draco was right, taking care of Kat was making him recover faster. “we have to fuss Kat!” Draco whined. “if they don't fuss over you then they'll fuss over ME!” he complained, Hermione snickering a little. “oh, we're going to be fussing over you, once the withdrawals hit.” Draco grimaced at that and looked at Lacey. “i don't suppose you could make Uncle Draco some hot Cocoa?” “OK!” Lacey chirped happily, Draco sighing a little. “i still can't sleep at night...” Draco admitted shaking his head. “i have so many nightmares...” he admitted softly, Hermione grimacing a little as her lips thinned, wondering how she could help Draco.
Kat rolled her eyes a little at the complain, even though she knew it was true, she was worried about him enough that she was getting grouchy about it."I could always knock you out, you'd sleep then."She said wisely smiling as she let Harry fuss over her knowing she wasn't going to convince him to stop. Pretty sure the retaliation for that would be loud and whiney when he protested making him stop."Oh. Blaise, I know you don't like him, but Loki's stopping by this afternoon when he gets off."She said knowing the genetist and blaise usually didn't get along, but she needed them t temporarily since Loki by far above any other doctor had managed to control Ashcroft's syndrome.
Draco grimaced a little and shook his head. “no thank you.” he stated shaking his head. “i'd rather not have a concussion to tend to.” he teased smiling a little as Harry did her hair up all pretty, Lacey handing out hot chocolate to everyone. Blaise grimaced at the mention of Loki and grumbled but nodded and didn't outright complain, because Loki WAS the best doctor, and he wanted Loki to treat Kat anyway. “alright, I'll help Hermione make a good dinner then since we're having so many guests.” he complained, Hermione giggling as Draco lifted an eyebrow. “who's Loki?” “god.” Harry chirped simply Draco rolling his eyes. “yes Harry I know there's a god named Loki, I was talking about the person.” Harry just shrugged and Draco started grinding his teeth. Grumpy and irritable. “i liked him better when he stared at the wall.” Draco complained, sulking a little.
Kat laughed quietly as she looked at the blond."you would.He seems to enjoy annoying you."She smiled sipping her hot chocolate kissing Harry's cheek after he finished with her hair. Reaching out and gently ruffling Draco's hair."oh stop being grumpy. You'll like Loki. He's annoying right, all the time. Kinda like me...and you actually."She said amused. "He's a genetist at St. Mungo's, though he trained in the muggle world first. He specializes in rare genetic diseases, and Ashcroft's in by far his favorite disease to try and beat. So far, his success rate is the best for surviving it."She said looking amused as the man of the hour walked in, tall dark and handsome didn't beginning to cover it for Loki Svern. "Kat, Zabini."He greeted smiling a little before looking at the others."Ms. Granger, Headmaster, and...harry potter?"He said looking startled at the last. Having thought Kat quit work, he didn't realize she was still treating him. And looking mildly concerned about that, because he was worried about what such a powerful wizard would do to Kat."I'm only treating him. He lives with me."Kat said defensively ignoring the surprised look she was getting from loki at that.
Draco snorted a little and shook his head. “i hate him already.” he teased winking at her as Harry made cut out shapes in the flat cookie dough, giggling brightly as he got frosting in his hair. Hermione opened her mouth to say something and blinked when Loki walked in, Harry staring at the man his head tilted to the die blinking twice before offering the man a cookie with so much frosting on it the frosting was flowing off the sides. There was more frosting than there was cookie to be honest. “technically Harry is living with me.” Hermione admitted with a small chuckle. “but since I live in Kat's house...” she shrugged. “please have a seat.” she stated calmly scooting of the chair and settling next to Blaise instead. “good evening Loki, I'm grateful you agreed to see Kat.” Blaise admitted offering him a grateful nod of the head. “would you like to stay for dinner?” Hermione asked. “as soon as two little imps get out of my kitchen I'm going to be making a pot roast.” “Chocolate!” Harry cheered as Lacey pulled the lopsided chocolate cake out of the oven the girl sulking a little. “aaw Mommy it fell over again!” Lacey whined, Draco stuffing his face in his mouth to keep from laughing at Lacey's poor cake.
Loki smiled."I would like to stay for dinner."He said smiling wider biting the inside of his lip to keep from laughing at the poor cake before raising a hand, smiling as the spell cut the cut into nice neat pieces."It all eats the same, hun. But we can't eat cake before dinner. Aunt katie'll smack me if I let you do that."He smiled brightly, a echo of Harry's sweet innocent smile in his as he ate the cookie licking his fingers free of icing. Kat laughed softly amused to see them all watching the cake before getting up."Come on you two.We'll go draw while Herm and Blaise make dinner. We'll make uncle draco and Loki help us draw something."she said smiling at the two men, smiling a little when Loki atually squirmed. He could draw, he just didn't usually. "Only if you insist."Loki said smiling, needing to see just how much control the woman still had.
Lacey clapped at the spell, watching it cut perfectly, beaming at him as she hopped off the stool, leaving the cleanup to her mother and papa giggling as Harry walked with them, the other children still down for their various naps, Harry taking Kats hand happily and Lacey giggling as she looked up at Loki. “your really pretty mister.” she chirped happily. “are you gonna marry auntie Katie? Or uncle Draco?” she asked, clearly under the impression he was going to date one of them, Draco chuckling a little. “no no Lacey, Uncle Loki is here to help Auntie Katie feel better, he's a doctor.” he explained with a small smile, looking far too amused as Harry flopped down on the floor like he always did and started drawing, avoiding green still, like it was death itself. Lacey smiled as she colored, and Draco was focusing WAY too hard on his, growling every time he mis-drew something, throwing the piece of paper to the side and starting over again. It was rather amusing to watch, and Lacey burst into giggles every time Draco said a fake curse, like 'son of a hand-basket' or 'ship ship ship' or 'fudgepops!'.
EAch curse sent loki and kat into giggles as they listened, both sitting off to the side together drawing easily and well. Loki more watching Kat's hands and how she worked then paying attention to what he was drawing. Looking startled when he saw what he had drawn. Draco sitting there looking so concentrated on his picture. Shifting it in front of Kat so it'd seem like she was drawing it he closed his hands over Kat's to make her stop drawing, lifting her hands, gently twisting her hands this way and that to see just how much it hurt to do things. Stopping when she finally whimpered, studying her face.

"You caught it early. It'll help.But you know its going to get worse Katie."He muttered softly, tilting his head towards Harry, frowning as he thought. The potion he used as a treatment worked because it used another's magic to force the sick one's own magic into submission, like a virus used to fight a virus. The stronger the donor, the stronger the potion. But he didn't know how to ask Harry without Kat noticing, and knew she'd dig in her heels about using her patient that way.
Harry jerked around when Kat whimpered and his eyes narrowed as he studied Loki and Kat, his eyes narrowing possessively as he go up and planted himself in-between Kat and Loki, offering Katy the large picture of the sun he had drawn Lacey giggling a little. “Aunty Kat, how come Uncle Harry likes the sun so much?” she asked her head tilted, Harry blinking a little. “all a lie.” Harry chirped, his voice sad. “the sun knows the truth...” he muttered laying his head on her shoulder, everyone silent. “... that's the most he's ever said... ever...” Draco muttered, Harry nuzzling Kat's neck as he silently shoved Loki completely off the loveseat, Draco laughing a little as he helped the man to his feet. “Harry's always been a possessive, protective little Ba... battered fish stick.” he stated before he swords, Lacey giggling again at the silly things that her uncle Draco said. “he just thought you hurt her, that's all, he'll forgive you.”
Loki yelped as he got shoved ff, wincing as he sat up looking slightly amused as he rubbed his shoulder. Studying the red head snuggling into Harry, amazed that she was willingly let harry's magic irriate her."No, just tested to see how much she can stand."He said snickering a little at Draco's words. Amused before shaking his head looking at Draco."I wish she was muggleborn."He said sounding a little frustated.Hating that he was going to have to watch a friend suffer."Why?"Kat said resting her head on harry's shoulder."Because they tend to be less..."He stopped shaking his head."Purebloods are pureblooded because magic is so inbred into them that everything they do is magic. Muggleborns and mudbloods have a strain of other, something for the disease not to attatch to."Loki said sighed quietly knowing he wasn't doing a good job of relpying."Ashcroft's destroys the magic it finds, it kills mostly because one's body can't function without the magic that's bred into them. The treatment I created uses another's magic, rips out the diseased magic and force feeds them some one else's....a virus to kill a virus..."
Harry blinked at Loki as Draco gently brushed the man off Draco looking curious as well. Draco stared at Loki for a long moment, struggling to understand what he was saying before he clapped a hand to his chest, hitting himself, Draco groaning. “and now he's not talking again, I never know what he wants when he does that.” Draco complained, Lacey giggling. “he want's to be the magic Donor, right Harry?” she asked, the boy beaming and nodding. No one knew how, but Lacey ALWAYS knew what Harry was trying to say. He set his hand over Kat's mouth so she couldn't protest and smacked his chest again before pointing at Kat, Lacey giggling. “he said that you have to listen to him and not to Kat, because Kat is sick and Delusional and doesn't know better.” Lacey chirped, Draco lifting an eyebrow. “he said that?” “no, I just smartened it up a little, he actually said 'me, not her' but same thing.”
Lki snickered a little looking amused because he knew he'd been over technical with the explanation, but he didn't have a simple way of explaining things, and well...loki really didn't have friends except for kat, and she usually got the technical means. So he didn't realize he was being overtechnical. Snickering as he watched Kat sputter a little."Oh, she's delusional is she?"He snickered amused. "Am not!He's my patient, I get to take care of him, not the other way around."Kat whined a little. Loki smiled a little as he studied the two "But of everyone you know, you know he's the most powerful wizard for it."He pointed out smirking as he watched her try to figure out a way around that."Harry, are you sure you want to?"The dark haired man said, pretty sure of the answer.
Harry smiled and nodded snuggling into Kat. “yes.” he stated blinking at Loki, Draco smiling a little, wishing it was him who Kat could depend on, him who Kat loved. But as long as Kat was happy he was happy. “mine.” Harry purred nuzzling Kat's neck gently, claiming Kat as his only proving to everyone what they already knew. Harry loved Kat, and she was never getting rid of him. Draco had to laugh at that as he shook his head and gently set his hand on Kat's shoulder. “he'll be the best for you Kat, and you know it... out of everyone Harry is the most able, and the most willing to live with you.” he teased smiling at her. “he loves you Kat. Your never getting rid of him anyway. Let him do this for you.”
Kat looked up at him, looking pained because she knew how Draco felt. and it hurt to not be able to feel the same about thim even as she leaned back into the man holding her."Okay. Fine. I'll let harry do this."He said sighing quietly as she rested her head on Harry's shoulder. Loki smiled a little,"I think that's the easiest fight I've ever had with her."He said amused watching draco for a moment before sighing. Why did he always have to be attracted to the straight ones? shaking his head he studied the red head before holding out a potion to harry."take that after dinner kat.It's a potion to start draining your magic."He said glancing at Harry."You'll have to add a drop of blood to it to start the process,but after that, it should just..."He paused before frowning."How good are you at potions?Or do I need to make a supply and have them brought over?"He said. it was better for the donor to make them, but he could and it would just be the same almost.
Harry smiled as he kissed her cheek, nuzzling her gently as Draco looked at Loki like he was insane. “ok... two things wrong with that statement.” Draco informed the doctor. “one, you just asked the mentally crippled, thinks he's a four year old with a speech problem mental patient if he could do potions... and second, you asked Harry potter if he could do potions.” he pointed out. “Harry made a Shrinking Solution blow up in my second year.” he explained. “do you know how badly you have to fuck up to blow up a Shrinking solution!?” he demanded shaking his head. “no, Harry can't make the potions.” he stated shaking his head. “if you need help though, I am the best potions master I know.” for most people they did not reach the Master status until they where at LEAST thirty years out of school in deep practice. Draco was only twenty seven, the youngest Master in history save for Voldemort, but he was never actually given the title so he didn't count... plus he was a madman.... “what can be done about her pain during the process of fixing the problem?” he asked hesitantly. “can we give her pain potions?”
Loki rolled his eyes snickering a little."Hey, he's crippled but not incompentant. He did complete school after all."He mused stopping thinking it over,before cracking up all the way at the idea of blowing up a shrinking potion."Well then, I will be seeing you."Loki said smiling. "Loki." "What?Kat I didn't say anything wrong!"The man protested, whining ever so softly because he knew Kat knew his tastes well enough to predict why he wanted to see Draco. Before nodding a little looking at Draco."Pain potions will work. Though she might be feeling nausous to, you'll have to wait a hour after she takes the potion to give her something for the pain.Otherwise she's going to throw it up."Loki said. Kat sighed shifting sitting up as she realized Blaise had finished dinner."Come on everyone. Time to eat."She said herding them all into the kitchen and settling in her seat with a grin. Starting in on the food without waiting because suddenly she was really hungry.
Draco blinked, looking a little confused, his head tilted at Kat's tone before shaking his head. “i'd enjoy doing some potion work with someone who's competent.” he admitted tapping his luscious lips for a moment before shrugging a little. “would anti nausea potions help or would she throw those up to?” he asked nervously. Harry hopping to his feet eager to eat, smiling as he took Kat's hand gently and tugged her into the dining room where all the kids where eagerly whining about how hungry they where Blaise laughing as he gently smacked little hands away from the food as he set the table, grinning at Loki. “your sitting next to Dray, hope you don't mind the tables a little crowded.” he admitted ruffling the smallest's head, somehow not realizing that his mouth was full of food and he was chewing furiously. Harry grinned as he sat down and looked at all the food, remembering how Mrs. Weasley had made all that food and more just to feed her large family. “Kat! Your not supposed to start eating until everything is on the table.” he complained sulking a little and shaking his head as everyone tucked in. “i don't know why you even try love.” Hermione teased kissing Blaise with a small giggle.
Loki smiled blushing a little as he avoided looking at Draco for a moment before shrugging."It's okay. He'll talk to me in longer sentences than yes or no."Loki teased the dark skinned man, because they usually didn't get along, but it seemed their desire to help kat was rendering a peace for now. "And any signs sh wants to eat, let her. she's going to feel bad enough as it is, she probably wont want to...and it's usually different for everyone how they react to the potions."loki said looking like a eager puppy to answer all draco's questions, already lovestruck. Kat laughed quietly around her mouthful of food swallowing before she looked at harry, poking him a little."Eat."She ordered, waiting until he started to eat before she started eating.
Blaise chuckled a little and nodded. “this is true, Harry was never one for talking, but getting a word out of him these days is almost a pain.” he teased Harry beaming at Blaise, taking it as a compliment and he stuffed his mouth with potatoes Hermione giggling a little. Draco nodded a little and shook his head a little. “i'll force feed her if I have to.” he promised smirking a little, Harry shaking his finger at Draco who chuckled and reached over Loki to grab the butter, his warm body pressing against Loki for a moment. “so how are we taking the magic from Harry and putting it in Kat? I've never heard of such a thing, won't it make the disease worse? Giving it something more to feed on?”
Loki swallowed hard as the blond pressed against him, this was so unfair to have the man he was attracted to pressed against him, and know that he was straight. After all, he was smart enough to see how Draco watched kat, so he just gave up on the idea, even as his body reacted to the thought. Shaking his head a little as he ate clearing his head. "The blood he's adding to the potion. Magic is born in blood, carried in blood."He shrugged a little. "But no, Ashcroft's a genetic messup for one person, it's tied to her magic not his. Because he IS a more powerful wizard then she is a witch, it should be able to cure her...but..."He stuttered a little glancing at Kat and Harry who were chowing down and seemingly not paying attention. "It's going to be more painful.I know loki."Kat said looking at her friend, before sighing."I know it's going to hurt. Which is why I didn't want any of you here."She said scowling around her before sighing."but since you wont leave, I'll just deal with it."
Draco seamed oblivious to Loki's plight, as always, buttering his bread as he nodded at the explanation, biting his lip a little. “it has a higher success rate though right?” he asked, Blaise nodding. “don't worry Draco, as annoying and childish as Loki is, he would never risk Kat by using an experimental method. I've seen him use this method time and time again with a ninety five percent success rate.” “the only reason the other five percent died, was because they where too far into the disease to be cured.” Hermione supplemented. They had both done their research, making sure that only the best was treating Kat. As annoying as Loki was to Blaise... the Italian knew that Loki was the best. “besides.” Draco stated glaring at her. “pain hurts more when your alone.” he pointed out. “i should know.” he never would have gotten so addicted if he'd had friends to help him through the nightmares. “now your going to let us help, because you know just how painful and frustrating it is to have someone push you away and refuse to admit there's a problem.” Blaise stated firmly to Kat before smiling. “that's what friends do after all... he;p each other through the rough times.” “a friendship is like a marriage.” Hermione stated. “your there for the good times, but your also there for the bad.” “if you don't have friends who will stick with you through the rough times.” “then their not real friends at all.” Draco finished smiling a little.
Kat stared at them all, amused and annoyed, not sure what she was feeling." three sound like a afternoon sitcom."She said rolling his eyes at Draco."You were only alone cause you wouldn't let me help."She said frowning a little before sighing leaning back in her seat with a sigh. Stuffed and content.Loki snickered a little shaking his head as he studied the others, before looking at Blaise."You you can admit I am the best. I'm so glad we agree."he teased yelping when Kat kicked him before getting up."Behave loki."She ordered sighing as she set her plate in the sink shuddering a little. Swallowing hard before bolting for the bathroom. Having been so hungry that she hadn't thought it through and eat in moderation. Shuddering a little as she shut the door behind her throwing up everything. Oh yea, this was going to be so much fun.
Draco chuckled a little. “i didn't want to admit that I had a problem Kat, and you refused to leave be alone despite that.” he admitted smiling a little as Blaise scowled at Loki. “in this ONE area you the best. Everywhere else your an idiot.” Draco snorted a little. “someone that pretty can afford to be pretty.” he stated simply, dishing himself up another spoonful of potatoes, Blaise and Hermione both staring at Draco then. “so... that's why your an idiot?” “of course, I'm so pretty that it doesn't matter when I do something stupid, rare as that may be.” they paused when Kat ran out and Harry made a few distressed noises as he paced outside the bathroom door waiting for Kat to finish so he could go in and comfort her.
Loki frowned slightly as he watched kat go, sighing softly because it pained him to know she was sick. Before grinning at Draco's words."Oh I don't know. It might be a common thing.Pretty people tend to be dumb. Well, except for me. I'm pretty smart."He said snickering a little as he ate, more amused at teasing draco then going after kat, knowing the woman wouldn't appericiate it.

Kat whimpered quietly as she leaned back against the tub, wiping her mouth before sighing. Waving a hand to open the door so Harry could come inside, hearing him pace. Taking the potion in his hand from him, glad he'd gotten it from loki, sipping it as he sat down next to her. Shifting to lean against him. Shivering a little as she rested her head on his chest, spelling her teeth clean before she raised her head. Studying him for a long moment before kissing him lightly. Needing the distraction
Draco snorted a little and shot Loki an amused glare. “your just jealous because I'm prettier AND smarter than you.” he teased snickering a little as Blaise rolled his eyes and shook his head, returning to his meal, deciding not to say anything. He knew a man crush when he saw one, but Draco clearly had no idea what was going on so he said nothing, in case Draco got scared off. It would be good for Draco.

Harry rushed in when the door opened and gently wrapped his arms around her and smiling a little as he kissed her back, stroking her hair gently. “love you.” he mumbled with a small smile gently nuzzling her neck before kissing her again, enjoying the romantic contact with her.
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