
Draco jumped when she was suddenly in the room with him, looking up from his studies. He was working on a new spell to try and cure his own nightmares, well aware that if he didn't then Kat would tell other people he wasn't sleeping or make him sleep himself out of her worry. He knew she didn't know about his addiction, but it was only a matter of time before she noticed. “that's normal Kat.” he stated calmly. “people like you and me where never very in tune with our emotions.” he admitted, knowing exactly what she was talking about. “you need to stop fretting, and start thinking.” he informed her. “stop worried and calm down and take the time to asses you emotions and your feelings. Are you guilty? Afraid? Sad? Afraid? Overjoyed? Pleased? Angry? A combination, it's all normal and you need to stop thinking of yourself as abnormal.” he ordered calmly, sitting next to her and pulling her into a one armed hug. “and you should stop avoiding Harry, he's thinking he's done something wrong.” he admitted shaking his head. “look, I'm going to tell you something Kat, just to make it a little easier on you.” he promised smiling at her. “your in love with Harry Kat...”
Kat sighed leaning into him."I feel guilt-"She trailed off. Stopping, considering his words before shaking her head."You've gone mental, Malfoy."She said shifting resting her head on his chest, for the moment ignoring what he'd told her. Of course she wasn't in love with Harry. That was riddiculous. She couldn't. She just....couldn't. Shoving the puzzle away of what to think about harry she sighed a little."I'll talk to him in the morning..."She muttered before biting her lip. Calming under his instructions while she considered what she'd have to say in the morning."I feel guilty...because I'm dragging this out again, I'm afraid to face him, to face brightwood again.Because of what happened...after."She shuddered closing her eyes,relaxing a little."I feel guilty for being glad he's going away. That my mother will be upset at his absence, and that pleases me."
You feel guilty because part of you still wants your mother to love and like you, you feel guilty because you also think it's wrong to enjoy your mothers torment, especially after all the pain she's given you.” he admitted stroking her hair. “he needs to be in prison Kat, not just for you, your not the only person that he's hurt Kat, just because he's not in brightwood, doesn't mean he's not continuing the same acts. He could be hurting other little girls and boys, he could even be hurting your mom. He's going to Azakaban for you, and for everyone else that he's ever hurt. Hermione is pulling to not have him Kissed, so he won't die.” he promised. “and you really are in love with Harry Kat, you really should just accept that.” he teased smirking a little.
Kat was quiet as she onsidered his words, finding comfort in what he had said. After all, she couldn't be abnormal, couldn't be the freak she had thought she was, if he understood why she felt the way she did. Shaking her head as he spoke the last, she blushed hard, climbing to her feet."I-I got to go. We have a early morning tomorrow, going to go to court."She said before walking out before he could say anything else. Not wanting to not only not consider michael's other victims, she didn't want to consider his words about harry; Truly embarassed and scared of what he had said, after all, she didn't understand love and the idea of being with harry like that sared her. Smiling a little as she walked into Harry's bedroom slipping into the bed and crawling close. Settling down to go to sleep comforted by his presence and trying to forget what drao had said.
Draco smiled as he kissed her forehead and watched her leave, his head tilted. In the morning Harry kissed Kat's forehead and slid out of bed, tottering down the stairs for breakfast, blinking as he watched Hermione and Blaise dressing up for court, Draco already completely dressed in his suit. “take a look at today's headlines.” Draco ordered when Kat came down. The newspaper's main headline was. “Headmaster Malfoy Denies ever speaking to the press! Mad Hunt for Rita Skeeter begins!' and it went on to explain that Draco, Blaise, Hermione and even Harry all denied ever being asked questions, or where even approached by any press, let alone Rita skeeter and that she had lied and that they where all suing her. “because of this no one is really all that eager to cover the trial today, so I doubt the reporters are going to be there, lucky us eh?”
Kat herself was dressed for court, nodding a little as she studied the paper."Yea, lucky us."She muttered shivering a little. Guilt and happiness clawing her heart apart. After all, she was happy to see no one was interested in what michael did, but guilt because she hadn't acted sooner, that she might have allowed him a chance to hurt another little girl, or causing her mother pain. Her red hair braided and small wisps curling around her face as she fiddled with her dress for a moment before letting the black material settle. The soft velvet dress revealing more then it hid, for once actually knowing she was going to have a effect on the people around her, and playing to the fact. She had every intention of making Michael regret ever deciding to do this.

Wrapping a arm around harry's waist as he stopped in front of her, amused as she moved him out of the way so she could get a bite to eat before looking at draco again. Blushing a little as she remembered what they'd talked about the night before. Moving away from harry, though she was determined not to avoid him, she was also determined to prove draco wrong."What are we going to do with the kids and harry?are they comign with us?"She asked worried, frowning as she studied them all.
Me: Harry beamed when she cuddled him, glad that she wasn't mad at him anymore and snuggled into her happily, pouting when she pulled away but started to eat instead of sulking, offering Kat a breakfast sausage, Hermione giggling. “Blaise is going to stay here with them.” she promised Blaise looking started. “i am?” “of course! You need to work on keeping your job remember?” she teased smiling a little as she kissed him. “and getting involved in this case could make you seam like your no longer impartial, that your too involved, so your going to stay here and babysit... and fix the plumbing too.” “damn! I knew you where up to something sinister!” he complained smiling as he kissed her. “alright but all of you be careful.” “don't worry, I'll protect them, if they even need it.” Draco promised looking amused.
Kat smiled a little taking the bite of sausage from Harry, ruffling his hair as she laughed quietly at blaise."Oh well, you are living here. The least you could do is fix the plumbing."She said wisely, before getting up, looking at the other two. "Come on.We better go. I want seats before the rest of the crowd gets there."She said, even if they thought no reporters would come, the public would still love a scandal, and she really didn't want to have to walk through the crowd. Shifting so she was facing harry, she smiled slightly, looking at him worriedly."I have to go out sweetheart.You'll be okay here with blaise, okay?"
Draco nodded and Blaise sighed a little. “fiiine, I'll fix the plumbing.” he whined playfully chuckling a little as Draco finished tying his tie as perfectly as a Malfoy should be, Harry blinking at Kat before smiling brightly and nodding. He hadn't spoken since that first time, but he was reacting to everything at least. He kissed her cheek and then resumed eating as the other kids came down to eat mumbling sleepily as Hermione Draco and Kat vanished to the court houses, where they where able to take some of the front seats to watch the proceedings. The judges didn't think that Kat was going to need to testify, but they wanted to have her there just in case they did need her.
Kat sulked from her position between Draco and hermione, acting more like a child the longer she was in the courtroom.As if she was reverting to the child she'd not been allowed to be, just by the presence of the court. As court on though she perked up, ignoring her mother across the room. As much as she hated to see the woman, it was giving her a perverse pleasure in making michael suffer for his crimes. With every new piece of evidence revealed, both mother and step father grew paler. The idiots having not thought about the recupussions of saying Kat was in brightwood, that would reveal their own presence. Growling softly as the jury went out to decide on a verdict she moved to the railing, ignoring draco and hermione for a moment as she stepped to the railing, leaning across to speak to Michael, blood red hair hiding her face, waiting for michael to turn to face her before she spoke.

"You thought you escaped the fate of brightwood. Now they wont let you die."Her smirk became dark and evil,"You escaped, and ran into a fte worse then death."She said yelping as she reared back, blood bright against the tile as it fell, the rational part of her mind wondering how the hell he'd gotten a knife into the court, even as her fingers closed around her neck,feeling the blood coating the insides of her fingers. She knew that it wasn't life threatening like michael had wanted it to be but even though it wasn't she was feeling woozy. So, her stepfather had come to kill her, someone was so not happy with her, and she was pretty sure it wasn't michael. After all, the man wasn't smart enough to do it on his own. Even as she stumbled back, the coldly rational part of her mind was working on the puzzle.
Draco snarled when the knife was drawn, slamming into the man as Hermione shrieked in horror, pressing her hands along the flesh as well, pushing Magic into the flesh as Draco, and two auror's struggled with Micheal to get him pinned down and restrained, the people in the crowd freaking out as they tried to see what was happening. The auror's suddenly silencing everyone and ordering them to get out while Hermione Worked on fixing Thorn's neck, Draco stunning the bitch of a mother while the auror's hauled Michael away to throw him in Azakaban, no trial needed after over a hundred people had witnessed him trying to kill an unarmed woman.
Kat stumbled a little as she was held, laughing as she ws. Sounding insane herself as hermione healed her. Emotions exploding into giggles as she collapsed into Draco's arms, pressing her face against his chest to hide from the crowd."Can we go home?"She said giggling, struggling for calm. Oh yea, she needed to get away from everyone."I'm fine. Really."She said waving away the auror and healer who were trying to help her."Go away. Take my mother in for questioning to. I'm getting away from here.You'll find me at home if you need me."She said totally losing it. After all, it had been only so long since she'd broken down all the way, and the attack was bringing back to many memories.
Draco nodded and apparated her out of the building before anyone could realize that she was acting strangely. Hermione was snapping orders at everyone left and right, calming down the people and telling the newbie Auror's what to do. When she finally made it home she had been promoted. The first thing that happened when Kat got home was that Harry snuggled into her, holding her tight and nuzzling her, trying to make her feel better before he took her up to bed, tucked her in, and showed her the pictures in his favorite picture book, the exact same thing she did for him when he was upset. If she hadn't been freaking out it might have been cute.
Kat freaked a little, giggling as the other put her in bed, before realizing she was still covered in blood. Jumping out of bed she ignored harry for a moment, so freaked she wasn't even considering what her apperance had to be making the other think. Rushing into the bathroom she scrubbed at her hands face and chest, finally stripping out of the dress and dropping it to the floor as she scrubbed at her skin, even if she could have just magicked the stuff off, she was so scattered she didn't even think to use her wand. Yelping when she saw harry as he walked in, smiling as she calmed slowly. Well not calm, but a sort of desperate need to not freak him out when she realized he was still holding his book."I'm fine harry."He muttered reaching out with raw hands as she pushed his hair out of his face, not even realizing she was still mostly naked, standing there in her bra and panties. For once totally not aware of how she was dressed around another man.
Harry whimpered when she took off and followed her taking the rag from her he carefully rinsed it off and sat her down on the toilette, smiling at her when she brushed his far too long hair out of his face before he carefully started to wash her, his head tilted as he concentrated on what he was doing, his eyes never once straying to where they didn't belong, save the once and he blushed so hard one might think his brain would boil from the heat as he carefully wiped her hands and face clean as well, smiling at her when she was all clean as if to say 'there, all better?'
Kat smiled softly looking at him. Calm and herself one again, though almost absent. Reverting to what she had done when she'd first escaped michael, hiding and bracing herself for what would come next. Frowning a little, looking worried as she tried to figure out why he was blushing before looking down, eyes widening slightly as she reached for a towel pulling it around herself huddling a little as she smiled shakily at harry."All better."She muttered.
he smiled at her and kissed her forehead like she had done to him so many times and left the room, coming back in with a pair of her clean clothes, a shirt and pants, laying them in her lap before leaving and demanding Blaise to make Hot chocolate by shoving the cocoa mix into his hands and indicating the stove, carrying up a cup once Kat was dressed, carefully setting the cup into her hands and motioning for her to drink it, already leaving again to get his kitten, placing that in her lap as well. It made him feel better, so in his mind it would make her feel better too.
Kat smiled as she sipped her cocoa before getting up and moving to the bedroom, well his bedroom and crawling into the bed, cradling the kitten in her arm as she snuggled it. Shivering a little as she snuggled down into the bed sipping her hot chocolate. Starting a little when she realized what she'd done. She's allowed harry to take care of her without fighting him, not even had she allowed draco to do that. Smiling softly as she stroked the kitten's head she glanced at Harry."Thank you."She said softly.
Harry smiled happily at her and kissed her forehead before tucking her under the covers with the kitten, taking notice of the trembling and shivering, not wanting her to catch a chill he added a few more blankets,light enough that she could toss them off if she got too hot, pausing as he wondered what else to do before he simply sat and watched her, his head tilted. Not wanting to leave her alone, Hermione walking in about five minutes later, looking worried. “hey Kat, you alright?” she asked softly, her head tilted. “your mother and step father have been arrested. Your father won't have a trial but your mothers is scheduled for next week.” she informed the young girl, offering her a smile. “i got a promotion too by the way, I'm now second in command of my department.” she admitted chuckling a little. “so I can easily manipulate the files so that your name never appears if you'd like,no one ever needs to know that you where actually in that horrid place.”
Kat smiled as she sipped her hot chocolate, leaning back against the headboard, absently stroking the kitten."I'm fine."She said, alming more. Even if she wasn't totally okay, she was steady enough that she wasn't in danger of breaking."And yes, please remove my name.I wont go to court, not or her.I'll record my testimony if they really need it, but I don't want to be in court with her again."She said looking at hermione, smiling a little."And good for your promotion."She added looking at Harry, looking amused as he watched her as if she was going to need immediate attention."I'm fine sweetie."She said leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek before leaning back not wanting him to worry.
Hermione relaxed and smiled at her, relieved to see that Kat was calm again. “i'll make sure they understand.” she promised getting up and gently kissing Kats forehead smiling at her. “i'm glad your alright Kat.” she admitted. Harry relaxing as he was assured that she was alright, beaming at her and kissing her nose before getting up and skipping off, Hermione giggling. “you know.. I think he's in love with you sometimes.” she admitted softly. “he's never reacted so strongly to someone before.” she admitted. “not even Draco, and he's ALWAYS hated Draco.” she admitted glancing at Kat and hesitating. “people are wondering who's been leaking information.” she admitted softly. “i'm pointing fingers at Charles but... somehow I don't think he's smart enough for this.” she admitted softly. “i want you to be careful alright?”
Kat loked startled at her words thinking it over. A hesitant smile curling her lips because she didn't knwo....didn't know if she could be what Harry needed. Even if she wasn't admitting to being in love she knew draco thought she was. Before sighing, nodding a little."I don't think he is either. Which leaves a whole hospital staf. I...I'm on enforced leave for another week. But I will be careful.And tell blaise to be to. I know he's looking for who's doing it."She said rubbing her face."And tell him that I'll help him as soon as I'm moving tomorrow."She said feeling guilty for not only getting blaise suspended to, but also making him work on everything
Hermione smiled a little and shook her head. “Blaise said no.” she stated calmly. “he wants to do this himself, for both his, and your honor.” she admitted kissing her forehead. “just rest.” she ordered. “you need to relax before you have a nervous breakdown or something.” she ordered with a small chuckle. “now, Harry, you snuggle with Kat and you make sure she doesn't get up until tomorrow.” she ordered Harry nodding as he crawled into bed with Kat and wrapped his arms around her waist. “only let her up if she has to go to the bathroom.” she ordered with a calm, and amused smirk. “have a good night Kat.” she chirped, flouncing away, Harry smiling as he kissed Kats forehead before settling down for a snooze.
Kat laughed quietly, closng her eyes. Knowing better then to fight with Harry over this.He wasn't going to let her out of bed. The next morning Kat sighed softly, resting her head against Harry's shoulder as she looked at Draco."Tell him I'm allowed out of bed now. It's morning."She said wanting to badger Blaise a little about letting her help. And more then anything, wanting to get up and moving so Harry wouldn't worry about her anymore.
Draco chuckled a little as he walked in, examining the two as harry whined softly, snuggling tighter into Kat and hugging her a little more tightly as if to make sure she couldn't get away before drifting back to sleep, Draco looking even more amused. “i don't think I can, he seems quite intent on making you his teddy bear.” he teased, knowing better than to tease her about anything romantic or sexual with Harry clinging to her so much. “i think we should get him a giant teddy bear, a red one with yellow bows, bigger than he is.” he admitted chuckling a little as he examined her before shaking his head and gently prying Harry's arms away from her, giving the boy a pillow to snuggle instead, freeing Kat from her 'Harry Prison' before he glanced at her. “they found Charles...” he admitted softly, looking worried... “he..he's kind of...dead...” he admitted softly. “killed with a muggle handgun.” he admitted softly. “they think he pissed off one too many people.” he admitted biting his lip. “he's not the leak....”
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