
Kat smiled softly, gently. A deep satisfaction in her eyes as she realized michael wasn't going to escape the fate of brightwood, he just wouldn't die right away. "My mother was always a little touched in the head."she sid smiling a little when harry sat next to her, ruffling his hair as she looked up at others, tears filling those eyes. Because it was truly the first time anyone had totally refused to abandon her. Before she snickered a little, "you three should be writing novels. That speech sounded like something out of a romance novel."She teased hugging all of them, though she hugged draco the tightest, because he was the one she'd been truly worried about pulling away from her, in the wake of his confession."We should round up the kids.Get them to bed."She said stepping back sipping her drink.
Hermione and Draco and Blaise and Harry all smiled at her, and the kids, when they noticed the tears, they rushed over and tried to make Aunty Kat feel better by piling on her and giving her hundreds of kisses, Hermione giggling, looking a little sheepish. “well... I... do actually.” she admitted with a small fidget. “on my down time I write books, I get the most interesting cases at the Ministry, and with a lot of embellishment it makes for wonderful stories.” “you write!?” Blaise asked, startled. “have I ever seen one of your books?” “no... I never thought to get them published... their not very good...” she stated sheepishly before clapping her hands. “alright Children, say goodnight! Santa is coming tonight so you have to be asleep before he comes!” she demanded, the Kids all squealing with glee as they raced off, Harry clinging stubbornly to Kat's side, laying his head on her lap and going to sleep right then and there. Both Blaise and Draco snickering as they saw this, Blaise walking over and scooping harry up. “i'll take him to bed.” he promised her, Draco grinning as he flopped down into a chair, sighing happily. “so, tomorrow's Christmas... I love Christmas.” Draco admitted with a smile. “it's snowing outside too, the kids are going to have a bunch of fresh fluffy snow to fling at each other.” he looked at her, looking a little worried. “but seriously Kat... are you doing alright? Blaise told me Nev suspended you for leaking information, but I know better... you couldn't leak information.” he smirked, clearly about to tease her, again. “and you'd have to actually talk to people to leak information.”
Kat looked thoughtful about hermione's writing, making a mental note to steal one to read later before she looked at the blond sitting across from her."I talk to you."She pointed out, laughing softly,"But really.I'm okay. Really."She said getting up before tugging the blond to his feet, heading for the stairs."Come on headmaster.You have to set a good example, and go to sleep like a good boy."She teased heading for her bedroom, before pausing,shifting a little."..I can stay in harry's room, or downstairs if you don't want me to share this room."She said blushing slightly, worried about him to. Pausing in the hallway as she listened to blaise and hermione get the kids down for sleep, turning her head a little so she wasn't looking directly at draco,a soft loving smile curling her lips as she watched harry sleep.Poor girl, so unaware of what she was feeling. Poor draco, for knowing exactly what she was. She smiled slightly before looking up at draco,"You need to sleep."She said knowing he would probably be protesting about taking her bed.
he chuckled a little and nodded before shaking his head. He still couldn't sleep at night. “i'm not tired yet, I slept in late this morning and now I won't be able to sleep tonight.” he complained, a convenient excuse, but he followed her without a word and paused then. “Kat, you should be comfortable where you sleep, if anything I'll take the couch if your uncomfortable.” he promised smiling at her. “like I said, just seeing you happy, is my greatest joy, alright?” he asked softly gently kissing her forehead. “as such, you should probably sleep with harry, he was having nightmares last night.” he lied. He never thought he'd see the day, he was actually trying to help her realize that she was in love with Harry potter.... “i'm going to read for a while and try to get sleepy.” he admitted sighing a little. “i have to get up early tomorrow and pretend to be Santa.” he whined suddenly. “i don't understand why we couldn't make Blaise do it!” “because Blaise is Italian, Santa isn't Italian and the kids don't know you well enough to recognize you.” Hermione stated shutting the door to the littlest's room. “stop complaining Draco and go to bed.” “fiiine!” Draco sulked, storming off all fake angry and sulky as he vanished into a random room to pretend to go to sleep.
Kat smiled softly watching the blond go, amused that he didn't want to be santa. Making a mental note to give him a beard in the morning. Smiling a little wider as she bid Hermione a good night before crawling into Harry's bed, cuddling with the brunette as she drifted to sleep. Totally relaxed being with him. In the morning though, she was sprawled over most of the bed, resting her head on Harry's chest, a arm around his waist. Muttering sleepily as she started to stir, smiling a little as she sat up.Running her hands through her hair as she settled her racing heart, remembering where she was. Looking down at harry with a gentle smile, leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead as she stood."Merry Christmas Harry."She said before getting up, heading for the door. Wanting to catch draco being santa.
Harry yawned as he sat blinking sleepily at her when she kissed his forehead and smiled. When she was just about out the door a voice that no one had heard since the demise of Voldemort sang through the air. “Merry Christmas Kat.” Harry chirped blinking at her, his head tilted as if he was expecting a treat, her shock giving Draco the time he needed to take his potions and get rid of the evidence. Draco hopping out of bed and snuggling her before skipping down the stairs dressed in only his pajama bottoms, eager to open his own presents, leaving a shell shocked Kat behind, the squeals of glee sounding the air as they saw 'Santa', real beard and everything Hermione ordering the children to get away from the Christmas candy, that they had to eat breakfast first, and that they could open their presents from Santa now but they had to wait until everyone else was there to open the other one's, Harry ripping open his present from 'Santa' though he had never believed in the jolly fat man he was excited as the rest of the kids where as he pulled out a massive blanket as soft and fuzzy as his kitten was and as red as Kat's hair. He laid it out on the floor and snuggled into it like he was a giant cat himself.
Even as they opened presents, Kat still looked shell shocked, smiling a little as she opened her own blanket, laughing quietly at the soft slytherin colored blanket. Glancing at draco she rolled her eyes."Slytherin."She teased leaning over to kiss his cheek efore looking at the rest, reaching out to absently stroke harry's hair as he laid next to her, amused at everyone's gifts, and so glad to have them there. "He talked to me guys."She said as the kids played looking at hermione and the boys, smiling wider.REalizing that it really had happened. That harry potter, really had talked again."Harry, you want pancakes?"She asked glancing down at him, wondering what everyone would want for breakfast.She'd never had a normal christmas breakfast, the closest being the feasts at hogwarts for christmas day, so this was odd,but odd in a good way.
Draco chuckled as the children played with small wooden figurines that really moved, wooden horses and flying owls and dancing mice raced about the floor, the children giggling and squealing as they ran around, Harry grinning as he watched. “he talked?” Hermione asked, startled her head tilted. “he really talked!?” she demanded looking at Harry who, for the first time in years, was honestly Lucid, he looked up at Hermione, met her eyes, and actually recognized her as a friend, grinning brightly at her, Hermione dropping the glass she had been holding to clap her hands to her mouth, Harry turning and smiling at Kat when she asked him if he wanted pancakes, nodding. Silent, but reacting to her words. A true Christmas miracle. Hermione already had breakfast made, red and blue pancakes where all over, since Harry reacted badly to it, they had decided not to use green. The kids all laughed and giggled as they poured color changing syrup over their pancakes, the kids thought it was great, and so did harry, who proceeded to spill a pitcher of it on the floor, now much more of a child then a mindless drone. Of course he pouted when Hermione gently smacked his hand and scolded him for making a mess, and pouted even more when she cleaned up the color changing syrup before it stained the floor.
Kat grinned, watching it all. Despite all the messes, and maybe having to replace her carpet despite cleaning it up, it was still a good day. Smiling as she, for the first time, spent christmas day in the company of friends. That evening though she was quiet and withdrawn, walking a inner pain that she hated to think about, but it was christmas, and she usually tortured herself with the what might have beens, and what if's. Leaning against the porch railing she sipped her whiskey starting when she heard the back door opening. "Dra-"She stopped, looking startled to see harry instead."Hey harry."She said quietly shifting so he could lean against the railing with her, starting to watch the snow fall. Looking sad and withdrawn, quiet."I used to love christmas's like this...snow hid so many things."She said softly, quietly talking to him as if he was normal again, as if he was her own age and acting 23 like he really was, instead of the child he'd locked himself into after voldemort died. "So many sins."She shuddered a little shifting to lean against him, resting her head on his shoulder.
Harry walked out and settled next to her, mimicking the way she was leaning against the railing, smiling as he watched the snow falling, looking at her and pointing at it like he was trying to show her how amazing it was. He himself had loved Christmas, because his first one with the Weasley's and the Gryffindor's had been so amazing. He laid his head on hers gently, and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, blinking at all of the pearly whiteness. “there are many sins hiding in the snow.” Draco stated calmly walking out of the door with a shake of his head. “Harry's, yours, mine...” he muttered softly. “Hermione's dishing out some Eggnog, lots of rum.” he stated handing her a glass and then handing Harry a glass of nonalcoholic eggnog. “sometimes I wonder what it would be like.” he admitted softly. “if life had never happened.” he admitted softly. “but today... I keep thinking that it was all almost worth it... I suddenly find myself with friends, real friends that I no longer want to push away.” he smiled at her. “life, almost feels normal...” he admitted softly.
Kat smiled slightly as harry wrapped a arm around her, pressing a kiss to his cheek before she turned her head to look at Draco, tugging him closer, wrapping a arm around his waist, cuddled between her two favorite men in the world. No better place to be."It is almost normal. IF only I was allowed to work."She smiled a little, looking worried about that for a moment, looking up at the blond. Sipping her eggnog for a moment before sighing, leaning a little into harry,shivering a little as she pulled draco closer."You have friends. And as if you were EVER able to push me away."She teased looking up at him, smiling a little. Warm with both of them standing with her, brushing the snow off harry's hands as he leaned against the railing, for once feeling annoyed that she was shorter then both of them, by alot."I have friends. Which is amazing, and for once, they know what happened."She smiled, well, everything but one thing.Though given time, she knew hermione and draco would guess.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. “the point of a vacation is to not work.” he teased chuckling a little. “we both have friends, it's nice.” he admitted happily. “and while I couldn't push you away I sure as hell tried.” he pointed out smiling as she wiped snow off of Harry's hands who grinned and reached down, piling snow into his hands and carefully patting it into a snowball, Draco carefully hiding behind Kat so Harry wouldn't throw it at him. “well, we should go inside before Harry get's idea's about that snowball.” he decided, watching Harry pat it bigger and bigger.
Kat smirked lowering her hand, amused as she watched harry make a snowball before flicking her wand a little at her side, snickering as the magic formed a snowball and smacked Draco in the chest. Giggling happily as she squirmed away from them both, heading back inside before draco could retailate. Not about to stick around for a slytherin snow ball fight. Snickering happily as she landed on the couch beside blaise, squirming around so that his larger body was hiding her from the doorway."Draco!No snowballs in the house!"She yelled back, giggling as she was feeling a little drunk, not alot of alcohol required to get her pleasantly drunk.
Draco squealed in horror as his chest was smacked with a snowball, grabbing his own and racing into the house after her, yanking her shirt out of the way and shoving the snowball down her back, before shoving another one down Blaise's pants, Blaise shrieking in horror and chasing after Draco who laughed and ran out into the backyard, Hermione shrieking as Harry shoved a snowball down HER back, and giggled brightly as the kids chased him out the back door to create a massive snowball fight, every man for themselves style, shrieking and laughing as forts where constructed by snow and magic, snowballs packed and giggles running through the air as fast as the kids where throwing their snowballs.
Kat grinned as they ran around, looking around her yard at the carnage that they'd made of her snow after they were done. Grinning as she stood on the stairs next to harry, smiling a little as the man leaned against her leg, ruffling his hair."Come on sweetie.Lets go warm up."She said tugging him up, amused as she watched hermione getting hot chocolate ready and the kids getting dressed in new clothes.Shivering as she dried harry's clothes she snickered a little loking at the others."Oh gods that was fun.I've never had a snowball fight before."She said blushing a little as she dried her own clothes before sighing. Taking the hot chocolate from hermione and giving one to harry. Looking so happy to be with them. It was so odd, because she usually wasn't a people person. Smirking as she looked at draco."You know you can tell who was a slytherin student, just by how we threw snowballs. All three slytherins used magic, the kids and the gryffindors just chucked it."She snickered."I think we need to loosen up sometime.Get our hands dirty."
Draco was laughing and Blaise was snickering as he helped all of the kids change into dry clean clothes, Harry trying to tug off his own sobbing wet, filthy clothes, Draco chuckling as he vanished, and then returned with fresh clothes for Harry to borrow, since they had accidentally forgot to pack Harry's clothes. Hermione was going to have to go get them. He helped Harry strip down and put on the new clothes before Harry started to Whine because he was cold. “hey, I just got my nails done Cat, I can't afford to get them dirty...” “ know Dray? I'd SWEAR you where gay.” Blaise admitted with a roll of his eyes. “besides it's not cheating if there are no rules.” Blaise teased Draco chuckling as he dried and cleaned himself with Magic accepting the hot chocolate that Hermione gave him. “i'm not gay, I'm just effeminate.” Draco stated loftily, Lacey tugging on her mothers shirt. “mommy what's gay?” she asked her head tilted, the entire room freezing in an instant until Hermione chuckled. “'gay, is what we call people who like to date their own gender honey. Guys who kiss guys and girls who kiss girls are gay.” “am I gay?” “you might be, but your too little for that to be a factor in your life yet.” “oh ok.” Lacey chirped happily, bounding away, Draco's eye twitching. “what? Ron was gay.” Hermione admitted, Blaise looking shocked. “he was!?”
Kat snickered, amused as she watched the others, helping Harry dress and muttering a warming charm to make sure that he was perfectly warm before looking at Draco. Amused at the little girl's question, before looking at draco again."'re as bad as Dumbledore. Remember those damned pink robes?He wore them everywhere."She snickered reaching out and ruffling draco's hair, because he was anal enough to be bothered by it instead of just putting up with it like Harry did. Sighing quietly as she looked around, leaning back against the table. It felt so good, to have friends like this. "You know, it really doesn't surprise me ron's gay. He was closer to potter then you."She said looking at harry, remembering how they had been in school. Despite ron's temper tantrums, the two boys had been close.
Draco shook his head. “i tried not to look at either Weasley OR Dumbledore.” he admitted simply, Hermione giggling a little. “Harry and Ron actually had a short relationship.” she admitted. “girls scared the shit out of him so he thought he was gay. Ron was actually the one who realized Harry wasn't.” she admitted with a giggle. “Harry just couldn't get a stiffy.” she teased smirking at Draco who rolled his eyes. “i do NOT want to think about Harry's dick Hermione.” “anyway Ron figures it out and Harry and he decided to just be friends.” Hermione admitted giggling a little. “they used to practice Kissing though, I caught them frenching in the bathroom once, I thought they where going to die of mortification!...” she sighed a little and shook her head. “i miss Ron...” “... you know, I never did hear how he died...” Draco admitted softly, Hermione shaking her head. “that's because me and harry never told anyone...” she admitted softly. “it was better for everyone to think he was a Hero.” “... what do you mean?” “... Ron...” she hesitated, looking at Harry and covered his ears, in case he reacted. “Ron took his own life.” she explained softly. “he was raped by Death eaters, and he couldn't take the pressure of the War... so he took his own life, hung himself in a tree by our camp.” she explained softly, Blaise and Draco looking both sad and horrified. “herm.. I'm so sorry.” Blaise muttered pulling her into a hug, Hermione smiling a little, releasing Harry's ears who looked very confused about what was going on.
Kat to look upset, before it faded. Locked away behind the horrors of brightwood and what she knew happened to draco. hating that she couldn't feel pity for the red head as she lowered her head to hide what she was feeling, because knowing what she did, knowing how the rest had endured war, and harry who might had suffered the worst, she couldn't find any pity or emotions for teh red head. Feeling even more like a freak then normal she shifted wrapping her arms around Harry, resting her head on his shoulder as she struggled not to giggle as she thought over the rest of the conversation. Poor harry, dying of mortification from a kiss. A soft giggle escaping, wincing as she looked at the rest, knowing they were probably staring at her."Stop looking at me like that. I was just thinking about if he was gay."She snickered a little before rubbing a hand over her face, drawing away, hiding behind her professional exterior like she normally did. "I'm going to go to bed..."She said avoiding looking at them all. For once, feeling awkward and knowing she was awkward, and a freak who couldn't feel bad for ron weasley.
Hermione giggled at Kat's giggle and nodded. “it's fine Kat, don't worry about it, I don't pity Ron either.” she promised. “he was week, he always had been, he's in a better place now.” she admitted shaking her head a little as she took Kat's hand. “not everyone can be as strong as Harry.” she admitted softly, laying her cheek on Kat's hand and nuzzling it, Blaise smirking a little. “why, I do believe that miss Hermione Granger is DRUNK!” he stated suddenly, Hermione glaring at him. “i am NOT!” she complained. “i only had six glasses of eggnog.” she complained, Harry blinking before he wandered off to find something to color on, Blaise smiling as he watched all the kids sleeping all over the floor amidst their new toys and books. “i... am one hundred percent... totally not drunk!” she protested shaking her head again, stull nuzzling Kats hand, Draco snickering a little. “and Hermione is what we like to call, drunk Gay.” Draco teased Blaise snickering as he nodded. “remember that time she got drunk at the sixth year Christmas party and she and Lavender brown made out in the corner?” Blaise asked smirking a little. “Hermione NEVER lived that down!”
"Only six herm?"Kat teased biting her lip trying to keep from laughing, amused as she ruffled the girl's hair before drawing away."Well, I'm not going to be the gay one. That's draco."She teased squirming away. Laughing amused as she looked at blaise."YOU take care of your girlfriend."She ordered before running after harry, nearly bowling him over as she hid behind him, peeking over his shoulder at Hermione."harry!Save me!She's going to kiss me!I don't want kissed!At least not by a girl!"She said, a little tipsy herself, blushing hard when she realized what she said.
Hermione giggled a little and clung to Draco, the boy making a distressed sounds as Hermione snuggling into him Blaise snickering as he started urging the children awake to send them all to bed, Harry grinning as he snuggled into Kat, his head tilted before he grinned wickedly and started kissing her face all over, finishing with a firm, yet amazingly gentle on on her lips before he happily skipped away and crawled into his bed for a well deserved sleep, snuggling into his large red blanket with a happy sigh, Draco smirking a little. “well, at least Harry's not a girl Kat.” he teased, wicked laughter dancing in his eyes as he waited for her reaction.
Kat looked just as shocked as she had when he'd talked before, gaping a little as she tried to figure out what she was going to do. She couldn't kiss him!He was her patient. Startling at Draco's words she blushed hard as she looked at him."I-i can't get kissed by him!He's my patient!"She sputtered, speaking the first thing that had come to her. Pressing her hands to her flushed face she swallowed, avoiding lookign at draco, feeling bad because he was in love with her, not realizing he was just amused.
Draco smirked at her protests and shook his head. “he is not.” he reminded her. “remember? You where laid off? Well. Suspended but it's close to the same thing, right now he's not your patient.” he pointed out with a chuckle. “besides, you both liked it, why fret over it?” he teased kissing her forehead. “aaah your so dense sometimes Kat.” he teased smiling at her. “you've really got to learn to lighten up and live a little.” he teased tucking her hair behind her ear before heading to his bedroom himself to sit up all night and read like he always did, and hope that no one noticed.
Kat frowned, watching him go, shaking her head. Looking confused and almost...interested. Because he was right she realized, she had liked it.

A few days later Kat bounded into Draco's room, landing on the bed next to him, at three in the morning. After all, she knew he was up, and after harassing him about it, she knew he still didn't sleep, so she'd visit him. Over the last few days she'd been avoiding everyone, even harry, though she'd known the man had thrown a fit about it. Having only seen him after he was asleep,crawling in bed with harry and cuddling,but gone by the time he got up. While she loved having hermione and the others around, she sometimes missed the quiet house. Espcially when Hermione had told her that Michael had been arrested, and his trial was in the morning. She wasn't sure how she felt, and the feelings had driven her out of bed and to draco's room, sitting cross legged as she waited for the bleary eyed draco to wake up more."I don't know what to think..."She said quietly, fidgeting."I don't know what to feel."She said huddling a little around herself. Because after the kiss, she felt even awkward around harry, so she'd tried to avoid everyone, and now... well she was falling apart.
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