
Blaise looked up and grinned at her. “i wouldn't miss it for the world.” he admitted. “hey, I have good news!” he admitted. “i coughed this morning and Harry actually turned and looked at me!” he admitted smiling a little. Harry came in and out of himself at random intervals. Sometimes he reacted to people, and sometimes he didn't, sometimes he stared at the wall and didn't move and other times he reacted to everything around him. It was normal, all of this backsliding and recovery, it meant he was getting closer and closer to recovery, but it was very frustrating for those who where watching him and hoping for the best. Harry still hadn't uttered even a single sound other than to scream once when a green balloon as blown into his face. “your going to LOVE what Hermione's done to the living room.” he teased smirking at his friend. Blaise had moved into the house as well, and was living with Hermione and they where talking about going steady. The littlest one had already started calling Blaise 'papa' and made him read him a bedtime story every night, much to Blaise's utter delight. “Draco said that he might be a bit late.” he admitted. “he's been having trouble with a few students and if they misbehaved one more time he was going to give them a serious detention tonight.” he admitted. “or beat them senseless with a Ladle, he wasn't sure which he'd prefer.”
Kat grinned perking up even more at the news harry had reacted. It always cheered her to know that she was having a good progress with him. Smiling gently at blaise, amused. Because she loved having everyone in her house, even if it was louder then she was used to, it was a good kind of uproar to have. Having sometime in the last month become 'auntie kat' to the kids as they demanded stories from the brilliant woman."Oh, I'm sure the ladle, it is malfoy after all."She smiled before grinning."I'll meet you at home. going to get harry and then we'll be home."She said before bouncing out of the room. To hyper active to stay still, her nervous energy becoming way to overactive energy as she bounded into Harry's room, her hair pulled back into a braid just like harry liked it."Harry!Time to go!"She said crossing the room, making sure he saw her before she gave him a smacking kiss on the cheek.
Blaise laughed a little and nodded as she skipped off, finding all of this very amusing. Harry was staring at nothing again when she walked in, just sitting there, staring at the wall, but turned at the sound of her voice and the kiss, squirming as if the kiss had tickled before pouncing on her and kissing her face all over, something he had seen, and was now mimicking from the TV. Letting her up and bouncing onto his bed to grab his kitten, the thing grumbling about being woken up and snuggling into Harry's arms as Harry bounced back over to her snuggling into her and letting her Apparate him, the Boy letting out a gasp of astonishment as he saw all the brightly colored balloons and streamers hanging every where, and all he could do was stare at the 'rainbow room'.
Kat's jaw dropped a little as she looked around, smiling softly when she realized harry was just as shocked. Twisting around to look at hermione, she smiled. "Oh herm, it's beautiful."She said looking around, blinking as tears started filling her eyes. She was so touched at someone doing this much to just celebrate her birthday, that she felt overwhelmed. Sniffling as she looked at hermione, smiling as she reached out to pet the kittens head so that it would calm down."Blaise said draco might be late."She said sounding nervous, and wondering why. It wasn't like she didn't spend time with draco, so why was she nervous about seeing him now?
Hermione giggled a little and shook her head. “i was going to get some confetti and party poppers but I was afraid that might frighten Harry.” she admitted smiling as she watched Harry take off into the room, Hermione gasping. “oh Harry NO!” she complained when he dove into a pile of balloons, causing most of them to pop, Harry blinking at all the deflated balloons in horror, as if he had killed small animals, looking back at Kat with utter horror, Hermione starting to giggle as she shook her head. “it's ok Harry, we can blow up some more! Here I'll show you!” she promised pulling a bright yellow balloon from her pocket and blowing it up for him and handing it over to him, watching him grab it and giggled when it deflated, blowing all the air into his face, making him blink in astonishment and beam happily, blowing it up bigger than it really needed to be and then releasing it, clapping as it flew around the room, Hermione laughing outright at that. “yes, Draco has to deal with some unruly students, they've been messing with very explosive potions and they blew up the girls bathroom with one and damaged three students. The headmaster won't expel them because their from rich families, but Draco's going to punish them until their asses and their ears bleed.” she admitted, handing Harry another Balloon.
Kat laughed happily as she wathed harry play with the balloon, catching it and blowing it up before letting it go again. Amused as harry and the children chased it around the room. Before looking at hermione she nodded a little."Well they deserve it if they're stupid enough to mess around in professor malfoy's class."She said rubbing a hand over her face worried that he wouldn't be in the mood for a party by the time he arrived. Grinning as they played with the balloons yelping startled as the door opened, nearly cursing out loud as draco and blaise nearly beamed her with her own door."Da-Draco!"She yelped jumping away from him, shifting away to look at him. Tilting her head slightly as she studied him, looking worried because she worried about him, even if she knew he could take care of himself, it worried him that his students couldn't seem to realize how dangerous things could be.
Draco smirked as he walked into the room, looking very self satisfied, Blaise snickering as he followed behind, shaking his head, as if waiting for someone. “i, got them, expelled!” Draco chirped, very proud of himself, Hermione snickering a little. “AND, I even got to kick their smug little asses!” he purred happily. “two of the girls they blew up, their parents where on the school board and they, over ruled the Headmasters decision.” he stated looking even more smug. “and now, I, and in the running, for headmaster.” Blaise snickered as he winked at Kat. “it's a good day for Draco, don't let him near the cake or he'll be bouncing off the walls.” he teased, Draco scowling at him as Hermione laughed and caught the deflated balloon, blowing it up and releasing it so the kids could chase after it, Hermione giggling a little as Draco strutted around. “well, at least he's in a good mood for once.” she admitted to Kat, Blaise snorting a little. “yeah, for once...”
Kat looked confused for a moment. Because ever since they'd come to terms with their friendship, and found a common ground. The two had always been in a good mood around each other."He's always in a good mood around me."She said smiling as she paused, swallowing hard before hugging draco,"Ah draco,I'm so glad for you."She muttered, leaning against him, small and slight, she was just as hyperactive as draco was. Stepping back she smiled wider,"I want cake.And presents."She said looking around excitedly, because she'd never had a birthday party, she'd never had a birthday cake or present. The closest she'd ever come was draco's present of scotch last year.
Hermione chuckled and nodded. “that's because he LIKES you.” she pointed out. “he tolerates everyone else because he has to.” she teased grinning at Kat as Draco laughed a little shaking his finger at Hermione. “that is SO not true!” “Dray, the last time I visited you, you told me to keep my bulbous nose out of your business.” Blaise pointed out. “and I've been your best friend since you where born.” “...” Draco glared at them all and then clapped his hands together. “right! Where's the presents at?” he demanded pulling out his own present, setting it on the rather large pile. There was even one there from Harry, who had made it himself. She got medical books from Hermione, clay sculptures from each of the kids, save the littlest, who made her a string.... something. Blaise got her a glass butterfly sculpture that when it was sat in the window made the room go all rainbow colored. Harry gave her dozens of pictures, most of them of the sun, or a butterfly, but one was of her and him holding hands. Draco gave her a bright necklace made of silver with a large butterfly pendant that was etched with gold, ruby, and jade. Hermione tutting. “oh sure Draco, just make all our presents look bad.” she teased him, making him smirk. “hey, it's what I do.”
Kat laughed quietly as she looked through the presents, her legs curled up under her ass as she looked through the presents, draco's necklace held in one palm as she looked through harry's pictures. Her face going that soft pleased way that said she really was attached to her patient, who somewhere along the way, had become a friend. "I tell you all the time to mind your own business."She said absently to blaise smiling as she looked the pictures over again tears in her eyes as she saw the one of them holding hands, getting up and hugging everyone, the string something from the smallest worn as a bracelet, before she stopped in front of draco,giving him another hug and stepping back."It's beautiful dray. But you keep giving me necklaces...I don't know which to wear."She said smiling slightly offhanded, her face going soft again, because she loved spending time with draco to, and it touched that small broken part of her heart that he took care of her like this. Smiling a little as she reached up and pulled the angel necklace he'd given her off, and letting the butterfly one settle on her chest with a smile."It's so beautiful."She said kissing his cheek before moving to harry, hugging him tightly."Thank you harry."
Blaise snorted a little and pouted at Hermione. “do you see this!? They all HATE me!” he whined wrapping his arms around her and pretending to sob, the kids all giggling as they dog piled on him and tickled him... to 'make him feel better' of course, Blaise laughing as he rough housed with the kids, tickling and giving noogies, Harry staring at the Tv again, balloon in hands, this one full of air. Draco smiled as he returned the hug and shook his head. “well if you'd wear nice jewelry once in a while.” he teased smirking. “i was going to get you a whole set, you know, rings, bracelets, and earrings and stuff but Blaise would have killed me for showing him up.” he teased Blaise snickering as he picked up all the kids in his arms and dumped them onto the couch, making them giggle furiously.

Harry grunted when he hugged her, and leaned into her a little, still completely focused on the TV, Draco smiling a little as he watched the two, his head tilted. “Cake time?” Hermione offered smirking as she grabbed a tray on wheels and wheeled out the massive cake, which was big enough that it stood taller than Kat did. It was a mass of amazing frosting, bright red phoenix and roaring dragons, dancing griffons and leaping unicorns ran around the cake, and it was topped by a cherry that was very clearly magically created it was so large. Harry and all of the kids where staring in amazement, and so was Draco and Blaise. Hermione looked so smug it almost hurt. “hows THAT for a cake!?” “... and she complained about Me showing HER up.” Draco grumbled in good humor.
"....It's taller then me. Draco.My cake's taller then me."She said staring open mouthed at the cake. For a woman who'd never had a birthday cake before it was amazing to get such a big one. "Aww poor blaise. The only one not with a huge ass gift. Though I do love the suncatcher."She grinned kissing Blaise's cheek as the kids started crowding them to get to the cake. Kat laughed quietly as she summoned a knife, cutting the cake easily as she cut out a piece for harry, handing it to him as she pressed a kiss to his cheek."There you go, lovely."She said knowing the cake wasn't for her benifit, but harry's. Grinning as she set about getting cake for everyone, before sitting down on the floor next to harry, eating her cake happily.

For the first time in her life, looking content and peaceful as she ate. Before twisting to look at draco,"You wanted to buy me lots of jewelry?Why?"She said looking confused at the idea as she ate her cake. Not for the first time, blind to how someone felt for her. But, she was clueless, and could be forgiven for the absolute knowledge she was lacking in. Because she'd come so far in accepting the things draco had done for her. Since that first night he'd listened to her scream and not run away, the girl had become even more comfortable with the others helping her. Even letting harry comfort her on the rare time that she'd had a breakdown in his presence and he was aware enough to fret.
Draco chuckled a little and nodded. “it is a huge cake.” he agreed Hermione chuckling a little as she shrugged, Blaise smirking a little. “bigger isn't better Draco.” he stated simply, Hermione snickering at the sexual innuendo. “no but it does help.” the girl admitted smirking a little as Blaise blushed. Harry accepted his cake and took his time licking all the frosting off, the kids giggling as they ate their cake proper with a fork and everything. They where too used to going hungry because of their lazy father to waste food. Although the littlest one wasn't eating the frosting at all, finding the sugary substance distasteful.

Draco had to smile at Kat and shook his head, looking both amused and frustrated. “well, you deserve nice things, and since I never see you wearing any jewelry I thought maybe you needed some.” he admitted. “then I realized that being who you are you wouldn't wear jewelry much anyway, so I got you a necklace instead since I know you'll wear them.” he admitted with a smile at her. “we should all have a big Christmas party like this.” he decided his head tilted Hermione brightening. “oh YES! I'll make Turkey and Ham, and sweet potatoes and pie and everything that's wonderful!” “and I'll help make some food too.” Blaise decided grinning a little. “and we'll all get presents for everyone, the kids too, and Harry will have some pretty paper to rip apart! He likes to rip apart paper.” Hermione stated with a giggle as she watched him do just that, ripping apart the left over paper from Kat's presents with a grin on his lips.
Kat smiled a little at the innuendo, blushing ever so slightly before eating her cake. Looking amused and her face going soft again as she studied draco for a long moment. For once, catching that he meant something more by it, but damned if she could figure out what.Shifting she nodded, "Food and wrapping paper.The perfect christmas."She said reaching out and ruffling harry's hair, content to just be with everyone as they enjoyed her birthday.

A few hours later while hermione was putting the kids down, and harry was still fasnicated by the tv, kat tilted her head looking at draco, biting her lip as she gestured him to the kitchen, wanting to talk to him. Walking further in she turned to face him, wrapping him in a hug, resting her cheek on his shoulder,shuddering a little as she tried to remain calm with touching someone else, even if she'd gotten better at it over the last few weeks."Thank you Dray. yOu didn't have to come,but I apperciate it anyways."She said stepping back studying him, because she just liked looking at him, and he was a curiousity to her.
Draco smiled as he watched Blaise and Hermione heading off with the kids, a strange look in his eyes. As if he wanted what they had, a loving family with loud boisterous kids. He blinked when she got his attention and he followed her into the kitchen, smiling as he gently kissed her forehead in response to the hug. “i wanted to come. Your birthday is important.” he stated calmly hesitating, looking nervous. “Kat I...” he hesitated again and then gently picked up her hands. “Kat I have to tell you something.” he admitted softly. “but I'm scared to, because I don't know how you;ll react, and I don't want to break the friendship we have.” he admitted softly, shaking his head a little. “i really like you Kat... more than as a friend.” he explained softly, looking up at her. “i think I'm in love with you...”
Kat looked startled at the words, trembling ever so slightly as she curled her fingers around his. As if, even if she was frightened, she didn't want to lose that connection with him.And she didn't. Looking slightly confused and apprehensive, because she'd never been in a relationship before, and never had to handle this before not from someone she liked to. She usually made a sarcastic comment to whoever admitted to falling in love with her, but...she liked draco.She cared for him.She didn't know what would happen, and not knowing scared her. "I don't want to lose you..."She muttered looking down at their joined hands, tears filling her eyes, because she didn't know how to do this, and she wondered... why her mind wonered what Harry would think?Why?Why did she wonder. Shaking her head a little to get her mind back on the man in front of her, and not the man child watching tv in the living room.
he smiled a little at her but in a single instant he realized that she didn't love him back... and worse yet he realized why... she was in love with someone else. He set his hand on hers and smiled at her, shaking his head. “you will never loose me.” he whispered softly, biting his lip. “but... you don't love me, and... that's ok.” he admitted softly. “as long as your happy, that's more than enough for me.” he promised, wrapping his arms around her, and kissing her forehead before looking at Harry. “how lucky you are Harry.” he muttered softly, smiling a little. “shall I see you tomorrow for our usual Monday lunch Kat?” determined not to let the rejection, change the way he felt about her, determined to keep her as a friend, if nothing else.
Kat looked startled, tears filling her eyes as she looked up at him, trying to figure out what he was talking about. Not realizing he'd guessed what she hadn't known herself. That she was in love with harry. Frowning at his words, trying to figure out what he met about harry, turning slightly to look at harry, before nodding a little, sniffling softly."You will. After all, its not every day a girl gets to know the headmaster of hogwarts personally."She giggled a little swallowing hard, gently touching his face. Looking pained and hesitant, not sure what he'd do if she did what she thought about. "I care about you...more then anyone else....I care as much as I can."She whispered, not seeing the lie not realizing just how in love she was with her patient. Poor draco, who probably was the only one at the moment who knew. Swallowing again she drew him down for a kiss, because she was curious, and she wanted one kiss, that wasn't hazed by a memory of pain. Kissing him gently before stepping back, looking down, afraid to see how he felt about it. Avoiding his eyes as she headed for the door to round up harry for bed."I'll see you tomorrow draco."She promised softly.
he smiled and nodded, glad that she would be joining him for lunch, feeling only a little upset, but glad that he at least had the guts to tell her how he felt, sighing softly as she touched his face, glad for the soft touch and smiling at her with a small pained smile. “you might think that now...” he murmured softy, setting his hand on hers. “but you will know soon enough I suppose.” he muttered softly, gasping in astonishment at the kiss, gently kissing her back and letting her pull away with a hard swallow, staring after her as she left with Harry, shocked and startled as he nodded. “yeah... see you tomorrow...” tonight, he was going to get very, very drunk. He was so glad he didn't actually have to deal with the students anymore unless they where in trouble, and he got a pay raise too! Not that he really had a need for money.

It was two days of peace before the shit hit the fan again, Blaise rushing into Harry's room with a pale look on his face as he offered her the Paper, the headline being “Harry Potter In The Hands of a Crazy Woman?” written by none other than Rita skeeter. The paper had details of Harry's condition that no one should have had known, so clearly there was a leak of information somewhere. “it gets worse.” Blaise admitted softly pointing to a section of the paper where information of Kat was spread. Hermione was quoted saying “she was in Brightwood, I as able to get her file before they burned it, I can't imagine the mental damage she's suffered, I'm not sure I want her treating Harry...” Draco was claimed to have said. “she's very unstable, she used to stalk me at Hogwarts, she even tied me up for three days before anyone found me! But no one did anything because she was 'special' a load of crap I say, I can't imagine what she's doing to poor harry.” even Blaise. “in all my years working with her, she's scared me a little. I wouldn't have my doubts that she had something to do with all those doctor deaths....” Neville declared. “i will not let rumors dictate how I run my hospital, but I will be looking into the matter. Clearly there is an information leak and I will be running a heavy investigation, on Kat and on the entire hospital to plug this serious breach of protocol.”

Blaise looked at her. “Kat, Draco Hermione and I never even saw a press representative.” he stated simply. “we never said this shit! Someone's trying to frame you and get you fired... and I think we both know who.” he admitted, he himself was thinking it was Charles. “someone's spilling information somehow, but I don't know how anyone could have known about you being in Brightwood AND knowing about Harry's condition so...” he shook his head. “i won't let these lies end your Career Kat... We'll think of something.” he promised setting a hand on her shoulder. “i'm going to be talking to Nev today an i'll inform him that none of us said these things, I promise.”

(poor Kat just can't catch a break XDD)
Kat cringed away from the touch, swallowing hard. Tears filling her eyes as she looked so confused, and hurt. Even hearing blaise's words, the article had done it's job in totally gutting a woman who didn't trust anyone. Rubbing her hands over her arms she swallowed hard, sitting next to harry, trembling ever so softly as she leaned into her patient. She...she couldn't think clearly. Before looking up at blaise, looking pale and sickly, as she realized that everyone knew now. Everyone knew she was in brightwood....and someone had guessed that she'd been the fate of brightwood, not fate. Swallowing as she wrapped her arms around harry, resting her head on his shoulder as she looked up at blaise, using harry as a touchstone, to remind herself that she was safe, that her friends were really her friends, and that she wouldn't lose everything again.

"I'll go with you to talk to neville."She said getting up, running her hands through harry's hair,ruffling the strands as she braed herself to go talk to neville."Draco's going to be pissed....that articles going to ruin his chances at being headmaster..."She muttered, truly afraid the blond would be mad at her,instead of who did this article.Even if she knew Draco better then that, she was feeling vulnerable and offbalance. Swallowing as she trembled, reverting to the scared, scarred woman she'd been before harry had entered her life. Rubbing her hands over her face she looked at the man again swallowing hard as she tried to stay calm because she knew harry was reacting to things again, she didn't want to freak him out today. Even in her emotional state, she was more worried about draco and harry, then herself."lets go talk to neville, then we'll go home."She said wanting to lock the door and never see anyone again
Harry blinked when he was leaned against and wrapped his arms around her, gently kissing her temple and holding her, Blaise smiling a little as he shook his head. “you need to calm down, no one KNOWS anything, Draco is already suing Rita Skeeter for putting in false information.” he promised. “as soon as he starts protesting her so called 'facts' along with me and Hermione everyone is going to assume that she lied about everything, Brightwood included.” he explained shaking his head. “you can come with when I talk to Neville but I don't want you to go in with me, it will look like we're trying to bully him.” he explained gently. “i want to go in alone, he knows me, he trusts me... to an extent, he'll listen, he has to.” he promised. “and Draco was made headmaster last night, they can't take away his title just because of a paper written by a fraud, besides it's not his name they besmirched, he'll be fine.” he promised. He stood up and hesitated.

“you should stay here Kat... there's going to be a lot of yelling...” he admitted softly, knowing she wouldn't listen. And he was right, there was a lot of yelling. Neville wanted to fire her for leaking information to the press, and he was tempted to fire Blaise for it as well, Blaise was insisting that neither of them where the leak, but he promised to find out who was, and that he and Kat would both take a suspension if that was what it took, so long as they could Take Harry with them. The boy got very unreasonable if Kat wasn't there, so Neville didn't have much of a choice. He agreed to suspend them for two weeks with pay, and let them take Harry with them, Blaise walking out with a troubled expression. “if we can't find out who's leaking the information, we're both getting fired.” he informed her softly. “i'm going to hire a private investigator...”
Kat nodded a little as she fidgeted following him back to harry's room, absently fiddling with the necklace draco had gotten her as if to reassure herself that she was okay. "We'll figure this out. Really, it shouldn't be that hard."She said sounding more sure then she really was, before smiling a little."Besides, tomorrow's christmas eve, we'll forget about this for the moment, and concentrate on that."She said, wanting to make sure the kids had the most perfect christmas."See if Draco'll come for dinner, I'm going home."She said kissing blaise's cheek."Thanks for doing this."She aid hugging him before disappearing into harry's room.

When blaise got back to the house, harry and kat were curled up on the couch watching tv together, well, harry was. Kat was distracting herself with reading her medical book that hermione had gotten her looking over the edge at her friend, friends. Shaking her head at the worried looks they were giving her."I'm fine. Really."She said shifting away from harry a little, but not far. After all, the only person she really could stand to be close to besides draco, was harry.
Blaise smiled and nodded as she walked off, scowling once she was out of sight and shaking his head. Something wasn't right and he intended on finding out what it was. When he got to the house he was relieved to see that everyone was alright, Hermione was fixing all the Christmas decorations, which Harry had ripped down in his enthusiasm to see. All the red and yellow and blue twinkling lights had almost been too much for Harry, and he had spent ten minutes yanking them all down and then whining when they stopped glowing, not realizing that he had unplugged them in his hast to stash them up in his bedroom. Only the TV had distracted him and he had willingly become enthralled in the moving pictures, leaving Hermione free to untangle and repair all the broken light-bulbs. “aaw poor Herm.” Blaise teased smiling a little. “Harry got a little too excited did he?” he asked with a small chuckle, shaking his head. “i fear what he's going to do when he realizes he has his own presents to open tomorrow.” he smiled at Kat as Draco stumbled in, red with rage as he brushed soot off his shirt. “that damn skeeter bitch!” “DRACO!” Hermione chastised, Draco blushing. “sorry Hermione... but she is.” “oh don't I know it! It's bad enough she ruined poor Harry's life in school, now she's trying to do it all over again.” she shook her head. “how is the search going?” “badly, they've been informed she's an animagus but... well, it's rather hard to find a beetle, even with magic. How you holding up Kat?” “apparently she's fine.” Hermione teased with a giggle.
Kat scowled at them all from where she was reading her book, looking younger and more vulnerable then she had any right to be from where she was curled up with harry, half leaning against him as she read. Sighing quietly as she laughed at draco's words, before setting the book aside."I'm fine. Just..."She swallowed, rubbing her fae because she didn't know who had guessed about brightwood, and she was woried about what would come next."I'm tired of my life falling apart."She said before frowning as her owl appeared in the window, dropping a late edition of the paper in her hands. Going pale with fear before something snapped, snapped in a way it normally didn't when she saw what was written."That goddamned ungrateful fucking bitch."She growled softly, even then, aware what a temper tantrum would do to harry. "My mother's talked. Unlike you three, she really would enjoy the attention."She sneered a little before crossing the room, getting glasses for them all and pouring them all a glass of whiskey."Here. Something for us all."She sid sipping her drink, feeling shocky and shaken. It was like she couldn't catch a break. Biting her lip as she looked at hermione, then harry. It woul kill her to let him go, but..."If you want to get out of this mess...before it could..."She said softly.
Draco accepted the newspaper his eyes narrowing darkly before a wicked smirk spread across his lips. “hey, this fucking idiot admitted to working at Brightwood Hermione, that's a confession.” he stated simply, handing Hermione the newspaper. “guess what Kat, your stepfather is going to Azakaban. With your mother as witness to his confession.” he admitted with a wicked laugh, Hermione scanning the article, and indeed, the moron admitted to treating Kat in Brightwood, Kat's mother explaining that it was where she'd first met him was at Brightwood. They all accepted the glass, and Hermione quickly got a glass of juice for Harry when he reached for a glass, not wanting him to drink in his childlike state. “she won't enjoy the attention for long after her husband gets thrown in prison.” Hermione stated smugly before smiling at Kat. “i have faced MUCH worse than a silly old reporter.” she stated simply. “if I took on Death itse;f for Harry, the LEAST I can do is help you take on your mother.” she promised, Draco nodding. “i won't let anyone get away with hurting you.” he promised, Blaise nodding. “i will stay by your side no matter what Kat, you couldn't get rid of me in school and you can't get rid of me now.”
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