
Harry was grinning like a loon as he sprayed water everywhere, clearly enjoying the little rainbows it made and the splatters of wet he was getting everywhere, the children squealing in glee as they raced thought he mud and the water, Harry blinking at his empty hand when Kat took away the hose, looking around before diving into the spray of water, Hermione giggling a little as she watched her children rolling in the mud like the little animals they where. “ stop that this instant!” Hermione ordered, through her laughter no less, “i mean it you little monsters! Your getting Mud everywhere!” she complained laughing as Harry rook a running jump and slid through the mud like he was on a slip n slide, the kids squealing gleefully as they followed Harry's example and started sliding through the mud, Blaise laughing as he watched Hermione trying to control everyone before she gave up and joined them.
Kat laughed, grinning as she joined in on the fun. There was only so much resisting you could do. By the time they rounded up the kids to go inside for dinner, kat was just as covered in mud as harry. Smiling slightly as she looked at blaise, she gave him a easy smile, "think we could convince draco to join us next time?Surely he'd like mudslides."She snickered, knowing the prissy blond would freak at the idea. And well, at least they'd have something to talk about at dinner. Smiling as she walked inside with harry, she pressed a small smile to harry's forehead, "You're so good."She muttered, "Come on, lets get you cleaned up."She said heading upstairs with him. Needing to take care of harry,despite being on enforced days off, she needed to take care of him.
Blaise had even joined in, laughing as he swung the kids around and tossed mud-balls at everyone. They where all so covered in mud they clearly needed a bath, every last one of them. “Draco would kill us all and then himself before he EVER got muddy.” Blaise teased, watching harry play with a pile of mud in his hands as he and Kat walked to the nearest bathroom, letting her strip him down and clean him off with very little fuss, much less fuss than he normally would have. Normally he hated baths, but with the bubbles and the rubber duckies in the tub from the kids Harry rather enjoyed his bath time as he splashed in the water and played with the ducks, acting like a small baby more than anything, though he made no indication that he knew she was there, he was reacting to things rather well now, a good improvement.
kat smiled as he played with the ducks, her heart feeling lighter at the sight. Even if he wasn't aware of actual people yet, he was reacting to things around him. Smiling as she let him play in the water, spelling the water warm before she cleaned up herself, before getting dressed for her date. Checking in on harry as she did. Figuring as long as he was content to play in the water, it couldn't hurt to let him do it. Smiling as she walked downstairs, the soft silky green dress clinging to her, the hgih heels making her taller, which would her leave her evenly tall with draco. Smiling softly as she walked down the stairs, though she looked lovely, she looked anxious. Worried about leaving harry alone, and going on the date. Though the fact that she was wearing a dress proved just how much she trusted draco, since it was easier to...grope someone under a dress then under pants. Smiling as she looked at blaise and hermione."Are you sure this is okay?I could stay here. He's playing in the bath, I wouldn't need to go out..."she said looking even more anxious at the idea of going out. Her worry over going out with draco showing.
Hermione and Blaise both stared at Kat when she came down, wide eyed and amazed, Hermione's hands pressed to her mouth. “oh my goodness, Kat you look AMAZING!” she breathed, Blaise nodding, mouth open In astonishment before he shook his head. “your hiding behind Harry again!” he growled Hermione giggling a little. “Kat, you really do need to get out.” Hermione teased, taking the woman's hand and patting it gently. “Draco is a lovely boy and he won't do a thing out of proper.” she promised. “it will be good for both of you, from what I can tell both you and Draco do nothing but work and that is just NOT healthy. Go have some fun tonight, we'll get you if anything happens to Harry, ok?” she asked her head tilted. “you don't want to make Draco think you hate him right?” she teased smiling at Kat. “now go have fun and make a friend.”
"Oh, well considering i don't hate him for yelling at me, I don't think there's anything to make me hate him."She huffed smiling a little, squeezing hermione's hand before drawing away."I'll see you later then." She said glancing up the stairs before nodding to herself, because she knew they were right. Smiling as she drew away and apparating to the school, she smiled as she wrapped her jacket close to her,but even then the glimpse of long lean legs and the make up and looking ready for a date, had the students she past turning to stare at her as she headed down to the potions room, smiling as she pushed open the door, grinning at the man grading papers. Though he did look better dressed then he usually did in class."ready to go?"
Draco smiled when she appeared and then froze, his eyes widening a fraction. “wow Kat you look... amazing.” he admitted softly before offering her a smile, grabbing his jacket and pulling it on. “i wasn't sure where we where going, so I tried not to dress too fancy... am I under dressed? Do I look alright?” he asked, looking very nervous as he smoothed out his silk shirt, fidgeting because he was nervous. “oh!.. I.. uh, here I.. got you this.” he admitted holding out a small box to her. “as an apology for always yelling at you.” he admitted sheepishly. Letting her open the box to reveal a small necklace, a golden angel pendant with an emerald in the middle of it, elegant and tasteful, just like her. “i hope it's not too much but I saw it this morning and it made me think of you.”
Kat looked startled, a bright blush staining her face as she gently stroked her fingers over the golden chain and angel. "Oh, oh draco it's beautiful."she said before raising the necklace out of the box and putting it on, the necklace settling easily just above the clevage of her breasts, the slightly low cut dress framing it nicely. Blushing as she shook her head, smiling."no. Not underdressed.I thought...Muggle london. there's a restaurant called House Royale, that caters to exotic foods and local things...I thought, something different. And since we're both well known, we don't want to dine in wizarding london."she said looking so nervous as she rested her hands against his chest smoothing out his silk shirt before stepping away."You look fine Draco."She said with a gentle smile, looking for a loss, not know what to think of him getting her something.
Draco smiled, happy that she liked her present, blushing as he examined her again, coughing a little. “House Royal? That sounds very interesting.” he admitted. “i have to admit I'm rather curious about Muggle foods.” he admitted. “eating in Muggle London is a wonderful idea!” he admitted chuckling a little. “i've always wanted to try that thing called Sushi, oh, and that Pizza thing too.” he admitted chuckling again as he let her smooth out his shirt. “so how are you doing?” he asked smiling at her. “Blaise give you a hard time?”
kat smiled as they headed out of the room, heading for the front hall so they could apparate. For once, disliking that hogwarts wouldn't let them apparate in and out. Feeling awkward with the students stopping and looking at them before looking away before draco could yell at them for staring."Of course Blaise gave me a hard time. He's annoyed with us to, that we let him believe we did...taht last night."He said blushing hard as they got to the front hallway, wrappign her arms around his waist as she apparated them, smiling a little more when tehy got to muggle london.
he ignored his students offering them all glares when they stared, smirking a little. “aaah, now I know why Snape was such a sour man, being feared is such an amusement.” he admitted chuckling a little. “i don't know how he could have thought that.” he admitted snickering a little. “no offense meant to you of course Kat... it's just that... ever since... you know, just giving a hug is about the hardest thing I could ever do.” he admitted. “it's ok when it's you or Blaise because I trust you... but it's still hard for me.” he admitted shaking his head a little smiling as he looked around. “huh, muggles make some interesting things.” he admitted. “you know... before he got sick Harry had an idea on how he could integrate muggle technology into wizarding culture?”
Kat looked curious, tilting her head as she looked around."You know, that isn't a bad idea."She said, her brilliant mind alraedy churning over the ideas of how she could draw harry out, using the muggle technology that had once fascinated him. Stepping into the nice resturant she tilted her head a little, smiling as she stepped closer to draco, even with no one lookign at her, she was intimidated enough by crowds that she needed the reassurance. Dropping her hand she slipped her fingers through draco's, the only sign she was scared was the tight grip she kept on hsi hand as they were led to their table, sighing softly in relief that her request for a quiet corner table had been honored. "You do realize, before harry, I hadn't touched anyone beyond accidently falling asleep on blaise when I past out?Harry was the first person I hugged in years...then I hugged you."She said blushing hard as she shifted to sit down, letting him sit next to her, the two chairs sitting next to each other, instead of across from each other. Needing the closeness, glad that they were together.
Draco chuckled and nodded. “unfortunately he only told Hermione how to make muggle technology work around magic and she won't tell, so I still have to work for my meals.” he admitted with a small shake of his head. “i've tried a few things but I don't understand muggle technology enough to make it work.” he admitted blinking at her. “really? Before this the only person I touched was Blaise on accident when I had a nervous breakdown and he had to carry me to the hospital.” he admitted before pausing. “only you really didn't need to know that.” he groaned smacking himself and shaking his head as he sat down, sitting on the outside so she was protected by the booth. “are you alright? Do you need to leave? It's rather crowded in here...” he was fine with crowds so long as no one really tried to touch him. But he was a little worried about her, she looked a little nervous.
Kat smiled a little, shaking her head."I'm fien."she said, sighing quietly as she looked over the menu, her eyes moving over the foods as she tried to figure out what she wanted. Shaking her head when she realized he was watching her worriedly."I haven't been in the muggle world since I was young. My mother....was a muggleborn witch.I grew up on this side of things, before I was sent to brightwood."she said quietly, smiling a little as he smacked himself. "I'm fine. Really. I'm just not used to being in crowds.I enjoy going out for dinner,but...I hardly ever trust anyone else to go out with me."She said the unanswered words of she didn't go out to eat by herself because she didn't trust the world not to break her again."Order draco.I am going to enjoy this meal, because you asked to come out with me."She said smiling.
he smiled at her and then examined his menu, pondering it for a moment before he ordered some Sushi, a shrimp dish, and a plate of lobster claws. Draco loved seafood, absolutely loved it. He also ordered some red wine to go with the meal, smiling a little as he glanced at Shay. “i'm glad you trust me.” he admitted softly reaching over and gently tucking a hair behind her ear before looking around the restaurant, checking for dangers because his instincts where still honed on that feeling of always being in danger.
Kat smiled ordering her own pizza, and a platter of cheese sticks, before looking at the other man. Before paling as she saw the man across the room, and the woman he was with. swallowing hard as she saw her mother and her adopted father, her heart ached, because she remembered the reason she had never talked to them. "Katherine?!"Vae Castle stared at her daughter, her eyes flickering over the girl's face, seeing the warrior that pain had shaped her into being. "I have been hearing about you.I tried getting ahold of you." Kat's eyes flickered to her mother's husband, the small sneer showing as she shifted closer to draco, her only sign that she wasn't comfortable."I know. I didn't care to talk to you. As long as you were married to him."She said wincing as her mother reached out, cupping her face. Leaning into the touch for a moment before she jerked back, making a face."Stay away from me."She ordered before looking at draco, as if all the world as if her mother no longer existed. "You ungrateful ingrate."Vae snarled glaring at her daughter before walkign away. Kat sighed quietly as their food arrived, starting to eat as if nothing had happened.
Draco grinned at her order and decided to throw in a milkshake for the both of them in there as well, pausing as he heard her name, scowling because he knew she hated being called her full name, and froze when he saw Vae, looking astonished, wrapping his arm around her waist, to comfort her and offer support as he examined the man and the woman, his eyes narrowed and a sneer on his lips, leaning away from the woman's arm as if it was poisonous, hissing when she saw Vae touching Kat,, leaning over and subtly shoving the woman away from the Table, without even an apologetic glance, offering only a small growl, a warning. “are you alright?” Draco asked softly, looking at her as she started to eat, casting a 'notice me not' charm so no one else could bother them. “Kat? Talk to me... are you alright?” worried.
Kat whimpered quietly as he touched her, swallowing hard as she leaned into him, closing her eyes before leaning away. Forcing herself not to rely on him,not to take the comfort he offered."Fine..."She swallowed, forcing herself to be okay, not not accept taht it hurt."She always thinks I'm a ingrate."
Draco scowled when she pulled away and he shook his head, stroking her hair. “Kat... your not an ingrate, and you never where. She hurt you and it's ok to hate her.” he promised softly, taking her hand gently. “you don't always have to be so strong all by yourself. There are people you can depend on, people you can trust, people like me, and Blaise and Hermione. You don't have to do everything on your own anymore. We can help you.” he promised smiling at her. “and that includes helping you ease the hurt, ok?”
Kat smiled slightly looking over at him, before leaning back into him as she nibbled on her food, before she answered."Okay."she swallowed hard because she knew she was going to piss him off, but she needed to tell someone, someone who would believe her. "...She married oen of my brightwood."She said shuddering. She'd managed to kill some of them,but not all the abusers had been caught in the spell that had destroyed brightwood. Because he'd just started working there, the man hadn't been caught, hadn't been killed by brightwood's destruction"She married him, brought him home, and expected me to call him f-father."She stuttered a little as her stomach rolled."I-I couldn't. I ran.Came to hogwarts."She said, not about to tell him what he already knew. She'd been 12 when she ran, ran and never looked back."she didn't blame me!S-she didn't care.She married him."She said starting to crumble, starting to break under the weight of her memories.
he gently set his hand on her shoulder, offering her support as she started to talk, and he pulled her into a hug when she started to cry, holding her gently, feeling his heart squeeze painfully in fury and rage and pain for her hurt. “your mother is a bitch.” he stated softly, gently stroking her hair. “you have a better family now. You have Hermione, a wonderful sister, and you have me and Blaise and Harry.” he promised. “we will never let your mother or that bastard touch you, or talk to you ever again if that's what you want.” he promised softly, gently stroking her cheek. “come on, let's go home ok?” he offered his head tilted. “or at least away from here... we could go to the park or the Zoo or something.” he offered. “somewhere less crowded.” he offered tilting his head at her. “i'll buy you that frozen gelatin thingy whatever that you like so much." Gelato, the greatest ice-cream in the world.
Kat sniffled a little perking up as she looked over at him, "You'd buy me gelato?"she said smiling a little. Amused because he hated it, but feeling it like a hit that he cared about her. That he was doing this for her."Let's go home.WE'll get the food to go, and go home."She said getting up as she took the boxes from the waiter, packing up their food as she looked at him, knowing that she was going to break apart, and needing to be somewhere safe, somewhere she knew her mother wouldn't be.
he smiled a little and shook his head a little. “i would, even though it's nasty, and probably very bad for you I would buy you all the Gelato you wanted.” he promised, teasing her as he took the food boxes away from her and let her apparate them to wherever she wanted, putting the food away and waiting for the breakdown he knew was going to happen, hoping he could help her. He would do anything to make her happy, even if he had to kill her mother and step-dad to do it... that was an idea... he doubted she would like that though so he didn't give it any more thought.
Kat paced through the kitchen as he put the food away, glad hermione was putting the kids down for bed,and blaise was absent. She knew those two would be pissed as much as draco was. She knew he was pissed, under that calm exterior. "I'm going upstairs. Will you check on harry, and head home?Y-you don't have to stay..."She said before bolting up the stairs, not waiting for a answer. Knowing he wouldn't do what she asked and go home. He'd check on harry, then come and sit with her as she broke down. Shutting her bedroom door she crossed the bedroom, sinking to the floor on the far side of the bed, pressing her back into the corner between the bed and the wall, because it was the only safe place. Only safe where no one could come up behind her. Whimpering quietly as she pressed her face against her raised up knees she shuddered, starting to lose control to the breakdown that was coming. Knowing she was going to scare the shit of draco, and knowing she had to convince him to leave before she did. He had to leave, she didn't know what she'd do if he looked at her with pity and fear as she raged and screamed. Knowign she was goign to scare him, and she didn't want to. She couldn't live with losing draco as a friend. Her heart hurting at realizing despite not realizing she'd made a friend, she had. And she didn't want to lose him.
Draco watched her bolt up the stairs and sighed a little, checking on Harry, who was sleeping, before heading to her room, slipping inside and sitting in her sight, but out of striking range, knowing she wouldn't want to be trapped. “i'm not going to leave Kat. Scream, rage, hit me, attack me if that's what you have to do.” he promised, staring her down with his intense silver eyes. “i will not leave you in here alone Kat, not when your upset.” he promised. “and I won't hate you afterwords, and I won't be afraid of you.” and he wouldn't pity her either, he knew exactly what was going on, he'd gone through the same thing when Voldemort had been killed. At least Kat hadn't had Stockholms syndrome. “i won't leave you alone ever again.” he promised softly, simply sitting there, waiting for her to react.
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