
"Yes, it has to be. And of course I found it, you goof. I can find anything."She preened grinning a little as she shifted, tucking her legs up under her ass as she balanced on the stool, resting her elbows on her knees with a snicker."Well, I wouldn't really call it a day off. More like enforced sick leave."She said rolling her eyes a little as she sipped the scotch,nibbling on the pretzels the house elf brought them before she answered the question on his face."A concussion and a broken wrist, from everyone's favorite doctor. Damned if charles wasn't pissed I did what he couldn't."She said, thinking that charles' anger was over just how good she was at her job, not her personal attatchment to the boy who lived. not understand he was jealous of the attention she paid to her patients."Seeing as blaise and hermione are currently making kissy noises at each other in my home, and my patient hates me, I thought I'd just ruin the rest of my day and let you yell at me to."She said rolling her eyes, though the teasing smile on her lips showing she was just teasing about ruining her day. As much as she hated people's company, he was one of the few men she didn't mind. maybe because he understood what it meant to be broken young.
Draco rolled his eyes. “i see your ego has gotten bigger since you last stopped by.” he teased shaking his head. “of course it's enforced sick leave, it's the only time you take a day off.” he teased shaking his head as he poured himself a new glass of his cheaper scotch, he had never had a time where he felt the need to open one of the collectable bottles, he usually drank much cheaper stuff from the market. “so Blaise and Hermione are falling for each other huh? You know we used to make bets on how long it would take Blaise to realize he had a crush on Hermione.” he admitted smirking a little. “it's terrible that he's only realizing it now.” he admitted shaking his head as he sat back down. “i probably won't yell today, Blaise made me promise, and Harry doesn't hate you, he's just backsliding a little. You of all people should know that's a perfectly normal response to someone who recovers too fast.” he stated sighing a little as he stared into his scotch, swallowing hard. “you know... sometimes I wish I was brave like you.” he admitted softly. 'you can admit that you where broken... I try to hide it in a dark little box in the back of my mind, and pretend it never happened and never existed...”
Kat sighed moving to stand in front of his cabinet, studying the bottles of scotch as she sipped hers."He complained to loudly about his bed being cold. I thought she'd be good for him."She said absently, glad that he agreed with her that the two would be together, "And why did you promise not to yell?It's your usual mode of communication. And I know he doesn't, I'm just frustrated he had started realizing I was around."She said sighing softly as she ate another pretzel. The hurt coloring her voice for a moment, not knowing it was her hurt feelings that harry no longer recognized her, that made it so much harder to watch him backslide. Before thinking about the blond's words, turning to look at him, resting her hip against the edge of the small shelf of the cabinet, rubbing her fingers over her face."Draco, I have no choice but admit I was broken young. It left me emotionally and physically unable to be close to anyone. If I could hide it I would."She sighed studying him."Draco, I bear the physical scars from my abuse, and the mental ones. If I could get away with hiding it, and a illusion spell didn't break, I would hide as much as you do."she said, pain lacing the words a little. Because of how the wounds across her back where inflicted, the spells woven in blood and flesh, nothing could hide them, she'd been lucky that the same spells hadn't been used on the ones of her face, letting her hide the small scars from where her 'doctor's' nails had scarred her cheek and forehead.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head, amused at how clueless Kat was. “i promised because he's worried about you.” he stated simply, watching her closely sighing a little as he stared down at his glass of scotch. “i wonder if the pain ever goes away.” he mused. It was so strange, he normally didn't talk about what had happened, to either of them. It was always Kat who brought it up, but this time Draco had. And he didn't sound angry yet, also unusual. “i guess... maybe I'm tired of hiding.” he admitted softly, closing his eyes. He felt ready to talk, or rather, he was ready to open up to her. And who knew, maybe she'd be able to help him after all. “i feel the need to be drunk.” Draco admitted, but dd not take another drink of his alcohol.
Kat smiled bemused as she looked at him,"If you get drunk, and make me carry you back to your bedroom, your students are going to laugh at you."She teased before moving over, for once giving in and sitting close to him. Besides blaise and harry, draco was the only person she really could stand to have phyiscally close to her.even if hermione was coming close to it."Okay.'she said, willing to let him talk if he wanted. Sounding slightly concerned at the unusualness of their talk so far. Biting her lip before she talked. About to open her own emotional scars,but maybe if he knew just how far she'd fallen, maybe it'd make his own past a little easier to bear....or give him new nightmares. Tired of hiding, having for the last 16 years, hid just as much as he did."....I was six. The first time they sent me to brightwood."she said swirling her drink, refusing to look at him."My mother thought I was emotionally disturbed for not wanting to play with other children, enjoying just a book and some toys."she smiled a little, bitter and sharp edged, having not talked to her mother since she was old enough to run away."if only she had known what happened there. and what the results would be."She swallowed closing her eyes, working around to her worst nightmare."My best friend...the only friend I had, until I met blaise.... her name was Anna. And she was my roommate there...when she died...."she choked a little."When she died from the abuse, the cut up her body, and fed her to us, as punishment for being to strange, to odd to just follow their orders."She shuddered a little."Before then, I had hoped there was someone who'd save me from that...after that, I realized I was just going to have to survie on my own. And I breaking everything."
Draco listened to her in horror, his eyes wide as he watched her, dropping his eyes to the floor. “i was fourteen when he...c..came back.” he admitted softly, his hand trembling as he set his glass down, unwilling to spill the Scotch. “he made me... do things, terrible things...sexual things.” he whispered softly. “he did them to me, he made me do them to others... kids, like me, muggles young enough they didn't even know what sex was...” he admitted softly, closing his eyes. “he liked it, when I cried... he'd find the most terrible things to do to me... he... even made me...” he swallowed hard. “to my own mother.” a good thing Narcissa was dead, along with Lucius, slaughtered by Voldemort. “i'm sorry what happened to you.” he whispered taking her hand and holding it gently. “i guess were both broken in ways that can't be repaired....”
Kat nodded silently, curling her fingers around his. Tears filling her eyes at his pain, mourning his childhood in a way she couldn't mourn hers. She felt anger and pain over hers, but it hardly ever reduced her to tears. knowing what had happened to his parents, she couldn't help but think it might be kind to know his mother way dead, he wouldn't have to see the shame of having had to do that.Swallowing she trembled a little, bracing herself, and did something she had never done. She wrapped him in a hug, resting her head on his shoulder."I'm sorry we were hurt in a way no child should ever be."She muttered closing her eyes, laughing painfully, softly."I think this is the first time we haven't ended in a screaming match. It must be a good day.'She muttered struggling to focus through the pain."You need sleep draco. You never sleep enough."she muttered pulling away from him, the short hug having been more then she could stand. Which was amazing, that she had even done it in the first place. Not about to say that like him, she never slept, unless her body collapsed on her. Ignoring how her head ached from the pain and her concussion. More focused on helping them, then taking care of herself like the sick leave was supposed to be about.
Draco smiled a little and shook his head. “i thought this was supposed to make me feel better?” he asked tensing up like a rock when she wrapped her arms around him, like her, he could rarely stand to be touched. Just the fact that he wasn't screaming at her told anyone watching, including her, just how much he trusted and liked her. “i slept last night, your the one that needs sleep, your injured remember?” he asked smiling a little. “Blaise will be pleased though.” he admitted with a small shake of his head. “you do realize though, that he's trying to set us up?” he asked smirking a little his head tilted. “this was supposed to be a date.” he admitted with a small chuckle. “some date huh?”
Kat's eyes went comically wide as she stared at the blond. While she'd realized blaise had wanated her to spend tiem with draco, she had thought that he'd done it because he wanted her to have more friends to rely on, not because he wanted her to date.She laughed softly, "Well, you have always been odd. Consdering how screwed up we are, this probably was a good date."she said slowly, though she did look confused slightly at the idea. She understood dating in theory, but she always had avoided it, because dating usually led to sex, and in all the years since brightwood closed, she couldn't stand the thought of sex. not even in just talking about it. Shuddering away from teh mental thought she smiled a little, a smile dimpling her cheek."You have tomorrow off. It's could use a break from here draco.Get away from a place that holds house is open to you...busy granted, hermione and her kids, not to mention harry and blaise are staying with me...but..."she shrugged awkwardly, feelign the need to keep a eye on him, now that they'd talked about his past, but not enough experience in inviting people to stay with her,despite her housefull of guests. before looking around,biting her lip."Or we could scare blaise silly, and let me stay here. He'd freak if he thought we were doing something."She said giggling at the idea, knowing blaise would go out of his mind with worry if he thought they'd gotten drunk enough to do that.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. “yeah, a pretty good date.” he agreed taking a small drink of his scotch. He was the same way, he was fine with talking and socializing and even teaching, but touch, affection, even the thought of it made him shudder. But, part of him wanted to have a real date with Kat, he knew he was lost the moment he told her about his broken past. He was in love with Katherine Castle. “i think you should stay here tonight.” he decided grinning wickedly. “just to screw with Blaise's head.” he snickered a little. “we should empty a few of these bottles of scotch too, so when he comes to check on us in the morning he'll think we got totally wasted.” there was one thing that Voldemort hadn't been able to crush, and that was Draco's cruel, cruel sense of humor.
"You being willing to waste scotch?I think I like this side of you."She said her smile growing wider, the dimples growing deeper as she got out of her seat, picking up a few of the cheap bottles of scotch, stealing a few sips as she poured them out. not realizing he'd fallen in love with her. Just glad that she had been able to help him, and that she had a good friend. A close friend who understood.Because while blaise knew the broad strokes of what brightwood had been,draco was the only one who knew the terror it had been to live there."You know,"She giggled a little looking at him."I probably shouldn't have drank with a concussion."She said thoughtfully as she paused, biting her lip."you only have one bed..."She said, nerves and fear showing in her face. Not fear of him,but of just being that vulnerable, being asleep next to someone else.She trusted him,but...there was always that gut wrenching fear of going to sleep and waking up in brightwood, the last few years just a dream.
Draco chuckled a little and nodded. “to screw with Blaise's head? Anything.” he admitted chuckling a little as he stood up, grabbing a handful of pretzels. “i don't sleep in my bed.” he stated simply. “i.. don't like beds...” he admitted softly. “i fall asleep in one and I wake up... and the sheets are around me and for a few moments I'm terrified that I'm back in the past, and that Voldemort never died and I'm still” Draco admitted his eyes shadowed, unwilling to admit just how bad his insomnia was. He hadn't slept more than a few hours a night since he'd turned fourteen. It was only through a heavy combination of rather addicting potions that kept him functioning in the day time hours. “yeah you really shouldn't have drank with a concussion.” he admitted chuckling a little as he led her into the bedroom, pulling the unused covers back and motioning for her to crawl in. even though he never used it, the bed, sheets, and blankets where all of the highest quality. “go to sleep Kat.” he ordered softly. “i'm going to be in the sitting room sleeping if you need me.” or rather reading, he never slept until he had to.
kat smiled sleepily, crawling into the bed. Looking small and fragile in the over large bed."Goodnight."She said closing her eyes, getting comfortable.

And yet, despite being in one of the more comforable beds she'd been in years, she had sleepwalked.Again. When she considered her past, or had nightmares that drove her out of bed, she slept walked. Which was one of the reasons she worked herself to death, because in exhaustion, she didn't dream. Which, was how, in the morning when Blaise arrived to find out what had happened, she was curled up against draco, her head resting on his chest, a arm around his waist as she slept. For once, truly and deeply asleep, like she hadn't slept in years. Usually she was a restless sleeper, a light sleeper. Yet, even with blaise opening the door she didn't stir, only nuzzled draco's neck. Refusing to let anything rip her awake just yet.
in the morning Draco was sleeping too, having allowed her to curl up into him in the middle of the night he had fallen asleep, feeling safe and content with Kat so close. He groaned and woke instantly when the door opened though and blinked blearily at Blaise who was gaping at the empty bottles of Scotch and then at the two half naked 'kids' laying curled up in each others arms. “nnng, Blaise?” Draco groaned, feeling a little dizzy and disoriented, having not yet taken his daily concoction of potions he was slow and foggy. But he didn't dare take them with Kat and Blaise in the room, he knew they would know he had a problem instantly if he did that. “er...Draco what do you remember of last night?” Blaise asked cautiously, Draco blinking. “we drank...we talked... I cried... she hugged me...” he shrugged. “not much after that.” he admitted, letting Blaise come to his own conclusions.
Kat whined quietly as she squirmed, curling closer to draco as he talked.talking was making her pillow move, and she didn't want that. Whimpering a little she stirred, before snapping awake, realizing she was sleeping on someone. Scrambling back before she even realized it was draco and blaise. Eyes wide and scared for a moment before she swallowed,calming slowly."Oh....hello..."she said slowly, looking between them, blushing slightly.As much as she'd been ready for blaise to be curious about what happened, she...she hadn't meant to sleep walk into draco's arms. Eyes wide as she looked around, trying to calm."Good morning."She said looking at blaise, looking at draco, needing to figure out how she'd ended up curled up at him. Rubbing her arms a little, not so much because she hadn't enjoyed sleeping next to him, it was just she was so unused to touching someone that it felt weird to have slept next to him.
Draco smiled a little as he looked down at her when she began to squirm and whine, finding her utterly adorable, Blaise's eye twitching a little as she scrambled away from Draco, who slowly, stiffly stood up and yawned, stretching out. “oh man my head hurts.” he groaned, adding to the assumption that that had gotten drunk last night, Blaise spitting and sputtering in horror as he pondered if they really got down and dirty last night. “Kat? You alright?” Blaise asked nervously his head tilted a little as he examined the other, biting his lip, nervous about how she was doing, especially if she and Draco really had... Blaise paused and watched Draco shut himself in the bathroom so he could pee, or rather take his daily potions but Blaise didn't know that. “did you guys have a good night?” Blaise finally managed to ask, sounding rather strained, worried about both their sanity now.
Kat rubbed her hands over her faace as she remembered what had happened the night before, relaxing even more as she did. After all, she trusted draco, and draco hadn't hurt her. so, it was okay she'd slept beside him. Before looking at blaise as he examined her, smiling a little as she studied him,"it was fine. we celebrated me finding his scotch, and for once, our evening didn't end in a screaming match."she said snickering a little, knowing he was just being a good friend, and that what they were doing was cruel.
Draco chuckled as he came back out of the bathroom, looking as perfect as he always did, well dressed and fully awake as he smirked at Blaise. “like I said, we talked, I cried, we drank.” he shrugged a little as he ordered breakfast from the house elves, glad he didn't have class until after lunch so he could entertain his guests. “hey Kat, I was wondering.” Draco admitted, looking a little hesitant. “would you like to go out on a proper date? With me, I mean...” he coughed and then gathered himself. “would you like to join me for dinner this evening?” Blaise had to grin at that, Glad that Draco had finally found his courage
kat looked startled at that, looking nervous as she studied the blond, a small shy smile curling her lips before it faded looking at blaise then draco again."I-I can't. I have to take care of harry."She said sounding like she wanted to, but she was so scared of being close to anyone that she was throwing up excuses, even if she enjoyed draco's company. Before biting her lip looking at the house elf, starting to eat breakfast."I...I should take care of him...since I can't go to work, I should do worky things...."she said sounding so confused. She liked spending time with draco,but she was afraid of not only being with someone, of letting someone close, but she was afraid if he got closer and discovered just how deep some of the scars ran, that he wouldn't want to be with her anymore.
Draco smiled a little and shook his head. “second to Harry again.” he complained sighing a little. “you know Kat, it's called a day off for a reason, your not supposed to do worky things when your forbidden from going to work.” Draco pointed out smiling a little at her. “please? Just one date?” he asked his head tilted at her. “it would do both of us good to get out for a while.” he admitted smiling a little, Blaise nodding his head. “come on Kat, you shouldn't hide behind Harry anyway.” Blaise teased shaking his head a little. “Harry's fine, he's been staring at the TV for the last three hours.” “really? That's an improvement.” Draco admitted, sounding surprised. “last time I saw him he didn't stare at anything but space."
Kat looked between them, before smiling shyly, nodding. Before bristlign as she looked at Blaise, "I'm NOT hiding behind harry!"She protested whining quietly, pouting as she looked at her friend before looking at draco, nodding a little more."Okay. A date.A date would be okay."She said sounding unsure,but game. Because it scared her so much to be close to another person, it was amazing she was willign to give into draco that much. "And no talking about work.Well. at least my work,since it is a day off."she said smiling a little crossing teh room, standing in front of draco, looking up at him."I'll pick you up tonight okay?"she said, before bracing herself, though she trembled like a flea stung horse, she wrapped him in a gentle loose hug. Scrampering back just as quickly.
Blaise smirked a little as Draco beamed at her. “well if it freaks you out so much we could call it a friendly meeting.” he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head. “besides we both know we're going to end up talking about Harry at some point, or Blaise... it's about the only thing we have in common since I'm boring.” he admitted tapping his lips. “and I doubt we could talk about scotch through an entire dinner, no matter how many interesting facts you have.” he smiled as he nodded at her offer to pcik him up, tending a little at the hug but giving her a tiny one back, Blaise gaping a little as he witnessed this. It was amazing, them being able to do such a thing. “well, that's wonderful!” Blaise stated happily before looking at Kat. “Hermione wanted to talk to you by the way, something about a girls day of shopping or something...”
"I'm sure we'll find something to talk about."She said smiling brightly at draco,"I'll see you in a few hours."she said before leaving, waiting for blaise to join her before she said anything about shopping."Shopping?I don't shop."She said studying him before apparating home, looking at him with a sigh, biting her lip."And you needn't look so amazed.I do hug people on occassion."She said pausing in front of the door, needing to talk to him before they headed back inside. And despite the fierce need she had to see if harry was okay, she needed to relieve blaise's mind, knowing he was worried that her and draco were losding it totally now.
Blaise chuckled a little and shook his head. “no you don't.” he teased smiling a little. “and neither does Draco, I was more shocked than anything. I'm glad you two like each other enough to touch each other, Draco usually goes all tense.” he admitted shaking his head. “and don't think I don't know exactly what you two where up to! That was mean!” he complained. “i actually thought you two had lost your minds and fucked you know that!?” he commanded, jumping violently when he heard Hermione's shriek of horror fill the air. “what the hell!?” “HARRY JAMES POTTER WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” Hermione yelled in fury, the laughter of all four of her kids filling the air as Hermione's shouts grew. “LACEY MARIE YOU STOP THAT THIS INSTANT! JAMIE!!!” When Blaise ran to where Hermione was yelling he had to laugh. Harry had flooded one of the gardens with water and had created a sloppy mud pit that he, and all four kids where now rolling in. “you are NOT coming back in this house! You hear me!?” Hermione shrieked, struggling not to laugh, it was kind of funny, but she had to remain firm or they would do it all the time!
Kat looked amused as blaise yelled at her for tricking him, before looking panicked at hermione's shouts. Running to the back of the house, she breathed a sigh of relief to see they were just turning the backyard into a mud hole instead of something dangerous."hey harry. Whatcha doing?"She asked looking at the mud puddle before casting the spell to airwalk over the mud so she wouldn't get any on herself, smiling as she stopped next to her patient, gently taking the hose from him, slowly so he wouldn't freak."Harry?"She asked, sounding sad and upset. Not about the yard, she could care less about the yard, but she wanted him to react to her again. Even if Draco had reassured her that she knew this was normal, that it happened, she still wanted the man to know who she was again.
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