
Kat nodded slipping a arm through his, walking out of the hospital with him before he could get a chance to change his mind."Me, you,hermione and her kids."she said blushing a little. Knowing he was going to have a fit, rushing to explain."She knows I invited you, she's the one who suggested it since i was worried about you. And she wanted to have lunch. So we're going to have lunch.'She said not giving him another choice as she directed him to a italian resturant so she could pick up the food she'd ordered on the way to the hospital.
he stuttered and sputtered his complaints before he paused, looking startled. “Hermione has kids?” he asked looking astonished as he bit his lip nervously. “well, I suppose it will be ok, she never looked at me nasty like most everyone else does I suppose...” he muttered paying for the food before he, or Kat, even thought about it. He was just so used to paying he did it without thinking. “how's she doing anyway? Working two jobs I heard, that's not healthy...” Blaise was so cute when he was trying not to seam interested in someone.
Kat bit the inside of her lip to keep from laughing at blaise's 'uninterest.' "Married to a jackass, which is why she has two jobs. And currently living in my house since I don't stay there most of the time.And its big enough for all of us."She said laughing a little as they walked down the block to her house, "After she relaxes, I'm hoping I can convince her to let me help. I don't use the money I have, she could cut down to one job. The kids need her."She said, truly not caring about the money,so therefore she thought nothing about giving it away. Smiling as they walked up the front steps, pressing a kiss to blaise's cheek."You;'ll be fine."She said walking in."Herm?How's harry?"She said sounding worried.
Blaise grimaced a little. “that's right... muggle fellow isn't he?” he asked curiously as he carried his food. “hey Kat? You remember when you asked me to tell you when you where being overly helpful?” he asked with a smirk. “that would be right now.” he stated simply. “i doubt Hermione is going to take your money after you offered her a house free of charge.” he pointed out. “instead of giving her money, buy the food to keep in the house,keep it stocked and Hermione will use it so it doesn't go bad.” he promised chuckling a little as they walked in, Hermione sighing as she shook her head. “not well, Jeremy fell and skinned his knees and started crying and Harry panicked.” she explained. “i got them both calmed down, enough that they all stopped screaming anyway, but I can't get Harry to come out from under the bed.” she explained gently bandaging Jer's knee's so they would stop bleeding. “i thought it would be better to just let him stay there to calm down until you got here.” she admitted before smiling at Blaise. “hello Blaise, how's work going?” “...” Blaise stared at her, stunned then. “long and tedious, it's mostly all paperwork...” he admitted making a face.
kat paused, having about to answer blaise on her overhelpfullness before shoving the things of food into blaise's hands before running up the stairs. Almost frantic in her need to make sure that harry was okay, not realizing that this was another odd thing to be doing for a man she'd just met. But alas, kat was usually like that with patients, but seh was slowly letting harry worm his way itno her heart, even if she wasn't aware of it. Crouching down by the bed she pulled up the edge of the blanket, finding herself face to face with harry, looking frantic as she looked at him."Harry, are you okay?Jerm's okay you know. He just fell and scared himself. You're both fine."She said soothingly, despite her franticness, needing to calm him.
Blaise blinked and rolled his eyes as Kat ran up the stairs, Hermione giggling a little as she shook her head. “Kat sure is excitable.” Hermione commented as she helped Blaise dish up the complaining children, Blaise nodding. “she really is.” he admitted chuckling a little as he smiled at all of the children and introduced himself as 'Kat's friend Blaise.'

Harry's eyes where wide and frightened, but he relaxed at the calm sound of her voice, though he made no move to get out from under the bed, staring at her pretty blue eyes just as he did with everything else before gently crawling out from under the bed just enough to lay his head on her lap and close his eyes, sighing softly as he realized that the screaming was gone, and that there was only calm once more.
Kat smiled stroking his hair stitting there for a few minutes, just making soothing sounds of comfort without any real words. Before smiling slightly, tugging lightly on his hair to get his attention."Harry, I brought some food.Do you want to eat?"she said helping him up,but not making any move to pull him out of the bedroom until he said it was okay.
Harry didn't respond to the question, but he did sit up and crawl into the bed, curling up with his kitten and his witchlight and going to sleep, tired now that he was calm and relaxed again, breathing softly as he slept, perfectly content just to stay there and enjoy his dreams, Hermione poking her head into the room. “how is he?” she asked softly with a whisper, so she wouldn't upset Harry even more. “sleeping?” she asked, startled when she saw the sleeping Harry. “come on Kat, dinner's getting cold, Harry will be alright up here.” she promised smiling a little as she gently took Kat's hand and led her away so Harry could sleep in peace. “ho is he?” Blaise asked curiously as he helped little James cut up his meal, Hermione giggling as she watched Blaise interact with the kids, he was amazingly good at it. “there you go kiddo.” Blaise stated ruffling the boy's hair who beamed at him and headed off with the other kids to eat, Hermione smiling at Blaise. “James likes you.” she admitted chuckling as she dished herself up.
Kat laughed a little."All children like him. They sense he never really grew up."She said smiling as she sat down, yawning a little as she started eating."He's fine. sleeping actually."She said smiling softly at the memory of how he'd crawled right out from under the bed when he realized who was talking to him.
Blaise scowled at her and Hermione giggled a little as she nodded, Blaise giving Kat a small strange look as he tilted his head at her. Seeming to realize that she was paying more attention to Harry than she normally did her patients. “sleeping? That's good, means he's calmed down at least.” he agreed nodding as he nibbled on his food. “i doubt Harry would have eaten any of this anyway.” Hermione admitted with a small sigh. “lately it seams as if he just hates food.” she admitted shaking her head.
"So I read in johnson's report."kat said, jolting back to reality after a moment, smiling wider."Though I did get him to eat a whole hamburger. So it might be just finding something to appeal to him."She said before looking at blaise, smirking a little."speaking of charles, how is his relationship with Longbottom going?"She asked, wanting to not talk about harry because it'd just make her feel more worried. And so she focused on the man she loved to dislike. Not really having anything against neville except that he thought he was a brilliant dean of medicine at the hospital, but was really just a medicore doctor.
he shrugged a little. “they didn't really have a relationship. It was more of a Charles sucked Nev off, Nev fucked Charles, they both left happy' sort of thing.” he admitted shaking his head. “they where just convenient fuck buddies.” he admitted with a yawn. “Neville is a little worried though, ever since Charles retired they haven't found a surgeon to replace him, and Neville knows he's not good enough at doctoring to do most of the things.” Blaise knew Neville was only as high up as he was, because Neville was an expert at fixing lawsuits, talking people out of suing the hospital, and other such legal things. Neville wasn't a doctor, he was just very good at managing the people who where. “he's been trying to find someone to promote but he doesn't see anyone worth promoting besides you, and since you turned it don the last four times he's reluctant to ask.” he admitted smirking at her.
Kat sulked a little looking at the other."Blaise!I'm good at what I do. I make enough money as it is, I don't need to take this job."She said biting her lip,though she was starting to consider it. As long as she knew she got to at least keep harry as a patient, because he was the only one she was currently treating that couldn't get better without her helping."Do you think I'd be fine?"she asked looking at blaise, biting her lip. While charles job was mainly surgery, he also had the pick of cases no matter what was needed. And since kat was way more smarter then charles, there was no danger of her getting overwhelmed. working herself into the ground, yes. But not overwhelmed.
Blaise chuckled a little. “it's more a case of competence than money.” he stated calmly. “he needed you in that position and when you refused Charles got it instead, and he as an idiot and couldn't do his job right. You would be perfect for the job. Your competent, and you can choose who to help instead of getting the bad jobs here you have to give people check ups, set bones, and the like, you can help people who really need you, people like Harry and that burn victim Timony.” actually Timony was a rape victim who was lit on fire afterwords, he as almost worse off than Harry was. “or Draco.” “Draco?” Hermione asked startled. “whats wrong with Draco?” Blaise just shook his head. “it's not my place to say, it's his.” an idea clicking in his mind as he smiled at Kat. “just think about it, alright?”
Kat sighede quietly as s he thought about it, looking at Blaise, wincing a little when she heard draco's name.Usually it was about once a month that she tried to help him, but now she didn't cause he'd yelled at her for trying so she didn't even bother asking anymore."I'll talk to neville when we get back."She decided finishing her meal, sighing as she leaned back in her seat.
Blaise smiled a little as he nodded feeling pleased with himself as he munched on some garlic bread, glancing at Hermione. “so your married?” “not for long.” she stated simply, smirking a little. “i'm divorcing his ass and taking everything he owns, and then I'm going to sell it! No one hits MY daughter!” she growled, Blaise smiling a little. “good.” Blaise stated before blushing hard. “er, about.. the getting even I mean...” he muttered with a soft awkward cough, Hermione giggling a little, Lacey popping up suddenly. “are you gonna be my new daddy?” she asked blinking at Blaise who choked on his food, coughing and trying to breath at the same time, which made it even worse, Lacey blinking a little. “i'll take that as a maybe.” she decided, which made Blaise choke again.
Kat snickered looking at the younger man as he choked, reaching out and smacking his back to help him breath smirking as he calmed down."Better?Weren't you just complaining about your bed being cold and empty?"She teased getting up, pressing a kiss to his cheek,"Just teasing."She muttered,"I'm going to go check on harry."She said leaving before they could protest, wanting to leave the two alone. Smiling as she stepped into her bedroom.
Hermione laughed at Kat's teasing and gently rubbed Blaise's back to help him breath, teasing him just as ruthlessly as Kat had until Blaise, in a fit of revenge, demanded that Hermione go out on a date with him. Harry was still sleeping when she walked in but as soon as he heard her footsteps his eyes fluttered open and he rubbed his eyes sleepily as he slowly sat up, picking up the kitten and stroking its fur again, the kitten purring loudly, seaming to relax harry and the ghost of an almost smile flitted across the emerald eyed boys lips.
Kat smiled as she sat down on the edge of the bed, gently stroking harry's hair before she looked down at the kitten."Hey harry."She said smiling,"Are you ready to go back?"She asked, grinning wider when the kitten purred. it was so adorable, and she needed to get back, but even her demanding need to make sure the student doctors and the normal suregons werent messing up, was enough to make her leave him alone. Not realizing her inrrational attatchment to her patient wasn't normal for her. At least not yet.
Harry continued to stroke the kitten, perfectly content to just sit there and pet the purring sleepy thing as he stood, ready to walk back to the hospital just as he always did, passing the children and Blaise and Hermione without even a twitch, the kids looking astonished at Harry, wondering how he could go from screaming to not reacting at all. Hermione smiling as she got up and hugged Kat tightly, kissing her cheek. “thank you Kat, for all of this, it really means a lot to me you letting me live here.” she stated with a small smile.
Kat smiled kissing the other's cheek,wrappnig her in a hesitant hug, not sure what she was doing, before she grinned a little."You're welcome. I'll be home later."She said pulling away as she headed for the door with harry. Smiling as they walked back to the hospital, wincing a little as she saw charles waiting for them. "Ah, Katarina,"the younger woman winced at the use of her full name, having long ago given up using it."how nice to see you with others. To bad that you can't relate to people who can actually talk back." Kat glared at the other man, putting herself between harry and charles, worried about what his once doctor wanted, nudging the other towards his room, wanting to get away from the other doctor, who was making her feel awkard."I talk to alot of people. i just don't want to talk to you." "You were a abnormal child, you haven't changed any since then." "I have nothing to say to you."kat snarled a little at the mention of her past having thought she'd buried it so deep that she hadn't thought anyone knew what happened anymore, bristling a little under the pain that it brought up, wrapping a hand around harry's arm, pulling him down the hall towards his room, ignoring the other doctor as he followed.
Harry followed her silently, stroking the kitten which hissed furiously at the sight of Charles, spitting violently as she swiped at him with long claws, harry not even reacting tot he doctor. Charles was just another faceless shadow to Harry, who allowed the touch to his arm and let her drag him off, fussing when she pulled him too fast, pulling himself free and nuzzling his kitten as he settled himself into his bed to resume his sleeping, sighing a little as Neville suddenly strode into view, glancing at Charles, a pleasant little smile on his lips. “Charles! Good morning! Bored again this morning?” Neville asked, as friendly and pleasant as always. It was hard not to like Neville, despite his ignorance in the medical field. “oh! Kat, good morning just the girl I wanted to see.” he admitted rather sheepishly. “i know that you always say no but I've run out of options, I'll get on my knees and beg if that's what it takes!”
Charles' smirk widened a little as he looked at her."Ahhh, neville, she enjoys people on their knees." Kat sighed, looking at neville, nodding a little.'I've been discussing it with Blaise. I agree to take teh job seeing as some people-"she looked at charles,"are incapable of doing it. The only condition I have is he has to stay away from me." "kat, no need to be demanding.You know you enjoy spending time with me." kat sighed as she leaned against the doorframe,resiting the urge to retreat into harry's room and lock the door."I don't.both of you annoy me,but alas, I must talk to you."She sighed rolling her eyes moving to get away from them. Almost memories swimming under the surface, making her want to leave."Now if you'll excuse me, I have a patient to see to."
Neville sighed in relief as he nodded. “thank you, THANK you Kat!” Neville stated shaking her hand happily before glancing at Charles, his eyes narrowing. “i do expect you to remain Charles, just because you no longer work here doesn't mean I can't still punish you for being rude.” Neville pointed out 'standing up for' Kat. “Kat meet me later for the details of your new job alright?” Neville asked hopefully glancing in to watch Harry scribbling on something on the floor, blinking. “hey. Kat... is he supposed to be drawing on that?” It was Jeremy's Christmas book, the young boy must have given it to Harry, or Harry had stolen it.
kat turned looking surprised at the boy's drawing beforew shruggintg lookingt at neville."this is the cmest he's been for awhile. I'd let him color on you if i mkes him feel bettter."kat said laughing softl as she stepped into harry's room no longer interested in talking to the two men.walking over to harry she crouched down next to him smiling softly,sweey asshe brushed her fingers through his hair."how are you feeling olovely?"she asked more to valm down herself then worried about him.

Charles sneered alittle looking at neville hving watched the woman s the door closed."nev, you an i bth know its no rude when she doesnt even know what we'ew talking about."he sighed a little frowning."you know with her past she has no business taking care of him."he added. kat would absolutely die if she had known that the only two people she hated were the only two that knew what had happened at brightwood
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