
Kat smiled watching him grinning when he followed the scent of hamburgers, realizing what he was smelling."Do you want a hamburger?"she said getting up, leading him outside before ordering one hamburger from the shop, smiling as she handed it to him, watching him curiously. Wondering if he'd actually eat it. Gently resting a hand on his arm as she directed him back towards the hospital, knowing that she shouldn't expect to much from their first fenture out into the world again. Letting them back into his room she sat down on the floor, setting about trying to put her books back together, seemingly allowing him to eat in peace, though she was constantly aware of where he was.
Harry accepted the hamburger but he didn't seam to know what to do with it, staring at it as they walked, his head tilted a little as he sat down on the bed and continued to stare at the hamburger. Most if his food came in pieces, so he didn't have to bite into it, the nurses quickly realizing that the large portion meals puzzled harry. Kat was going to have to chop it up before Harry would actually eat it, but it was the first interest he'd shown in anything other than crayons and pretty lights. In fact he seamed to be more responsive when there was someone around him, even if he didn't seam to realize they where there he seamed to notice the world a little more.
Kat looked over at him after a few minutes, tilting his head a little as she studied him."Oh.I'm sorry."She said easing it out of his hands, transfiguring a pillow into a plate, cutting up the hamburger before giving it back to him, smiling wider."Is that better?"She asked after a moment, watching him. Having realized that he seemed to respond when someone talked to him, even if he didn't speak back, he seemed to not mind so much when someone was with her, or at least her. Making a note to discuss it with blaise, the elder man being her human contact that explained human interactions when she didn't understand. He seemed to find it amusing when she needed help.
Harry stared at the pieces of hamburger and then began to eat them happily taking as much time as he always did, but for once he ate the whole thing and then flipped the plate over looking for more before he looked at the plate, looked at the wall, looked at the plate and looked at the wall again and before Kat could even realize exactly what he had planned he'd let the plate fly, watching the plate shatter, spilling glass all over, with out a single twitch of a look or expression to tell her why he had just done that.
Kat jumped startled at the noise, climbing to her feet, looking around her frantically, looking for the danger before she realized it was harry. Looking at him she tilted her head, looking confused she cleaned up the glass, before walking over, crouchign down beside him to look at his hands, worried he'd hurt himself before sighing."Harry, what did you do that for?"she asked studying him.
there was a small chuckle as Hermione walked in, having finished her first job. “he smashes the plates so he doesn't have to wash them.,” she explained sighing a little as she rubbed her eyes. “so tired...” she mumbled. “Harry's relatives used to make him do all the chores, the summer they died he threw a fit and started smashing everything in their house, told them he wasn't going to be their slave anymore.” she explained. “so now he smashes the plates so he won't have to wash them, it's better to use plastic or paper plates.” she admitted sinking into a chair. “Blaise told me you took him out.” she admitted looking nervous. “no one bothered you right? Crowds upset him.” or rather the fact that the crowds blocked his vision upset him.
Kat smiled though she didn't turn to look at the other woman, she gently pushed her fingers through harry's hair, making sure he was really calm before he moved back, looking over at her.'No, they all stopped staring when I glared back. didn't upset him until we got to my house and I tried cutting his hair."she said biting her lip."And even then it didn't take me long to calm him, I just had to talk easily, to make sure he realized I was going to hurt him."She said before looking at the tired woman, sitting on her heels before getting up walking over, gently rubbing small circles on the woman's hand, not realizing she was doing another odd thing, that blaise had termed 'kat's cat habits'. Smiling a little as she felt the small muscles relax under her hands before realizing the other man was staring at her."s-sorry. No one realizes how much tension is in their hands. It makes people tired, and more tense..."She stuttered a little, for all her brillance, she was awkward."Also....can you tell me something?"
Harry had gone back to staring at his flashing witchlight Hermione smiling at him before blinking, grimacing a little. “sharp things frighten him.” she explained. “i don't know why, no one does but I have my theory's.” he admitted scowling. “i'd have loved to make those damn fat muggle bastards pay for what they did to harry but they died before any of us realized how much they where really abusing him.” she admitted sighing as she felt her hand getting massaged. “oh that's perfectly alright.” Hermione promised smiling a little. “i write a lot for hy job so my hand is always cramping, I usually have to soak it by the end of the day or it seizes up and I can't use it at all.” she admitted her head tilted. “of course you can ask me anything.” she promised smiling a little. “your the first person who's actually tried to help Harry since he landed in here.” she admitted shaking his head. “you can ask me anything!”
kat smiled a little, shaking her head."Don't soak your hand. The muscles will relax in the water because its hot, but will cramp up when your done because the muscles are cooling to fast.Throughout the day, instead of stretching, use a warming charm on your hands, it'll keep the muscles from cramping to badly."She said before laughing quietly at the woman's eager words.Looking over at harry, smiling easily at the sight before looking at hermione again."He relaxes when I talk to him. I don't think he understands what I'm saying, but if I say something then help him do it, he's calm."She said frowning a little as she tried to word her question. Blaise found it amusing when she had issues asking things, because the girl was usually very good at words, espicially when rippign his interns egos to shreds."When he was younger, did alot of people talk to him. Not yelling, I don't mean that. I mean just talk."She said, startign to frame a picture of what it was. A lonely child usually strove for companionship,even if they didn't understand it, they wanted someone to talk to them.
she nodded. “i'll have to try that.” she decided sending a warming charm into her hand sighing a little. “talk?” she asked frowning a little before. “well... no, I mean he and Ron talked but Ron was often really jealous and only interested in Quidditch and I tried but I was a girl you know and I was kind of a bit bitchy back then... other than that I don't think he talked to anyone else unless they initiated contact... in fact I don't think he had any other friends besides us to... he was kind of shy I guess, I just never realized until now...” she looked horrified. “is that why he's not talking?”
Kat bit her lip thinking about it before she nodded slightly."I think its part of the reason.With a home life as bad as what blaise, and you, have told me, silence would have been one of his only defenses."She said."Unless someone talked to him, it was easier, and safer to not talk to someone else. He seems...he seemed to relax the longer I stayed, and talked."She said before sighing rubbing a hand over her face, feeling tired. But that wasn't anything new, she usually was tired. Just had to remember blaise had a couch she could sleep on."I think thet best course of action would be to stay with him, talk to him, and I think I will slowly start introducing him to the outside world again. My home is close by, the walk easy. A daily trip out, to get a hamburger, and to my house should be enough to reconnect him to the outside world, without overwhelmign him."
Hermione nodded, swallowing hard. “i guess I never realized just how deep all of this went.” she admitted frowning a little. “i wish I could be here more often but my jackass husband refuses to roll off his fat ass and help out.” she admitted. “if that fat bastard hasn't gotten a job by the end of the week I'm kicking his ass out!” she decided scowling a little. “you might take him to the park once and a while too, he used to love taking walks in the forbidden forest, it used to scare the hell out of me, and he loves butterfly's. They have a butterfly garden just a block from here, I bet he'd like that.” she admitted smiling a little. “thank you for this Doctor Castle... I can't begin to thank you enough.”
"Thank you. I will try that."She said smilign a little, glad to have someone who knew harry well, and would be able to give her ideas on how to help best. before lookign startled at the thanks, and the title."i have a feeling we're going to be spending alot of time together mrs....hermione."She said smiling a little."Call me kat. only blaise ever calls me doctor castle, and thats only when I'm doing something weird again."she said laughing quietly. "Don't worry about thanks.I..i know what its like to not have anyone there to help, so I strive to help others. And...well, this is my fault for not getting him help earlier. I knew charles wasn't the best, but I still let him take the case...I'm sorry."Was it true?Did she really believe herself guilty for not being able to fix harry before now?Yes, yes she did.
Hermione smiled a little. “your not the one who should apologize for that rat bastards poor doctoring abilities. I should have noticed something was wrong before hand but I didn't.” she admitted smiling at Kat. “your here for Harry now and that's all that matters... he seams more relaxed.” she admitted smiling a little. “i think he likes you.” she admitted pausing then. “did you have braids in your hair earlier?” she asked looking puzzled, jumping when Harry suddenly sat next to Kat and started braiding her hair again, Hermione smirking. “ah, right I remember now, he used to braid Ginny's hair all the time... he loved her red hair, said it was as soft as an angels.” she admitted smiling a little as she sighed. “Harry is the only friend I have left.” she admitted watching Harry braiding the locks of hair. “pretty sad huh?” not as sad as Harry but still pretty pathetic.
Kat's smile was sad,"No. We all suffered in the war."She shrugged sitting down so that he could braid her hair easier, sighing quietly. She loved having her hair played with, so this was okay."I don't have any friends. And never have."She said truthfully, "I don't understand teh relationship part of humans enough to be able to realize when I'm being to truthful... though I guess you could call blaise a friend, even if he is sorta my boss."She said looking sad. Its why she spent so much time at work, because it allowed her to have the illusion that she had people that cared about her.That she wasn't completely alone anymore."I was wondering what it was about my hair...but that does make sense."She said thinking about it, trying not to feel...hurt that it wasn't her hair he was seeing, but his old girlfriend's.Then she wondered why she even cared about him enough to be hurt at the idea.
Hermione nodded. “well, if you like.. you and I could be friends?” she offered smiling at her. “on Fridays I go out to the local restaurant for dinner, would you like to join me?” she offered. “and I couldn't think of Blaise being anyone's friend.” she admitted wrinkling her nose. “he was always alone in school... maybe we should invite him to dinner too?” she teased smiling a little as Harry continued to braid her hair. “i wonder how he would react to a pet.” Hermione muttered softly. “he once told me way back in first year that he had always wanted a pet.” she admitted watching Harry calmly. “he seems happy with you.” she admitted softly smiling a little. “seams calmer.”
Kat smiled a little, looking amused at hermione's opinion of blaise before nodding."It would be nice to talk to someone else.And I'll ask blaise."She said tilting her head a little,"And I'd like to be friends, as long as you'll forgive me. A lot."Kat snickered looking at harry."I may be good at figuring people out, but I also tend to offend them cause the laws of politeness and such are totally lost to me."She smiled nodding a little. "A pet...I'll have to ask blaise if I would be allowed bringing something in here."
Hermione chuckled a little and nodded. “i have the same problem.” she admitted shaking her head a little. “i'm pretty rude sometimes too.” she admitted chuckling a little. “i was never very good at interacting with people, I was much better with books than I was with people.” she admitted smiling as Harry abandoned her hair to crawl into the bed and take a nap. “he is calmer, he could be drop dead exhausted and not sleep with me or Draco or Blaise in the room... I think he really does like you.” she admitted smiling a little. “i'm glad that your here with Harry now, I think that you came at just the right time.” she admitted smiling at her. “if you ask Blaine for permission I think I can bring in a few animals that Harry might like, I pass a pet store on my way here after work, I could pick up a puppy or something.”
"I'll go ask."she said stifling a yawn as seh got up, walking with hermione out the door. Wondering if she could say something, and deciding it was something easier said over dinner. After all, she just met the woman, she wasn't about to see if she wanted to move into her home with her kids. That was socially awkward, even if the other woman needed the time away from her husband."You need to be going anyways. I'll walk out with you, and then see if blaise wants to join us for lunch tomorrow."She said barely hiding a wince as she sw the other doctor at the end of the hall."Charles."She said greeting, barely hiding the anger she felt at the other man's actions, not even realizing the other was looking at her more like a man considering a hooker then a collague looking at another doctor."Kat. How are you today?" "Well enough. Though I am going to go get some sleep, so don't try to mess up to badly."She said slipping a arm through hermione's pulling her away from the other doctor, no longer wanting to talk to him.
Hermione smiled and nodded, glaring violently at Charles. “and here I thought you retired.” she sneered at him, pondering the chances of her getting in serious trouble for punching him before deciding he wasn't worth it. “you ask Blaise and I'll see you tomorrow.” she promised smiling at Kat and kissing her cheek gently before heading out to get some sleep before pausing. “oh and Kat? Please take care of yourself too, you wont do Harry any good if your dizzy from exhaustion.” she teased, waving at the girl before heading home to kick her rat bastard husband out because she caught him slapping her daughter. Blaise was dozing on his desk when Kat showed up and he jerked awake with a loud gasp. “oh... damn... Kat you scared me a little bit there...”
Kat laughed as she looked at her first friend, gently tugging his hair back into place. He looked so goofy when he was sleeping at his desk, cause his semi long hair stuck up every which way."Sorry."She said not sounding the least bit repentant as she moved away from him and gathering her blaket and pillow from his office closet, laying down as she kicked off her boots."Go home Blaise."She ordered smiling a little."The hospital can survive without you for a few hours." Good advice, some she should probably follow herself. But she wouldn't.
Blaise snorted a little and shook his head. “you are not.” he complained trying to rub his hair back into place with a tired sigh. “you know, the hospital could probably survive without you for a week or so.” he teased smiling at her. “you really should go home once and a while, if someone else notices their going to make me make you take a vacation.” he teased, a serious, but empty threat. They both knew he couldn't stop her from coming to work, not even by tying her up or having admitted to the psych world would stop her. “sleep well Kat, have good dreams.” he ordered, the same thing he said every time she used his couch. “i'm going to go home, crawl into my frightfully empty bed, and heat up leftover Chinese food.” he stated grouchily, he was tired of being alone, everyone knew it, but no one was interested in trying to date him because of his bad reputation from being a Death eater and because of rumors spread by people still angry for his 'betrayal'. “have a good night Kat.” he chirped as he left.
Kat smirked to herself as she fell asleep. After all, she knew a woman who needed someone, and a man who needed someoen to take care of.

The next morning she smiled as she straightened her clothes, smiling at blaise as he walked in, sitting in his chair as she worked on her paperwork she smiled."Hey. Would you care to join me for lunch?And what would the hospital think of pets?I think harry would do well with having something to take care of.Though I will be taking care of it to."she said bombarding blaise with the questions before he'd even walked further into the room.
Blaise blinked a little looking at her a little confused his head tilted a little. “lunch?” he asked looking confused before nodding a little. “sure Lunch would be nice.” he agreed. “and pets are fine so long as it's small.” he ordered calmly shaking his head a little. “as I recall in school Harry liked his Owl a lot, maybe a bird of some kind? Like a talking Parrot or a cockatoo.” he muttered pondering before shaking his head. “their very noisy though....” he muttered. “worse than owls even... I don't know ask that Hermione character that always comes in, she knows him better than anyone else.” she admitted smiling a little. “now that you've gotten what you wanted.” he teased chuckling a little and shook his head as he sat down and started on his paperwork as well. “so how is Harry coping? Have you gotten any reactions out of him?”
"you could have told me his girlfriend was a red head."She pointed out, glancing up at him as she worked on the paperwork."He braids my hair.He likes my witchlight spell."She shrugged looking amused, "I think he's realizing I'm with him.But beyond that...he's reacting slowly."She shrugged standing as she headed for the door. "I should go see how he is.I'll be down for lunch."She said wanting to catch up with hermione before she left. Having a idea what their trip for the day could be.
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