
Blaise looked surprised his head tilted. “but Harry never had a girlfriend...” he stated looking confused. “it's good that he's responding to you though, it means that there is a real chance that he might recover.” he admitted sounding rather relieved. “i'll make sure to be awake when you come get me.” he promised chuckling a little as he let her leave.

When she walked into Harry's room she was met with a disaster. Harry had crayoned all of the walls, scribbling yellow and red all over them as if he had tried to make them not so white and lonely, there where yellow suns all over the place with red scribbles crawling through them, and he must have gotten confused at one point because there where red suns all over the place too. He was trying to color the white carpet floor when she walked in, but he didn't react to her presence, he was still trying to color.
Kat winced as she looked around at the disaster, swallowing hard as she walked in, crouching down in front of him,gently easing the crayon away from him.Talking slowly and gently."Harry, you can't color the carpet. It wont work.Please, harry, lets sit back and you can braid my hair again okay?"She asked having let the massive curls and length free so that he would have the freedom to do what he wanted with it.
Harry whimpered when his crayon was taken away but noticed the hair quickly and started to braid her hair again, relaxing and calming down as he blinked slowly, Hermione walking in and freezing, her eyes wide at Harry's mass destruction of the room. “oh... my...” she muttered startled before she blinked at Harry. “why you naughty boy.” she stated softly gently stroking Harry's hair before flicking her wand at the walls, cleaning off the mess, Harry tensing as he suddenly saw all the white walls, grabbing his crayon and moving to the wall again, Hermione grimacing. “well that wasn't a smart idea.” she muttered shaking her head and flicking her wand at the wall again, turning the walls a bright blue with fluffy white clouds, bright yellow suns everywhere and pretty red butterfly's causing Harry to jump so violently he almost fell over, blinking at the now colorful walls and relaxing, returning to braiding her hair Hermione sighing in relief. “well that was almost a disaster.” she groaned shaking her head. “what did Blaise say about the pets?”
"As long as it's something small, its fine. I thought maybe that
d be our outing for the day, go to the petshop and let him pick his own out."She smiled before holding up the crayon she was holding."He might have made a mess,but he also let me take his crayon without yelling."She grinned a little before tilting her head looking up at her."And blaise said he'd love to join us for lunch. He needs to go out. Spends to much time here."She said laughing at the asburbity of her accusing someone of spending to much time at work.
Hermione clapped her hands happily. “that's a great idea! And even better I have today completely off!” she admitted beaming happily. “both my bosses realized I was working double shifts and demanded I take the day off!” she admitted giggling a little. “so I can join you if you'd like.” she admitted softly looking amazed at Kat's admittance. “he didn't freak out? At all... wow you ARE a miracle worker.” she teased smiling as she stroked Harry's hair gently. “i should go and check on my kids though.” she admitted biting her lip. “and I need to find a new apartment.” she admitted scowling a little. “Sora is making me move out of his house, even though I'm the one that pays the damn rent.” she growled shaking her head. “i'll be back for lunch alright?” she asked smiling at Kat. “Harry? You behave.” she ordered gently tapping Harry's nose, the boy wrinkling his appendage and sneezing loudly before he continued to braid Kat's hair as if nothing had happened.
Kat laughed quietly at harry's reaction to the kiss, before looking unsure before swallowing."Hermione...this might be to much to ask...but....I have a house I don't live in, and more money then I need.Even if I am home, the house is big enough for a roomful of kids, a camel and probably a horse.I could...that is if you could stay there."she said awkwardly offering her new friend help, because she needed it. And Kat, even if she hadn't geniunely liked hermione, couldn't not help someone in distress if she could do something."We could...go to the pet shop, and you can go home from there, help me and harry find a good pet..."she continued, as if she hadn't just offered to open her house to someone she barely knew.
Hermione giggled a little and shook her head before pausing to stare at Kat. “i.. no I couldn't take up your house” she protested biting her lip a little, realizing that she might not be able to pass up the offer. “i... well.. just until I find my own place maybe?” she decided biting her lip a little. “and I'll pay you rent.” she decided smiling a little. “that would be nice... i'd like to see Harry's reaction to all the pets, and Harry's never seen my kids...” she admitted biting her lip a little. “and they have been asking to meet 'crazy uncle Harry.' which is a terrible name but...” she shrugged smiling at Harry with a small chuckle.
Kat laughed nodding a little."But its the best way for kids to explain it."She said standing bending down to help harry up."Come on harry. Me, you, and hermione are going to go get you a pet."She said smiling heading for the door before laughing softly at the woman's worries."If you can, go ahead. But really hermione, I've had jello expire on me because I wasn't home enough to eat it. And I make enough money here, that you could cut down to normal shifts. Maybe one job."she said giving the other woman a look as they walked outside."Hermione, your children shouldn't be living a cihldhood without their mother. Let me do this for you, and give them more time with I'm not treating them as patients when they grow up."She teased, half serious though.
Hermione chuckled and nodded as Harry stood up, pulling his witchlight out of his pocket to play with, rolling it around in his hands as they walked, Hermione chuckling a little. “i know... but I feel... I feel like I'm taking advantage of you.” she admitted biting her lip a little before sighing. “but I'm in no position to argue so.. alright.” she decided smiling at Kat. “we'll make sure your house stays nice and clean.” she promised. “and we'll take care of the lawn and maintenance too.” she promised smiling a little. “besides my kids probably already need a therapist from their crazy jackass father.” she admitted with a small grin. “Lacey kicked him in the balls last night, it was so funny!” she admitted with a laugh as she led them to the pet store with a small grin.
Kat smiled a little, "Nwo that is amusing."She said tilting her head."I could talk to them.maybe even come home more often.Blaise yells at me as it is."She pouted a little at the idea of being yelled at, smiling as they led harry inside, "Harry."she said softly, waiting until he was looking at her."We're here to get a pet okay?You can have a pet okay."She said pointing to the small puppies, teh kittens, then teh more magical creatures."Anything small."
Hermione chuckled a little and shook her head. “it's alright, my children are strong, and old enough to know that it;s not their fault.” she admitted simply smiling a little as harry managed to focus on her before looking at the pets that she indicated, blinking stupidly before looking back at the animals, his eyes fixing on a cute little black kitten with a white ear and a white tip on it's tail, Hermione smiling as she picked it up and settled it into Harry's arms gently. “there you go Harry.” she stated calmly, Harry blinking at it, holding it like it was a baby before gently petting it behind the ears with a calm emotionless expression.
Kat smiled a little, watching him before picking out a collar, food and a small bed, paying for it all before looking at harry."You hungry?"She asked, looking at him before reaching out,gently touching the kitten's head, stroking her slowly as she nuzzled her hand."She's pretty harry."She said smiling wider before looking at hermione."Think he's up for meeting the kids, or do it another day?"she asked, knowing harry well, but knowing hermione would also have a opinion.
Harry allowed Kat to pet the kitten but when Hermione tried to he pulled the kitten away from her, Hermione snickering a little. “he never forgave me for taking away his crayon's when he was drawing his suns.” she admitted with a giggle. “i think he'll be ok.” she admitted. “he pretty much ignores everything anyway, and as long as he has his kitten and his miniature sun in hand I think he'll be fine.” she admitted smiling a little as Harry nuzzled the Kitten and followed Hermione to the checkout and then out into the street to walk to Hermione's house, where three children where sitting. One seven, a girl which Hermione introduced as Lacy, who had her nose buried in her book and was an almost exact replica of Hermione. Another was five, Jeremy, who was almost an exact replica of his dead beat father, but also had his nose buried in a book. The third was another girl, Jamie, who looked exactly like her twin brother, but was watching the tv and yelling at it, ordering the Seeker to open his eyes. The last child was a three year old little boy who was called Jackson, or Jack for short and was almost a perfect mix of Hermione and her husband. “well these are the kids.” Hermione chirped with a small chuckle. “everyone, this is uncle Harry and his helper Kat.” she explained, the three oldest moving over to say hello, the three year old simply continuing to color, Hermione smiling. “Jackson is deaf.” she explained, setting her hand on his shoulder and signing to him, the boy looking excited as he looked over at Harry, running over to introduce himself as well.
Kat smiled watching the kids."Hello."she said also signing to jack before biting her lip looking amused as she crouched down in front of the deaf boy, signing.'do you want to learn something?she asked remembering what she'd done for a deaf patient. While it wasn't the best replica, it would allow those who couldn't sign to talk to him. She glanced up at hermione. "I learned a spell while I was traveling in japan that they've been using for centuries, about a spell that not only allows people to see his words as actual words, but also for theirs to show up as words to."She smiled grinning. Glad she was helping someone. Even if she didn't realize how radically she was being, or how much she was suddenly bombarding hermione with, she was just being herself. Eccentric and odd.Straightening as she looked at harry, making sure he was okay.
the little boy smiled at her and nodded. 'I like to learn' he signed happily. 'I'm the smartest in the family, but the others won't admit it.' he smiled brightly at hi own little boast, well aware that the other kids weren't good enough with sign language to know what he had said unless he did it slowly, Hermione giggling a little as Harry stared down at a book that the twins where showing him, his head tilted as he stared at the pictures of Christmas trees and gingerbread men. Why they where looking at Christmas books when Christmas was still five months away only they could know, but Harry looked fascinated at least. “oh gosh! They have spells like that!?” Hermione asked, amazed before hugging her tightly. “yes! Teach him! He would love that!” she admitted beaming at her as Lacey smiled. “i want to learn too!” she ordered her head tilted. “one never knows when that might come in handy!” Lacey admitted with a giggle.
Kat laughed softly nodding a little as she helped a little when hermione hugged her. "They do but they're not common knowledge. If you listen to Blaise he'll tell you I enjoy obscure things."kay laughed smiling as she signed the cues to trigger the spell, doing it slow so that all the kids could see what she was doing. Smiling before she spoke outloud. "hello jack." she said even as she spoke the words forming solid between them
Hermione giggled brightly. “i like obscure things too!” she admitted grinning. “like the spell I learned just last night that was popular for ancient Egyptians for cutting hair! Since Harry can't stand sharp things, I thought it might be helpful.” she admitted smiling a little,Jack clapping happily when he saw the words forming. “hello pretty lady! This is very cool!” he spelled out beaming at all of them the other kids clapping, impressed with the spell. “thank you so much Kat! I never imagined amazing you would be for our family!” she admitted hugging her again. “thank you so much, for everything Kat! Kids, I need you to pack your bags!” Hermione explained smiling a little. “we're moving.” “thank goodness, daddy is getting very violent.” Lacey admitted with a small scowl. “the sooner we leave the sooner we can be done with him.”
"So you will be. now get going. Me and uncle harry are going to sit here and read."She smiled sitting down on the floor next to harry, crossign her legs as she looked at hermione, feeling-dare she say it- a actual kinship to another human being. for the first time in her life, not feeling so alone."if you tell me his name, I'll set the wards not only to keep him out, but to alert aurors to come."she said."We'll cut his hair when we get back to the hospital. I think he'd be easier with it if we did it somewhere he was comfortable with."She said before looking through the book with harry, waiting for the kids.
the kids scattered to collect everything and stuff them into suitcases, Hermione smiling a little. “Thomas Jay. Ruthford.” she explained simply. “i even have a picture of him if you need?” she offered her head tilted a little. “he was a handsome man at one point.” she admitted sighing. “and charming too until we had the kids and he started drinking the bastard.” she complained heading off to get her own stuff, snickering a little as she watched Lacey packing everyone's things with Magic. Harry had set the kitten in his lap and suddenly reached out and touched one of the pictures, a brightly frosted Christmas sugar cookie Christmas tree before he waited for her to turn the page again, his head tilted as he examined the book until everyone came back downstairs with everything packed up. “all done and ready to go!” Lacey chirped happily Hermione chuckling a little. “and I changed the locks too.” she teased snickering a little. “the locks will deny any key.” she stated looking pleased with herself. “are we apparating there?”
Kat frowned as she thought about it. Looking at Harry she nodded resting a hand on harry's shoulder before instructing everyone to hold hands,preparing tO apostate. "here we go." she said apparating them all. As soon as they got to the house she let go of everyone else, looking at Harry worriedly. "Harry? Are you okay?" she asked looking at him making sure he was fine. Like always, totally unaware that someone was watching her, and growing angry with her focus on her patient.
Harry staggered and collapsed, dizzy after the apparation and Hermione chuckled a little. “Harry was never very good with Apparation.” she explained helping Harry get to his feet and picking up the kitten, putting it back in his arms, Harry nuzzling it again and moving his lips. No words, but it almost looked like he'd whispered something to the kitten. “come on Harry, we'll go inside and get settled and then we'll go out and get something to eat hows that?” she asked before hesitating. “well... maybe we better not take him to lunch with us? He's already stressed out I think...” she admitted watching Harry lay down on the couch and curl up with his kitten, staring blankly at nothing, Jeremy blinking as he watched Harry. “mommy is uncle broken?” he asked curiously Hermione nodding. “yes, his mind is broken, but he's getting better.” she explained smiling a little. “Uncle Harry is easily frightened and he gets tired easily, he's just resting right now.” she explained, Jeremy nodding as he nibbled on his lip as he watched his uncle before he headed off to pick out a room like the rest of the kids, Hermione chuckling a little.
"probably not a good idea." she said biting her lip as she looked over at Harry looking upset that she'd upset hm. Before brightening a little as she looked over at hermione. "why don't I go get Blaise, pick up lunch and we can all eat here? That way I can keep a eye on harry but we can all have our planned lunch."
Hermione blinked and then beamed at Kat. “that's a great idea!” she agreed smiling as she looked at Harry, who was still staring at nothing. “i doubt we'll get Harry to eat anything right now anyway.” she admitted sighing a little. “he's tired, too much for today I think.” she admitted stroking his hair. “do you think we should put him in a room to calm down or should we just let him doze on the couch?” she asked looking hesitant, uncertain what would be better for Harry. “mommy?” Jamie asked suddenly. “are we going to eat lunch with the pretty lady and uncle Harry?” “yes we are.” Hermione promised smiling a little. “and we're going to have another guest over as well, but I'll introduce you all when he gets here ok?” she asked smiling, Jamie nodding. “okay mommy.” she chirped happily. “we're all unpacked.” she informed Hermione. “are you going to work tonight?” “nope, mommy has the night off.” she promised smiling happily. “now Lady Kat is going to go and get lunch and we're all going to get washed up!” she ordered smiling as the little girl giggled and raced off to order everyone else to wash their hands.
Kat smiled a little stroking her fingers over harry's hair, looking down at him worriedly."I think he'll be fine for now. But if he starts looking distressed, my bedroom's at the top of the stairs. Put him up there with the kitten, that'll surely be okay."She said looking worriedly before looking down at harry again, bending to brush a kiss over his temple."I'll be right back harry."She said softly in his ear before moving away, apparating back to the hospital. Smiling tiredly as she paused in the doorway, before knocking on Blaise's door, opening it. Smiling as she looked at him."You ready for lunch?"She said grinning a little."We're stopping on our way to get food, and eating at my place. I don't want to bring harry back here yet, but he's not ready for eating in public. So we're compromising and eating at my place."
Hermione smiled and nodded as she watched Harry harry relax a little when Kat brushed her fingers through Harry's hair and press a kiss to her temple, Hermione smirking a little as Kat left. “Harry you dog.” she teased the silent man. “you always manage to attract the prettiest girls.” she teased chuckling a little as she shook her head and started looking for some plates to use.

Blaise looked up from behind piles of paperwork, blinking at her and then smiling. “i am MORE than ready for a break.” he admitted standing up and yanking on his jacket. “wait...we?” he asked lifting an eyebrow at Kat. “who else did you invite to lunch?” he was rather hesitant about people, well aware he had a bad reputation and made most people uncomfortable. He didn't want to disrupt anything by being there and he wasn't in the mood to try and defend himself against wild accusations or fears.
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