
kat kicked out at him, not really to hit him, more to get him away from her, to make sure he wasn't going to get closer."you might wish you had."She said getting up, moving. Needing the motion, needing to work out the fear and anger that had been trapped inside. edging past him she moved to the middle of the room before turning to face him again,"She married him!She MARRIED him!how could she?!"She raged letting the rage go, letting her fear feed the anger as she turned to face him again, red hair falling around her shoulders."Goddamn you, couldn't you just do what i asked, and LEAVE!?"She yelled marching over to him, standing in front of him, and smacking his shoulder with the flat of her hand. Not to hurt him,but to get him moving. Tugging at his shirt, trying to get him to stand up. Needing to get him out of here before she hurt him. More then anything else, THAT scared her. The idea of hurting draco, when so many people had already hurt him.She couldn't.
he didn't move when she kicked at him, not when she get up and started to pace nodding a little when she yelled at him. “yes, she married him.” he stated. “and that pisses you off. She betrayed you, so many times and then she went and married him.” he let her strike him and stood up when he urged her too and pulled her into a tight hug. “i'm not leaving.” he whispered softly. “you need something to hit, so hit me.” he ordered releasing her and looking her dead in the eye. “go on Kat, hit me! Take out your anger! You won't hurt me, just HIT ME! Pretend I'm that bastard and beat the shit out of me!” he ordered gently cupping her face in his hands, smiling at her. “do what you need to do.” he ordered softly, gently kissing her forehead. “you will never lose me, no matter what you do.”
Kat whimpered as he touched her, trembling in his arms as she leaned against him, hands fisting in his shirt. Shoving him back as she growled, pacing away before turning back, hands fisting in hsi shirt again as she studied him, wrapping him in a fierce hug, burying her face against his chest. Because she couldn't hurt him.Even with the rage breaking her, she couldn't. Before she shuddered, anger breaking and revealing the fear and pain under it. "Draco..oh draco..."She whispered starting to cry, her legs going out from under him, clinging to him as she tried to steady herself. yelping as the suddenness of her legs going out on her pulled them back on the bed. Yelping louder as he nearly landed on her, scrambling, shifting to not be under him but still be close, she shuddered, crying as she clung to him. After like a hour the sobs became sniffles, as she pressed her cheek against his shoulder."Sleepy....bad dreams now..."She muttered shivering, figuring she should warn him so he could leave before she past out.
he stumbled a little when he pushed her and sighed when she hugged him and started sobbing into his chest, gently stroking her hair. He would have preferred hitting, he knew how to handle hitting, crying he wasn't so good at, he gasped when she fell, dragging him down with her, catching himself on his hands and smiling as he rolled onto his side, holding her and stroking her hair, murmuring a soft lullaby as she sobbed, smiling when she finally calmed down, shaking his head. “i'm not going, sleep Kat, I'll keep the darkness at bay.” he promised softly, hoping he was telling her the truth. “sleep.” he ordered calmly. “i won't leave you alone.” he promised softly. “and Harry's sleeping, and is going to stay asleep, so don't worry about him either.”
Kat nodded, yawning as she snuggled into him. Content and hopeful that he was telling the truth. that he'd be able to stay.

By morning when kat stirred her voice was raw and bleeding. Having spelled her voice mostly silent before she'd fallen asleep, her body was rejecting the pain that had nearly broken a strong woman. Whimpering as she sat up slowly kat winced, closing her eyes as she felt blood sliding down her throat. Damn. "Draco."she muttered nudging the blond, wincing at the huskiness, knowing her throat would be sore for days. Listening to the pain in her words she knew the others were going to be pissed she'd made sure she couldn't scream, hoping she could get it healed before they noticed.Hoping also, she hadn't scared harry, knowing she probably had screamed some part of it outloud last night. Even with the silencing charm, she knew she probably hadnt stayed silent.
Draco was sleeping when she woke up, and looked very tired. He had woken up for every screaming fit, no matter that she had silenced herself, and had calmly muttered to her until it ended, gently stroking her hair carefully. He jerked awake immediately at the sound of his name however and smiled at her, gently setting his hand to her throat, healing the torn muscles and raw flesh to the best of his ability. At least the pain had faded for the most part, she wouldn't be able to yell for a while but she could talk without pain at least. “it's ok, I'm here.” he promised gently kissing her temple. “Hermione is sitting with Harry.” he explained. “he got scared last night and hid under the bed.” he admitted softly. “Hermione's kids think the house is haunted, even after Blaise explained that you where having a temper tantrum.” he teased, looking amused. “it was the closest thing he could think of that they would understand.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “do you want breakfast or do you want to check on Harry first?” he knew the answer, but he thought he'd ask.
Kat smiled slightly as he healed her throat, leaning into him as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. Biting her lip as she crawled out of bed,"Harry.Then breakfast.You sleep."She said slowly, carefully to make sure she wasn't hurt worse then normal. Actually feeling better then she normally did thanks to his healing charm. Always to stubborn to heal herself after, because in some twisted part of her mind, she thought she deserved it. Biting her lip as she studied him, frowning slightly, worried for him, because he looked so tired. "Sleep. Going to go...check on harry."She said before walking out, not waiting to see if he was going to obey here, knowing it was probably not going to work. He'd probably be up and after her in moments. Gently knocking on harry's door, waiting to see if she could go in. Afraid she'd damaged harry's fragile progress.
Draco smiled and nodded, too tired to argue with her now that he knew she was alright, laying down and snuggling into the blankets and pillows and going back to sleep obediently, already snoring softly by the time she left. When she knocked on the door Hermione opened the door and smiled at her. “feel better?” she asked hesitantly, not sure what was wrong with Kat, but worried about her all the same. “Harry's still hiding under the bed, but he's not shaking anymore.” she promised. “he nearly tore out a chunk of my head though, he saw my hair and I guess he thought it was yours at first.” she admitted shaking her head. “when he realized it wasn't he tried to rip it off.” she admitted looking amused rather than annoyed. “i gave him some yarn to braid but he just tied it in knots and got tangled up in it.” she admitted. “and he wouldn't color either, he just broke the crayons.” there where still pieces of them scattered all over. “i'm going to go check on my kids.” she decided smiling at Kat, glancing at Harry who was still hiding under the bed, doing god only knew what before she gently kissed Kat's forehead and left to find Blaise and the kids so she could make breakfast, leaving Kat with Harry.
kat smiled a little as she realized that the girl was worried about her, even if she didn't know what was wrong. Swallowing hard she sighed, knowing she'd have to explain later. Smiling absently she walked over to the bed, sitting down, crouching down so she could see what was going on. "Harry?"she asked, her voice hoarse but needing to know he was okay.Reaching out slowly, her hair shining lightly, bright and red, leaving no doubt who she was this time. Worried about him.
Harry grabbed her, without warning, around the waist and pressed his face into her belly, hiding from the world as he snuggled into her, trembling lightly with his eyes closed, seeming to say that he had been worried about her, even if he didn't really realize she was there. It took him about ten minutes to calm down and start braiding her hair again, just like before, his eyes blank but his body and face relaxed, no long trembling violently, not even reacting when Blaise walked in and handed Kat a tray of breakfast for both her and Harry. “try and get him to eat hey? We couldn't get him to eat his dinner last night, he wouldn't even eat the sugary stuff.” he admitted smiling at her. “i'm glad your alright, you had me worried. Herm too.” he admitted gently tugging on her hair. “should I explain to Hermione what that was all about or do you want to keep It a secrete?” he asked his head tilted, more than willing to keep it a secrete if that was what Kat wanted.
kat smiled a little as she stroked harry's hair, glancing up at blaise, relief showing on her face for a moment. Amused that he was willing to keep the secret but shaking her head."I'll tell her."She said softly, nibbling on the food."After this, I'll go talk to her."She said looking down at harry,tugging on his hair lightly."Harry, come on sweetheart, time to eat."She aid holding up a bite of toast, desperate to make him eat because she didn't want to be the cause of this much panic.
Blaise smiled a little and nodded. “oh, and Draco is sleeping so try not to scream anymore ok?” he teased winking at her playfully before heading out to let her try and feed Harry. He never stopped braiding her hair, already working on a fourth braid when she offered him the toast, turning his head away from it in disgust, simply continuing to braid her hair. He didn't want to eat, he wanted to play with the hair. He accepted a bite of pancake however, and even let her feed him an entire sausage link before he refused to eat anything else in favor of braiding her hair.
Kat smiled a little, content to let him braid her hair. Nibbling on her food she glanced at the door shifting to lean against the bed as Harry braided her hair. Amused that blaise was teasing her, it was a new experience. Closing her eyes she enjoyed the man playing with her hair, after awhile realizing they weren't allow, opening a eye s she smiled a little at hermione."Hey...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to keep you all up last night..."She said pain and fear filling her eyes, leaning slghtly into harry, taking comfort in his presence. Afraid that hermione wouldn't want to stay here anymore when she knew the truth, wouldn't want her treating harry anymore.
Hermione chuckled when Kat finally noticed her, walking in and sitting next to her, gently tugging on a braided lock. “don't worry about it, I've had my fair share of breakdowns.” she admitted grinning a little. “especially after the war.” she admitted. “i'd wake up in the middle of the night screaming, and I had no idea why.” she admitted smiling at Kat. “he's surprisingly good at this.” she admitted examining the braids. “you look nice when he braids your hair, calmer almost.” she admitted smiling at Kat. “you like Harry... don't you?” she asked her head tilted. “he likes you too you know, your the only person he willingly touches, even in school he didn't like to touch or be touched. We all pretended not to notice, but we knew.” she admitted reaching out and tucking Harry's long hair behind his ear, Harry not even twitching at the contact, it was as if it had never happened. “he was petting the kitten last night again.” Hermione admitted smiling a little. “until he tried to color it's face with a marker, poor thing really didn't enjoy that, it's hiding now.” she admitted with a small laugh.
Kat laughed quietly at that, amused."Aww poor kitten."She giggled a little, amused at the kittens expense. Though she felt bad for the poor thing. Biting her lip as she nodded,"I enjoy taking care of him."She said looking at hermione, tilting her head a little, because that was all she understood. She enjoyed being with harry, taking care of him. Even admitting she'd made a friend in draco, wasn't enough to make her see she was falling in love with harry. Sighing quietly before biting her lip, "When...when I was little I was confined to a place called brightwood. It wasn't....a good place. I saw my mother last night, when me and Draco were out. I hadn't seen her since I was little, before I attended hogwarts."she shrugged a little biting her lip, because she needed to tell hermione, because despite hermione reassuring her that it wasn't a big deal, she still worried.
Hermione chuckled a little and nodded. “i know.” she stated patting the other girl's knee, sounding very amused before she froze, a gasp on her lips, eyes wide. “you... oh you poor thing.” she whispered in horror. Because Hermione worked at the Ministry of Magic, she knew about Brightwood, and the massive shut down the Aurors had done only a year ago when they had discovered what was going on there. She wrapped her arms around Kat and gave her a gentle hug, giving her plenty of room to escape if Kat felt the need. “i can't imagine the terrible things you had to do there...” she whispered softly, gently stroking her hair. “if you EVER need to talk I will always be here to listen alright?” she promised smiling at the girl, tears in her eyes, not pitying Kat, but feeling the hirt and pain with the girl. Pity wouldn't solve anything, but feeling sympathy, in Hermione's opinion, could be very helpful in the healing process. It was why Harry responded so well to Kat, she understood him, she didn't pity him.
Kat's smile flikered across her face, shrugging a little."My mother married my abuser.There are no words for that kind of betrayal...except goodbye."She smiled a little stroking Harry's hair as he played with hers, smirking a little."Brightwood was a pretty posion."She muttered shadows showing slightly in her eyes, and a deep seated satisfaction. Because if hermione knew what brightwood is, she knew what also happened to its most notorious doctors. Glancing down at harry she smiled moving to get up and away from the hug the girl was giving her."ome on harry. Time to go or a walk."She said, knowing they needed to start slowly doing things again.
Hermione hissed violently at the realization of why meeting her mother had upset Kat so much, her eyes narrowed violently. “that's just sick.” she growled. “how did that rat bastard escape the Fate of Brightwood?” since no one had been able to find out who had killed the doctors, there was a rumor that fate itself had punished them. It wasn't one Hermione followed, but she had taken to calling the person who had murdered them Fate. “well he won't live much longer if I have my way about it.” Hermione admitted. “i'm helping on the case.” she admitted smiling at Kat. “we have all the peoples records, but we're burning them.” she admitted. “i'll make sure yours is one of the first to go in, so no one knows you where ever there. I'll make sure to bring your step father in for his crimes right away too if you have his name handy.” she purred, wicked satisfaction on her face at the thought of catching a person who had hurt Kat. Harry stood up obediently, feeling better now that he had his Kat back and headed for the door, eager to go on a walk and see the butterflies.
"He escaped because Brightwood couldn't hold his presence, by the time I realized how he'd escaped, he had already gotten married..."She trailed off a little, not realizing what she'd just admitted to. Though even if everyone knew what she was behind the spell that claimed brightwood's doctors, she was probably getting off from punishment. so...she punished herself.As it happened, Michael wasn't dead, because her mother had loved her, and despite the hatred she held for the woman, Kat couldn't hurt her like that. So she left her abuser alive, even if it killed her to do it. Smiling wider as she nodded,"Thank you hermione."She said feeling so much relief at her past being fed to the fire. Before sighing quietly."Michael Yaslana."She said quietly, before slipping out of the room with harry, heading downstairs, pulling on her boots."Harry, do you want to go to the park today?"She asked, looking for some sign he understood.
Hermione stared at her for a moment, shocked, before she nodded. “Micheal Yaslana.” she repeated, writing it down. “thanks very much Kat.” she stated with a happy grin. “i'll make sure he gets what he deserves.” she promised licking her lips. “i might see that he's stripped of his magic and sent to a muggle prison.” she stated with a viscous grin. Even Wizards knew of what happened to child molesters who went to muggle prisons. Harry was standing at the door expectantly, ignoring Blaise who was tying the boy's shoes and trying to get a jacket on him, smiling at Kat. “be careful Kat.” he ordered calmly, squeezing her shoulder. “i anything happens, don't forget you can use magic.” he reminded her kissing her forehead. “and keep an eye on harry, he almost ran off on us when we let him out last night so keep him close.” he ordered with a small smile.
Kat nodded, pulling on her own jacket, before taking harry's and getting it on the boy before she looked at blaise."I will. And take care of draco.He didn't get enough sleep last night."She said looking a little guilty as she smiled walking outside with Harry, holding his hand to make sure the boy didn't wander off. Walking around as she looked at the day. Sighing quietly, starting to feel the chill of winter setting in. It almost november, so it made sense it was getting colder, she just wasn't looking forward to it, since it meant her and harry couldn't go on their walks."I'm sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean to keep you up last night. It was just a bad night."She said talking more just to have sound more then that she thought he'd respond. Worried about him, and smiling as they got to the park.
Blaise nodded. “he'll sleep until noon on his own and then come down for lunch.” he promised chuckling a little as she left. Harry headed straight for the Park, knowing exactly where they where going, pausing suddenly and taking a straight beeline left without warning, heading for an ice-cream stand. It was a good thing she'd been holding his hand or she would have never realized he'd taken off, without any warning at all, as it was he practically dragged her with him staring at all the ice-cream, the ice-cream man looking a little nervous about the state of the kid who was in front of him. “, want one?” he asked Harry, who just continued to stare at all the ice cream, his head tilting to the side after a long moment of silence. “er... he ok lady?” the man asked Kat, looking a little freaked out.
Kat frowned looking a little upset that the man seemed to be freaking out at the sight of a emotionally absent harry."Of course he's fine.Two ice cream cones."She said smiling as he got them, handing his to harry, brushing her fingers over his hair before paying and starting to eat hers. "Harry, do you want to go see the butterflies?"She asked heading for the park bench, trembling a little as she remembered getting attacked her. Swallowing hard, bracing herself. She would be okay with this. Because harry needed her to be okay, but she was feeling raw and vulnerable today, more then usual."Look harry, there's some birds."She said pointing to the kids chasing pigeons, knowing that summer was slowly coming to a end.
he nodded and handed her a vanilla and a chocolate ice cream cone, seeing as how it was the chocolate that Harry was staring at, Harry staring at his ice-cream cone for a moment before heading over to the park bench, sinking his teeth into the ice-cream and wincing, his face crumpling up as he studied the ice-cream cone with two imprints of his teeth on it. He clearly had not expected it to be cold and looked unsure on what to do with it being so cold on his teeth. But he took another, smaller bite and then looked up at the sounds of the birds overhead, blinking a little before biting into his ice-cream again, ignoring the butterfly's in favor of his frozen treat.
Kat smiled as she ate her own frozen treat, amused as he ate his. Knowing that whatever damage she'd done, they would be able to fix it. smiling as she watched him.

A few weeks later, with the first snow of the season just starting to fall, Kat grinned as she walked through the hospital. For the first time in awhile, wide awake and chipper to be at work, smiling as she paused in blaise's door, pausing on her way to harry's room, knocking lightly on the door."You're coming to dinner tonight aren't you?"She asked, feeling anxious about her birthday, for once actually having a party. A small one of course, limited to hermione the kids, harry, draco and blaise, but for her it was huge. So, she was anxious about having everything go perfectly. And with harry slowly but surely coming along, she was so excited. With her birthday so close to christmas, it was a magical time of year for her, and for once, she was actually nervous about seeing draco,he'd said he needed to talk to her, and she was afraid he had something to tell her about his past. It was the only thing she could think of that would make him as nervous as he seemed to be.
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