The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Krys went to take a sip from her cup when Bellatrix made a remark about her being more of a gentleman then her husband and Krys nearly choked on her tea. "Well he obviously doesn't know a good thing and how to keep it when he gets it" ,Krys took a sip from her cup then looked at Bellatrix. "You deserve to be treated like a lady.....hell you deserve to be treated like royalty.....Rodolphus is a fucking idiot....I meant it when I said I'd kill for a woman like you" ,Krys said truthfully. She was surprised with what she was saying, admitting all this stuff to Bellatrix while she was sober was very different then usual.
Bella's eyes went wide as she started to choke on her tea, "Are you alright?" She asked worriedly. When Krys went on Bellatrix smiled at her remark. Taking another sip of her tea. Hearing Krys' words she wanted to look up at her but she couldn't her eyes just seemed to refuse stareing at her tea. She smiled again, that was her mentality being a Black she was basically royalty. "Thanks...yes I told him often. mean all that? Well I hope you find one, one day." She stated taking another sip, but according to her sister and Krys' father, they couldn't be matter how much they wanted too. She was shocked that Krys was saying all of this while they were sober. If only Bella was 29 years younger or Krys was older.
"Yeah I do mean it....all of it" ,Krys said in response to Bellatrix's question. It kinda hurt when Bellatrix said she hoped Krys would find one, Krys didn't want to find another woman, she had one sitting in front of her. Krys sighed then looked at Bellatrix again, "Yeah me too". Deep down Krys really just wanted to grab the woman and kiss her again. "I really wish I was older" ,Krys said. "So you ready for tommorow"? Krys asked trying to change the subject before she burst.
Bellatrix smiled at her though her mind might change she was sstill young and there would be others, possibly. Bella took another sip of her tea, she could hear the disappointment in her voice. Bella took another drink to keep her own emotions in. "Tomorrow? Yes, well sort of I'd rather not parade around as a Weasley. Bood Traitors they are." She stated
"I hear ya on that one, I'd rather walk around as myself but unfortunately we'll have to look like someone the boy trusts....too bad everyone couldn't look this good" ,Krys said the last part jokingly as she ran her hand through her hair. She smiled and let out a small laugh. "We can go around noon that's usually when they get there. That way I can go to Borgin and Burkes, look at the cabinet, make some repairs then come back here to meet up with you, drink the potion and then leave and grab Potter" ,Krys took a sip from her cup when she finished talking. Krys was feeling a little tired at this point so she stood up and grabbed Bellatrix's hands, "C'mon we both need some sleep.....I'll even tuck you in" ,Krys smirked. "I don't mean it in a dirty way either.......unless you want me too" ,Krys gave Bellatrix a cocky smirk, she talked in a joking manner and knew Bellatrix would be able to tell. If Krys couldn't have her she might as well have fun teasing her.
"I call being Molly." She stated being no good at portraying men. "Trust me I'd rather be me...but we need to look trusting like you said." She stated the started to laugh as Krys started to joke about. "Okay noon sounds good. Busy day." Bellatrix finished her tea but she was afraid if she put the cup down she'd fall asleep. "Alright I'm coming,..." she said standing with Krys, she didn't mind the idea of her tucking her in. "I didn't take it in a dirty way...get your mind out of the gutter." Bellatrix laughed walking with her up to her room, Bella went to take out her wand then remembered Cissy had it. "Krys do you mind putting out the fire?"
Krys pointed her wand at the fire and muttered a spell to put it out then walked Bellatrix over to her bed and pulled the covers up on her. "Good night Bellatrix" ,Krys whispered before kissing the woman on the cheek and standing up. Krys shut the door as she walked out of Bellatrix's room. When Krys got to her room and fell onto her bed it was only a matter of minutes before she fell asleep. The next morning she woke up and went to her fathers room to ask him for some Polyjuice potion and something to give her energy. Severus of course had both in his cabinets. Krys thanked him and gave him a hug before leaving the room and heading to the bathroom to take a shower. When she finished she dried off and put on a pair of boxers and a sports bra and walked out of the bathroom an toward her room. "Merlin Krys put some clothes on and stop showing off" ,Narcissa said jokingly as Krys walked by her room. "Morning Narcissa" ,Krys said laughing as she walked by.

Krys put on one of her tuxes, it was all black like usual with a silver tie, she looked in the mirror and spiked her hair then put on a pair of shades that matched the suit. When she finished getting ready she made her way downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee then leaned against the counter to drink it. When she finished she put a piece of mint gum in her mouth to get rid of the coffee smell.

Krys spent about an hour in Borgin and Burkes mending the vanishing cabinet in there while Draco did the same to the one at Hogwarts. The two sent small things back and forth to each other for a while before stopping. Krys put a note that Draco sent through the cabinet into her pocket so she can show everyone at the manor the progress her and Draco had made with the cabinet. Krys said good bye to Burke as she walked out of the store.

When Krys got back to the manor she walked into the kitchen again and Narcissa already had the house elf making lunch. "Well don't you look nice" ,Narcissa said smiling. "I'm having the elf make you and Bella lunch early so you guys can go and grab Potter at noon". Narcissa knew about the plan Krys and Bellatrix had and always liked to help out in any way she could. Krys stood in the kitchen and waited for Bellatrix to make an appearance, she knew the woman would probably be looking to eat lunch before going and if not Krys would go and wake her up, or have Narcissa do it.
"Thank you Krys," She stated as she put out the fire. Then walking over to her bed, "Good night Krys," she smiled softly at her before snuggling into bed falling asleep. It didn't take her long at all to be asleep way too much had happened and she was exhausted, and drained. Bellatrix stayed in bed all morning not budging from the bed or the sleep that had consumed her. Bella felt the warm sun on her face, it didn't bother her until it moved to her eyes.

Bella yawned and streched, looking around her room. Then she stood, She walked over to the full length mirror and studied her features, every curve and every angle, then at her dress, she'd have to have Cissy go clothes shoppping for her. She brushed herrself off, She then went downstairs to the kitchen to get a drink and have lunch knowing her sister would have an elf prepare them something. When she got into the kitchen she saw both Krys and Narcissa, "Morning."
"More like good afternoon" ,Krys said jokingly. Lunch went by pretty quickly and Krys stood up and went to leave, "No funny business you two" ,Narcissa said sternly which made Krys sigh. "I don't fuck around when it comes to work" ,Krys said in response. Krys handed Bellatrix a bottle of polyjuice potion and put Molly's hair in it before putting Arthur's hair into her own bottle. "We'll drink it when we get there" ,Krys suggested.

When the two got to Hogsmeade Krys drank her bottle down and waited a few moments for the potion to work before leaving the alley they were in. Krys cleared her throat then walked out into the streets and looked around for Potter. When she spotted him she ran over to him, "Harry my boy you need to come with me and Molly it's urgent" ,she said in Arthur's voice. She made sure to sound panicked so that Harry wouldn't ask too many questions. "Alright Mr.Weasley I'll come with you" ,Krys put her arm on the boy's shoulder in a very fatherly way as she walked off with him and apparated to the manor. "Mr. Weasley where are we"? Harry asked with a confused look on his face. "There's no time for questions we need to get inside" ,Krys said quickly. Harry of course listened and went into the house willingly.

When inside Krys led him down the stairs and shoved him into the room the real Weasley's were in and shut the door and locked it. When Harry turned around the potion had already wore off and he was looking into the face of Krys Snape who laughed at him evilly before turning and running up the stairs. "We've got Potter" ,She yelled out excitedly.
"Same difference..." She stated still groggily. Once lunch was over and done with, Bellatrix followed after Krys, glaring at Narcissa what were they going to do as the Weasley ruin there reputation, by having sex out in public? One the Weaskley's reputation was already a mess and two they were working. She nodded her head to Krys's statement.

Bellatrix drank down hers with Krys, waiting for it to take affect. Bellatrix walked around looking for Harry until she noticed 'Arthur' found him. Bellatrix hurried over, "Oh Harry Thank God we've found you." Bellatrix sounded so worried, as they began to walk she moved to the other side of Harry. As they got to the Manor and Harry spoke to Krys, "Don't worry Harry everything will be alright." She stated leading the way inside.

After Krys locked in the cell, Bellatrix came down the stairs, cackling. "Got you..Got you. You really need to learn who's your friend and who's your foe...Potter..." She then laughed in his face, running after Krys who was telling the house hold they got him. Bellatrix touching her wand which Narcissa gave back that morning, to her arm.
When Voldemort arrived Krys led him down the stairs and opened the door to where Potter and the Weasley's were. Unexpectedly Krys got knocked into a wall. Looking up her vision blurry she seen a small figure standing with Potter and the Weasley's, "You must not hurt Harry Potter or his friends" ,the elf squeaked. Krys seen Voldemort rush to try and grab Potter but the elf disapparated before he could reach the boy.

When Krys' vision cleared she seen Voldemort walk up to her, he was pissed and Krys knew damn well he wanted to take out his anger. Unfortunately it was going to be on her, "Crucio" ,she heard his voice say before she felt the most excruciating pain in her life. He didn't let up for 10 minutes straight. When he finally did she looked at him and got to her feet as weak as she was and bowed to him before he left. As soon as Voldemort was gone Krys moved as quick as she could and shut herself in her room and sat on her bed and curled up like a child and cried she had refused to in front of Voldemort or Bellatrix so she let it all out when she was alone.
Bellatrix bowed when the Dark Lord, first got there, she let Krys get the credit for this one, she still had aways to go if she wanted to be in the Dark Lords inner circle, like Bella herself. Bellatrix waited in the living room hearing a commotion downstairs, She stood up as soon as she heard foot steps. Bellatrix rushed to the greet who it was, seeing the Dark Lord and how angry he was. Bellatrix bowed and as she did he hit her with something that threw her back, landing on the living room floor. Bellatrix watched from where she was as he left, she was sore hitting into the table before the floor caught her.

'Krys,' she thought, jumping up she ran down to the cellar no one no Harry, no Weasley's, No Krys. Bellatrix went back upstairs. Bella quickly apperated outside of Krys' door knocking, "Krys?" She called hoping she would open the door, if she didn't Bellatrix would still end up finding a way in.
"Go away" ,Krys sobbed clutching her ribs, she was still in pain and she didn't want Bellatrix to see her crying. Krys was always strong and very rarely cried the woman had already seen her cry once and that was far too many times for Krys' liking. After a few moments she decided to open the door, she had to admit it would probably make her feel better if someone else was there. Krys could barely breath so she didn't get up to answer the door instead she pointed her wand at the door and it flew open, she quickly returned her arm back to her ribs. She didn't turn to face Bellatrix, she was too embarrassed to look at her, Krys felt as if she failed. "That fucking house elf ruined everything" ,was all she said through her gasps for air.
"Krys open the door!" Bellatrix heard her sob, she was going to give Krys another minute before Bellatrix blasted the door open. As soon as the door was open Bellatrix ran into the room, she heard Krys' breathing and saw her curled into a ball. "Krys..." Bella quickly went over to her she could tell Voldemort had Cruicoed Krys. "Shh it's okay the pain will stop me.." Bellatrix said first petting her hair, then Bellatrix climbed right into her bed wrapping her arms tightly around Krys curling up with her. "The Blasted House elf took Potter didn't 'e?" She asked knowing the blasted thing to interfere.
"Mmmhmm" ,Krys replied weakly. When the pain started to subside and Krys caught her breath she grabbed Bellatrix's hand and held her close to her, she didn't want her to leave at all. "I failed.....I fucking failed.....he was so angry with me" ,Krys said trying to hold back from crying harder. "Fucking house elf" ,she repeated. Krys found the strength to roll over and she found herself clinging to Bellatrix not wanting to let go. "Don't leave me right now please" ,she said almost begging.
"Shhh...It's okay...It will go away'll be okay... I promise....I promise.." Bellatrix cooed as she held Krys running her hand through her hair. Jumping slightly as Krys grabbed her hand. "No Krys honey you didn't fail...we didn't fail...He was angry in general...We had the boy it's not our fault that the Elf took him away. Shhh...." She stated it how he was, she tried to make her understand like she understood. As Krys clung to Bella she winced having cracked a rib when she hit the table, split her lip, and cut her forehead. "I'm not going anywhere love, Not going anywhere."
When Krys heard Bellatrix say she wasn't leaving she loosened her grip realizing how tight she was holding the woman. Krys hugged Bellatrix for a while, listening to the older witch's heartbeat, it soothed her. After a while Krys looked up into Bellatrix's face and noticed she was bleeding. "What happened to you......why didn't you tell me you were hurt" ,Krys said a bit shocked, she felt bad that Bellatrix had been trying to comfort her when she herself was hurt. Krys didn't care how little or how much Bellatrix was hurt, the fact was she was. Krys, feeling a lot better, got up off the bed. "Stay here I'll be right back" ,Krys told her before leaving the room. She went into her father's room and grabbed a potion that healed cuts and then went to go back to her room and ran into Narcissa who told her what had happened and that it sounded like she had cracked a rib when she was thrown into the table. Krys shook her head thinking of how tight she had squeezed the poor woman.

When Krys got back into her room she took her jacket off and rolled up her sleeves. "I'm not going to lie what I'm about to do is going to hurt like hell" ,Krys grabbed her wand and pointed it to Bellatrix's ribs and muttered a spell that would heal them. After she was done with that she opened the bottle with the potion it it. "This stuff goes directly onto the cuts, my father usually gives me a bottle a week with the way I cut my hand up all the time" ,Krys said laughing. She was trying to take Bellatrix's focus off of her ribs which most likely still hurt. Krys applied the potion to Bella's cuts and waited for them to heal. "Come's your turn to be babied a little bit" ,Krys said pulling her closer to her and stroking the side of her face gently just like Bellatrix had done to Krys when she was hurting.
Bellatrix held onto Krys as she cuddled into her. Resting there she was ignoring her own pain knowing the Cruicatius curse hurt more than what she was feeling, especially the first time feeling it. As Krys asked her what happened Bellatrix looked confused, she was able to taste the blood in her mouth but hadn't even realized her forehead was bleeding. She took her hand lightly touching her head, then looking to her hand..."Oh I'm bleeding...I'm so used to physical pain I don't think I register it half the time. It's nothing...I'm fine...nothing to worry about... rest." Bellatrix stated laying still in the bed she could feel the pain in her sides, still ignoring it. "Where are you going?" Bella asked curiously, as she watched Kris leave the room. She didn't plan on moving from her spot, the running she did to find Kris, didn't help her. 

Bellatrix looked at Krys as she came back into the room. "What are you doing?" She asked curiously watching as Krys removed her jacket. Bella's eyes grew wide as she informed her that what Krys was about to do would hurt.  "Then don't do it." Bella said not wanting to feel anymore pain.  Bellatrix gasped closing her eyes tightly as her ribs snapped back into place and healed, a few involuntary tears fell from her eyes. As she curled in a ball sealing her arms around her torso. Once they were set in place the pain let up some, shaking slightly but a little more relaxed now. Bella eyed the bottle ,"cut your hand? How do you end up doing that?" Bella asked worriedly. Holding still as Krys placed it on her cuts. "I told you not to worry I'm fine,"Bella stated as Krys pulled her close to her,caressing her. Bellatrix cuddled into Krys, enjoying the feeling of being held
"Shhh don't argue just relax hun ok" ,Krys said in response. "I'll worry if I want too" ,Krys felt as if she owed Bellatrix for making her feel better, even if she didn't she still cared about the woman and didn't like to see her in pain. "I'm sorry about your ribs but I had to do it, you'd be worse off if I hadn't". Krys leaned her head down more to cuddle with Bellatrix the woman may have a heart of ice but her body was warm and quite comfortable to lay next to.
It was the one good thing Rudolphus was good for, he'd cuddled with her. It's been odd for her not to have anyone in her bed, since she's been out of Azkaban she enjoys the company and being held tends to make her feel better. Bellatrix nodded at her statement this just feelt so right being in Krys arms. A light smile played on Bella's lips as Krys said she'd worry if she wanted too. "It's okay...don't worry about it, I'm no good if I can't move, right? Not like I can go to healer or anything..." Bellatrix stated she couldn't get a proper medical examination without being dragged back to prison. As Krys cuddled into her Bellatrix snuggled some, being comfortable, for the first time in a long time. "How are you feeling?" Bella asked softly.
Krys ran her hands up and down Bellatrix's back gently as she held her. Krys thought of every way she could comfort the woman laying in her arms and when she thought of something she did it. "I'm feeling a lot better now that I'm with you....I mean....laying comfortable with's been a while" ,Krys told her honestly. "Thanks again for coming to check on me.....again" ,Krys let out a small laugh then looked into Bellatrix's eyes. "You didn't have to ya know....come check on me but I'm not complaining".
Bellatrix liked the feeling of Krys' hands moving along her back, as she held her. Bellatrix smiled when she heard her say," she felt better, then blushed slightly. "For you? I can't see why it's been awhile, you're young, you're attractive... Um..Yeah I know the feeling dear." She stated as she caught herself rambling, though it was true. "You're Welcome, she stated then looked at Krys as she laughed. "I know..but I did...wait yes I did, I know what that felt like and I still know what that feels like...but I have a sister...and I had a on the ther hand, don't have a sister...a mother...a lover...and your fathers not I had to the first one is always the woest unless you really deserve it...."
"Maybe I did deserve it though, I mean I should've been quicker, the elf should've never got the best of me" ,Krys said sounding disappointed in herself yet again. Krys laughed at the fact Bellatrix said she was attractive. "If I was so attractive then my last two girlfriends wouldn't have slept around......fucking skanks....I dunno maybe I was just to nice I can be a pushover at times.....I'm a sucker for a pretty face" ,Krys laughed again. "I'm sorry I'm talking your ear off with stuff you probably don't want to hear".
" you didn't it's not your fault that that blasted house elf got in the way trust me, annoying pathetic creature..." Bella rambled a bit she knew becuase the house elf had given her problems before. "That's not true as you just said they were skanks so even if you were a god they'd sleep around with others..." Bellatrix hoped to cheer her up. "Maybe...but you're a death eater now you could always go blast them into oblivion.." She suggested if it would make her feel better then it would be fine. Bella gave Krys the "Really?" look, If I didn't want to hear it or talk with you I would still be tormenting you..." Bellatrix chuckled
Krys laughed again, "I guess you have a point there, I mean on the plus side if I ever get too desperate I can always go to one of them" ,Krys joked. She got up off of the bed for a second, "Don't look I need to change into something more comfortable" ,She turned so that her back was to the woman before removing her tie and shirt. When she took off her tank top she looked at her stomach noticing a decent sized bruise, "Where in the hell did that come from"? ,She said quietly as she grabbed a clean tank top and put it on. Krys changed her pants rather quickly then slowly got back into the bed and cuddled back up to Bellatrix.
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