The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

"Calm down Trixie please" ,Narcissa stated through sobs. "Krys will find a way home or the dark lord will get her out he needs her she is a great asset to him love he'll get her out". Narcissa wasn't even a hundred percent sure about her words but she knew she needed to comfort her sister at the moment and she didn't know what else to say. Both Severus and Narcissa looked at the paper simply staring at Krys' face both knew that there was a chance that Krys wouldn't return home but neither would dare say that to Bellatrix.

Krys sat in her cell quietly and spent her time thinking of Bellatrix. "Well well Snape" ,a voice spoke through the bars of her cell. "It's time to bring you in for some questioning" ,the man continued before having Krys removed from her cell and led to a secluded room. When inside the room Krys was shoved violently into the table, "Where is Bellatrix Lestrange you filthy piece of rubbish"? ,The minister's voice boomed. "Fuck off you'll never get to her NEVER"! ,Krys yelled in response before getting punched in the face hard by an auror.
Tears welled in Bellatrix's eyes, she didn't know what to do. Her mind being very flighty. Over come with so many emotions she couldn't focus. Her breathing became heavy, it was hard for her to breathe straight. When she heard her sister call her Trixie she looked at her. "You weren't going to tell me were you?" She asked in her mock baby voice. "No probably not.." She stated she fell to the ground, her back against the wall, tucking her knees to her chest. Unable to hold her tears back any longer. Bellatrix's bloody hands began to claw at her knee's, she knew what Azkaban could do to someone, she was living proof of it. Registering what her sister said, 'The Dark Lord will release her...yes, she was important to him just as much as Bellatrix was, He told them to stay together...he would have to get her out. Bellatrix began to hit the back of her head on the wall.
Narcissa got up and went to her sister, she sat beside her and cried, "I know you love her Bella and she will get out" ,Narcissa stated. "Please be calm". Just as she finished her sentence the dark lord appeared with a pop it was clear he was seething with anger, "How could this happen?" ,he hissed angrily. "Severus how could you let Krys be taken away like that? WE NEED HER, MY DAUGHTER NEEDS HER!" ,he continued before hitting Severus with the cruciatus curse. Severus flailed in pain and screamed, "My lord she made us leave" ,Severus cried. "FOOLS! We have to get her out" ,Voldemort responded before turning to Bellatrix. "You will stay here and tend to Iracebeth, Severus is to come with me Krys Snape will be home TONIGHT!" ,he stated.

"Where is Bellatrix? You can't keep her hidden forever Snape, we will kill you" ,the minister stated before Krys took another blow to the face. Blood dripped from her nose and lip but she still kept the same expression on her face as they tortured her, "Then kill me you fucks, I'll never sell out my future wife, YOU'LL NEVER GET HER!" ,Krys shouted in response. She was met with another blow to the face making her spit blood from her mouth, "Is that all you got?" ,she teased with a evil little laugh to follow.
Upon seeing her sister stand and sit with her, Bellatrix cuddled into her sister. She was acting as if Krys had died, but too much was going on in her head, and it was nearly impossible to get out of Askzban. Bella began to cry harder, "" She was beginning to shake. Bellatrix jumped as the Dark Lord came in and spoke hearing his anger. She looked up at him wide eyed and fearful. Bella wanted to stay and fight but she had to get the baby to safety. Bellatrix jumped hearing Severus scream, something she hardly heard. Bella was about to answer but started to stammer again so she nodded her head in agreement.
Severus followed the dark lord out of the manor and the two apparated to right outside Azkaban. When they got there Severus simply looked at the place and cringed knowing his own flesh and blood was trapped behind it's walls and Merlin only knew what they were doing to her. Voldemort looked to Severus then waved his wand blowing a good chunk of the wall off of the place he then slowly made his way inside. The dark lord stood still for a moment and closed his eyes and called out for Krys in his mind.

Krys sat back in the chair she was tied too, she was weak and beaten pretty badly but her attitude hadn't changed one bit. "Last chance Snape, if you don't give us the information we need then you will prove useless and we will kill you and steal your memories then your body will be disposed of accordingly" ,the minister threatened. "Oh I'm so scared minister, you think killing me will save all of you?" ,Krys began. She let out a laugh then smirked, her mouth full of blood, "If you kill me he'll only make you suffer more before he destroys everything you've ever loved" ,Krys continued. She then felt it, a signal, the smirk on her face turning into an evil smile, "You're all going to die today" ,she stated simply before closing her eyes and focusing solely on the dark lord's signal. Despite the hits that were delivered after closing her eyes she still kept the connection letting the dark lord know where she was.

Voldemort began to move and Severus followed, the dark lord killed anyone who dared to try and stop him and if he needed them he had an army of death eaters waiting to bust through the walls of Azkaban and cause all sorts of hell. When Voldemort finally reached the room that Krys was in he blasted through the door and immediately Krys opened her eyes and laughed as the dark lord began to torture the minister and his two guards. "Sectumsempra!" ,Severus muttered as he pointed his wand at the minister. The minister started to bleed out and Severus took the opportunity to untie Krys while Voldemort blasted through yet another wall so they could get out.

Severus had to carry Krys to the place where they could apparate back to the manor, she had lost a lot of blood and he was sure she had some broken bones from the interrogation. Severus grabbed onto Krys and with a pop they were back at the manor. "Lay her on the table and fix her injuries" ,Voldemort demanded before leaving again. Severus did as he was told and laid her on the table, at this point Krys had passed out. Narcissa took one look at the body now laying on her table and started to tear up again, "My goodness what did they do to her?" ,Narcissa said to herself hoping Bellatrix wouldn't walk in while Krys was like this.
Bellatrix had gone back upstairs after she calmed down a bit. Bella gave her daughter her medicine, and let her walk around for a little while, fed her,]. The Puppy of course followed Bella and the baby receiving love and attention. Bellatrix continued to pace the floor, taking care of Iracebeth at the same time, with Narcissa's help, since Bella was having difficulty focusing. Having Racey lay back down to rest once more. Bellatrix still hadn't slept, she decided to lay in bed, thinking of the possible horrible things that they were doing to Krys.

Getting back up and pacing once more freaking out because of Krys' absence, with her being in Azkaban. Not having eaten or drank anything, she was a bit hungry and she wanted her whiskey to try and calm down. Bellatrix made her way downstairs, at first not hearing anything, then hear low murmured spells, curious to what it was. Bellatrix continued into the room and saw Severus mending Krys she was about to rush to her to hold her, tears welling in her eyes. Narcissa quickly grabbed her sister to hold her so she wouldn't interrupt Severus, Bellatrix snapped and just fell to the ground crying.
Severus continued to mutter the spells that would heal Krys enough to wake her up so that he could give her potions that she would need to fully recover. He heard Bellatrix come into the room but paid no attention to her because he needed to have his full focus on Krys at the moment if he wanted the spells to work correctly. Severus was beginning to worry, Krys should have at least woken up by now but there she laid almost lifeless as he continued to work.

"W-where am I?" ,Krys finally asked weakly as her eyes slowly opened. She looked around the room at everyone, taking everything in, she was out. Knowing she was safe she closed her eyes again and let her father continue to work, "I-I'll be alright I just need to close my eyes for a moment" ,she stated quietly knowing Bellatrix and Narcissa were listening.
Bellatrix continued to cry in her sisters arms as Severus healed Krys, Bella cuddled close to her sister, coming to terms with the Dark Lord not ever loving her, Rudolphus only wanting her for sex, not that he got any, and Krys who loved her no matter what. Bellatrix couldn't afford to lose her.

She smiled softly hearing her speak so she knew it would pull through, but hearing her tone she knew Krys was in a lot of pain. She felt so bad, granted she would yell at her for the stunt, once she was feeling better. Bella knew what Azkaban was like and they started to torture quick once locked away.
"Krys are you feeling well enough to take a few potions?" ,Severus asked quietly. He ran a hand through his daughters hair in a soothing manner to try and make her as comfortable as possible. Krys slowly opened her eyes again and smiled, "Yeah gimme them" ,she uttered quietly. Severus grabbed two vials of liquid and poured each down Krys' throat slowly so that she wouldn't choke. After giving her the potions he lifted her from the table and carried her to her bedroom and laid her down on the bed.
Bellatrix continued to watch Severus treat Krys, intently watching wanting her to be alright. Still cuddling with her sister, who was holding her tight. As they waited for Severus to finish. Watching as he gave her the potions, to help her heal. After Krys was carried off to bed. Bellatrix wanted to make a run to Krys and Narcissa stopped her. 'Bella, she needs rest, you need to to check on the baby and get some rest too.' Cissy stated. Bellatrix tried to object, but Narcissa put her foot down. Walking her back upstairs, to her room helping herr with Iracebeth and laying her down to bed tucking her in.
The next morning Krys woke up feeling a lot better and was even able to get up out of bed and walk downstairs into the kitchen. It was late afternoon when she had awoken but she needed the rest and no one seemed to argue with that. When she got into the kitchen she heard a bark and looked down and seen the pup at her feet. His eyes sparkled and he was wagging his tail excitedly. "Hey there pup....ya miss me?" ,Krys stated with a huge grin before grabbing a bottle of whiskey from the cabinet and opening it. She didn't bother using a glass and simply began sipping from the bottle as she sat down at the table.
Bellatrix was tired from worrying so much about Krys, it stressed her out, wanting her to be okay. She ended up cuddling with a pillow, falling asleep staying asleep through the night, nightmares bothering her but, she remained fairly quiet. Not waking up in the morning still passed out.

Iracebeth climbed out of her bed and made her way downstairs looking for for the puppy. Then seeing Krys, smiling happily her Eyes lighting up. "Kys!!!" She yelped happily.
When Racey came into the kitchen Krys gave her a smile. She seemed to be feeling a lot better and that made her happy. "Hey there you hungry?" ,Krys stated before summoning the house elf. "GET HER SOME FOOD NOW!" ,she growled out making the elf jump before working on making a meal. "Come sit down while the elf cooks your food".
Racey was still not feeling great but the medicine was helping her out. Iracebeth nodded her head, she was hungry, from hardly eating anything while she was sick. Iracebeth hurried over to Krys hugging her leg, She missed her and wanted to be held.
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