The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

When Iracebeth looked toward her mother Krys stopped singing to look at Bellatrix and Narcissa who were both standing in the room now. "I didn't even hear you guys come in" ,she stated. She then looked down at the baby again, "Thank you Racey I'm so happy you liked my song and I promise I'll sing some more for you in a little bit but for now Aunt Cissy needs to have a look at you ok"? Krys leaned down and kissed the baby on the cheek then rubbed her head in a soothing way. She loved Iracebeth as if she were her own daughter and she hated seeing her feeling so bad so she wanted to do everything she could to make her feel better.
"We snuck in, not wanting to interupt your song." Bellatrix said. Racey clapped her hands happy that Krys would sing for her again sometime. Bellatrix walked over to the baby and Kyrs, Narcissa followed, "Hey Racey, come to Aunty Cissy." She stated holding out her arms, Racey held out hers so Narcissa could take her. "Have you guys given her anything? " She asked curiously as she looked at the baby trying to find what she has.
"We gave her the potions my father used to give me when I had colds as a child but they only work a little bit" ,Krys stated handing the baby over to Narcissa. "We know you're our best bet with figuring out what's wrong seeing as you know what you're doing" ,Krys stated. Even if they had their problems before she knew damn well Narcissa knew nearly everything about children.
"Good to know that you gave her the potions... Doesn't sound like a cold then... What are her symptoms?" Narcissa asked trying to get as much information as possible, as she looked the baby over. Bella made her way over to Krys giving her sister room to check out the baby.
"Well she's burning up and I believe that's because she has a fever, she's also terribly tired and has been sleeping a lot" ,Krys stated in response. She then looked to Bellatrix, she hoped she wasn't being too forward or overstepping boundaries by telling Narcissa what she had noticed.
"Hm...Is that all?" Narcissa questioned, wanting to make sure that's all that was wrong with the child. "The only other thing was that she had an awful nightmare. " Bellatrix replied to her sister, she noticed Krys look to her, she was fine with what Krys had told Narcissa, She needed to know what was going on. "What was her nightmare about?" Narcissa asked curiously. Bella thought about how to say it without upsetting Iracebeth. "Loss of family...unable to find...and d.e.a.t.h...mine."
Krys nodded at what Bellatrix said, she had left the part about the nightmare out unsure if Bellatrix wanted to tell Narcissa about it. "Yeah that was a bit odd for a child to be dreaming up" ,Krys stated. "She hasn't threw up or anything like that her only symptoms are the ones we've told you about so far".
"Bella figured it was best to tell Narcissa about the dream it wasn't normal for a child to have such a dream. Narcissa looked at them, "Yeah that is rather strange. As of right now I think she has a cold or maybe a virus, it's not flu like yet, but that's all I've got at the moment, you'll have to watch her closely, and let me know if something else happens." Narcissa stated. She wasn't a real healer but she was the best in the house she could normally detect what was wrong but this was strange.
"We will if anything else happens we'll let you know right away" ,Krys stated in response to Narcissa. She knew that they would have to let Narcissa know because she was the most experienced when it came to sick children.
"For now just give her the fever reducer potion that seems to help her a bit." She stated handing the baby back to Bellatrix. "If it gets worse tell me we'll have to go various tests." She stated and started to walk out. Bellatrix cuddled with Iracebeth, her poor baby was so sick it was awful.
Krys listened to Narcissa then watched as she walked out of the room, when the woman was out of sight Krys made her way over to Bellatrix and the baby. "Let me know what you guys need and I'll get it alright she needs her rest and I know you want to be with her" ,Krys stated. She wanted to help anyway she could and she was willing to do whatever she was asked to do.
Bellatrix held her baby close not wanting to let her go and keeping her grip not wanting anyone to take the babe away from her. Bellatrix looked at Krys, "A real healer would be nice so we could find out what's wrong with her...I'm sorry but her sudden illness has me shaken...if the Dark Lord finds out I'm dead..." She stated and would have continued but Iracebeth started to speak. "Mummy...can we go back outside now? please...Kys? Can we?" She asked looking between the two.
Krys nodded at Bellatrix's words, a real healer would be nice she too worried about the baby and hated to see the child sick at all. When Iracebeth asked to go outside Krys looked to Bellatrix then back to the baby, "That's up to your mum and your aunt" ,Krys told the child in response. She didn't want to answer the question and make anyone mad so she left it up to Bellatrix and Narcissa to decide.
Bellatrix looked at her baby, "Racey not right now we have to make sure you are okay my love." Bella replied. Iracebeth frowned she was sad that she couldn't go play. "otay....." Bellatrix felt bad, but she needed to know what was wrong. "Krys does your father have anymore polyjuice?"
Krys agreed with the decision to not bring Racey outside to play and when Bellatrix asked about the polyjuice potion Krys nodded, "Yes he should have some and if you go out I'm going with you if that's alright" ,Krys stated. She wanted to be with the both of them and find out what was wrong just as much as Bellatrix did.
"Would you mind going to get it? I have no choice in going, my baby is sick, and I can't have Cissy go, they'll know she's mine, she looks nothing like Cissy. So long as they don't take blood then we are safe. Of course you're going with me, I may not be able to defend myself while holding the baby." She stated she couldn't protect her and her baby in the wizard hospital. Plus if she didn't find out and Iracebeth got sicker she wouldn't be able to live with herself, nor would she live long with the Dark Lord being the father of her baby.
Krys nodded after Bellatrix spoke she agreed with every word, even though she was young she knew how to defend herself better then most adult witches and wizards. "My father should come as well, I know you may not like that idea but if we run into any trouble he'll know how to handle it" ,Krys stated.
Bellatrix looked at Krys like she was crazy, then her face softened as she thought about it. "Alright Severus can come....I'll hardly be useful if something does happen...seeing as I have my little angel, and will D.I.E. for her if I have to, in order to protect her." Bellatrix stated she knew that she needed help and had no choice but to let people in and help her even if her and Severus hate each other. If he hadn't run off to Lily, Bella would've been married to him. Bellatrix ran her fingers through the baby's hair.
Krys nodded, "I'll go get him and the polyjuice potion" ,she stated before walking out of the room. When she got to her father's room she knocked on the door and before he could answer she walked in. "I was just about to open the door learn some patience" ,Severus stated with his arms crossed. "Sorry but we need your help and quick, do you have any polyjuice brewed?" ,Krys asked in response. Severus simply nodded as if he already knew what was going on and grabbed a few vials of Polyjuice and followed Krys back into Bellatrix's room. "Alright what's going on Bellatrix?" ,he asked.
Bellatrix sat down on the bed holding Iracebeth close to her without hurting her. Iracebeth had fallen asleep in her mother's arms. As they waited for Krys to return with Severus. Bellatrix looked at the details in her daughters face. She looked just like her when she was a babe. Her head looked up when she heard Severus. "Iracebeth is sick...and Cissy doesn't know what's wrong....I'm taking her to St. Mungo's. You know I can't go in there as myself, that would be suicide...I'm going to need help...Krys said it would be a good idea...for you to come with us...for an extra hand, for if something goes wrong...I'll be holding Iracebeth, I'm sure I'll be of some assistance but my main concern is keeping the baby safe. If not the Dark Lord will have all of our heads....I trust Cissy and if she can't figure it out I have no choice, but to get her the help she needs...." Bellatrix was speaking softly which meant four things things when it came to Bellatrix she either she was being seductive or secretive, didn't want to wake the baby, she was crazy or she was in grave need, even went she was young and she needed help. In this case she didn't want to wake the baby and she needed help.
"Alright well let's get going then I have a few hairs we can use, they're all from people who are relatively unknown in the wizarding world so we shouldn't be asked any questions" ,Severus stated. "We can't apparate with the baby so we'll need to take a car I don't want to risk the baby getting splinched" ,he continued. Krys nodded in agreement then looked to Bellatrix, "Does this sound good to you love?" ,she asked making sure Bellatrix was alright with all of this.
Bellatrix's face was actually soft as she spoke to Severus, not her normally look toward him, she was worried about the baby. Having a kid was different for Bellatrix and it changed her slightly. At the same time while being her kid she was the Dark Lords and she needed to stay safe and healthy. Bella never understood why her sister would freak out when Draco was a baby and now she got it. Bellatrix nodded her head slightly, "Thank you..." She stated softly and sincerely. "You're right, we can't apparate with the baby, that's way too risky....the car's fine." Bella responded, still holding the baby close to her.
"Alright then I will meet you outside I've already had the elf go and speak to Lucius about getting the car so it should be outside by the time you are ready to go" ,Severus stated before leaving the room and making his way outside. Krys turned and looked to Bellatrix after Severus left, "We should take the polyjuice on the way so we know it won't ware off too quickly" ,she stated as she began to pack things up for the baby and Bellatrix. When she finished packing what they needed she looked to Bellatrix, "I'm ready whenever you are love" ,she stated.
"We'll be right out..." Bella stated as she cradled the sleeping child. "Yes on the way would be best so we can't afford for it to wear off." She replied to Krys. She sat with Iracebeth waiting for Krys to finish packing somethings. "Alright let's get going love." Bella spoke softly and as she headed out the door gave Krys a kiss on the cheek. Then proceeding out to the car.
As soon as Bellatrix said she was ready Krys followed her out the door and to the car when they got to the car Krys got in and looked to her father who was putting a car seat in for the baby, "I'm surprised you still know how to do that" ,Krys stated with a smile. "It's something that never really leaves your memory especially if you're a single parent" ,Severus stated in response. He looked at Krys and smiled, "You've grown up quite a bit but you're still my little one no matter how big you get, remember that" ,he told her. Krys let out a laugh then looked to see what Bellatrix was doing.
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