The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bellatrix was waiting outside of the car as Severus put in the car seat for the baby. She listened to there conversation it was cute how he still saw Krys as his baby. Once he was finished she put the baby and started to buckle her in before getting in .
When everyone was in the car and settled in the driver started the engine and drove off towards ST. Mungos. About halfway through the ride Severus handed them each a polyjuice potion, "I think we should drink up now we'll be there soon" ,he stated as he looked at both Bellatrix and Krys.
Bellatrix was silent as she watched her child sleep, being so worried about her. Bella took the potion Severus gave her and she drank it down waiting for the effects to take place. Her hair shortened and straightened, it turned red, her eyes turned green, her skin was still fair but it was slightly darker. She watched to see what the other two would look like.
After downing the potion Krys made a face, it tasted disgusting and she nearly puked but managed to keep it all in somehow. Her hair stayed the same length but turned platinum blonde and her eyes were emerald green and she felt herself get slightly taller. "Alright how do I look?" ,Krys asked Bellatrix.
Bella saw Krys look as if she was about to get sick, sure it tasted nasty but Bella has taken it so many times it hardly fazes her. She saw the change. "Well not bad, you're blonde with green eyes. Kinda like Lucius with short hair and different eyes...How do I look?" she asked.
Well at least Krys looked alright, Lucius wasn't a bad looking man and Krys could admit that and let herself smile. She then looked Bellatrix over and gave her a smile, "You look great love" ,she told her with a smile. After a little bit the car stopped and the driver got out of the car and made his way out to open the doors for everyone.
Bellatrix smiled "Thank you baby." once they stopped Bellatrix began to undo the baby, and once the door was opened for her she stepped out with Iracebeth. Bella took a deep breath hoping this would work and they'd find out something
Krys got out of the car then followed Bellatrix and Severus into St.Mungo's, she hoped that they could find something out and that everything would be alright. She cared about the baby and hated seeing her so sick, Krys wanted Iracebeth to feel better as soon as possible.
Bella walked with them inside, carrying her baby close to her. Once inside she went straight to the main desk. "Please help us my baby's sick."
Krys looked to the woman sitting at the desk when Bellatrix asked her to help them she was worried about the baby as well and hoped that they could help them quickly and before the potion wore off.
Iracebeth woke up and looked to her mother who didn't look like her mother and two other unaware of her where abouts, she coughed softly. Bellatrix looked to her, she snuggled her gently whispering in her ear, "it's alright baby Mummy and Krys are here, we just look different..." She whispered so only Iracebeth, Severus, and Krys could hear. 'What seems to be the problem with her?' the woman asked. "She's got a high fever, night terrors, coughing, fatigue, please it's not like her at all to be this why we must see a healer as soon as possible." Bellatrix stated worriedly and upset she wanted to stress how important she this was but couldn't without giving it away so she tried with the tone of her voice.
"Please ma'am could you get us some help quickly she's only a baby and we care for her dearly" ,Krys stated in a calm tone. She looked to the woman as she waited for a response and knew Bellatrix was worried and upset which normally was never a good thing so Krys helped to push the woman at the desk to move as quick as possible.
Iracebeth had relaxed back into her mother's arms now knowing it was her and she was safe. Bellatrix's eyes began to water on her own will which she normally didn't do in front of anyone, but she was putting on a show to help get them in before the potion wore off. Bellatrix was also getting really antsy. The woman behind the desk looked to the other woman (Krys) with them. "Just a moment, Let me check on who's available, and if theres a room open." She stated standing going into the back for a few moments then came back, "This way please." She stated leading the four of them back into a room.
Krys could tell Bellatrix was putting on a show and she knew it would work, as soon as the woman led them to a room Krys sighed with relief. She knew that they all needed to be out of there before the potion wore off and really hoped that the doctors there could help Iracebeth quickly and make sure that the baby wouldn't be sick after they left. Krys took a seat when they got into the room and looked around while they waited for a doctor.
Bellatrix continued to cry not wanting to let up on the worried mother act and it was having her focus of something so she wouldn't flip out. Especially since they were in such a small space and after being in Azkaban, Bella wasn't fond of small places. She stood and she held Iracebeth, "It's okay honey...Mummy's going to find out what's wrong, and we're gonna make you all better." She whispered softly to the baby not caring if anyone heard her. Bellatrix was insane, but now with a child at times she was worse, also knowing they all would be punished if something was wrong with the baby, and they would be in deep shit if the potion wore off. Bella began to gently bounce Iracebeth as she stood, trying to stay focused and on task, while waiting for the doctor.
As Krys stood there she got more and more irritated as time passed by, "Where is this bloody doctor?" ,she asked through gritted teeth. She was biting her nails pacing back and forth, every now and then looking out into the hallway to see if there was any sign of a doctor coming their way. After a little while more Krys finally walked out of the room and stopped the first nurse she seen, "Hey, when will the baby be seen? She's very sick and only getting sicker as time passes, you people take forever it's pathetic" ,she stated. Krys wasn't a very patient person to begin with and when irritated she didn't really hold anything back.

Severus' eyes widened when he heard Krys speaking to the terrified looking nurse, he made his way out of the room as well and placed a hand on Krys' shoulder, "Don't worry someone should be in soon, they wouldn't want the child to die while under their care and seeing as the child is sick and seems to only be getting worse I suggest you send someone in immediately" ,he stated shooting the woman a look. The woman nodded then rushed off to find a doctor.
"Wish I knew I dear..." Bellatrix stated as she bounced the baby gently. She watched Krys as she paced the floor, Bella could tell that she was impatient about it. She was also getting impatient and nervous as time went on. The potion could give at any minute and the baby was no where near being helped. Bella's tears were beginning to dry. She watched Krys curiously as she went out into the hall, listening as she spoke to the nurse. Then watched as Severus went out. Still listening she wanted to bust out laughing when she heard their words, but it was also serious, not wanting to think of the baby dying.

The nurse ran to find a doctor thinking something was seriously wrong with the child. Not wanting it to die nor did she want the the hospital in trouble upon finding a healer she came back with them running down the hall. "What seems to be the problem with the baby?" the doctor asked slightly winded. "We're sorry for your wait, it's just been hectic around here. "
When the doctor came in Krys glared at him and then when he apologized for the wait she made a noise of disapproval. "Yeah you better....." ,she began but was cut off by her father placing his hand on her shoulder. "Can you figure out what's wrong with her please?" ,Krys asked with a hint of desperation in her voice, something that was rarely if ever heard from her.
Bellatrix started to cry again silently to press the matter more. The doctor disregarded what Krys started to say, then saw the woman with the baby. "Sure I'll do some tests and see what's wrong with her. May I?" he reached his arms to Bellatrix, She looked at him "Be careful please help her, don't hurt her." Bella said softly handing her child over to the healer. She was nervous hoping he wouldn't need her DNA. The doctor took the baby to another room for a bit. Bellatrix then started to feel strange noticing her hair was starting to change back. "Krys we need to hurry," her eyes grew wide, She reached into the the diaper bag and grabbed a scarf wrapping and tucking her hair in the scarf.
When the healer blatantly disregarded what Krys had said she scowled a bit but didn't say anything knowing the baby's health was more important. "They should be back soon love, and if they aren't I want you and my father to take the baby and go" ,Krys stated. She then lowered her head and sighed, "....and Bella please don't wait for me, no matter what happens just get yourselves out of here".
Bellatrix nodded her head hoping he would be back with her baby soon. Bella looked at Krys curiously, "What do you mean Krys? Your coming with us..." Bella stated her eyes full of worry. Her heart pounding in her chest, she wanted her child wanted her well and wanted to get out. Bella's eyes widened with fear "Krys...I'm not leaving you here!" she stated.
"Bella you may have to" ,Krys whispered. She looked into a mirror that was hanging on the wall in the room and could see that she was almost completely back to being herself and soon she would be fully changed back. After a few moments the doctor walked back into the room holding the baby and a large bottle of medicine, "Give this to her before bed and when she wakes up in the morning" ,the doctor stated before looking to Krys. His eyes widened and Krys immediately grabbed the baby and the medicine and handed both to Bellatrix before turning to the doctor. The man had been trying to make a run for it but Krys grabbed a handful of his robes and pulled him back into the room roughly and threw him to the floor. "GET OUT OF HERE GET HER HOME!" ,Krys yelled to Bellatrix. Severus placed his hand on Bellatrix's shoulder and began to lead her away, "Don't worry Krys will be back home before you know it" ,he whispered into her ear. Severus knew damn well that Krys could be heading to Azkaban and he could only hope the aurors didn't come before she could get out of there.
Bellatrix shook her head her eyes wide and fearful.  Bella wasn't too far behind Krys as was Severus. As soon as the doctor comes back they were leaving. Bella kept her head down listening to the healer.  As soon as she saw the healers eyes her's went wide, her crazy glint returned, and she jumped up. She grabbed the baby and medicine from Krys.  Bellatrix was about to fight to grab Krys as well knowing there was a chance if caught she'd be in Azkaban.  Feeling Severus hand on her shoulder  and hearing his words she nodded and kept going.  With the rucus the baby started crying.Bella went with him hurrying out of the hospital getting into the car. On there way to the manor, Bella trying to calm her baby. 
As soon as Krys seen Bellatrix leave relief washed over her then fear. Within seconds aurors surrounded her and the now dead healer at her feet. She was hit with a spell that knocked her off her feet then snatched up and dragged out of the place by at least five large aurors. "Fuck off you fucking blood traitors" ,Krys spat as they walked her out. She definitely wasn't going without a fight but even she was no match for a full team of aurors and soon she was sitting in a cold dark cell dressed in stripes and having all the happiness sucked from her. Krys had made the front page of the Daily Prophet the next day and the expression on her face was strong and proud.

Severus looked at the paper as he sat at the table next to Narcissa, a single tear rolled down his cheek he had hoped that Krys would get out but she didn't and now she was stuck in prison. Narcissa was frantic and crying her eyes out her sobs echoed throughout the manor. Severus tried to calm her before Bellatrix heard the last thing they needed was for the dark witch to go on a killing spree to get Krys back.
Bellatrix was safe back at the manor she gave the baby her medicine wrapping her up in bed, leaving her with the pup. Bellatrix was pacing the room from the time they got home, till the next day waiting for Krys to return home to her. She had to have gotten away and was just hiding from them, she just had to be safe and sound. Bellatrix had been tempted to go back and make sure she had gotten out, or at least to help her get away, but Narcissa changed her mind of that. Bella hadn't eaten nor had she slept, rushing to the door every time she heard it open or heard the pop of someone apperating, still caring for the sick baby at the same time, waiting, waiting for her love to be home. Each time she ran for the door, it was disappointing. Watched and listened intently to everything, she sat in her windowsill looking out looking for her.

As Bellatrix sat still she heard something, a sound of great sorrow, it was her sister. Bellatrix checked her baby, making sure she was fine, and hurried downstairs, "Has she come home yet?" Bella asked fear on her face then walking into see Severus comforting her sister. Something wasn't right, then seeing the paper one of them had left face up, her eyes widened the little crazed gleam in her eyes wasn't apparent till then. She gasped slightly her hands clenching into claws as her mind was turning and trying to register what to do. Bella dug her claws into her palms making her bleed as she thought.
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