The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

"That's good. True, I just want her to get some rest. " Bellatrix replied. She looked at the two. Iracebeth looked around and rubbed her eyes and yawned. She snuggled back into her mother, she nodded her head softly.
"Aw someone still looks sleepy" ,Krys stated. The baby still looked tired and Krys could tell she still didn't feel good, "Should I go get her second dose"? Krys asked Bellatrix.
Iracebeth rubbed her eyes again, she wanted to be awake but wasn't feeling well enough. Bellarrix looked to the babe. "Yes, please love she needs it." She replied.
"Alright I'll go get it then" ,Krys said in response. She got up and made her way to her father's room and asked him for the potion. When he gave it to her she made her way back to the room and handed the bottle to Bellatrix.
"Thank you love." Bellatrix stated as she held Iracebeth to her showing her love and affection, waiting for Krys to return. When she did, Bella took the bottle from Krys. Iracebeth didn't put up a fight this time, as she drank down the potion.
Krys watched as Bellatrix gave the baby her potion, she then poured some juice into the baby's sippy cup and pointed her wand at it and muttered a spell to make it cold. "Here hun have her drink this it'll cool her down" ,Krys told Bellatrix handing her the cup.
"Alright," she took the cup, and gave it to the baby to drink. Iracebeth looked so miserable, the poor thing. Iracebeth sipped on the cold liquid.
"Does the juice make you feel any better sweetheart"? Krys asked Iracebeth as she sipped from the cup. She hoped the baby was feeling at least somewhat better then she was before.
Racey looked to Krys as she sipped her juice. She nodded her head slightly, then made a grabbing montion to Krys wanting to be with her too.
When Iracebeth reached her arms out Krys made her way over to her and laid down next to her. She cuddled up to the baby and rubbed her head gently, she was burning up. Krys summoned the house elf and had him get a bowl of cold water and a rag.
"She feels as if she was going to start a fire," Bella said to Krys, The baby was burning up she didnt know why, and it wasn't like they could walk into Saint Mungols. Racey laid there cuddling with Krys and drinking juice.
When the elf came back with the bowl of water and the face cloth Krys took it and placed it on the table beside the bed. She then took the cloth and dunked it into the cold water and rung it out, she placed the cloth on the baby's head to attempt to cool her off more.
Iracebeth looked confused to what Krys was doing. She watched her intently, as soon as the rag hit her she cringed. "Cold...cold!" she said touching her head, looking at mummy and Krys. "Shh it's okay baby it'll make you feel better."
"Aw honey I know it's cold but trust me it'll help" ,Krys stated. She was going to do everything to cool this baby down and try and get rid of her fever.
Iracebeth got goosebumps from being so hot to having something so cold put onto her so quickly. "Cold..." she said again, it was uncomfortable at first then it felt nice. Bellatrix watched, then took her baby's hand holding it.
Krys could tell the baby was getting used to the cold rag and she was happy it wasn't feeling as uncomfortable for her anymore. She removed the rag to dunk it into the water again, when she finished ringing it out she placed it back onto the baby's forehead. "I hope she feels better soon, maybe she needs a stronger potion to get rid of the fever" ,Krys suggested.
Bellatrix watched to two of them. Racey felt sleepy again and closed her eyes. "I hope so too love. A stronger potion, I don't know...lets wait a little bit and see she just tookher second dose of the other one. " Bellatrix stated she didn't want to give the baby too much.
"Oh of course love I would never give her another potion directly after giving her one" ,Krys said in response to Bellatrix. She again dipped the cloth into the cold water an rung it out, she carefully placed it onto Iracebeth's head and made sure she didn't wake her up.
"I still don't understand how she got so sick? A little cold would produce such a high fever." Bellatrix stated this was really concerning and alarming to her. She couldn't get help from a professional. She had her sister and Severus. Bella tried to calm down if she worried too much she might do something stupid.
"Bellatrix love I don't want to alarm you but she may not have a cold it may be the flu, I mean colds take time to come and go the flu kinda just pops up on you and she kinda all of a sudden got sick ya know maybe we should have Narcissa take a look at her" ,Krys suggested. Narcissa used to take care of both her and Draco while they grew up and would probably know what was wrong.
Bellatrix looked frightened before Krys even said anything about the flu. "The flu...! My poorlittle baby. Yeah Narcissa may now she's the closestwe have to a doctor. Watch her I'll be right back." Bellatrix replied. She kissed her angel's cheek and stood up. Bella walked out of her room in search of Narcissa. "Cissy?" Bella called looking around for her.
Krys had expected Bellatrix to be frightened over the thought of Iracebeth having the flu and she nodded her head when Bellatrix asked for her to watch the baby. After Bellatrix left Krys picked Iracebeth up and cradled her in her arms, she dunked the rag in the cold water once more and rung it out then placed it on the baby's head. She looked around to make sure no one was there before she started singing to the baby Iracebeth smiled as Krys sang to her and Krys was happy knowing the baby was at least calmed by her singing.
"Cissy!" Bellatrix called again, still looking for her sister. Bella then went to the library. Narcissa was in there reading a book. "Cissy there you are. I've been looking everywhere for you." Marchese looked up to see the worry on her sister's face. "Why Bella whats a matter?" Cissy asked. "Iracebeth is sick can you come look at her maybe you know whats wrong?" Bella told her. "Yeah of coarse. Bella." Narcissa stood and went off with her sister both walking in silence. As they approached the door they heard singing, Bella motioned her sister to stop a minute, The voice was Krys'. She had a beautiful voice. Bella then quietly opened the door. To see the baby in Krys' arms.
Krys looked directly into Iracebeth's eyes as she sang to her so that she knew all of her attention was hers. The baby grabbed onto Krys' finger and held her arm close to her as if she were hugging it. Krys was so into singing her song to the baby to calm her down that she didn't even realize Bellatrix and Narcissa walk in to the room.
The two snuck into the room, Bellatrix was smiling brightly at the two they were so cute together. The baby heard something and lost contact with Krys eyes for a moment. "Mummy.." She smiled "Kys is singing pretty..." Racey replied cutely even when sick.
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