The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bellatrix went upstairs to change the baby both dipear and clothes and got her comfortable, in the bed, not the crib. She waited for Krys to return.
When Krys finally found the thermometer she made her way to the room where Bellatrix and the baby were and handed Bellatrix the thermometer, "Here take her temperature, if she has a fever I can have my father make her a potion to get rid of it" ,Krys told Bellatrix. "I'm sure he can make one light enough for a baby".
"Thanks dear.." She stated Bellatrix told the baby not to bite it, just to let it sit under the tongue. They waited and Bella took it out of the babies mouth and looked at it. "Krys I'm sure you have better eyes than me can you read this?" She asked having a hard time with it. "So long as it doesn't harm her in ang way." Bella agreed to the potion.
Taking the thermometer from Bellatrix she took a look at it, "She has a bit of a fever I'll ask my father if he can make her something, don't worry it won't harm her a bit my father used to make me potions when I was sick as a baby" ,Krys told her.
"My poor little one, she looks so miserable." Bella said looking at her baby, stroking her hair. "Alright...You know I still don't trust your father...I trust you though, I love you."
"I know you don't trust him love but he wouldn't hurt the baby" ,Krys told her. "I love you too and you Iracebeth, I'll be right back ok". Krys made her way to her father's room to ask him for a potion, when he agreed to make one she told him to bring it into the room when it was finished. She walked back into the room and sat next to Bellatrix and the baby on the bed.
"It would be foolish to hurt the baby, if I didnt kill him they Dark Lord would do far worse. She stated, it was true don't mess with moan bears cubs, or with Bellatrix in general. Racey looked toward Krys she reached a hand out to her but Krys ran off. Bellatrix snuggled with her baby to make sure she was okay.
Krys looked at Iracebeth and smiled, "Want to see a cool trick"? She asked the baby, she wanted to cheer her up and also take her mind off of the bad dream she had.
Racey looked over to Krys, "Wot kind?" She asked. Laying still on the bed next to her mother. Bella was also curious it was too light for Donovan, and she couldn't do that in the house.
"A very special kind of trick that you're going to love" ,Krys stated as she pulled out her wand. She muttered a spell that created an illusion of a small dragon in the palm of her hand, "This is Donovan's baby Sparky wanna see him make sparks come out of his mouth"?
Both Bellatrix and Iracebeth watched Krys' trick. Seeing the small dragon. "Sparky?" Racey asked. "He's a baby just like me.." She smiled and sniffled. Then nodded her head wanting to see the sparks.
"Yes he is a baby just like you but he definitely isn't as cute" ,Krys said in response. She mad the dragon shoot sparks out of his mouth, it was all just a picture really so it wouldn't set fire to anything.
Iracebeth giggled, when Krys said the dragon wasn't as cute. She smiled and laughed as Sparky shot out little sparks. Bellatrix smiled to see her baby happy.
After a little while Krys' father came into the room holding a small bottle with a light blue liquid in it, "This will probably make her sleepy but it will get rid of her fever" ,he told them as he handed the bottle to Krys. She grabbed the bottle then handed it to Bellatrix.
Bellatrix looked over to Severus when he came into the room with hopeful eyes. Bellatrix sighed softly in relief, "Thank you Severus," She said and smiled softly, it was probably the first time she had said thank you to him since what had happened between them. Bellatrix took the bottle from Krys, "OPen up Racey, down the hatch." She said sweet and Iracebeth shook her head not wanting to drink from the bottle. "Pwease baby for mummy?" Racey shook her head again and pulled her mouth shut. "Krys will Bring Donovan back out to say hello later if you drink this now." She stated and the baby smiled brightly and opened her mouth. Bella then fed the bottle to the baby.
"You're welcome" ,Severus said in response, a little bit shocked with the fact Bellatrix had actually thanked him for something. He looked at everyone once more before leaving the room. Krys watched as Bellatrix tried to get the baby to take the medicine and laughed a little bit, she knew exactly how the stuff tasted and it wasn't too bad but she knew how kids were with medication.
She thought he would be shocked, but when you have a baby things change, expescally when there is something wrong with the child, he of all people should know that. "Very good sweetie this will make you feel better I promise."
"Good job and I promise later I'll bring the dragon back out if you feel well enough" ,Krys told Iracebeth. She looked at Bellatrix, "And if your mom says it's ok of course".
"That's my girl just rest now ok..." She stated to the baby, She looked at Krys, "Mummy kinda already promised and threw you under the wamping willow, so..if you don't mind later if she's feeling better." Bellatrix said and asked. "Sparky?" Racey asked sweetly wanting him to come back for a bit.
Krys laughed at Bellatrix's statement, "Well then I guess it's a yes" ,she said. When the baby asked for the dragon to come back Krys pointed her wand at her hand once more creating the illusion.
"I don't think we really had a choice..." Bella stated and smiled. Racey smiled and clapped her hands as she watched Sparky and within 5-10 minutes she fell asleep.
When Racey fell asleep Krys put her wand away and leaned back against the wall and looked around, "She'll be asleep for a bit that potion always knocked me out" ,Krys stated, wanting Bellatrix to know so she wouldn't get worried.
"Alright... at least she'll get some rest, hopefully." Bellatrix replyed knowing the baby had a rough night. "I should have put a jacket on her, If I did he wouldn't be so sick." She stated, unsure of what really did cause the sickness. "Rover!" Bella called so he can lay with the baby.
"It wasn't really cold out last night love then again she's smaller then us so the weather may have effected her differently" ,Krys said in response. She watched as the pup jumped onto the bed, he snuggled up to the baby as if he were trying to keep her warm.
Bellatrix pet the puppy, "Thanks buddy." She smiled to the puppy, She loved the little guy too. "I know it wasn't and we had the fire going, So I didn't think she needed it..But maybe I was wrong..."
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