The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

"Oh I started at a very young age it drove my father nuts, I'd set fire to nearly everything it was mainly for attention" ,Krys said in response to Bellatrix's question.
"I remember those days, I was very young when I did it too I think it started after my sisters were born..." Bellatrix wasn't sure why it started but she was always amused by fire, burning things and watching it burn.
Bellatrix laughed softly, "The last thing I set on fire was Hagrid's hut, it went up nicely." She smiled brightly and wickedly.
"Yes yes it did love" ,Krys said laughing. She kissed Bellatrix on the cheek and laid back relaxing next to Bellatrix as they waited for the kids to wake up.
"Indeed it was nice, I thought it looked better that way." She stated happily. Bellatix moved her head over a bit laying next to Krys still holding onto the baby.
Bellatrix chuckled at Krys' response.She smiled as Krys cuddled into her, she felt like a sandwitch, she was stuck in the middle. As Krys Snuggled it seemed as if Iracebeth snuggled into her more.
"So what do you want to do today? Other then what we have planned already"? Krys asked curiously. She continued to relax enjoying the fact that she didn't have any missions to go on.
"I don't know I've nothing to do today, Besides having some more bonding time with the baby. The Dark Lord hasn't been sending either of us out lately...It's very strange for him not to do that." She stated normally they were both running wild trying to please him with missions he'd send them on but now there was nothing.
"Hm...I don't know, Yes if she ever wakes up, I'm sure she'll want to do something." She replied.
Krys laughed at Bellatrix's response, "Maybe I can put on another show with the dragon but that won't be until it gets dark out, I'm sure she'll be up soon she's probably exhausted after waking up in the middle of the night" ,Krys said in response.
"I know Racey would like that, she loves fire just like me, let's hope your arms don't get tired. " Bellatrix teased with a smile. "I know the poor thing." she replied knowing her baby had to have been scared to death. Iracebeth yawned and shifted positions. But just in doing so she woke herself up. She yawned again and looked around. "Morning sleepy head." Bella smiled at her as she was just waking up.
Iracebeth peaked over her mother sleepily still having a good hold on Bellatrix. She sank back down and cuddled into her mother. "come on Racey let's get some nummies mummy's hungry, you can sit with me." She let her mother get up and reached her arms out for her. Bella picked her up and brought her to the table. "Krys can you get the puppy?"
"Yeah, C'mon pup let's go" ,Krys stated. The pup perked up and followed Krys out of the tent. When she got outside she looked around before sitting down in one of the chairs by the fire pit.
Iracebeth still wouldn't leave Bellatrix, sitting on her mothers lap instead of in her normal seat. Bella cut up the baby's food handing her a fork but Racey didn't seem to have the energy to get her food. Bella took the fork back and started to feed the baby.
Krys gave the pup his food before grabbing her own plate and beginning to eat, she looked over at the baby and Bellatrix, "Poor thing is still tired" ,Krys said with a look of concern on her face.
Bellatrix continued to try and feed her baby, Iracebeth was so drained she was eating bits but others she didn't want. In-between feeding the baby Bella picked at her own meal. She wiped Racey's mouth from time to time. "Yeah she is, poor baby." Racey rubbed at her eyes again. "She feels warm too. Maybe she's sick..?"
"Hm we should check her temperature if she's sick maybe we should go back in the manor" ,Krys said. She knew if the baby was sick she'd need rest and to be warm.
"Do you have a thermometer?" Bellatrix asked so they could take her temperature. She wasreally starting to get concerned. "Let's finish breakfast then go back inside.
"Sounds good to me that way we can check and see if she's alright" ,Krys agreed. She continued to eat her food and when she was finished she waited for Bellatrix and the baby to finish. The pup had already finished his food by the time Krys was done so she didn't have to worry about him.
Bellatrix tried to eat quickly to get the baby inside, stopping when she noticed the baby stopped chewing to give her another peice. Bella then finished her meal, she tried to give the baby more but Iracebeth pushed it away. Bellatrix stood, "You two ready?" She asked heading inside.
"Yeah we're ready, c'mon Rover let's get inside" ,Krys stated as she stood up to follow Bellatrix and the baby inside. When inside the manor she immediately went to find a thermometer to take the baby's temperature.
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