The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Krys took a sip from the glass she had in her hand, she continued to look at the beautiful woman next to her. "I am the luckiest person alive to have you ya know that right" ,she told the woman. It was true in Krys' eyes she was very lucky to have Bellatrix in her life.
"No babe I'm the lucky one, I couldn't ask for somebody better." She replied looking into Krys' eyes. Bellatrix reached for Krys' hand to hold.
Krys took Bellatrix's hand in hers and looked back into Bellatrix's eyes, "I love you so much Bellatrix" ,she told her right before leaning in to kiss her.
"I love you more Krys. " She stated as she leaned in for the kiss. When it was done she spoke, "We should probably get some rest if not they'll wake us up early and hardly get any sleep. "
"You're right love we should get some sleep" ,Krys said in response. She stood up and grabbed Bellatrix's hands and helped her to her feet then made her way into the tent. "I've set up our section nicely I hope you like it".
Bellatrix smiled and took Krys' hands so she could get up. She followed Krys into the tent, being quiet not wanting to wake the babes. "I'm sure it's lovely dear." She whispered then yawned softly.
Krys led Bellatrix to the bed set up and laid down patting the spot next to her motioning for her to lay down. The baby's room was separated by a cloth that split the two areas and it was easy to keep an eye on the two.
Bellatrix followed Krys to their section of the tent. Bellatrix looked to the baby, and pup before she laid down and got comfortable. She snuggled into Krys lovingly.
Bellatrix slowly closed her eyes as she started to drift off to sleep. It felt like she had only been asleep for teen minutes before she heard Iracebeth scream and start crying. Iracebeth tried to get up and run to her mother bt she was tangled in her blanket, tripping and falling. Bellatrix quickly jumped up untangled Iracebeth and held onto her as Racey cried and clung to her. " what's wrong? Did you have a bad dream?" Racey nodded her head tears still falling. Bella started to wipe her tears away. "Wanna tell mummy about it?" She asked softly. "We was playing outside...and...and.. Something hit looked like a was green...and screamed and went to sweep and didn't wake up...Somethiung dragged you away...Kys wran off...I couldn't fin' Rover...Mummy..!" She said crying again cuddling into Bellatrix. Bella held on tightly to her baby. Bellatrix felt like she was about to cry just the thought that Iracebeth dreamed that her mother was going to die.
Krys jumped up when she heard the commotion and looked over at Bellatrix and the baby. She listened as Iracebeth spoke and felt terrible that the baby had such a dream, "Is everything ok love, Racey do you want to sleep with your mum tonight? I can go sleep with Rover if you want" ,Krys suggested.
Bellatrix looked at Krys, with sad eyes. "Yeah everything will be alright love." Bellatrix said softly and shakily. Racey nodded her head to Krys' question. "Krys bring rover here, we have plenty of room so we can all sleep together?" She asked.
"OK we can do that if that's what you want" ,Krys said in response with a sleepy smile. She then called for the pup who came in rather quickly and sat right next to the baby.
Racey cuddled inbetween the two of them then cuddling with Bella and the pup. Bellatrix laid down and wrapped her arms around her baby, tears falling from her eyes.
Krys laid down next to Bellatrix and held her close, "That's a scary dream for a baby to have love" ,she whispered. She didn't know what to think Iracebeth shouldn't be worrying about stuff like death at her age.
"I know...I wonder where it came from?" She asked Racey was a happy child it was out of the blue, besides Bella knowing part of her dream was true, But how did it get into her daughters head?
"Hm do you think we should look into this more or leave it alone"? Krys asked. She didn't know what to do she knew Racey was a very happy child and to have a dream about her own mother dying was something pretty abnormal.
"I don't know dear..."She sniffed, taking her hand wiping her tears away. She was trying to think of ways it got to her daughter without her saying anything.
Krys snuggled into Bellatrix and helped the woman wipe her tears away, "Don't worry love I'm sure it's just a crazy dream that came out of no where we'll sort everything out I promise" ,Krys told her before kissing her softly on the cheek.
"Okay love, I hope your right..." She stated she liked her idea better than what she had thought. That Voldemort was trying to see how weak or strong the baby was or to torment the child until Bella died, also tormenting Bellatrix.
"Try and get some sleep love I know it will be hard I know it's going to be hard for me to sleep after hearing that all" ,Krys told her. It was true she was worried about both the baby and Bellatrix she loved them both and couldn't imagine anything bad happening to either of them.
"I'll try...lets just try to relax." She stated, taking a deep breath. Bella's heart was pounding and it hurt. She gently stroked her baby's hair. Bella closed her wanting to calm down.
Such a wonderful evening wass ruined by this horrible truthful nightmare her little baby had, it broke Bellatrix's heart seeing her baby in such pain, seeing Krys in such worry.
After a little while Krys drifted off into a not so comfortable sleep, she tossed and turned having various nightmares based off of what Racey had said. Eventually when the sun came up Krys left the tent and went for a walk, she stopped and looked up at the tree house, the windows were broken and it was a mess from when Rudolphus had disguised himself as her and beat the living hell out of Bellatrix. A sigh escaped her lips as she remembered the hell they went through, she bit her lip to fight back the tears, she couldn't help but worry about Bellatrix and wonder if the dream Iracebeth had was more then just a dream.
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