The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Narcissa looked at the two who were talking to each other having a feeling they were talking about her or having something to do with her. She stayed quite and watched the babby who was so easily amused by fire just like her mother. Bellatrix from earily on loved the sight of fire, she used to set things on fire, on occasion. Bella's facial expression didn't change she sighed softly she wasn't fully ready to forgive her sister for what she had done to her, granted Bella had done some rotten things to Narcissa before. "I love you too dear."Bella stated smiling softly.
Krys looked over to Narcissa after she spoke to Bellatrix, she gave the woman a smile to ensure her that they weren't saying anything bad. She continued to make the dragon flap his wings and even had him shoot fire from his mouth and into the sky making fireworks. Krys smiled at the baby who seemed to be in awe with this simple magic trick Krys was preforming.
Narcissa smiled back at krys, she was sorry for what she had done but Bellatrix could be really stuborn. Racey watched in amazment, she waved at the dragon, then laughed and clapped at the fireworks inn the air they scared her a bit but she saw his smile he wasn't trying to scare her.
Krys laughed at the baby's reaction, "You're really enjoying this aren't you" ,she asked smiling. She looked at the other two, "You guys enjoying this as well"? Krys hoped she was entertaining everyone she was also trying to take everyone's minds off of their problems for a night.
Racey smiled brightly and said, "Yesss" with a slight hiss. "Yes love this is amusing and it's keeping Racey entertained." Bellatrix stated. "It's a very amusing trick Krys. " Narcissa replied. Bellatrix shot her sister a look, then looked to her daughter who seemed unphased by Narcissa's words, "Thank Merlin.." Bella muttered. If Iracebeth discovered right then that Donovan was a trick she would have a fit, either in anger or in tears. "Racey love it's time for bed baby." Bellatrix stated. Iracebeth looked at her. "But mummy....5 more minutes?" she asked cutely. "No" bella stated. "2 more minutes?" 'No, it's bed time.' "okay one more minutes?" she stated as a last result. "Say goodnight Racey." Bellatrix stated. Racey pouted, "Night aunty Cissy...Night Donovan..thank you.." She waved at him sadly she didn't want to go to bed, then she yawned."Night Kys." She stated. "Rover!" Racey called, she needed Rover without him she couldn't sleep. Bellatrix laid in the tent with her baby and the pup once he joined them, Bella stayed to make sure she was going to sleep and to help her along, cuddling into her.
Krys made the dragon flap it's wings to wave back at Racey, "Good night Iracebeth sleep good maybe Donovan can come out to play some other time" ,Krys stated. She knew the baby wanted to stay up because of the dragon so she offered to bring it out some other time. When Bellatrix went into the tent Krys made sure Racey was out of sight before releasing the spell from the fire. She sat down and waited for Bellatrix to get back.
Bellatrix stayed there and waited until Racey was fast asleep. She thought it was cute that Krys offered to bring the fire dragon back another time. "Well I'm going to go back inside so Lucius doesn't think I got lost. Good night Krys." Narcissa stood up and went back inside. Bellatrix came back out as carefully as she could trying not to wake Iracebeth.
"Good night Narcissa" ,Krys said in response to the woman before she left. Krys poked at the fire and added a little more wood to keep it going, she wasn't tired and wanted to just sit by the fire for a little while longer. When Bellatrix came out Krys looked up and smiled, "Are you enjoying yourself tonight love"? She asked.
Bellatrix walked back to the fire and Krys, sitting down next to her. "Yes dear, Tonight was fun, Racey had a ball. She's definately my daughter she's just as fasinated by fire as I was when I was younger.." She stated. then looked to where her sister had been sitting. "Where'd Cissy go?" Bellatrix asked curiously.
"That's good I'm glad you both had fun" ,Krys said in response to Bellatrix. When Bellatrix asked where Narcissa went Krys looked at her, "Cissy went inside to go spend time with Lucius" ,Krys told her. She had the elf go grab some drinks for them as she poked at the fire.
"Besides my sister nagging me Everything was fine. As you saw Racey didn't want to leave the fire." She stated "Oh I see...He's normally her scape goat." She said it was true if she didn't want to do something or be somewhere she went to Lucius.
Krys laughed, "Yeah I suppose you're right, I don't mind being alone just the two of us until we go to bed in the tent" ,Krys said in response. It would've been nice for Bellatrix to get along with her sister and spend some time with her but Krys enjoyed their time together.
"Nor do I this is nice and relaxing." She stated as she rested in the chair, talking to Krys and watching the fire. Bellatrix was still very upset with her sister, and would talkk to her when she was ready.
After a bit the elf finally came back with the drinks and Krys grabbed hers then had the elf give Bellatrix one. "Well I'm glad you enjoyed yourself tonight and I'm glad Racey liked my little magic trick I haven't done that in the longest time" ,Krys said in response smiling.
Bellatrix took her drink from the elf taking a sip. "Yes it was lovely dear, I'm sure you be tired of that trick, knowing how I was Racey might be the same, and she does adore that dragon, you might be harrassed to do it again and again." Bellatix smiled and informed her.
"Well I'll do the trick whenever she wants as long as you say it's ok" ,Krys said in response. She took a sip from her glass and leaned back to relax. "Do you need anything for while we're out here"? Krys asked out of curiosity.
"It's fine dear she loves fire so long as neather of you get burnt, it's alright." Bella stated. "I think I'm good do you have pillows and blankets and such?" she asked.
"I would never let Iracebeth get hurt love the trick is completely safe if it wasn't I wouldn't do it in front of her" ,Krys said in response to Bellatrix. "I've set everything up nicely for us and I got a whole lot of pillows I can't sleep without a bunch of pillows".
"I know you wouldn't love you're very careful with her and I apperciate it." She stated she loved that Krys also treated Racey like her own flesh and blood. "Sounds good love, Who doesn't love pillows? But I have one special pillow, that I know I couldn't be without, it gives comfort, and love, makes me feel better when I'm sad, I'd be lost without you." She stated smiling at Krys.
Krys smiled at Bellatrix's words, "I feel the same way about you too love" ,she said in response. She looked at Bellatrix and thought to herself how much she truly loved the woman. "I can honestly say I have never been happier in my life, you make it worth living you know" ,Krys stated.
Bella smiled she knew she was loved and that's really all she wanted, all she ever wanted besides death to muggles and muggle kind. Bellatrix then thought of something, "Krys you what's funny..? We used to hate each other and now look at us." she laughed slightly, they wanted to kill each other for the longest time and now they'd die without the other in there life.
Krys laughed after Bellatrix mentioned they hated each other, "I know it's funny how life has it's twists and turns" ,she said in response. She couldn't help but smile at the thought of them fighting like cats and dogs only a little over a year ago and now they were practically inseparable.
"Life is but a game we all must play, with twists and turns, for better for worse until we die." She stated, smiling. She laughed again it was too funny the things they did to one another. And now they were stuck like glue.
"That is very true love it is a game one that we play simply to survive and to be happy or miserable all depends on the cards we're dealt, I think I've been dealt a pretty decent hand though" ,Krys said in response smiling at Bellatrix.
"That's so sweet love, my cards continue to change on me they were good then bass then bad then good and even better." Bellatrix replied Hogwarts was good, marriage was bad, Azkaban was bad, escape was good, and now she's with Krys which was the best. She smiled brightly at the girl, not knowing how much time they had left together.
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