The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bellatrix jumped up and looked around frantically, "I hear them too..." She stated then ran to where she believed she heard them and saw them tussling around. She sighed in relief. "Iracebeth...Rover! Get over here." she scalled and Racey laughing got up and headed over to her mother,, followed by Rover.
"Where can they be"? Krys asked with worry. Then she seen them come running toward Bellatrix, a sigh of relief escaped her lips as the two came into sight. "Alright I'm going to light the fire now so if they run off we'll be able to see them". Krys waved her wand and made a fire pit appear before lighting the fire. She then set up chairs for each of them to sit in.
Bellatrix wrapped Iracebeth in her arms she had goten worried if she lost Racey she would never forgive herself and she would be dead The Dark Lord would kill her personally. "Don't wander too far like that again." She stated. "Alright love, good Idea." "Don't do that to mommy ever again. promise me." 'I sorry mommy...' Racey said cutely hugging her mother .
After Krys lit the fire she summoned the house elf and told him to bring out their dinner and some snacks for the night. "Alright Racey watch this" ,Krys said as she grabbed a small red bag and threw it into the fire. After the cloth burned away the flames began to change into all different colors, Krys looked at Iracbeth to see her reaction.
Iracebeth turned her attentio to Krys watching what she was doing. As the fire started to change color her eyes grew wide and a bright happy smile appeared on her face wanting to be closer to the fire. "No you're not going to the fire." Bellatrix stated. "You can see just fine from here."
Krys noticed Iracebeth trying to get to the fire, "Oh you don't want to come to close to the fire you may anger the dragon that lives inside it" ,Krys said playfully. "But if you stay right where you are I can get him to come out and say hello, what d'ya say"?
Iracebeth looked up at Krys with her mothers arms wrapped around her waist. "A dragon lives in there?" She asked shocked at how a dragon could be in there. "Mommy can the dragon come out?" She asked. "Only if you're a good girl and stay away from the fire, alright sweety?"
"Yep he lives in here and he only comes out when he knows it's safe and he can't hurt anyone by accident" ,Krys told her in response still with a happy but serious tone. "Now what does mommy think should we let him out"?
Bellatrix looked at Krys and then down to Racey. "Pwease mummy I promise I'll be good pwease I wanna see the dragon." Iracebeth turned and begged her mother. "Alright let him out love." she smiled.
Krys laughed a bit at Racey's cuteness and when Bellatrix gave the go ahead she pointed her wand at the fire. She muttered a spell and the face of a dragon appeared, it began to change colors as Krys made it rise slowly out of the fire. It was of course an illusion that couldn't harm anyone but it was still a cool trick Krys had learned to do.
Racey gasped as the dragon came to life. Slowly rising from the flames, changing colors it was entertaining. She was frozen unsure of what to do. "Look baby look he's a friendly dragon."
Krys noticed the expression on Racey's face and could tell she may be a little scared of the dragon so she made it smile and look a bit friendlier. "Yeah he's friendly look he's smiling if you wave to him I'm sure he'll flap his wings as well" ,Krys told her.
Racey was still taken by the dragon, he was kinda scary though he was bigger than her. Racey saw him smile and she smiled in return. "What's his name?" she asked then waved at him.
"His name hmm I've never really named him but I guess I can tonight, I think his name should be....Donovan....Donovan the Dragon, sound good"? Krys said in response. She made the dragon flap it's wings after Racey waved at it.
"Mommy look Donovan waved at me look look..." Racey exclaimed and smiled waving again. "Donovan sounds like a great name for this overgrown fire Dragon." Bellatrix agreed then all of a sudden she heard a scream from within the manor, "BELLATIX LESTRANGE YOU BETTER NOT BE SETTING MY LAWN ON FIRE!!" Narcissa called then came out. Seein Krys and Bella, plus baby and pup. "Well helloto you too Cissy."
"Don't worry it's completely contained Narcissa, my father taught me this trick when I was still in school, say hi to Donovan" ,Krys said in response to Narcissa. She knew the woman could get paranoid at points and she just needed a bit of reassurance sometimes.
Narcissa turned her attention to Krys listening to her, nodding her head in agreement. "Hello Donovan...?" She stated playing along. Racey looked over at the woman, who just came out of the house. Iracebeth wiggled out of Bella's arms and went over to Narcissa, though she lived with her she hardly saw her. Racey just stood there looking up at her, then she held out her arms wanting Narcissa to hold her. Narcissa bent and picked up Racey and smiled, she then started to bounce Racey around. The baby laughed, "Hey little one you've gotten so what's going on out here anyway." she asked no one in general.
"We've decided to treat the kids to a camp out care to join us for a little while"? Krys asked in response. She too hadn't seen Narcissa in a long time and thought it'd be nice to offer her some company.
"That sounds like fun, I'd love too, so long as Bella's alright with it." She stated unsure if Bella was still upset with her. "Yeah no that's fine pull up a chsir and join us." She stated smiling softly.
Krys continued to make the dragon do tricks to impress the baby, she smiled when Narcissa accepted the offer. She looked over at the group as she controlled the dragon, "Are you guys hungry yet"? She asked feeling her stomach rumble.
Racey was amazed by the dragon still, as she stayed in Narcissa's arms. "I'm fine dear," Bellatrix stated having eaten not too long ago."Bellatrix eat something." Narcissa demanded, "No Cissy I'm not hungry...I had a late lunch." Bellatrix replied. "Nummies?" Racey picked her head up and turned toward Krys. "Sounds, like somebodies hungry. I'll have something Krys." Narciassa stated.
"Alright then we'll have some dinner" ,Krys stated. She smiled at the baby, "When the nummies come I have to let Donovan go back to sleep for a little while we eat ok"? Krys told her, she wouldn't be able to eat and play with the fire at the same time. Krys summoned the elf and ordered some food and marshmallows for after dinner.
Racey pouted she didn't want Donovan to go back to sleep, "Will he come back?" She asked she was so enamered by the fire dragon, she didn't want him to go away.
"Of course he'll come back he's gonna cook some marshmallows for you after dinner but you have to eat good ok" ,Krys said in response. to Iracebeth's question, she was glad her litte trick amused the baby.
Iracebeth smiled softly, then a look of confussion was on her face. "Marshmelwows? what's that? are they yummy?" She asked then reached for Krys wanting her to hold her.
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