The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

"Yeah everything's all set and ready for us" ,Krys said in response, giving Bellatrix a smile pretending nothing was wrong. She looked at the baby, "We're going to have loads of fun later I'm going to light a fire then make it change colors how does that sound maybe I can even get a dragon to show up". Krys knew all sorts of magic tricks when it came to fire so she knew she could keep Iracebeth entertained during the night while she was awake.
"Great love, tonight's going to be fun." She stated. She was looking forward to tonight. Racey looked at Krys and smiled brightly, and in awe as Krys spoke about the fire changing colors, and getting a dragon to appear. "I wanna see." Racey stated, she couldn't wait till her first camp out.
"I can't wait to show you" ,Krys said smiling. She knew they were all going to have fun and was looking forward to their camp out. Krys placed her arm around Bellatrix then rested her head on her shoulder, "I love you" ,she whispered in her ear before kissing her cheek softly.
"Yay! Mama Kys is gonna show us cool things," Racey stated excitedly. "Yes Baby she is, I heard her say so." Bella replied, smiling. Bella snuggled into her with the baby in her arms. "I love you too." she stated, resting her head lightly on Krys'.
Mama Krys? That was new and it caught Krys of guard for a moment but after letting it sink in she figured it was the most logical thing for the baby to call her. She did take care of her and was around her everyday and she loved her as her own so why not. Krys looked at Racey and smiled, "Yes we are going to have a lot of fun tonight" ,she told her.
Bellatrix smiled at her baby. "Hey Racey why don't you and Rover go play catch for a bit huh?" Bellatrix suggested figuring the baby wanted to go play instead of resting in her arms. Racey smiled at them both, "Otay mama...Come on Rover lets go play." She stated heading to where they were before.
Krys watched as Racey ran off with Rover and smiled, "Those two have so much fun together I love watching them together, they look so happy" ,Krys stated as she continued to cuddle up to her love.
""Yes those two are adorable I love it, I wanna know if she's taking after me or the Dark Lord though." She stated curious to the various traits she had in her. She cuddled into Krys more loving being close to her.
"I can definitely see a lot of your traits love" ,Krys told her in response. She did see a lot of Bellatrix's mannerism's in Iracebeth. Krys continued to cuddle with Bellatrix as they sat and watched the baby and the pup play.
"Yes that's true I do see alot of me in her, but I want to know what of his traits she has." She stated, curiously. Granted she couldn't do magic yet so it's not like they could tell that way.
"I'm sure we'll find out soon enough love don't worry" ,Krys told her in response. She didn't know when Iracebeth would start to show traits of her father but she was pretty sure it would happen.
"Maybe I'm impatient...Love are you alright? You were crying..." Bella stated Knowing Krys didn't like to show weakness but Bella was worried about her.
When Bellatrix mentioned that Krys had been crying she looked at her, "Nah my eyes were just watery that's all" ,Krys said nervously in response. She didn't want to worry Bellatrix any further.
Bellatrix smiled softly at Krys, placing a hand on her cheek. "Alright love but if theres something wrong don't be afraid to speak." She stated granted she wanted to talk to Krys about things but she couldn't.
"I know love and if there's something wrong with you please don't be afraid to tell me" ,Krys said in response. She had known something was bothering Bellatrix and that the woman didn't want to talk about it.
"I'm alright Love...I'm just I raising Iracebeth right? Is she learning, and understanding why things the way they are...Am I too easy or too hard on her?" Bellatrix stated this was part of what was bothering her but she made it up mostly.
"You're doing fine and I'm always gonna be here to help you know that you're a great mother don't worry yourself over it" ,Krys told her in response. "Is that what's been bothering you all this time"?
"You think so? Yeah I know really think I'm a great mother? I just.. I don't know if I'm doing what's best for her." Bellatrix replyed to Krys. "Yeah I guess so...I just want her to grow up right and what's best for her..It just sounds so silly to say it out loud."
"Yes I think so and yes you are a great mother, like I said don't worry" ,Krys said in response. She pulled Bellatrix close and held her figuring she would need it. "I love you guys so much and I'll be here with you for good no matter what and it's not silly to say it out loud it's good to let out what's bothering you".
"It's hard not to worry Krys...I wonder if all mothers do this." she stated curiously wondering about if all mothers had the same thoughts, she'd have to talk to her sister later. Bella cuddled close into Krys, "I love you too babe, If I die will you care for Iracebeth for me?" She stated that was another thing bothering her she was up in age and her time was running out she wanted to make sure her baby would be taken care of. "I guess so.."
"Of course I'll take care of her but you're not going anywhere anytime soon so don't worry about that either love" ,Krys said in response. She looked at Bellatrix and gave her a warm smile, she still had no idea about why Bellatrix was really upset.
"Okay...I just want to make sure, I want her to be well cared for..whether I'm here or not." She stated. Bellatrix smiled back at her, then kissed Krys softly.
Krys returned her kiss placing her hand on the side of Bellatrix's face and stroking her softly. As it got a little bit later Krys stood up, "When do you want me to light the fire love"? She asked curiously.
"Mmmm"she moaned softly kissing Krys. Bellatrix looked up at Krys as she stood. "now would be a good time, dear." She then looked over to where the kids were, Her eyes widened "Krys where are the kids?" she asked not seeing them.
Krys looked around starting to worry when she didn't see them, then she heard the dog bark and Racey laugh but she still didn't see them anywhere. "I dunno I can hear them but I can't see them" ,Krys said in response with a hint of worry in her voice.
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