The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

"Are you sure love I can have something made for you"? Krys asked to double check. She sat down and poured drinks for everyone and watched as Racey took a sip from her cup.
"Yeah I'm sure Love I'm alright." Bellatrix stated her mind was just too troubled to want to eat. "Thank you dear," she stated taking her cup taking a drink. Racey took a sip of her drink then crawl up into her mothers lap, with the pup.
"OK love" ,Krys said in response. She watched as Racey climbed into her mom's lap and cuddled up to her. "You alright love you seem troubled"? Krys asked she could again sense something was wrong but if Bellatrix didn't want to talk about it she wouldn't push it.
Bellatrix held the pup and her daughter in her arms, petting Rover gently and stroking her daughter's hair. Bellatric looked up at Krys and tilted her head slightly, "Yes dear, I'm alright really I am." She replied Krys seemed to read her without doing so, even Racey could feel that her mother was going through something.
"Alright love" ,Krys said in response. Whatever was bothering her was something she either couldn't talk about or there was really nothing wrong at all but Krys knew Bellatrix too well to believe everything was alright. She left it alone and figured that Bellatrix would tell her whatever was on her mind when she was ready to.
Bellatrix smiled softly at Krys trying to have her believe nothing was wrong with her. "Would you like to join this cuddle session Krys?" She asked smiling she had the kids, she should have her lover as well. Plus Krys was like the babies father or other mother, since Voldemort hadn't come to see her since she was born.
Krys made her way over to the three and cuddled up, it was quite nice and relaxing. "Now this is great and it's all that I could ever want you know" ,she said right before kissing Bellatrix on the cheek. "I love you guys very much".
Bellatrix opened her arms slightly welcoming her to cuddle with them, she scooted over to make room. Bellatrix cuddled into Krys with the babes. "I know love, it's all I want too." She stated, it was true she wanted to be with the ones she loved, including her sister but she was busy with her own life. "We wove you too Kys..."Racey stated sweetly.
Krys smiled cutely when Iracebeth said they loved her to, she reached down and pet the pup while she cuddled with Bellatrix and the baby. It was a nice day out and she was enjoying herself and hoped everyone else felt the same.
Bellatrix smiled, turing her head to kiss Krys' cheek. She reached out to hold Krys' hand, gently. She loved Krys and there was nothing she wouldn't do for her, unless ordered not to. She laid there with her family in the sun.
Krys smiled and held Bellatrix's hand while they all laid there, she loved them all and wanted to make a great future for them. She closed her eyes and relaxed for a little bit just enjoying the moment.
Bellatrix's thumb gently rubbed Krys' hand, as they relaxed there, Iracebeth falling asleep on Bella's chest. The pup was in one arm napping and she was holding onto Krys gently. Bellatrix closed her eyes loving how calm everything was, for the moment.
After a little while Krys fell asleep, she was so comfortable and relaxed so it wasn't hard to drift off. When she woke up she looked over at Bellatrix and the baby cuddling with the pup and smiled.
Bellatrix had drifted off as well, still tired needing rest. She still had the pup, and the baby holding gently but securly to her.
Bellatrix yawned, her eyes slowly fluttered open to see the baby and the pup. She then looked over to Krys, "Afternoon, love."
"Good afternoon" ,Krys said in response. "I had the elf go make the kids some food and us as well but we don't have to eat right away I'm not too hungry myself".
"Alright love, sounds good they'll probably be hungry. Did we really fall asleep out here?" Bellatrix asked not thinking that they did.
"Yeah we did, I guess we were just so relaxed that we dozed off" ,Krys said in response. When the elf came out with the food Krys told it to place everything on the table until they were ready to eat.
"it was relaxing," She smiled softly. Bellatrix watched the elf bring out the food. Bellatrix gently shook the baby awake, "Racey, sweetie...time to wake up baby. It's lunch time. " Bellatrix stated watching her babe. Iracebeth yawned and looked around it was very bright. "Nummies?"
Krys laughed a bit at the baby's cuteness, "Yeah nummies it's right over there on the table I can go grab it if you guys want to eat over here" ,Krys said in response.
Iracebeth squinted to where Krys said the nummies were. Bellatrix smiled at her daughter she was adorable. "Doesn't matter to me love you may just have to help me up." She stated with the babes still on her she would have a hard time.
"No love relax I'll go grab it I'll have the elf help me with it" ,Krys said in response smiling. She wanted Bellatrix to relax and was willing to get the food for them. Krys summoned the elf and had it help her bring everything over and set it up.
"Alright love, I don't mind getting up though." She stated but Krys was already moving things over and she stayed put with the baby and puppy, as the elf helped Krys with everything.
After everything was set up Krys made the baby a plate and handed it to Bellatrix, "Why don't you show mommy how good you do eating by yourself" ,Krys said smiling to Racey.
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