The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Krys picked Racey up and gave her a hug, she walked around the yard with her until the food came. She made her way over to the blanket and sat down and put Racey on her lap and began to get the baby's food ready so that she could feed her.
Racey hugged Krys in return holding onto her as she was carried around the yard. She sat on Krys' lap when the food came. "Nummies!" She smiled and clapped.
Krys smiled then cut up Racey's food before feeding it to her, "Is everything alright? Do you want a sip of your drink"? Krys asked after racey had taken a few bites of her food.
Iracebeth ate what Krys was feeding her, each time the food entered her mouth she smiled and wiggled a bit. She was right what she wanted to eat was very yummy. Racey was chewing when Krys asked her if it was alright, she looked up at her smiling then nodding her head. She swallowed "Pwease." She stated for her drink.
Krys smiled back at the baby, she was having fun just spending time with the kids. She grabbed Racey's cup and handed it to her, "Here you go" ,she said. Krys took a sip from her own cup and a couple bites of her food while Racey drank some of her juice.
Iracebeth took her juice with both hands and started to drink from it. Racey tried to watch what Krys was doing. Once she was finished she handed her cup back to Krys. Then tried to reach her fork.
Krys took the cup and set it down safely next to her, she noticed Racey grabbing for her fork, "Do you want to try and do it yourself"? Krys asked her kindly. "Alright well I'll teach you". Krys placed the fork in Racey's hand and helped her with the first bite, "Alright now you try on your own".
Racey nodded her head "I wanna try..." she stated cutely smiling at Krys. Iracebeth's hand wrapped her fingers around the fork as Krys helped her with the first bite. then when Krys let go she took the fork and mimicked the motion and grabbed food bringing it to her mouth. "I did it."
Krys clapped and gave Racey a hug when she had fed herself, "Good job Iracebeth, I'm so proud of you" ,Krys stated with a smile. Rover barked his approval then went back to eating his food.
Racey smiled brightly and hugged Krys back, "I did it...I did it." She clapped and cheered happy that she could do it. She then started to laugh with excitement. Iracebeth then turned back to her food and took another bite.
Krys watched and made sure Racey didn't put too much food in her mouth at once. She continued to eat her own food as she watched the baby eat her food.
Racey continued to feed herself, still smiling at her accomplishment. Iracebeth put her fork down and reached for her juice, chewing her food but needing to wash it down.
Krys noticed Iracebeth reach for her juice so she picked it up and handed it to her, "Here you go wait until your mommy hears how good you've been doing she's going to be so proud of you" ,Krys told her.
Iracebeth took her juice from Krys, drinking some of it, sighing after she swallowed it. "Thank you, Yay Mummy, she's gonna be happy?" She smiled brightly she wanted her mummy to be happy with her.
Krys took a sip of her own drink and then went back to her food, it was nice to see the baby so happy and proud of herself. She couldn't wait to tell Bellatrix how well Racey did with her food.
Racey moved her cup away from and started to eat again she felt really hungry this morning.

A few hours went by and Bellatrix woke up,She still felt tired and sore but if she didn't get up, she wouldn't sleeep well during the night. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, streching. Bella stood up washed her face in the sink, then got dressed. She procceed to put her hair up. Bellatrix walked outside, into the warm sun shine.
After they finished breakfast Krys had the elf clean the mess then bring out a pitcher of juice so that they would have a steady drink supply. Some time passed and the three played for a while, "Hey Racey look who's up wanna go tell her how good you did today"? Krys said after noticing Bellatrix come outside, "Good morning love".
Iracebeth looked at Krys then caught sight of her mother. "Yeah.. Mummy." She called then ran toward her laughing all the way, when she got to Bellatrix she jump up for her mom to catch her. Bellatrix caught her baby, "Hey sweetheart." Bella said sweetly giving her baby a kiss. "Mummy...I eated food all by myself," She stated happily. "You did? That's my beautiful, brilliant girl. Morning Love"
Krys smiled as Iracebeth told her mother what she had done and the reaction Bellatrix had was perfect. "Yep she did great today ate nearly half the plate by herself" ,Krys added in. She walked over and kissed Bellatrix on the cheek, "How did you sleep love"?
Bellatrix was so excited that her baby could eat on her own, and could walk, the main thing left was potty training. "That's wonderful," Though it was great she was sorry that she had missed it. Bella smiled at Krys, "Well love thank you, I needed it, I'm not as young as I was. How's everything out here?"
"You're welcome love, everything is great out here we've been having loads of fun right Iracebeth" ,Krys said in response. She smiled at the baby then at Bellatrix. "We've been playing catch with Rover all morning".
"That's great guys," She stated. 'We've played all morning mummy, it's been fun.' Racey stated. "Aren't you guys sick of that game yet?" She teased everytime they go outside they play catch.
"Hmm I'm not but I don't know about Racey and Rover, are you guys sick of that game"? Krys looked at Racey and Rover asking them. Rover of course just perked up because Krys was talking to him, he was a friendly pup Krys couldn't wait to see him when he got bigger and really needed to protect Racey from boys or other things that may be a danger.
"I like this game Mummy it's fun. Rover seems to like it too, he runs and runs to go and get it then brings it back. His tail wages a lot." Racey stated explaining, to Bellatrix that it was fine. "Okay I was just asking little one." She replied. "Mummy can you put me down?" She asked, "Yeah sweet heart I can." Bella put the baby down and went to Rover and started petting him.
Rover cuddled into Bellatrix's hand when she pet him and Racey pulled on Krys' hand wanting her to follow her to get the ball. "Alright I'm coming" ,Krys laughed.
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