The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Krys moaned softly as Bellatrix went faster, she began to move her fingers faster as well. She kissed her passionately as she got close to her climax Bellatrix was making her feel so good and Krys wanted this more then anything.
Bellatrix moaned with Krys, as they went faster on each other. Bellatrix was close being sensitive and with Krys making her feel good. Bella kissed her back deeply.
Krys let herself go and came for Bellatrix, she moaned a little bit louder as she climaxed. She leaned down and kissed Bellatrix's neck as she finished, "I love you so much" ,Krys moaned softly.
Hearing and feeling Krys go, she went as well, moaning with her. "I love you too baby." she sighed as Krys kissed her neck. Bella wrapped her arms around her.
Krys wrapped her arms around Bellatrix as well when she felt her cum the same time she did. "That was great love I haven't had an orgasm like that in....well....ever really" ,Krys told her right before kissing her softly.
'You've never had one like that before ever?" She asked she was certain she must've. Bella kissed Krys back relaxing in the tub.
"No never ,I've never really let anyone touch me until now" ,Krys admitted. She relaxed with Bellatrix enjoying the warmth of the water and having Bellatrix so close, this would definitely be a night to remember.
Well I feel honored that I was you technical first" She giggled, laying in the water with Krys. This was nice tonight was amazing so far, and she would remember it for all time.
Krys smiled at Bellatrix when she said she was honored. After a little while Krys looked at Bellatrix and pulled her close, "We should probably get out soon before our skin gets all pruney" ,Krys joked. "Plus we still have the closet to go in". Krys smiled knowing Bellatrix was probably tired but she had to mention it for fun.
"Yeah we probably should, before we look like a couple of raisins." She teased granted she didn't want to move. "Oh yes the closet...I nearly forgot...maybe another time." She stated the giggled, she was tired and spent needing a rest. Bellatrix washed Krys carefully then washed herself hopping out of the tub, drying herself off. Bellatrix then remembered that Krys ripped off her nighty. "Hey Love?...Do you have something I can wear to bed, since I need a new nighty." She stated with a smile wrapping the towel around her.
Krys smiled as Bellatrix washed her, when Bellatrix got out Krys followed her and dried off as well wrapping a towel around herself. "Of course I have something you can wear love" ,Krys told her. She kissed her softly before making her way over to the dresser and pulling out a pair of boxers and a t-shirt, she handed the clothes to Bellatrix before getting dressed herself into a pair of boxers and a tank top.
Bella smiled when Krys kissed her. "Thank you, Love." Bella said taking the clothes Krys had given to her. Putting on the boxers then the shirt. Walking over to the bed, laying down, under the covers, waiting for Krys so they could snuggle and go to sleep.
After Bellatrix got in the bed Krys climbed in herself, she laid down next to Bellatrix and wrapped her arms around her. The warmth of being next to Bellatrix was soothing and felt so right, she never wanted to let this go, she never wanted to let Bellatrix go.
Once Bella felt Krys' arms around her, she snuggled into her, loving the way it felt. Loving the feeling of being in a loved ones arms. Bellatrix could hear the sound of Krys' heart, it was beating in time like a drum, the sound was soothing just like the warmth from Krys' body. "I love you Krys." Bella said sweetly.
"I love you too Bellatrix and I will forever" ,Krys said in response as she held Bellatrix close. She snuggled up to her and kissed her softly before closing her eyes, taking in the sweet scent of the woman she loved and drifting off to sleep.
Bellatrix smiled as she heard Krys' words. Bella held Krys' hands as they were wrapped around her body. Slowly closing her eyes drifting off to sleep, safe and warm in her love's arms.
When Krys woke up the next morning she smiled seeing Bellatrix laying next to her, the baby wasn't awake yet so Krys decided to just lay there and hold Bellatrix until she woke up.
Bellatrix slept soundly that evening, being exgausted from they're long night. By morning Bella was still sound asleep, she was tired and spent, both physically and emotionally. But like always something must interupt her slumber, between the baby, the puppy, Krys, Narcissa, or the blasted sun. A stream of sunlight hit her eyes waking her up. She blinked as she looked around, Krys was still holding her and she smiled. She turned to look at Krys, "Morning Love." she smiled softly.
Krys returned the smile, "Morning love how did you sleep"? She asked softly. She moved a few pieces of hair from Bellatrix's face and smiled looking into her eyes as she waited for her answer.
"Quite well dear, I'm still tired. But I slept like a baby. How did you sleep?" she asked softly smiling at Krys as she brushed the hair out of her face. Bella laced her hand with Krys' free one, rubbing it softly.
"I slept great, I always do when I'm holding you" ,Krys said softly in response. She continued to stroke the side of Bellatrix's face as she laid with her, "You're so beautiful I can't tell you enough".
Bellatrix smiled knowing she made Krys happy. Bella continued to rub Krys' hand as she stroked her face. "Thank you love,as are you." She replied smiling thinking Krys was both beautiful and handsome at the same time.
Krys leaned down and kissed Bellatrix on the cheek cutely, after a few moments there was a knock on the door, "Mommy I awake" ,the cheerful voice of Racey sounded through the door. Krys looked at Bellatrix with a shocked expression, "She climbed out of the crib unless Narcissa took her out"! Krys said quickly.
Bellatrix smiled as Krys kissed her cheek. Then it quickly faded and a look of shock replaced it, hearing her daughter on the other side of the door. Bella turned to Krys, shocked. "WAit is the pup with her if he is Cissy took her out if he's not then she climbed out.." She replied, Bella went to get up but winced slightly having getting a little rough last night, "Krys... do you mind getting her?"
"Yeah no problem" ,Krys said in response. She got up and made her way over to the door and opened it, "Hey love there ain't no pup here" ,Krys told Bellatrix, she looked across the hall and seen Rover standing on his hind legs waging his tail and barking from the crib. "Yeah yeah I'm coming I'm coming" ,Krys stated as she walked into the baby's room and grabbed the pup and placed him onto the floor. Krys then walked back into the bedroom where Bellatrix and Racey were.
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