The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

"Thank you Love," She stated she didn't think about how she would feel in the morning. Bella had a dumbfounded expression on her face as she said the pup wasn't with her. Once the door was opened Iracebeth ran over to her mother trying to climb onto the bed, Bellatrix scooped her up and put her on the bed. "Now missy how did you get down?" she asked her. 'I climbed down Mommy, but Rover couldn't." she said smiling happy that she had gotten down and was with her mother.
The dog ran straight into the room and hopped onto the bed and snuggled up to Iracebeth and Bellatrix, "You're getting too smart little one" ,Krys said jokingly with a smile. She made her way back over to the bed and sat down next to Bellatrix, Racey and the pup. "Good morning you two".
Racey laughed as Rover came shooting into the room. Racey smiled brightly, "Mornin' Kys..." She stated trying to say her name. Bellatrix wrapped an arm around the baby and scratched the pup behind his ears.
Krys smiled when she heard the baby say her name, "So what's on the agenda for today"? Krys asked the three sitting next to her. She always had fun when they were all together.
Bellatrix looked at Krys, "Mommy wants to take a nap, so whatever you guys would like to do. "She stated, she was tired and drianed and just wanted to rest a bit. 'We go outside again...Kys?" Racey asked, curiously.
"Alright we'll go outside and mommy can take a nap and join us whenever she's ready" ,Krys said. She smiled at Bellatrix then looked at Racey, "We'll have to go get ready first ok"?
Iracebeth pouted at first wanting her mommy to come too, then smiled and clapped because they were going to play outside. "Okay, we play." she stated jumping up and down, excitedly. "Are you sure you have it under control love?"Bella asked If Krys needed help she'd go out too.
"Yeah I'll be fine no worries if I need anything I'll ask Narcissa for some help" ,Krys said in response to Bellatrix. She made her way over to the baby's room and grabbed her clothes and a fresh diaper then made her way back into Bellatrix's room and got the baby dressed. Krys gave Bellatrix a kiss before picking Racey up and making her way outside.
"Okay Babe, I love you, have fun you three." She stated waving them off to go play. 'Bye bye Mommy' Racey said waving to her mother as Krys carried her off to play. Bellatrix laid back down, she had had a long and eventful night her body just needed to rest. "What should we play Kys...?" Iracebeth asked.
When they got outside Krys put the baby down, "Hmm want to throw the ball to Rover for a little bit then maybe we can all run around for a bit" ,Krys said in response to the baby with a smile.
Iracebeth was a very happy baby, she loved to play, and run around and have fun, she was almost always smiling. "Okay...Hey Kys? Whys Mummy so tired?" the baby asked cutely yet curiously.
Krys paused for a moment and thought up an answer, "She didn't get much sleep last night" ,Krys said in response. It wasn't a lie and there was no need to fill a baby in on what exactly occurred during the night.
Iracebeth nodded her head, "Otay...does you have the ball so we can play?" She asked cutely.
When Iracebeth asked if Krys had the ball she bit her lip nervously....she had forgot the ball. "No I don't have one....yet but hold on one second" ,Krys said. She then pulled out her wand and summoned a ball for them to play with, she looked at it and tested it before handing it to the baby, "There we go".
Iracebeth's smile faded as Krys said she didn't have the ball. Racey nodded her head as Krys told her to wait. When Krys magically summon the ball, She smiled brightly, and jumped with excitement. "Yay! Fetch Rover!" She called as she threw the ball.
Krys smiled at Iracebeth's excitement, when the baby threw the ball Krys clapped and cheered for her, "What a good throw Racey" ,she told her excitedly.
"Yay!" She clapped then started to hop again. Seeing who her parents are this was odd, The child seemed so happy and innocent, untouched by the world. Racey watched as Rover went to get the ball. She was cheering and laughing for him.
Krys cheered and clapped with the baby it was nice to know she enjoyed herself while with her. When Rover came back he dropped the ball in front of Iracebeth then waited for her to throw it again.
Racey was loving every minute of this, except that her mother wasn't outside too. Racey tookthe ball once Rover dropped it, she looked at it and was about to throw it then looked at Krys. Racey walked over, "Kys' turn."
When Racey offered Krys the ball she took it and threw it, Rover perked up and ran toward the ball. Krys looked at Racey, "Thank you for letting me have a turn, are you hungry at all"? Krys asked remembering they didn't have breakfast yet.
Racey smiled brightly as Krys took the ball and thanked her. She wassmart but didnt know what words to use to return thanks. Just as Krys asked if she was hungry her tummy growled. Racey nodded her head, forgetting they missed breakfast.
"Alright let's get some food and we can sit out here and eat it ok" ,Krys told her. She summoned the elf and when the elf got there she looked at Racey, "What would you like for breakfast"? ,she asked as she summoned a blanket for the three to sit on.
"Otay Kys..." She replied smiling. Iracebeth looked at the creature for a moment then up to Krys. "Pancakes...wif Syrup, and chocolate shavings and whip cream?" She looked up at Krys smiling cutely and brightly.
Krys' eyes widened when the baby made her order, she then ordered her food and something for the pup. "Alright let's sit down while we wait for our food" ,Krys told Racey and the pup.
Granted Racey didn't really know what most of it was but in her head it sounded good. She nodded her head, reaching her arms out for Krys to pick her up, so she could cuddle.
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