The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bellatrix then picked the puppy up as he cuddled into her, petting him gently, scratching him behind the ears. She had to give the pup just as much attention as the baby, since he was also a baby and he was gaurding her babe. "Have fun finding the ball." Bella stated lord only knows where it went. Bella sat down with the pup rubbing his belly.
Rover rolled over for Bellatrix to pet his belly his tongue hung out of his mouth as he relaxed on her lap. Krys and the baby found the ball and Krys looked at Racey, "I can play catch with you if you want while Rover plays with your mum" ,she told the baby with a smile.
"Whose a good boy?" She asked as she pet his belly. He was such a cute little thing, and she was glad he was going to protect Iracebeth at all costs. Since Bella wouldn't be there to see her grow up, or have a boyfriend, or see her leave to go on her first date. At least Rover and Krys will handle it.
"Otay Kys." She smiled happily that Krys wanted to play with her.
Krys grabbed the ball and handed it To Iracebeth and walked a little bit away from her, "Alright throw me the ball" ,Krys told her as she held her hands out to catch it.
Iracebeth looked at the ball then to her, back to the ball then to Krys. Racey then threw the ball at her watching to see what would happen.
When Racey threw the ball Krys lowered down to the ground to catch it, "Good job" ,she said excitedly. She threw the ball gently to Racey so that she could catch it.
She smiled and as Krys threw it back to Racey she tried to catch it but she missed, And her expression saddend.
When Racey frowned Krys ran over to her and gave her a hug, she was so cute when she got disappointed but at the same time her expression broke Krys' heart. "It's ok sweetheart it takes practice to catch the ball I'm going to help you with it so you can get better ok" ,Krys told her.
Racey looked up at Krys with her dark sad eyes, and a slight pout on her face. Racey hugged Krys, and a tear fell from her eye, she was upset that she didn't catch it. "Otay...Kys.." She sniffled and Bella looked up to see her baby upset. "Love what happened?"
"She didn't catch the ball but it's okay she'll learn quickly because she is the smartest girl I know" ,Krys said smiling. She wiped her eyes and hugged her again, Krys loved the baby like she was her own and seeing her upset was saddening to her.
"Racey baby it's okay...try again. Sweety." Bellatrix stated. Racey was still sad even as Krys said she was smart. Iracebeth snuggled into Krys as she was hugged.
Racey nodded her head slightly wanting to try again. "Otay...we try again.." She stated letting go of Krys and grabbing the ball once Krys was in her spot she threw it to her.
When Racey threw the ball Krys missed catching it purposefully to make Racey feel a little better. She then picked it up and threw it back gently again and waited to see if she would catch it.
Racey tilted her head as Krys missed the ball. This time Racey caught it, and she smiled. "I did it...I did it...Mummy I did it." She stated jumping up and down. " Very good baby I'm so proud."
When Racey caught the ball Krys cheered and clapped along with her, "See I knew you could do it Racey good job"! Krys said excitedly. She then ran over to the baby and gave her another hug. "You are such a quick learner I'm proud of you".
Bellatrix stopped petting the pup a minute and clapped for her baby, "Good job Racey." She made her happy to see Krys and Racey gerring along so well. Racey jumped up as Krys came to give her a hug, snuggling into her. "I did it Kys I did it."
"Yes you did! You did awesome"! Krys said excitedly as the baby snuggled into her. "Want to try again"? She asked curiously and excitedly. She was so proud of Racey and happy that she was cheering up.
Bellatrix smiled then pet the puppy again. "Yeah I wanna try again," she stated she was excited now. Wanting to try and catch the ball again.
Iracebeth nodded her head and was ready to catch it again. As the ball came toward her she went and grabbed it, smiling brightly then trowing it back.
Krys smiled as the baby threw the ball back, she continued to play catch for a little while longer until she felt it was time for a break. "Racey why don't we grab something to drink then we can get back to playing" ,she suggested.
Iracebeth continued to play and throw the ball back and forth, until Krys said that it was time for a break. "Otay," Iracebeth ran over to Krys jumping into her arms.
When Iracebeth jumped up Krys caught her and carried her over to the table with the drinks on it. She looked over to Bellatrix, "Have you ate anything yet love"? Krys asked curiously.
Racey snuggled into Krys laughing as she was carried over to the table and her mother, "Mummy did you see, did you see me catch the ball." She asked her mom. "Yes baby girl I saw you catch the ball. " Bellatrix looked up to Krys, "No I haven't, I'm not all that hungry."
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