The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bellatrix took the baby's plate from Krys, cutting it up for her. Racey looked up at Krys smiling brightly. "Otay...Mummy wanna see me eats" she asked cutely. "Of course baby show mummy." Bella replied then watched as Racey picked up her fork and started eeating "see...I can do it..." "Very good angel."
Krys smiled at Racey's excitement, "She's been doing great with learning today haven't you"? Krys asked the baby. She looked over to Bellatrix and smiled, "So what do you want to do later on"?
Iracebeth put the fork down, and clapped her hands as she chewed her food. "I don't know yet love I haven't figured that out yet." Bellatrix stated holding onto Iracebeths plate.
"Oh I have no idea what we can do either" ,Krys said in response. She really wasn't sure what she wanted to do but as long as it was with Bellatrix, Iracebeth, and the pup she'd be happy.
"Hm...What to do? Have we really run out of ideas already?" She asked it was difficult to keep a baby and a puppy fully entertained all the time, while staying entertained as well.
"I think we have love, that's not good" ,Krys said in response. "We'll have to fix that then won't we"? She stated before taking a bite of her food. "Do either of you have any ideas"? Krys said looking at the baby and the pup.
"No that's nott a good thing...but it's hard when we're stuck at the manor. We going to have to think of something." Bella stated trying to think of what they could do. Racey looked up at Krys, then to the pup trying to think.
Krys sat in thought wondering what they could possibly do, she really had no idea. "How about we camp outside tonight? I know it sounds stupid but it's an idea" ,Krys suggested out of no where.
Bellatrix looked at Krys for a minute contemplating the idea. "Alright that sounds like fun. you two wanna sleep outside tonight?" She asked the kids. Racey smiled, "We can sleep outside?" she got all excited. and the pup barked wagging his little tail.
"Of course we can sleep outside I'll set up the tent in a little while we'll light a fire and just relax" ,Krys said in response to Racey asking if they could sleep outside.
"Yay we get to sleep outside.." Iracebeth cheered she couldn't wait. Iracebeth didn't think you were allowed to sleep outside, probably since she never had before.
"Alright then I'll get the tent set up after we eat lunch" ,Krys stated taking another bite of food. "I'll make sure we have snacks as well, we'll have a fun night I promise".
"Sounds good sweatheart," Bella stated, holding Racey's plate still, then grabbing her own eating a bite every now and then. "I trust you love, I'm sure we'll have a good night."
After Krys finished eating she looked at the three sitting on the blanket, "I'll be right back guys" ,she said as she stood up. Krys made her way into the manor, when she returned she had a small box in her hand. She threw it out and within seconds a rather large tent pitched itself in the woods by the manor. "There we go we should be all set for later".
Bella still couldn't figure out how Krys could eat so fast. "Alright dear." She said watching as Krys stood up and went inside. "Where's Kys going mama?" Racey asked. "She'll be right back baby." replied Bella watching as Krys came back with a box. Iracebeth was amazed by how the tent set itself up. since she couldn't do magic yet. Racey clapped her hands in excitement. Bella saw her baby in awe and she smiled, "Yes besides snacks and such which we'll grab later.
"Yeah I'll have the elf bring them out when we're ready for them" ,Krys said in response. She seen the excitement on Iracebeth's face and smiled, "You know Racey you're going to be able to do stuff like that one day"?
"Alright love," She stated thry didn't need it now so it was fine. 'I am..?' She asked in awe, her eyes grew wide she wanted to do it too. "Of course baby, you're a witch..and my daughter."
"Oh yes both your parents are very powerful and talented so you're bound to be great just like them" ,Krys said in response. It was both to make Racey smile and also compliment Bellatrix, she seemed as if she could use a boost.
Bellatrix smiled at Krys' complient. "Thank you love." She stated. "Mommy are you really that powerful?" Racey asked in wonderment. "Yes baby me and Daddy both are." Bella replied. "Mommy where's Daddy?" Racey askeed not remembering her father. Bellatrix froze and looked to Krys for help.
Krys froze in place when Bellatrix looked at her for help after Iracebeth asked where her father was, "H-he's working your father's a very busy wizard" ,Krys told her. "Uhm....I'm gonna go fix up the sleeping arrangements in the tent" ,she said right before making her way over to the tent and walking inside it. She had lied about setting up the sleeping arrangements, they set themselves up when the tent pitched itself. Krys sat down and put her head in her hands, she felt terrible for Iracebeth, she knew how it felt not to have a parent around due to losing her mother at a young age and trying to find the words to explain everything to someone so young was hard to do.
Bellatrix wasn't exactly sure how to explain it to Iracebeth...without saying 'Daddy doesn't want anything to do with you until you grow up...' Words were very hard to come by. "Alright dear, becareful." She stated watching as Krys walked off. "Daddy's very busy, make the world a better place for you, Krys, Rover, and I to live in...I'm sure once he has a moment he'll come see you...Just remember Mommy and Rover, and Krys love you very much." Bellatrix tried to be truthful without lying too much."Otay Mommy. I wove you too." She hugged her mother, and Bella hugged her back tightly trying not to cry. She loved her baby and she was going to have to say goodbye.
Krys allowed herself to cry a bit while no one was around, everything was starting to look up but in a sense it wasn't. Bellatrix seemed so upset nearly all the time, Iracebeth wanted to know who her father was and Krys didn't really have the answers for her, then there was the war coming up the dark lord hadn't been around for months so that meant no planning or strategy. Krys was starting to have some doubts about them winning this war but she would never tell Bellatrix or anyone else that.
Bellatrix continued to hold Iracebeth she loved her baby girl and would do anything for her. Bellatrix had her doubts of the war, but never would she share them, expeecially since she bragged about them winning, plus it would be high tresion to to speak badly of it. Bella was having a hard enough time, with handling a relationship, plus her daughter wanting her daddy or at least just meet him, then she would be dying and hopefully the dark lord will bring her back, but if not...
After a little bit Krys wiped her eyes, they were red and tear drenched but she hoped nobody would notice. She walked out of the tent and made her way back to where Bellatrix, Iracebeth and the pup were and sat down beside them.
Bellatrix saw Krys come back, and she saw her tear stained face, and her red eyes. Bellatrix wasn't going to ask now she'd talk to Krys later about it. Seeing Krys that upset broke Bella's heart. "Everything set love?"
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